
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UFO Arnold Sighting,1947 - The First Official UFO Sighting

American UFO sighting, the first report to mark the birth of the UFO era of public awareness. Pilot Kenneth Arnold, an Idaho businessman in his private aircraft spotted nine strange objects soaring together near Mt. Rainier, Washington. They were estimated to be traveling at more than 1,200 mph. Arnold observed the saucer-shaped craft for several minutes before they disappeared.

A few months prior, people in Sweden reported strange objects in the sky. Historically, phenomena have been reported along with strange encounters with alien beings. However the Arnold Sighting was the springboard for the modern UFO culture.

Astrological indicators :

Uranus is conjunct Rahu in Taurus along with Venus and Mars in Rasi Chart and in Navamsa chart for the time Uranus is in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis and is in Virgo. 

The conjunction is not very close as said in my previous analyses  posted, we can ignore this factor as the Astro data bank site mentions that people in Sweden reported seeing mysterious flying objects several months before this incident too. This means the earlier event happened when there was a closer conjunction.

The sightings happen continuously when the conjunction of Uranus with Rahu/Ketu starts in a Rasi and continue till they transit out to another.

In Khavedamsa chart, Pluto is significantly conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis in the airy sign of Libra.

Data Source :