
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Events forecast for today based on Rasi and Khavedamsa

Sun in exact opposition to retrograde Pluto in the rasi chart is an important aspect today which is of interest and is to be studied.The opposition is happening and 14 Sg/14 Ge.Sun is in the constellation of Rahu. This opposition is happening close to the Galactic centre.
In Khavedamsa Both Mercury and Sun are transiting into Sagittarius to be conjunct with a Saturn-Rahu/Ketu conjunction.

Results of the study of above mentioned conjunction over the Ninth house as posted by me previously  shows mishaps to vehicles carrying pilgrims, Fires at religious places and religious clashes which have been reported by me.

Hence as Sun, which signifies places of worship and Mercury  are involved in the conjunction,we may look forward to some other mishaps starting in the afternoon today at around 2 pm till 18 hours from then.

Results of Planets in Jyeshta

Sun in Jyeshta - Fire,fear of poison,impatient,loose talking,excessive anger
Mars in Jyeshta - Fear of fire,unexpected gains from kings,agriculture or job related to agriculture
Mercury in Jyeshta - Expert in Music,income through music,eye diseases,interest in politics,low familial comforts
Jupiter in Jyeshta - many skills,interest in various sciences,wealth,good position,wealth,association with women,not involved in any disputes,respect from government
Venus in Jyeshta - interest in speculation,lies,sensuous,business in metals,low family comforts,power after 43 years
Saturn in Jyeshta - court cases,jealous mentality,cheating,incurable diseases,illicit relations,average education
Rahu in Jyeshta - two marraiges,cruel mentality,cheating,cheats family,association with a bad woman,hatred towards family
Ketu in Jyeshta - Government Job,good friends,interest in music and dance,happiness,Devotion,respect towards elders,charitable nature

Friday, June 29, 2012

Results of Planets in Anuradha

Sun in Anuradha - courage,victory over enemies,cruel,power,praises,completing tasks
Mars in Anuradha - tough mentality,interest in luxuries,wealthy friends,wealth,fortune through agriculture,wealth
Mercury in Anuradha - jovial nature,frequent troubles,careless attitude,self esteem,good,interest in teaching
Jupiter in Anuradha - job in army or police department,goodness,courageous but loose talking
Venus in Anuradha - excessively sensuous,financial troubles,kidney troubles
Saturn in Anuradha - unsocial activities,kleptomaniac,murderers,frequent quarrels,cruel mentality,unknown troubles
Rahu in Anuradha - weak body,frequent illhealth,faily troubles,selfish nature,likes loneliness
Ketu in Anuradha - religious,charitable nature,changing home frequently,troubles through women

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Visakha

Sun in Visakha - late marraige,anger,illicit relations,eye diseases,subordination,argumentative capacity,causes problems to all
Mars in Visakha - tendency to tell lies even though having all comforts,stingy fellow,dissatisfaction,confrontation mentality,interest in arts
Mercury in Visakha - marraige after 30 years,low comforts from wife,liasion with widow,illegal ways of doing things,punishments from Government or would be penalised,excessive expenditure
Jupiter in Visakha - Knowledge in Sastras/Sciences,good natured,charitable nature,expenditure towards charity,ideal behaviour
Venus in Visakha - good position through self efforts,adventurous,diseases related to water,respect,familial comforts
Saturn in Visakha - diseases of the vaata,good job,helping aristocrats,big family
Rahu in Visakha - low morals,will get help from others,frequent quarrels,income,diseases,marraige against his/her wish
Ketu in Visakha - low confidence,low courage,jealous nature,anger,adventurous,bad character

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Swati

Sun in Swati - Joint pains,speaking lies,interest in gambling,travels,adventurous,carlessness
Mars in Swati - interest in material comforts,unsuccessful,small business,jealous,ill health
Mercury in Swati - Godd education,earning,independence,respect on elders,representatives of management
Jupiter in Swati - Health,frequent quarrels,good education,expert in giving good advise,fame and respect
Venus in Swati - good position through self efforts,adventurous,diseases through water,respect,familial comforts
Saturn in Swati - Religious,interest in speculation,fortune through cattle,good physique,interest in sastras/sciences,interest in research,changing mentality
Rahu in Swati - Cruel,adventurous,slim body,defects in intestines,milk related business,material comforts
Ketu in Swati - Artists,interest in many sciences,association with the masses,girl children,jovial nature.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ninth House,Sagittarius,Khavedamsa - Fire Accidents at Religious places -Followup III

Continuing  study of the conjunction  in Sagittarius of Rahu/Ketu - Saturn over the Ninth House of the Zodiac ,which signifies religious places, Pilgrimages and Mars(Fire Accidents) in opposition to Sun(Temples and Places of worship),in Khavedamsa, here are some more relevant updates of  mishaps and religious clashes  

On 26.06.2012 :
1.Bhutan's four-century old Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, a ridge-top monastery, catches fire and is destroyed. (CNN)
2.Thousands of Muslim Rohingya people flee Burma following religious clashes with Buddhists. (Al Jazeera)

On 25.06.2012
Fire broke out at a 250 year old Sufi shrine Dastagir resulting in violence across the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

On 23.06.2012 : 
In the Pakistani city of Quetta, armed people on motorcycles kill eight people; targeting Shias. (Al Jazeera)

Links to the earlier Posts : 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Chitta

Sun in Chitta - Artists,Decorative enthusiasts,experts in Finance,good position,Service to Public,Expert in many sciences,Interest in Astrology
Mars in Chitta - Harsh speech,responsibilities,hate towards family,joint pains,enemity with paternal relatives,troubled marital life
Mercury in Chitta - Good,getting wealth of others,intelligence,happiness from women,religious,hard working
Jupiter in Chitta - Concerns,writing skills,favourable to all
Venus in Chitta - singing,sensuous,helping nature,enemity with relatives,basic knowledge in many sciences,two marraiges,comforts
Saturn in Chitta - Thin body,excessive expenditure,physical troubles in childhood,lazy
Rahu in Chitta - ear diseases,low morals,low marital comforts,happiness from women,financial troubles,addictions.
Ketu in Chitta - Health troubles,sadness,Schizophrenia,low comforts from wife,religious

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Hasta

Sun In Hasta - Late marraige,clerks,accountants, diseases of the stomach,Job in Postal department
Mars in Hasta - Clerical Post,Fortune after 35 years of age,If women have this combination it will lead to medical profession,Normal Position
Mercury in Hasta - Medium Wealth,Many wifes,charitable nature,Astrology, lacks proper food regimen,stochial diseases
Jupiter in Hasta - Charitable nature,religious,respect,good job,piles,expert in drawing,opportunities in Printing industry
Venus in Hasta - Active,Healthy,likes meliflous food,stomach diseases,eats transverse food
Saturn in Hasta - Constipation,hormaonal imbalances in women,Scribes,selfish,jealousy
Rahu in Hasta - Good position in Technical field,transport industry,Government Job, expert in earning money,Venereal diseases,association with mean women
Ketu in Hasta - Clerks,Accountants,low memory,nervous weakness,marital comforts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ninth House,Sagittarius,Khavedamsa - Suspension of Vaishno devi Pilgrimage - Followup Post II

Continuing on the study of conjunction over Sagittarius in Khavedamsa, i would like to draw the attention of  readers to the news of Suspension of Piligrimage to Vaishno devi temple yesterday due to Forest Fire.

Above is the link to the news.Since yesterday night, Mercury the planet signifying lord Vishnu is involved in the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu/Ketu.The Conjunction is absolutely and amazingly synchronous to the event. Sagittarius is a Fire sign. It is also the Ninth house which signifies Pilgrimages. The calling off of the pilgrimage at the time when malefics are in conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius due to spreading of forest fire is utmost significant.

These are the links to some more relevant events which happened world wide: :Thousands of students in rebel Islamist-controlled northern Mali leave schools after the imposition of Sharia law. (IRIN) :A Saudi man is beheaded on charges of sorcery and witchcraft in Najran Province of Saudi Arabia. (BBC) A suicide attack kills at least fifteen people and wounds forty people at a Shia funeral in Baquba, north of Baghdad.(BBC)

Link to the earlier Post :

On the Current Transits and Conjunctions

A conjunction of Jupiter with Debilitated Ketu and Retrograde Venus is happening over Taurus, an earthy sign and the sign which signifies India by being its ascendant. Jupiter is the natural dhana karaka and his effect is very clearly seen with the Rupee Plummeting to 57 per 1 USD.This is the lowest ever value of the Indian Rupee and is expected to go down by another Rupee in the coming few days.

As Jupiter is conjunct with Debilitated Ketu we are again seeing the saga of  Swami Nityananda surrendering in a Court in Bangalore for allegedly harassing a woman.We know Jupiter denotes Gurus.Jupiter and Ketu are now in a degree conjunction in Taurus.

Mars which has been stationery for the past 234 days in Leo transited into Virgo on 21st June and right now is at 0 degree Virgo.Virgo is also a Earthy sign as Taurus. Saturn which is transiting Virgo is about to turn direct on 25 th.The changing over of Saturn into direct motion or retrograde motion always triggers significant events related to the signs it occupies effecting the masses. As Virgo is an earthy sign,an earth quake is anticipated in one or more countries and areas denoted by Virgo or Taurus.

Following are the countries and Towns signified by Taurus:

Countries: Ireland,Persia,Poland,Asia Minor,Georgia,Switzerland,Caucasus,Cyprus,Grecian,Archipelago,
South of Russia.
Cities: Dublin,Mantua,Parma,Palermo,Rhodes,St.Louis,Ashton-under-Lyne,Lucerne

Following are the countries and Towns signified by Virgo :

Countries : Turkey,Switzerland,West Indies,Assyria,Mesopotamia from the Tigris to Euphrates,Crete, Coratia,Silesia,Babylonia,the Morea ,Thessaly, Kurdestan ,Parts of Greece, Lavadia,Virginia,Brazil,California

Cities: Jerusalem,Corinth,Paris,Lyons,Toulouse,Cheltenham ,Reading,Heidelberg,Norwich,Boston,USA,Los Angeles, Maidstone, Strasburg, Brindisi ,Bury,Todmorden

Friday, June 22, 2012

Interesting Chart of a City TV Channel Owner

The adjoining chart belongs to one big Cable TV Network owner whom i know closely.He has a wide spread network all over the district and is famous for his Social Service too.

The Observation which i want to put forth to the readers is of the conjunction of Saturn with the Rahu/Ketu axis over his Third house in opposition to Mars in Cancer.Saturn and Ketu are with one degree of each other.In Navamsa too,Saturn is conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis
As the third house signifies Communications,the above mentioned conjunction of Saturn with the Rahu/Ketu axis is significant in view of his profession of running a Cable TV Network. Rahu/Ketu in this context seem to signify the Connecting Cables.Saturn the third lord in third house and being the natural karma karaka(Karaka for Profession) is guiding the native towards the profession in communications.Mars has a neecha bhanga as he is in opposition to Saturn and aspecting the third house. His ashtaka varga strength is 5 and hence strong giving a positive aspect over the third house.

The Third lord of the Zodiac, Mercury(Significator of Communications) is very strong with an ashtakavarga of 6 and is in his own house,Virgo, which happens to be the 11th house.

The Tenth house has a SAV Score of 37 which is excellent.The 10th lord Sun is debilitated but with a strength of 6 in BAV Score. Sun has a 99% aspect from Saturn,94% aspect from Jupiter and 92% aspect from Mars.The third lord Saturn has the strongest aspect on the 10th lord and has guided the native into the profession in mass communications.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pluto,Sun Conjunction in Khavedamsa and Ailing Hosny Mubarak

Today's Khavedamsa chart shows a conjunction of Sun and Retrograde Pluto in Scorpio.

Sun signifies Kings,Ministers and Famous personalities.Pluto shows death.

When the conjunction is happening in Scorpio, the Eigth house which shows longevity, news of  Hosny Mubarak,the Ousted premier of Egypt, nearing death is significant.

The Conjunction goes on for another 12 hours.

News Source :

Monday, June 18, 2012

Milky Way colliding with Andromeda Galaxy

In continuation to the yesterday's post on study of Alignments over the 9th house of the Zodiac Sagittarius, i would like to put forth to the readers as to what happened around the time the alignment started.

The start of the conjunction of Retrograde Saturn with Rahu/Ketu in D40, almost nearly coincided with Astronomers working with Hubble Telescope announcing on 31st May,2012,the most probable collision of  Milky way and Andro meda galaxies in four billion years from now.

It is very significant to see the announcement from premier astronomers about the collision of  galaxies at a time the conjunction of  malefics Saturn,  Rahu/Ketu was starting to happen in the Ninth house Sagittarius which signifies higher learning and knowledge about the origins of Universe. is the link to the news of collision.

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Uttara Phalguni

Sun in Uttara - Zeal,Eloquence,Good position,Writing skills,Interest in Theology,Feminine Physique,Frequent ill health
Mars in Uttara - Poverty,Frequent travels,good wife,medical profession,low success,low familial happiness
Mercury in Uttara - proficient in Accounting,expert in Astrology and Astronomy,writing books on religion,Transferable job
Jupiter in Uttara - Speculation,many friends,heart trouble,girl children,rich spouse even born in poverty
Venus in Uttara - Income through Women,Beautiful wife,Marital bliss,Agriculture,illicit relations with other women,unexpected changes
Saturn in Uttara - Job in foreign countries,interest in Yantra,tantra and mantra,childlessness,dissatisfaction
Rahu in Uttara - Mishaps in Travels,high aspirations,lacks marital comforts,late marriage,not good for maternal uncle,Physical disability
Ketu in Uttara - Asthma,retaliatory mentality,knowledgeable,expert in tantra and astrology,losses in business

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ninth House significations,recent events and Khavedamsa(D40) Study

Ninth is the house of Philosophy,religion,medicine,Politics and Law.It is the house of higher learning and teaching in  the quest for secrets of the universe.The ninth house signifies devotion to God,devotion to one's personal diety and Piligrimages.The Ninth house indicates our spiritual and ethical disposition,our sense of righteousness in self and in the world.The Ninth house contains the energy for efforts directed towards self discovery.It is the house where yearning for Truth, knowledge of the laws of the universe and seeking for one’s true nature and purpose in life become activated. It is a house of power, prestige, honor and influence.   

Continuing the study of correlations to mundane events and changes in  Khavedamsa,From 31st May,in Khavedamsa,Retrograde Saturn changed over into Sagittarius,the Ninth house of Natural Zodiac to join with Rahu/Ketu which are stationery. Below is the Image of the Rasi chart and Khavedamsa on 31st May.

Saturn, the malefic among malefics changing over into the Ninth house of the Zodiac(in D40) to join Rahu/Ketu has caused a trend of events related to the significations of  Ninth House as detailed above starting 31st May.

Conflict between Buddhist monks and Muslims in Burma is one most significant event when the above mentioned conjunction is happening.Terrorist attacks on Shias in Iraq is one more and the Bus accident in Maharashtra,India while on a travel to Shirdi is another.

Dating of the remains believed to be of John the baptist in Bulgaria to First Century AD is another relevant event.Stabbing of a priest in Romania is also the effect of the conjunction under study in the Khavedamsa
Apart from the above there were some scientific breakthroughs,like decoding the genome of an ape , identifying the causes for extinction of  the wooly mammoths and preparation of a chemical which can be used to absorb Carbon dioxide.

The date wise list below shows events related to the significations of Ninth house :
(You can click on the hyperlinks for details of the events)

On 16.06.2012 : The piligrimage to Shirdi ended up in a disaster when the bus carrying the piligrims fell into a gorge in Osmanabad district in Maharashtra
on the same day a priest was stabbed to death in a church in Romania

On 15.06.2012 :
The Holy See establishes the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, for former Anglicans in Australia. (Bollettino)
Bulgarian remains believed by some to be John The Baptist are scientifically dated to the first century AD. (The Washington Post)

On 13.06.2012:

Scientists decode the bonobo genome, making it last great ape to have its DNA sequence laid bare, following the chimpanzee, orang-utan and gorilla. (BBC)

A series of bombings across Iraq, targeting shias in Baghdad, Hillah and Kirkuk, kills at least 93 people and wounds over 300 others. (Al Jazeera) (BBC)

On 12.06.2012:
An extensive study concludes that several factors aligned to cause the extinction of wooly mammoths. (Live Science

Scientists announce creation of a new chemical compound, NOTT-202, capable of selectively absorbing carbon dioxide. (BBC)

On 11.06.2012 :
 Burma declares a state of emergency after several people are killed in sectarian violence between Buddhists and Muslims (The Guardian)

On 06.06.2012 :

Controversy is stoked after a video emerges of a U.S. religious minister outlining his plan to imprison the country's gay and lesbian population behind an electric fence until they die. (Al Jazeera)

On 31.05.2012 :

Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope predict that the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in four billion years' time. (Los Angeles Times)

A suicide bomber kills five policeman at a police headquarters in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar. (BBC)


In Sanskrit he is called Shani or Shanaishchara (the slow mover), because he takes about two and a half years or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac.

In the Linga Purana it is said that Shani was born from the solar deity Rudra. The Markandeya Purana states that Shani is the son of the Sun god by his wife Chaya (shadow).

Saturn is cold and dry, tamasik (lethargic) and an elderly planet. His sight is bad, and he is said to be "malefic amongst the malefics."

Saturn destroys the house it occupies (except if positioned in the seventh house, where it receives directional strength) and any houses it aspects or any planet it conjoins or aspects.

When well placed it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice and awareness of right and wrong.

When ill-posited it brings miseries, sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Saturnine natives are defensive, nervous and secretive.

Saturn rules the direction west, Saturday is its day, black is its color and blue sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn. Saturn rules number 8 in indian numerology.

Saturnine Effects in the 12 Houses

Saturn in the Ascendant
Saturn in the Ascendant is not good from the perspective of health. There may be physical aliments during childhood. Laziness takes control of the native.

Saturn in the Second House
In the second Saturn makes one not above want and prone to lying. Will live in foreign lands. Will be a lover of justice. 

Saturn in the Third House
Saturn in the 3rd makes one very intelligent & liberal minded. Will have strength of character and will be adventurous. Will have subordinates and all the comforts of life.

Saturn in the Fourth House
Saturnine tenancy of the fourth indicates affliction to the heart. Will lack happiness and mental peace. Will be crooked and will be a violator of social norms. Will live in foreign lands.

Saturn in the Fifth House
Will lack happiness and pleasure from children if Saturn is in the fifth. Will lack intelligence and will be fickle minded.Will have high longevity.

Saturn in the Sixth House
Saturn in the sixth is the destroyer of enemies. Will love all the pleasures of the mundane. Will be a voracious eater. Wealth will grace you in no uncertain measure.

Saturn in the Seventh House
Will be equivalent to a king as the royal planet of Liberation becomes posited in a quadrant. Saturn has full directional strength in the seventh. But some negative traits develop like lack of mental peace and happiness. Laziness also manifests.

Saturn in the Eighth House
This adverse position of Saturn makes one prone to illnesses, will be crooked, sorrowful and will be abandoned by relatives.

Saturn in the Ninth House
Saturnine tenancy of the Ninth makes one egotistic, without much wealth and devoid of happiness from father. Will indulge in sinful acts. Will be skilled in warfare. Will take delight in tormenting others.

Saturn in the Tenth House
This benign position of Saturn makes one have scholarship, intelligence, virility and will be the leader of assemblies. Will be well off in life. Will change professions often.

Saturn in the Eleventh House
This is the best postion for Saturn to be in. Saturn well posited in the eleventh makes one highly determined, healthy, wealthy and wise. Will have royal favour. Will be a good sculptor. Will have a lot of subordinates.

Saturn in the Twelth House
In the adverse 12th, Saturn makes one devoid of happiness & wealth. Will be tormented by many an illness. Will be subjected to the machinations of enemies. Will have to face defeat wherever he goes. Will be merciless and live away from one's place of domicile

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Mars is said to be the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also personified as the god of war. Is a warrior by nature - bile-dominated in temperament. He rules over courage, bravery, patience, self-confidence and leadership abilities.

Mars makes its natives short-tempered; argumentative; lovers of weapons, commanders, generals, soldiers and policemen. It also gives them great technical and mechanical abilities.

Mars is fond of law and order and arrangement. It gives energy, drive, determination, a strong sense of purpose, great administrative ability and independent spirit. The gemstone of Mars is Coral. Mars rules number 9 in indian numerology

On the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of administrative ability. If the fire of Mars is not present in the natal chart, the native will be a dreamer, lacking in the practical brilliance needed for success.

The term martial is derived from Mars. Police,defence, martial arts - all these come under his domain. Fiery temparament and skill in war are the prerogatives of Mars. If he be exalted in one's horoscope,
the native will become a cruel ruler ( as in Emperor Nero's horoscope).

Martian Effects in the 12 Houses

 Mars in the Ascendant

Mars in the Ascendant makes anger-prone and fiery. May have suffered some wounds in the body. Wont have much longevity. Will be suffering from one ailment or the other. Will be fickle-
minded. Will be adventurous and cruel.

Mars in the Second House

Will have less wealth. Less education also. Will be serving people who are evil. Will be argumentative. This position of Mars is not good from the perspective of wealth and learning. All malefic planets in the second are adverse for wealth.

Mars in the Third House

Will be very adamantine. Will be very adventurous and will be the enjoyer of wealth , fame & all sorts of comforts. Will be versatile. Will have good longevity.Will have a tendency to go against Ethics & Morality.

Mars in the Fourth House

Will be devoid of relatives, houses, landed properties, maternal happiness & conveyances. Will be subject to the influence of women. Will be mentally tortured all the time.

Mars in the Fifth House

Will be devoid of sons, comforts & wealth.Will face a lot of calamities and will be slightly famous. Will be fickle-minded. Will go against  Ethics & Morality. Will be adventurous & anger-prone.

Mars in the Sixth House

Will have a sound physique and good health. Will be the vanquisher of enemies in the battle field. Wont have much fear in the mind. Will have tremendous lust, fame & regal status.

Mars in the Seventh House

Will be indulging in unethical acts. Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will be quarrelsome. Will be afflicted by many a disease. Life partner will also be afflicted. Will be cruel-hearted.

Mars in the Eighth House

Will be afflicted in the body & mind. Will be devoid of wealth. Will have less longevity. Will have less Dharma & Ethics in the mind.

Mars in the Ninth House

Will go against father& will be violent. Will harass people. Will be a lover of the Occult . Will have occult power.

Mars in the Tenth House

Will have regal status. Will be very adventurous and enthusiastic. Will be revered by the good. Will have good sons, fame & wealth.

Mars in the Eleventh House

Will have sons, wealth, comforts, prosperity, virility & determination. Will have a lot of subordinates. Will be truly versatile. Will have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech.

Mars in the Twelth House

Will have affliction to the eyes. Will be lazy. Will suffer economic loss. May have to undergo incarceration.Will be sorrowful & health will be adversely affected. Will be miserly.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Asteriod Flying by Earth today i.e 15.06.2012

An asteroid the size of a city block will buzz Earth tonight, and the flyby will be streamed around the world via a live online broadcast.Dubbed 2012 LZ1, the near-Earth asteroid was discovered in images snapped on June 10 and 11 by comet and asteroid hunter Robert McNaught at the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia. So far astronomers have cataloged almost 9,000 near-Earth objects—asteroids and comets that come within about 120 million miles (195 million kilometers) of our home world.Of these, just over 1,300 are classified as potentially hazardous, because they come within 4.6 million miles (7.4 million kilometers) of Earth and are more than 500 feet (150 meters) wide—large enough to pose a threat.At its closest approach, the newfound space rock will swing by our planet at a distance of roughly 3.3 million miles (5.4 million kilometers), or about 14 times as far away as the moon.

Astrological Reasoning :
Below is the chart for today which shows  Rasi and Khavedamsa charts.Of late we are often hearing  news of asteroids missing earth. If we observe the chart given below we can see Debilitated Rahu and Ketu in Scorpio and Taurus. While Scorpio is a sign which signifies mysteries,which has Rahu in it, Taurus is an earthy sign with Ketu, the tail of the dragon in it.Rahu/Ketu signify Asteroids,Comets and meteors

Apart from the Rahu/Ketu (both debilitated) axis falling on Scorpio and Taurus, there is Jupiter in Taurus along with Sun and Retrograde and stationery Venus forming a strong multi planetary conjunction over it.
This triggers mysterious events of this kind and resulting extra terrestrial objects coming nearer to Earth.

In Khavedamsa we can see a conjunction of Rahu/Ketu with retrograde Saturn over the sign  Sagittarius(containing the Galactic center). This conjunction stays in Sagittarius for another 35 days. We will see more events of this kind in the coming few days.

The multiplanetary conjunction over the earthy sign in the Rasi Chart and the Affliction to  Galactic center in  Khavedamsa chart has resulted in the space rock to come closer to Earth.

Previously in my postings labelled Mysterious explosions - Asteroid hits i have shown the conjunction of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu and afflictions to the Galactic centre causes the asteroids to hit Earth.

Data Source for more information :

Ravana Samhitha - Result of Planets in Poorva Phalguni(Pubba)

Sun in Poorva Phalguni - Government Employment,Medical Profession,Heart disease,financial troubles,profession related to water.
Mars in Poorva Phalguni - business related to medical equipment,knowledge in tantra vidya,marital bliss, stealing others wealth
Mercury in Poorva Phalguni - Wealth,Fame,Less Memory,lacks comforts from children and Brothers
Jupiter in Poorva Phalguni - Courageous,Adventurous,Friendly,advocate,fame,research,illness related to stomach
Venus in Poorva Phalguni - Wealth,Good to all,helping nature,fortune through women,marital bliss,financial problems after 40 years of age
Saturn in Poorva Phalguni - Problematic childhood,amiability,income through writing,responsibilities,introvert,marraige with a elderly women
Rahu in Poorva Phalguni - running various organisations, development through self efforts,religious,piligrimages,hard working nature,recognition by Government,foreign travel.
Ketu in Poorva Phalguni - Good Position,Wealth,Lacks marital comforts,religious,good position after 35 years of age

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Venus, known as Shukra in Hindu mythology, is the son of the great seer Bhrigu.
Bhrigu was an astrologer and taught his son all of the spiritual sciences and scriptures.
Because of Shukra's enmity toward Brahaspati (Jupiter), he (Shukra) agreed to be the teacher of the asuras (antigods).
When Shukra became the preceptor of the antigods, in order to protect them against the gods and subgods he worshiped Shiva and learned from him the method by which he could bring them back to life even after they were killed in battle.
Shukra in Sanskrit means "semen".
Rajasik in nature, Venus belongs to the Brahmin caste. An embodiment of love, he is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, art, music, dance, season of spring, rains and the bed-room.
Venus is also important because of its association with the science of mantras and Ayurvedic medicine, Tantra, the casting of spells, hypnotism, mesmerism, and alchemy.
When rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life. It makes its natives tender, gentle and considerate. They are lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dresses, decoration, perfumes, tasty foods and the fine arts.
Its' metal is silver, it’s gemstone diamond, the day is Friday and the direction is southeast. Venus rules number 6 in indian numerology.
Venusian Effects in the 12 Houses
Venus in the Ascendant
Venus in the Ascendant makes one handsome, blessed with good eyes, happy, with good longevity, attractive to the opposite sex and with good children.
Venus in the Second House
In the second Venus makes one a poet, with good education and wealth, with knowledge of music & with gift of the gab. In the horoscopes of Tennyson, Byron, Omar Khayam, Tagore & Aurobindo Venus in the second was responsible for their fame as poets.
Venus in the Third House
Venus in the 3rd makes one devoid of happiness from spouse and subject to the influence of the opposite sex. Will have difficulty in controlling anger. Will be miserly
Venus in the Fourth House
Venus tenancy of the fourth makes one wealthy, with a lovely well sculptured house and conveyances. Will be famous and will have a lot of admirers.
Venus in the Fifth House
Will be a lord, very intelligent with a lot of wealth and relatives. Will be clever and will be equal to a minister. Will be revered by many. Intelligence of a higher order will be exhibited.
Venus in the Sixth House
Venus in the sixth makes you suffer disgrace at the hands of women & you become the destroyer of your enemies. Will be subject to diseases. Will be afflicted by defeats and scandals.
Venus in the Seventh House
Will be a lover of the opposite sex. Will have beauty, brains and fortune. If male, there will be problems in marital life .
Venus in the Eighth House
This benign position of Venus makes one wealthy with good longevity. Will be regal in bearing and respected by many. Benefics in the house of longevity increases longevity.
Venus in the Ninth House
Venus in the Ninth makes one interested in the psychic arts, wealthy, fortune via father and with good partner and children. Will have favour from the Government.
Venus in the Tenth House
This benign position of Venus makes one very intelligent, famous and will be a doer of altruistic deeds. Will excel in textile technology. Will have wealth from textile trade. This dominance of Venus on the Meridian is good for business dealing with clothes.
Venus in the Eleventh House
Will love the opposite sex, will have subordinates and will have wealth of no mean order. This is a powerful regal yoga, as Venus in the house of gains can confer gains of a high standard.
Venus in the Twelfth House
Will be wealthy and will be a traveller. Will enjoy all the Pleasures of life. Will be bereft of relatives. This powerful position of Venus favours wealth & enjoyments of a high order.

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Makha

Sun in Makha - Poverty,fatigue,travel,comforts after middle age,physical defects

Mars in Makha - Government employment,familial comforts,intelligence,responsibilities

Mercury in Makha - Good position,comfortable life,teaching profession,business in Gold and many other businesses

Jupiter in Makha - roaming,sanyasa,lacks comforts,good position to brothers,ill health

Venus in Makha - sensuous,illicit relations,wealth,knowledge in many sciences,lacks marital comforts

Saturn in Makha - Government Employment,illicit relations,many problems,hard working nature,frequent quarrels

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Theory of Astrological Backlash

In an attempt to help perceive the coming events which are to happen in the very near future in the case of each native,i wish to bring forth some of the synchronicities between events which happen and some coming events.

There is nothing new in the concept i am putting forth to the readers but only a humble presentation of some observations and perceptions  in a different light and it goes as follows:

If we observe the significations of each Bhava,we can see that there are some significations which are outward and can be observed by anybody and some significations which cannot be observed.Some outward events can give clues to the private events related to the native some of which i am trying to put forth in this writeup. 

If a person comes to you and says his right eye is hurting then it should be perceived that he would also be having some problem with any one or many of his family members in the very near future or might be already having some problem. Both right eye and family members are significations of the Second house.

So if we see a person who hurt his teeth,tongue or chin badly recently  then too like in the above case, the person may be having some problem with his family members. All the significations mentioned,relate to the Second house.

Like wise if some body had problems in traveling recently or had hurt his shoulders or had a problem in his neighborhood or had some problem with the agreements he signed, it means his younger brother would land in troubles shortly or is already in troubles.

If there are positive developments with regard to the significations mentioned, like if the native had entered into a lucrative contract recently then the younger brother of the native also would be benefited or would have positive developments. Contracts and agreements,shoulders,neighbors,short distance travels and Younger brothers are all the significations of the Third house.

It is very logical to say, The intensity of the event definitely influences the Backlash in direct proportion.

Continuing on the subject, when the native had to go away from his native place suddenly against his wish, then definitely his mothers health has to be taken care of ,the native may have problems with his vehicle in the new place and some secrets of the native also would come out eventually. All the significations mentioned are of the Fourth House.Like wise, if the native inadvertently shifts to a house which is near to a Grave yard, it may mean his mother's health is deteriorating.

When a native is facing problems in begetting progeny,or the native is facing some trouble with regard to his children,it may mean the native should have had some bad love affairs or illicit relations in the past or is still having some in the present or the native should be doing some mistake in his mantra/tantra sadhana and or the native may have bad morals.All the significations relate to the Fifth house.

When a native gets a sudden problem with his servant,maternal uncle or tenants, then the native may also have problems with his Job.Like wise, if the native has problem with his servant trouble with his maternal uncle can be foreseen.The significations mentioned here are of the Sixth house.

When the business partner gets a health problem,then the native may also have problem with his spouse or his sexual life suffers or his reputation in a foreign land suffers as all are the significations of the Seventh house.

If the native has problems in receiving insurance monies like a medical insurance, it may also mean, he would be having trouble in inheriting, may be disgraced and may be involved in a scandal, may be subjected to theft and chronic diseases,and may be susceptible to death by drowning, may not receive any pension and gratuity,may face accidents,defeat. All these significations are of the Eigth House.
If the native is not interested in going to religious places or faces troubles going to a religious place or faces problems in distant land or  is very unlucky or does not seem to have any forethought in the actions he does, then, the native may have problems with his knees,may not have good relations with his teachers,may not have good relations with his father,may not have higher education.The significations mentioned are of the Ninth house.

If the native has problem with his elder brother or sister or is separated from his friends,or is having problems with his ankles, it may mean the native will have to face some losses to his wealth and his ambitions suffer,may be separated from his community and face some ill luck. The significations mentioned are of the 11th house

If  the native has problems with his left eye or his feet or left ear, the native might have to face some deception,might have to be confined to a hospital and may have to separate from family. The significations are of the Twelth house.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Aslesha

Sun in Aslesha - Roaming,Sanyasa,lacks comforts,brothers in good position,ill health,
Mars in Aslesha - fear of weapons,relations with servants,disappointment,eye troubles,ill health to husband,will not have marital bliss
Mercury in Aslesha - disciplined,conservative,head of premier education institutions,diseases of  vaata,respect,knowledge of sastras,interest in chemical sciences
Jupiter in Aslesha - wealth,familial happiness,intelligent persons,charitable nature,fortune through wife,Government jobs
Venus in Aslesha - lacks marital comforts,interested in other women,sensuous,Government Job,Power
Saturn in Aslesha - Seperation from Mother,Education,Life in foreign countries,destroys paternal wealth,bad relations with father,interested in intoxicants
Rahu in Aslesha - Good longevity,Doctor,frequent worries,fortune after 40th year,less familial comforts
Ketu in Aslesha - Nurses,adventurous,does not take care of mother,interest in travel,many friends, business related to Under ground homes

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Pushyami

Sun in Pushyami - Good Character,disease of Vaataa,stable mentality,illness to spouse,Misfortune through spouse

Mars in Pushyami - intelligence,earnings through travel,higher efforts but no benefits,interest in philosophy,illness to mother,

Mercury in Pushyami - huge wealth,command over many,interest in music,mediocre education,

Jupiter in Pushyami - wealth,intelligence,enjoying comforts,charitable nature,familial comforts,
Venus in Pushyami - business,frequent travels,sensuous,unstable intellect,living away from own place,fortune through livestock business
Saturn in Pushyami - common position,selfish,ill health,weak teeth,dependent on others
Rahu in Pushyami - poetry,medium education,two marriages,research,extraordinary intellect,no marital bliss
Ketu in Pushyami - not good position for ketu,the native lives away from native land,will destroy paternal wealth,prolonged diseases,low comforts,association with mean ladies.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Jupiter in Sanskrit is known as Bruhaspati or Guru.

In the Taittiriya Upanishad Jupiter is said to be the intellect and speech of the Virat Purusha, the Cosmic Body.

In the Brihat Parasara Hora (1.26.31) he is said to be the dwarf incarnation of Vishnu.

In the Vishnu Purana he is said to be Brahma. Sometimes he is identified with Ganapati (Ganesh), and sometimes with Angiras (the priest of the gods and lord of sacrifices).

There is also a story that the wife of Angiras gave birth to Brahaspati (Jupiter), who is the presiding deity of mental powers and the teacher of gods. He is the teacher of the science of light, that is, vedic astrology and astronomy. He is the ruler of the Sun and the Moon and controls the movement of the planets.

In the Rig Veda Brahaspati is said to be born in the sky with seven faces and seven rays. Brahaspati defeats his enemies and breaks their forts. No ritual sacrifice can be complete without invoking this teacher of gods.

He is the seer who perceived and wrote one of the hymns of the Rig Veda (10.72).

In the Skanda Purana it is said that Brahaspati worshiped Shiva for a thousand years and as a reward Shiva made him the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is a sattvik and benefic planet, significator of luck and fortune, he rules religion, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and progeny. If favorable, this planet gives name, fame, success, honor, wealth, progeny and good relationship with progeny, it brings benefits to whatever planets or house it is associated with. The related color is yellow. Thursday is his day, and northeast is his direction. Jupiter rules number 3 in indian numerology.

Through the placement of Jupiter in a birth chart we know about the benefits earned by a native from the karmas of his past lives. Jupiter also affects long-distance travel, wisdom, truthfulness, morality, charity, benevolence, compassion, and meditation.

Jupiter is very important for a female, because it determines her marriage and her relationship with her husband. All people with high ambitions, calm persons, priests, religious teachers, politicians, ministers, foreigners, and persons in the legal profession are influenced by Jupiter. The gemstone of Jupiter is the yellow sapphire.

Jupiterian Effects in the 12 Houses

Jupiter in the Ascendant
Jupiter in the Ascendant makes one scholary, beatuiful, jovial. Jovian influence on the First House endows one with majestic appearance, magnetic personality, learning and wisdom. High longevity is conferred by Jovian presence in the First. Scholarship will grace in no uncertain measure. Will be respected by the multitude. Will be handsome and will have a high discriminative intellect.

Jupiter in the Second House
In the second Jupiter bestows poetic faculites, handsomeness, wealth and fame. Will have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech. Will speak beautifully. Will have scholarship and learning.
The wisdom planet in the house of speech makes one scholarly.

Jupiter in the Third House
Jupiter in the 3rd makes one miserly and not an altruist. Will have to face many a defeat. Will have bad relations with brothers and sisters.
Will be the subject of ridicule. Will have stomach problems.

Jupiter in the Fourth House
Jovian tenancy of the fourth makes one hedonistic with a lot of friendsand relatives. Will be fortunate with respect to house. Your fame will cross the seas and spread all over the land. Will be of adamantine nature. Will enjoy all the comforts of life.

Jupiter in the Fifth House
High intelligence is conferred by the position of Jupiter in the fifth. Wealth will grace you in no uncertain measure. May be worried due to children. Will be versatile. Jupiter in one of the moral triangles can make one highly moral and spiritual.

Jupiter in the Sixth House
Jupiter in the sixth is the destroyer of enemies. Will be lazy and physically weak. May resort to occult rites.

Jupiter in the Seventh House
Will be equivalent to a king as the royal planet of Wisdom becomes posited in a quadrant. Will destroy a lakh of afflictions. Will have high communication ability. Scholarly, a lover of poetry, handsome, will be more liberal than the father, famous with good life-partner and children- these are the effects of a benign Jupiter in the seventh.

Jupiter in the Eighth House
This adverse postion of Jupiter makes one dependent on others, will do sinful acts, will have high longevity, will be well liked by all, will do jobs on behalf of others, will be highly determined & will be interested in base women.

Jupiter in the Ninth House
Jupiter tenancy of the Ninth makes one highly spiritual. Will have devotion to preceptors, will be scholarly and well informed, will be of ministerial cadre, will be famous & will be highly moral and ethical.

Jupiter in the Tenth House
This benign position of Jupiter makes one well off in life. Will be equivalent to a lord, will be famous with comforts, vehicles and children, will be virtuous, scholarly and fortunate.

Jupiter in the Eleventh House
Jupiter well posited in the eleventh makes one highly determined, scholarly with good longevity, with multiple streams of income, famous and with a lot of conveyances.

Jupiter in the Twelth House
In the adverse 12th, Jupiter makes one devoid of happiness, sons & fortune Earlier wealth gets destroyed. Will be lacking in funds most of the time. Will be lazy and will lack proper education. Will be ridiculed by many. Will have dubious character.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Saturn,Moon and Change of Place - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective

Saturn having Moon in the 2nd House - The native will have change of place at the age of 5,20 & 32
Saturn having Moon in the 3rd House - The native will have change of place at the age of 7,21 & 37
Saturn having Moon in the 4th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 10,25 & 40
Saturn having Moon in the 5th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 12,27 & 42
Saturn having Moon in the 6th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 15,30 & 45
Saturn having Moon in the 7th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 17,32 & 47
Saturn having Moon in the 8th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 20,35 & 50
Saturn having Moon in the 9th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 7,22 , 37 &52
Saturn having Moon in the 10th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 10,25,  40 & 55
Saturn having Moon in the 11th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 12,27 ,42 & 57
Saturn having Moon in the 12th House - The native will have change of place at the age of 17,30, 45 & 60 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Punarvasu

Sun in Punarvasu - Higher education,interest in calculations/Mathemetics,fortune through friends,fear of diseases,loss in business

Mars in Punarvasu - poetry,education,job in foreign countries,should be careful of weapons and fire arms,

Mercury in Punarvasu - speculation,mathematicians,interest in astrology,honorary member of many organisations,advisers to government,

Jupiter in Punarvasu - All comforts,respect,helping nature,wealth,less marital bliss

Venus in Punarvasu - Jewellery,interested in clothes,realisation, interested in sastras,marital bliss and bliss through progeny

Saturn in Punarvasu - Loss of wealth through speculation,mechanics,attractive physique,wealth

Rahu in Punarvasu - knowledge of higher senses,oratory skills,printing,attractive physique,good memory, happy family life,some turbulence in life and Journalists

Ketu in Punarvasu - wealth,some defect in the body,two wifes or illicit relations,less comforts through wife,hard working nature,happiness through progeny

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Aardra

Sun in Ardra - Higher education,accountancy,jovial nature,interest in astrology,good behavior,fortune after 39 years,
Mars in Ardra - Poetry,good education,job in foreign countries,weapons,should  be careful with fire
Mercury in Ardra - interest in so many subjects but master of none,good speaker,intelligent, knowledge in astrology
Jupiter in Ardra - skilled in all matters, High position,stable income,good character
Venus in Ardra - not good for women,attractive appearance,fortune through women,religious, knowledge of music and literature
Saturn in Ardra - Loans,lowly job, confrontation with father,bad friendships,income through illegal means
Rahu in Ardra - respected,atheist,good income,characterless, wife will suffer,obstacles in education
Ketu in Ardra - cruel , tough, deceives those who helped,confrontations, susceptible to be poisoned.