
Monday, July 30, 2012

Power Grid Failures in North India and US

Today,the whole of North India plunged into a worst power crisis in a decade when the Northern Power grid collapsed.Railways and water supplies were severely hit throwing normal life out of gear.

As said in my previous post,Mars conjunct with Saturn in Virgo in Opposition to Uranus was the reason for the Power failure.

Mars is thus described 'धरणी गर्भा संभूतं विद्युत कान्ति समप्रभं '. From this description, we can comfortably assign the signification of electricity to Mars among the inner planets.Uranus among the outer planets is the significator for Electricity.

 Mars entered Virgo on the Mid night of 21st June to be conjunct with Saturn. Both are Malefics and when conjunct ought to cause mishaps and catastrophes.   Uranus on the other hand signifies sudden events and as said above, electricity

Power Grid failures first happened when North America was hit by severe storms in the last week of June causing disruption to supply of electricity.Millions of people in the Eastern US experienced Power supply failure and now it happened in India. 

The conjunction mentioned above is the main reason for Power failures in both the cases. 

News Sources:

Fire Accident in Tamil Nadu Express at Nellore,Andhra Pradesh

S11 coach of the Chennai bound Tamil Nadu express has caught fire causing death of more than 25 passengers at Nellore,Andhra Pradesh.This is the effect of the Mars Saturn conjunction happening in Virgo.Mars is at 20Vi and Saturn at 29 Vi. Mars is the significator of Accidents and Saturn is the significator of people. More over,Saturn is in the constellation of  Chitta which is lorded over by Mars.Jupiter in Taurus,has an 84% aspect over Mars and 54% aspect over Saturn.This aspect should have caused the fire not to spread into other coaches. 

As per Varahamihira's Koorma chakra,  The constellations of Hasta and Chitta in which Mars and Saturn are currently transiting, represent South India.

Rahu/Ketu are the carriers of past karma.Here,in this context, the carrier is the Train which caught fire. Rahu/Ketu are on the Scorpio/Taurus axis and are debilitated.Scorpio as we know, is the eigth house of the natural zodiac which signifies accidents and death.Mars is the dispositor of  Rahu as he lords over Scorpio and is now conjunct with Saturn who signifies longevity and thereby death and also the masses.

Both Saturn and Mars transit closely till the end of August first in Virgo and then in Libra.As Libra is an airy sign we may see some plane accidents too in the coming near future when both the planets will be conjunct in the sign from 14 th of August. 

On the 14th of August, both the planets are in  rasi sandhi between Virgo(Earthy sign) and Libra(Airy sign) and are conjunct exactly to the degree.

The following countries and cities are effected due to the conjunction and may experience some mishaps:
Virgo :
Countries : Turkey,Switzerland,West Indies,Assyria,Mesopotamia from the Tigris to Euphrates,Crete, Coratia,Silesia,Babylonia,the Morea,Thessaly, Kurdestan,Parts of Greece, Lavadia,Virginia,Brazil,California
Cities: Jerusalem,Corinth,Paris,Lyons,Toulouse,Cheltenham,Reading,Heidelberg,Norwich,Boston,USA,Los Angeles, Maidstone, Strasburg, Brindisi,Bury,Todmorden

Libra :
Countries : Austria, Indo-China,China,Tibet,Borders of Caspain,Upper Egypt,Savoy,North China,Livonia,Burma,Argentina,Japan,Massachusetts and vicinity
Cities:Antwerp,Charleston,Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza,Spires,Vienna,Lisbon,Johannesburg,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Rajesh Khanna's Horoscope - Some Observations

Following are the Birth details of the First Super Star of Indian Cinema,Rajesh Khanna :

Date of Birth : 29.12.1942,Time of Birth : 05.45 PM,Place of Birth : Amritsar 

On a look at his chart prepared with the above details,while there are many combinations which contribute to his success and fame, following are some Yogas and combinations which show his life and status :

The Lagna Lord,Mercury,Jupiter and Venus are placed in Kendras.As Both Jupiter and Mercury are Vargottam and exchanging each others places, both are more benefic and also are with good strength in Shadbala and Ashtakavarga.  This combination gives rise to Longevity,wealth and alignment with political Powers (Source : Sarvaartha Chintamani).

There is a  Parivartana Yoga of the First and Seventh Lords ,Mercury and Jupiter in  Rasi and also Navamsa.Mercury is also conjunct with Venus in the Seventh house.This combination gives rise to a very huge female following and is called Madana Gopala Yoga (Source : Jyotishaarnava Navaneetam).How ever, his Seventh house which signifies spouse and happiness with spouse has a SAV strength of only 22,which is very low showing troubles in this aspect of his life. This is clear from the fact that he has separated from Anju Mahendroo the woman he loved and Dimple Kapadia whom he married and separated after about 12 years of marraige.

The benefics, as per his chart, are in Kendras, which gave him the phenomenal rise  
Current Transits in Divisional Charts :
An observation which is worth mentioning is the transit strength of Saturn in Rudramsa.(D11,which shows death and destruction). The strength of Saturn in Virgo where he was transiting from September 2009 till November 2011and again from February 2012 till August 4th 2012,is Zero. Shastamsa(D6,which shows health troubles) has  SAV Scores of 23 and 25 in Leo and Virgo respectively where Saturn's transit was happening for the last 5 years,and Saturn's BAV strength is only 2 in both the Signs,which shows his failing health.

Dimple Kapadia's chart
On a look of Dimple Kapadia's horoscope chart, we can see that, her Ascendant is Pisces and Moon Sign is Virgo.From the Ascendant, Saturn's transit is in the 7th house of spouse and from the Moon sign, Saturn is transiting over the Moon sign aspecting the 7th house of the spouse showing separation from spouse.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Asteriod Hits,Explosions - Two more past events

Below are the charts for the days when two more mysterious explosions/suspected asteroid hits were reported. The wikipedia link has been given below.These two events also show that asteroid hits happen when there is a conjunction of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu.

Adjoining is the chart for the day when an explosion has been reported over Lugo in Northern Italy in 1993

Rahu at 27 Sc is Conjunct with Pluto in 1 Sc. 

Adjoining is the chart for the day when a mysterious explosion has been reported in Bodeybo,Russia in 2002.
Pluto is at 21 Sc and Ketu is at 17 Sc in the Rasi chart.Khavedamsa chart for the day also shows up a conjunction of Rahu/ketu with Pluto.

Data Source :

Relevant Previous Posts :
All the posts given below establish the involvement of Rahu/Ketu and Pluto Conjunction in asteroid hits. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Possible Asteriod Hit - Follow up Post - I

Following up on my yesterday's post on the possibility of an asteroid passing by Earth, these are the links to the news that say asteroid 2002 AM31  will pass by Earth on 22 nd July :

The Pluto-Rahu/Ketu conjunction in the Khavedamsa chart triggering the event is interesting.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Possible Asteriod Hit - Retrograde Pluto conjunct with Rahu/Ket in Khavedamsa

Starting from today night, in Khavedamsa(D40) Retrograde  Pluto is Conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in the airy sign of Libra.How ever,Jupiter has an aspect over the conjunction from Aries.The conjunction would continue till 31 st of this month.

This conjunction when happening in the Rasi chart, always triggered asteroid hits.Currently,In the rasi chart Rahu/Ketu are over the Scorpio/Taurus axis in their debilitation signs. Scorpio is a mysterious sign by being the Eighth house of the zodiac and Taurus is an Earthy sign.

This combination in D40,also, should trigger an asteriod to pass by closely to Earth or fall after burning up in the atmosphere.

Alternatively,there is also a possiblitiy of a deadly airborne virus outbreak in the 11 days to come in the following areas :

Countries : Austria, Indo-China,China,Tibet,Borders of Caspain,Upper Egypt,Savoy,North China,Livonia,Burma,Argentina,Japan,Massachusetts and vicinity

Cities: Antwerp,Charleston,Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza,Spires,Vienna,Lisbon,Johannesburg,

Lets Observe.
These are the links to my relevant previous posts  : 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Revati

Sun in Revati - Fame,Wealth,Religious,defects in blood
Mars in Revati - short statured,power,medium wealth,fear of fire,happy family life,girl children
Mercury in Revati - deceitful nature,characterless,interested in various sciences,fame after 35 years of age,doctors,experts in surgery,religious,writing skills
Jupiter in Revati - education,good speech,writing skills,loans,fame,fortune through speculation
Venus in Revati - stout body,intelligence,political life,writing skills,interested in Music and drama
Saturn in Revati - problematic childhood,income through forests,unsocial activities,expert in gambling
Rahu in Revati - intelligence,weak body,religious,head troubles,philosophical nature,poverty,problematic family life,diseases of the vaata
Ketu in Revati - good speaker,education,fame,educated in sciences,mass appeal,association with wicked people,fame in own place

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Uttaraabhaadra

Sun in Uttaraabhaadra - respects parents,charitable nature,small business,frail voice,trachphonia,anemia,weak body
Mars in Uttaraabhaadra - wound scars on body,tough speech,dependant on others for livelihood,results only on hard work,impatience,controversy,confrontation,despair,no hopes
Mercury in Uttaraabhaadra - liked by rulers,position equal to a minister,happy life,intellectual,hobby of collecting old books
Jupiter in Uttaraabhaadra - heads many organisations,dominance,sincere,position equal to a king,obstacles through women,all comforts,family comforts,charitable nature
Venus in Uttaraabhaadra - eye diseases,respects own people,charitable nature,less happiness,flexible attitude
Saturn in Uttaraabhaadra - amiability,interested in various sciences and wealth through them,thin body,brings fame and respect to family,leadership of a village
Rahu in Uttaraabhaadra - concerns,low comforts and happiness,cultured,fortune after 50 years,foreign travels,charecterles
Ketu in Uttaraabhaadra - position equal to that of a minister,defective blood,comforts of land,family responsibilities,fear of enemies,religious,medium wealth,unexpected responsibilities

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of planets in Poorvaabhaadra

Sun in Poorvaabhaadra - jealous nature,poverty,income through brothers,always working,sweetish preparations,prepares chemical compositions
Mars in Poorvaabhaadra - sadness,impatience,earnings through travel,deceiving nature,business in metals,happy marital life
Mercury in Poorvaabhaadra - settling disputes,intelligent wife,wealth through unsocial means
Jupiter in Poorvaabhaadra - Philosopher,higher education,expert in surgery,attaining high position even though born in middle class,hard working nature,good family
Venus in Poorvaabhaadra - respects parents,education,interest in music and poetry,business related to women,helping nature
Saturn in Poorvaabhaadra - Long physique,values experience,wealth though spouse,bad habits,wealthy
Rahu in Poorvaabhaadra - Illegal deeds,cruel mind,selfish,good position,leader ship of a village or town
Ketu in Poorvaabhaadra - Mix of auspicious and inauspicious results,Thefts,Penalties by Government,Physical relations with servants,religious,interest in Travel

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of planets in Satabhisha

Sun in Satabhisha - Skin ailments,cruel hearted,poverty,ordinary life,helping nature
Mars in Satabhisha - bad friendships,deceiving,facing deceit,concerns,losses in business,anger,low familial comforts
Mercury in Satabhisha - Government job,good position,interest in various sciences/sastras,Yogas for wealth after 30 years of age
Jupiter in Satabhisha - troubles from childhood, government job,education, happiness,amiability,familial comforts
Venus in Satabhisha - good life,attractive,good natured,bad associations from childhood
Saturn in Satabhisha - wealth,comforts,amiable,interest in others wives,tough speech,diplomatic nature,away from home town,family comforts
Rahu in Satabhisha - illegal deeds,cruel hearted,selfish nature,good position,leadership of a village of a town
Ketu in Satabhisha - mixture of good and bad results,thefts,penalties from government,relations with servants

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Dhanishta

Sun in Dhanishta - Selfish, short, association with widows, less friends, intelligence, interest in music, enemity with father

Mars in Dhanishta - Fame, happiness, comforts like a prince, interest in mantra, tantra sastras, intelligence, Jealous nature

Mercury in Dhanishta - supporters, music, interest in various arts, loans

Jupiter in Dhanishta - teaching profession, gain of designation, studying sastras, living away from home town, interest in luxuries, government job.

Venus in Dhanishta - interest in young girls, illicit affairs, amiability, social service, beauty, interest in decoration

Saturn in Dhanishta - wealth, power, all kinds of comforts, anger, fearsome physique, amiability, good hearted

Rahu in Dhanishta - education, wealth, skin diseases, taking advice from others, causing discomfort to others, illhealth to mother

Ketu in Dhanishta - charitable nature, comforts from brother, quarrels in the family, surgeries 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Results of Planets in Sravana

Sun in Sravana - trouble to mother,jealous nature,always roaming and income through it,confrontation with parents,secret enemies,troubles
Mars in Sravana - cooperation from government,interest in women,fame,intelligence,thief,accidents,power,close to government,Government Job,comforts through brother
Mercury in Sravana - misuses wealth,loss,fortune after 40 years,hotel business,roaming nature
Jupiter in Sravana - Psychological strength,good natured,edgy behaviour,impatience, instability,fortune after 37 years
Venus in Sravana - youngish look,flexible nature,good position,independance,elevated character,Enthusiasm,interest
Saturn in Sravana - emancipated body,intelligence,selfish,wealth of inlaws,luxurious position,good position,foreign travel
Rahu in Sravana - peaceful mind,trust,good natured,luxurious life,intelligence,stable enemies,speaking jovially,sadness
Ketu in Sravana - wealth,psychological pressures,troubles through wife,diseases,unnecessary expenditure

Results of Planets in Uttaraashadha

Sun in Uttarashadha - High goals,luxuries,power,religious,many enemies,respect,skillful in business,gains of land and houses
Mars in Uttarashadha - good longevity,likes relatives,agriculture,attaining high position,adventurous,fear weapons,less children
Mercury in Uttarashadha - knowledge of sastras,business mentality,wealth accumulation,position equal to that of a minister,happy life,intellectual,hobby of collecting old books
Jupiter in Uttarashadha - many brothers and sisters,pilgrimages,interested in travel,earnings,interest in various sastras/sciences
Venus in Uttarashadha -  interested in luxuries,stability,comforts,job,attaining good position through self efforts,good,fearless,diabetes
Saturn in Uttarashadha - long physique,medium education,changes in career,diseased body,financial troubles
Rahu in Uttarashadha - characterless,irreligious,fortune through women,excessive expenditure,does anything for money
Ketu in Uttarashadha - belongs to high society,government job,intelligence,charitable nature,physical troubles,happy life

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

UFO Crash at Roswell,Mexico(in 1947),its capture and subsequent coverup

Adjoining is the chart for the day a press release has been issued by the public information officer at Roswell,Mexico in 1947, about collecting the debris of a crashed flying disc.This has turned out to be the most controversial UFO incident and on the next day itself  authorities issued a statement to the effect that no alien flying disc was found but what was  collected from the site was only an experimental surveillance balloon.

Till 30 years after this, everything was forgotten. But when one Mr.Major Jesse Marcel who participated in the collection of debris was interviewed by an Ufologist everything came to light again raking up many investigations and debates.Many witnesses came forward giving accounts of recovering by the military of an  alien flying ship and aliens too of whom some are dead and some alive .

On an observation of the chart for the day of the press release,we can see that Uranus who is the significator of the UFOs is in rasi sandhi between Taurus and Gemini.Just a month before or so Uranus was in conjunction with Rahu in Taurus.This conjunction triggered many UFO incidents all around the globe,as mentioned in my previous posts.

In the wikipedia writeup on the incident, it has been mentioned that the debris of the crashed alien aircraft was found in June or July .Only the press release was made on July 8th. If we go back,we can see that from June 21 st till July 4th , Mars is conjunct Uranus,Rahu,Venus in Taurus. Mars should have caused the crash in the period he was conjunct, whether the debris is of an alien flying ship or of the balloon.Another probable cause for the crash should be that Uranus being in rasi sandhi between Taurus(Earthy sign) and Gemini(Airy Sign).

What makes the whole study interesting is,when the press release was made, Mercury,the significator of communications was retrograde. Retrogression of mercury always shows misleading communications.This is seen clearly in this incident as first it was stated that the debris belongs to an alien flying object and later on it was changed.Both the communications were made simultaneously giving rise to suspicion, as Mercury is retrograde in both the cases.It definitely shows a coverup of the facts.

In Khavedamsa for the day we can see an opposition of Neptune in Taurus and Pluto in Scorpio. Neptune signifies mysteries and Pluto in Scorpio shows alien life.

Involvement of Uranus with Rahu and Mars as mentioned above, clearly shows crashing of an alien flying object.

Data Source:

Results of Planets in Poorvaashadha

Sun in Poorvaashadha - High Goals,Comforts,Power,religious,many enemies,respect,expert business,gain of land and houses
Mars in Poorvaashadha - good longevity,likes relatives,attains high position,adventurous,fear of weapons,less children
Mercury in Poorvaashadha - liked by rulers,business mentality,wealth,position equal to a minister,happy life,intellectual,hobby of collecting old books
Jupiter in Poorvaashadha - many brothers and sisters,pilgrimages,interest in traveling,earning,interest in various sciences
Venus in Poorvaashadha - girl children,stability,comforts,job,good position thorough self effort, amiability, Fearlessness
Saturn in Poorvaashadha - religiousness,knack in dealing with all,medium education,joint pains,interest in charitable deeds
Rahu in Poorvaashadha - responsibilities,creditworthy,beauty,amiability,reliable,charitable nature,artists,inherently weak personality
Ketu in Poorvaashadha - earning,medical profession,travel to foreign countries,relations with politicians, power,low wealth,unnecessary expenditure

Friday, July 6, 2012

Results of Planets in Moola

Sun in Moola - respects parents,charitable nature,small business,Trachphonia,anemia,weak body
Mars in Moola - wounds,Harsh speech,dependant on others,results only if works hard,impatience,squabbles,disappointment,despair,Regret
Mercury in Moola - favourite to the rulers,position equal to a minister,happy life,intellectual,interested in old books
Jupiter in Moola - heads many organisations,sincere,position equal to that of a king,troubles due to women,all comforts,familial comforts,charitable nature
Venus in Moola - respects relatives,eye diseases,charitable nature,less happiness,flexible nature
Saturn in Moola - Good,knowledge in various sciences and sastras and income from the same, slim personality,brings fame to family,leadership of village
Rahu in Moola - concerned,less happiness,good cultured,fortune after 50 th year,foreign travel,Indecent
Ketu in Moola - cabinet rank,defects of blood,lands,responsibilities,fear of enemies,religous,medium wealth,unexpected responsibilities