
Monday, July 30, 2012

Power Grid Failures in North India and US

Today,the whole of North India plunged into a worst power crisis in a decade when the Northern Power grid collapsed.Railways and water supplies were severely hit throwing normal life out of gear.

As said in my previous post,Mars conjunct with Saturn in Virgo in Opposition to Uranus was the reason for the Power failure.

Mars is thus described 'धरणी गर्भा संभूतं विद्युत कान्ति समप्रभं '. From this description, we can comfortably assign the signification of electricity to Mars among the inner planets.Uranus among the outer planets is the significator for Electricity.

 Mars entered Virgo on the Mid night of 21st June to be conjunct with Saturn. Both are Malefics and when conjunct ought to cause mishaps and catastrophes.   Uranus on the other hand signifies sudden events and as said above, electricity

Power Grid failures first happened when North America was hit by severe storms in the last week of June causing disruption to supply of electricity.Millions of people in the Eastern US experienced Power supply failure and now it happened in India. 

The conjunction mentioned above is the main reason for Power failures in both the cases. 

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