
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Day when Jesus was Crucified

Recently, a writeup was published in the e news magazine,DNA, saying that Researchers on a study of earth quake activity at Dead Sea,came to a conclusion that the date of Crucification should have been 3rd of April 33AD.

Excerpt from the Wikipedia Link describing events on the day of Crucification : According to Mark :"Jesus is crucified along with two rebels, and the day goes dark for three hours. Jesus calls out to God, then gives a shout and dies.The curtain of the Temple is torn in two.Matthew follows Mark, adding an earthquake and the resurrection of saints.Luke also follows Mark, though he describes the rebels as common criminals, one of whom defends Jesus, who in turn promises that he and Jesus will be together in paradise.Luke portrays Jesus as impassive in the face of his crucifixion. John includes several of the same elements as those found in Mark, though they are treated differently

The day going dark as mentioned in the Gospel by Mark may allude to a Solar eclipse on the day.He also mentioned that an earth quake happened and the saints were resurrected on the same day.

On a study of the Astrological Pointers showing up on the day which support the event of crucification of a man who is believed to be the Son of God, the following are observed :

1.An opposition of Jupiter and Retrograde Pluto was happening at the time. Pluto was in Sagittarius and Jupiter was in Gemini. on 3rd April, both the planets were in exact opposition. Pluto was at 18 Sg and Jupiter at 18 Ge.Jupiter signifies Preceptors and Pluto in Sagittarius,signifies Niryana of a great preceptor.2.A lunar eclipse happened on the day.3.On the day,Sun,the natural atma karaka  is extremely strong by being in Aries and with 216% strength in Shadbala.Sun on the day is conjunct with Rahu 4.Rahu is in the constellation of the Moksha Karaka Ketu and Ketu is in the Constellation of Rahu.

The time period in general definitely signifies Niryana of a Great Soul/Avatar

How ever, these combinations do not support the description of the day going dark for three hours.On a search for a more appropriate date, we can observe that On 19th of March 33 AD,there was a Global Solar Eclipse which started at 11.30 in the morning. The crucification was said to be done in the morning at 9.00 am as per Mark.

This day seems to be more appropriate to me.The astrological Pointers are as follows :

On the day, Jupiter was conjunct Mars and is in opposition to Retrograde Pluto.This combination shows the torture of the Great soul. 

Sun the natural aatma kaaraka is with a strength of 225% in Shadbala and is in Airaavatamsa in Dasavarga.Airaavata is the vehicle of the king of Gods.

The Total Solar Eclipse is very peculiar that day as it happened at 0 Degrees Aries which is the exaltation sign of Sun. Sun in Rasi Sandhi and conjunct the Rahu/Ketu which are in each others constellations,signify very strong Spiritual forces in action at the time.This conjunction denotes the merger of a great soul into the Paramatma (Sun). The Rahu/Ketu axis should have acted as the path way.

The start of Kaliyuga was said to be when all planets were conjunct at the start point of Aries. On this day under study, there was an eclipse at the start of Aries which may mean the end of a great soul. 

The Sun signifies Father.It is very significant in this context as Jesus referred to himself as the Son of God and Sun is thus eclipsed on this day.In this context i would like to mention the last words of Jesus wherein he requests his father :

He said:
"Father,into your hands i commit my spirit".
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Jesus,the enlightened soul, referring to his Father at the time of his crucification and when sun is thus eclipsed cannot be just said as a mere coincidence.The day definitely signifies an event of this type.

Sun along with Rahu is also conjunct with Venus on this day.Sun is at 0Ar and Venus at 3Ar.Retrograde Venus on the Rahu/Ketu axis denotes the Saints who were resurrected following the crucification.

Khavedamsa Study for 19th of March 33AD
On a study of the  Khavedamsa chart for the day, we can see Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn which is an earthy sign and retrograde Saturn in Scorpio the eigth house in opposition to Taurus which is an earthy sign showing that an earth quake should have happened on the day.