
Monday, October 29, 2012

Short term Crude Oil shortage,Price Volatility and Mishaps to Oil Rigs - Follow Up Post II

Following up on the write up i posted on the 7th October about the conjunction of Retrograde Neptune with Rahu/Ketu in Sagittarius in  Khavedamsa, i wish to draw attention of  readers to the relevant events which happened after 24th of this month as said in my earlier post.

Below is the link to the earlier writeup :
In the earlier writeup on the topic, i mentioned there would be volatility in the Oil prices and also shortages of oil . There are two events reported till date which have widespread consequences.

After the 24th firstly there was a marginal increase in the Oil prices by about 29 paise  in India due to the increase in commission to dealers.

And now due to hurricane Sandy, the Crude Oil Production has been cut down in the US resulting in fall of  prices in the Asian Market

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Rahu in Scorpio - Followup Post

The effects of the Mercury Rahu conjunction are showing up and following are two significant events which happened as a result of the conjunction :

1.Naveen Jindal releases a tape to prove blackmailing by Zee News.Link to the news has been given herein below :

Mercury signifies communications and Rahu signifies cheaters.

2.China blocks NY Times website after it published a report over the wealth of the Chinese premier's family

Link to the earlier post :

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Rahu in Scorpio

Mercury entered Scorpio a watery sign  on 23 rd this month and would be exactly conjunct debilitated Rahu this afternoon .Mercury would also be closer to Mars and in opposition to Jupiter Both Jupiter and Mars are enemies to Mercury. But as Mars owns scorpio, the conjunction would have some positive results too.

Two events which are amazingly and absolutely synchronous with the conjunction under study  happened yesterday when Mercury was closely conjunct  Rahu. 

Event No.1
Ireland's analogue Television network has been switched off and has been replaced by a Digital version. Link to the news has been given hereunder : 

This event is the result of the conjunction under study as Mercury signifies style of communication and Rahu in Scorpio denotes change.

Event No.2
Sudden demise of Jaspal Bhatti the famous Indian comedian actor and film producer in a road accident yesterday is also the result of this conjunction.Mercury is the significator of sense of humour and artistes and Rahu signifies accidents.

While the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Libra is endangering famous personalities on a bigger canvas,this conjunction of Mercury with Rahu furthered the effects of the conjunction in Libra and has narrowed down to the demise of the famous actor and comedian.   

The Conjunction would also result in the following events :

This is the time for some financial frauds coming to light. 
Diplomatic missions would fail.Embassies would be under threat again
Telecom and Television channel companies would have to face problems. 
Under sea  Telecommunication lines might get cut. 
Given below are some of the significations of Mercury and Rahu for further study :

Significations of Mercury :
Mercury signifies Commerce, Trade, logic of Astrology, Communication, Sports, Cinema and other arts, diplomats, intelligence, logic, speech patterns, communication style, sense of humor and quickness of thought.

Mercury causes diseases of  skin, nervous breakdowns, psychic diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma.

Significations of Rahu :
Rahu signifies Accidents,Mysteries.

Rahu is a karaka, or indicator, of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, foreigners, mass disease, dementia and inertia.

Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts,etc.

Reading the significations together we would get to know some hints about the results of the conjunction.  

On a Personal level People running the dasa of Mecury would be having a tough time during this conjunction. They would have ear pains,problems in communication,throat troubles.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

And the World Dances to the tunes of Planets

Yes the world is obviously dancing in perfect tandem to the tunes of planets.But dont worry it is always this way.

The two important conjunctions happening now in the heavens are of Mars and Rahu in Scorpio and Saturn and Sun in Libra.News of relevant happenings in correlation to these conjunctions are pouring in from every where.

Mars - Rahu Conjunction and Sports related scandals  :

Last week there was more news of the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong's doping scandal.Though there were allegations on him about using performance enhancement drugs to win cycling medals from before,the fallout of the allegations happened after the conjunction of Mars/Rahu started. He had to resign from the chairman ship of  his own charity LIVE STRONG on the 17th of this month.

He also has lost many endorsement contracts and would be losing aroung USD 50 million over the next few years.

In my post on the conjunction , i mentioned there would be fraud related to sports coming to light . This event is one more of the kind. Earlier i reported the sting operation conducted on the T20 world cup empires who were ready to sell their decisions.Links to my earlier posts have been given here under

Sun - Saturn Conjunction - Deaths of Kingly personalities/High ranked officials by explosions and heart strokes :

Also In the news is that of Fiedal Castro suffering a heart stroke and is on his death bed

This is the result of the Sun Saturn conjunction happening in Libra. Another relevant event in this context is the killing of Lebanese Chief of Intelligence

Gaddafi's youngest Son Khamis Gaddafi dies due to the injuries sustained in the battle with armed forces in Libya is another relevant event.

Link to my earlier post on the conjunction : 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Results of Venus in various Navamsas

Venus in Venus Navamsa - Produces a rich man having many women who enjoy various foods and drinks
Venus in Mars Navamsa - the husband of a corrupted wife
Venus in Mercury Navamsa - a wise man addicted to sexual intersourse and singing
Venus in Moon Navamsa - One who indulges a lot in sexual inter course and has a noble body
Venus in Sun Navamsa - A terrifying leader
Venus in Jupiter's Navamsa - A strong and courageous man who is a pre-eminent in his city as the best poet
Venus in Saturn's Navamsa - A rich man with a gentle wife who has little character and has a bad ending

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sun - Saturn Conjunction 2012

It is time for the yearly Conjunction of the Sun and Saturn. Sun entered Libra in the early hours today to join with Saturn.This time the conjunction is happening in Libra the debilitation sign of Sun. This conjunction triggers dangers to kingly personalities,famous people, Governments and Government establishments related to Trade as Libra is the sign signifying Trade.

Libra is also an airy sign and with the Sun Saturn conjunction in it might result in  mishaps to  planes carrying Kingly and famous personalities.

As Sun Signifies Temples and fire arms, some mishaps like stampedes and explosions are likely at religious places. 

As Saturn signifies democracy,one or more governments would fall owing to losing public support.  A Famous/kingly  personality  in exile would be caught and arrested.

Maoist activity would be higher in this period and would result in encounters causing deaths on both the sides.A high ranked official/Minister may be kidnapped and or killed.A kingly personality will die of heart failure.

A Kingly/Famous personality would be dragged into legal troubles during this period.

On a Personal level People who are running the dasa of Sun should be careful about their health and career for a month to come till Sun changes over into Scorpio.People who are running the dasa/antardasa of Saturn should be careful during the period from 19th October till 31 st as Saturn is going combust

Sun signifies Heart,Stomach,Head,Right eye,General constitution of the Body people who are suffering from problems in these parts would have aggravations.

 Saturn is going combust from 19 th till 31 st October and becomes much more malefic. The results of this conjunction of Debilitated Sun and Combust Saturn would be predominant during this period.

Saturn signifies Legs,Teeth,Arteries and Hair.People suffering problems in these parts should be more alert during this period.Heart patients should be more careful in particular.

Makar Rasi people should be alert to avoid any untoward problems with their higher ups.Mesh Rasi people should be careful while traveling abroad,while dealing with authorities and should be careful about their wife's health. Libra sing people should be careful about their health,should take care of their relations with their elder siblings and their income source. Cancerians should be careful about their vehicles and some sudden fire accidents at their homes.Taurus people should be careful about their maternal uncles health and should be careful about the behind the scene activities of their enemies.They may be having stomach problems. Gemini people should be careful about their children's health. Leo people should be careful in traveling and take care of their younger brothers and also maintain cordial relations with them.Sagittarius people should be careful about their friends and relations with them.Aquarius people should be careful about their health and while traveling to religious places.some problem regarding their higher eduction would present during this period.They might also loose some one close.  Pisces people would separate from some one.They should be careful about their health as there could be some aggravations.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mars Conjunct Rahu - Follow up post III

Two more events happened which are the result of this conjunction under study and as mentioned in my earlier post,the link to which has been given at the bottom of this post.

1. Collision of a Nuclear Submarine with a cruiser happened off the East coast of USA.Link to the news has been given herein :[NVATP,2,TUSNow,1]

 2.Legendary Newzealand Cricketer Martin Crowe has been diagnosed with Cancer of Lymphoma.

Link to the earlier Post :

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Knowing Eventful years in life - Hora Sara

1.Count number of Navamsas from the Navamsa occupied by Saturn upto navamsa occupied by  ascendant,both inclusive.In the year indicated by the total figure,injury as wound through a weapon be feared.

2.Count number of Navamsas from the one occupied by Rahu upto the navamsa occupied by  ascendant,and also from Mars to the ascendant. In the years indicated by the respective figures, native meets with some calamity,hit by a weapon,fatigue,sorrows and the like.

3.In a similar way if we count the number of Navamsas from the benefic planets namely  Moon,Mercury,Jupiter and Venus to the navamsa occupied by  ascendant,during the years indicated by these sums,the native will be blessed with progeny,wealth,happiness and the like without doubt.

Results of Mars in Various Navamsas

Mars in Own Navamsa produces a fierce,mighty and prominent hero who slays his enemies
If Mars is  in the Navamsa of Venus,the person would be a restless corruptor or other men's wives who get rich from other men's hoards
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Mercury,the person would be a vile rogue who does his duty
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Moon,the person would be an able hero and a jealous man
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Sun,the person would be a leader of great strength
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Jupiter,the person would be a leader of a village or a City
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Saturn,the person would be an evil pauper delighting in destroying wealth.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Short term Crude Oil shortage,Price Volatility and Mishaps to Oil Rigs - Followup Post I

Following up on my earlier post on Shortages of Crude Oil,Price volatility and Mishaps to oil rigs i wish to draw the attention of  readers to  one new development which is relevant in this context.

The Oil gaint Company, Shell, has been sued by farmers in Nigeria on account of damage done to their farms due to oil spills. Below is the link to the news reported in the wikipedia site.

As said in my earlier post, the conjunction of Saturn with Retrograde Neptune in Khavedamsa, brings about mishaps to oil rigs and crude oil price volatility and  this event of  the Oil Company being sued too is the fallout of this conjunction, as Saturn signifies Justice.

Link to my earlier post is given herein below for your perusal.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Retrograde Neptune in Sagittarius in Khavedamsa and Issues with Drugs

On the 3rd October,In Khavedamsa (D40),Retrograde Neptune crossed over into Sagittarius the Ninth house of the Zodiac,the house of Dharma and which signifies Higher learning/Knowledge.Neptune is the significator of all drugs/intoxicants.Saturn entered Sagittarius in D40 on 5th October . Saturn is the strongest malefic and also signifies the general populace.After both Neptune and Saturn entered Sagittarius there is for sure a trend of events related to drugs and intoxicants which were reported on the Wikipedia news site.

Below is the list of events which show up the results pertaining to the significations of the sign Sagittarius in tune with the conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in it  which occurred from 4 th October and the relevant news links  reported on Wikinews :

On 08.10.2012
Event related to  Learning
1.Scientists warn of the dangers of using liquid nitrogen in drinks after a teenage girl from the United Kingdom required emergency surgery upon consuming a cocktail containing the substance.

On 05.10.2012
Event related to Drugs and People
2.At least 47 people throughout the United States are infected with fungal meningitis from contaminated medicine, with five people dying.

On 04.10.2012
Event related to Dharma
3.An abortion rights activist ship is blocked from entering the Moroccan port of Smir; the vessel is operated by the Dutch non-profit organization Women on Waves, which provides abortions and related medical services to women living in countries with restrictive abortion laws.

Mars Conjunct Rahu - Follow Up Post II

 Following up on my post on Mars-Rahu conjunction , i would like to draw attention of the readers to the news of a sting operation conducted on the cricket umpires.

News Source :

The latest sting operation has revealed that six umpires were ready to be bribed during the recently concluded Twenty20 World Cup and Sri Lanka Premier League in August.

In my post i mentioned,the conjunction may result in a fraud related to sports coming to light.

This is the link to the earliest post :

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Short term Crude Oil shortage,Price Volatility and Mishaps to Oil Rigs

 On a study of the planetary transits and conjunctions happening currently and which are to happen in the near future i believe there is going to be a volatility of Crude Oil prices and shortage in crude oil supply in the near future for a short term and mishaps to Oil rigs and refineries,Pipe lines in the near future.

In the Rasi Chart, the conjunction of Mars - Rahu in the sign Scorpio which is a watery sign and also the Eigth house of the Zodiac is setting up the stage for this trend. This combination would result in the Oil Prices fluctuating and also mishaps to happen in Oil Rigs/refineries/Pipe Lines. This combination also signifies closure of Oil rigs triggering shortages.

Khavedamsa chart too supports the same as there is a conjunction of Saturn and Retrograde Neptune in the fire sign, Sagittarius This combination over Sagittarius which contains the Galactic center would result in bringing to light new knowledge about watery/Oil sources as Neptune signifies all the liquid sources. As Sagittarius is a Fire sign, this combination of Neptune and the malefic Saturn,would signify some mishaps too near to Oil rigs

From around 24 th of this month,the events would be more drastic as Rahu/Ketu Join Neptune over the Galactic center.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Unusual Happenning in the Stock Market Today

A rather unusual happenning in the stock market caused the market to be closed for about 15 minutes as the stocks suddenly started to trade at extremely low prices. The stocks effected were HDFC,SBI and ITC.These stocks have a direct bearing on the index and have caused the market to drop by about 920 points.

Todays planetary alignments show a close conjunction of Saturn and Mercury in the Airy sign of Libra. Libra is a sign which signifies trade.Mercury too signifies trade.

What should have caused the anamoly ???

Both Saturn and Mercury are conjunct with in a degree of each other and are in the Star Chitta which is lorded by Mars !!!. Mars right now is conjunct debilitated Rahu(these two are also within a degree of each other) in the Eigth house of the Zodiac which signifies sudden events. And in turn Mars is in the star  Anuradha lorded over by Saturn. Malefics are in action over Mercury. This conjunction of Saturn and Mercury in the star Chitta and exchange of stars between Mars and Saturn signifies some sudden negative news to the stock markets and trade/economy in general and may signify sudden correction next week.

News Source:

Mars Conjunct Rahu - Follow Up Post

The Conjunct Mars and Rahu are showing up their effects as mentioned in my previous post.Following are some of the events which are the effects of this conjunction :

1.The German Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher announces his retirement from the sport. (BBC)

2.Several sources claim that a French spy killed Muammar Gaddafi in 2011; the motive to try to conceal Ghadaffi's financial support of Nicolas Sarkozy's 2007 presidential election campaign. A French source dismisses the story as "nonsense". (Hindustan Times) (France 24)

 The reports of France President Nicholas Sarkozy planning a coup and getting Ghadaffi's killed through a spy coming in at the time of this conjunction is very significant. In the previous post i mentioned Mars signifies Police and Army officers and Rahu signifies Mysteries.

Mars is also the significator of Buildings and since conjunct with Rahu has caused the following events in addition to the above :

3.A building collapsed in Chennai,India killing some people 

4.A landslide buries at least 19 people in the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan with 18 later confirmed dead and one missing. (BBC), (AP via SFGate)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mars conjunct Rahu Today

On the 28 th September,Mars transited into Scorpio the mysterious Eigth house of the Zodiac.Scorpio is also the Sign Owned by Mars.Rahu is already in Scorpio which is its debilitation sign.Mars and Rahu would be conjunct to the exact degree today i.e 02.10.2012 at 20.20 Hrs at 2 Sc 47. 

Rahu is the planet which signifies mystery,sudden events and Mars signifies army/police officers accidents,vehicles,younger brothers,strength and valour and sports.

This conjunction is very interesting now in particular,in view of  both the Mars rovers Curiosity and Spirit  exploring Mars right now and might result in a surprising revelation about Mars.

On the Mundane front the conjunction might result in more accidents,suicides and some mysterious happenings. As Scorpio is a watery sign and with a Rahu-Mars conjunction in it, might result in mishaps related to ships and boats and also Train accidents. The incidents would be in a low scale as Jupiter has an aspect over the conjunction.Yesterday's collision of passenger vessels near Hongkong is a result of this conjunction.News source :

This conjunction might also bring to light a fraud related to sports and or we may see the sudden demise of a young sports personality in the near future.

Mars also signifies army and police officers and being conjunct with Rahu may result in mishaps and accidents to them in this period due to Naxalite or terrorist attacks. Yesterday's assassination attempt on Lt.Col Brar in London is also the result of this conjunction.
News source:

On an individual level,People who has Scorpio as the Moon sign should be extremely careful if they are suffering with blood pressure and control their aggression.Scorpions should not go near water in this period.Taurus people should be careful  about their spouses with regard to their health and also relation with them.Aries people should be careful about their relations with everybody in general and also be alert to avoid any vehicular accidents. Leo people should be careful with their vehicles and some fiery mishaps at home.Virgo people should be careful about over exhaustion and also relation with their younger siblings.Relation with them may deteriorate. Cancerians should be careful about the health of their children.Librans should be careful about what they speak and also about their food habits.Capricorn people should be careful with their investments,friends and elder siblings.