
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sample Horoscope reading report sent by me to a native

Dear .....

Nadi reading of your horoscope : 

Mars in the second house to Jupiter gives you landed property and also good income from landed property. your wife should be from your relations or from a well known family. Saturn and Mars in the house adjacent to Jupiter indicates that you would have multiple houses and vehicles.Jupiter with Rahu and Mars in the house next to this combination shows that you are a courageous person with good initiative.No planets in the 4th and 5th houses from Jupiter shows that you will travel to distant places and some times aimlessly.

Sun in the second house from Venus indicates that your wife is a Vishnu devotee and Sun in the sign Virgo denotes that you are born near a Vishnu temple.

Mercury in a sandhi and Jupiter having Mars and Saturn in the adjacent house denotes that you should experienced atleast one break in education.

In your Horoscope, the 7th and 10 th lord Jupiter and 8th and 9th lord Saturn are with the 11th lord Mars in the third house from your lagna. Significations of the Third house namely Younger Brother, short distance travels, communications, neighbours have a role to play in your life.

Sun in the 11th house to Jupiter indicates that you would get fame and success at the ages 28,34,40,46,52 

Closeness of Jupiter with Rahu and Saturn shows that you will continue some work which your Grand father started.

Ashtakavarga indications : A strong lagna with 37 out of 56 beneficial score indicates that you are strong willed,good looking,healthy, a very long life and intelligent. Some times you may forget important things as the lagna lord Mercury is in a sandhi.

An exceedingly strong 10th house with 39/56 indicates you would be of high status and would have good career.

11th house of income,Gains and friends too is very good with 33/56. As the 10th house is the efforts put in into the work you do and 11th house is the income from it, the ratio of the two houses is 39 : 33 you would always feel you are under paid.whether it is business or Job this would apply. However you would have good gains from friends some times.

Bhinnashtakavarga score of most of the planets are 4 and above with Venus having a maximum of 6 out of 8. This indicates a life of achievements and success.

Transit effects :
Your moon sign is Tula and Nakshtram is Chitta 4th padam. You are right now running 7 1/2 years Sani period and it is in the last phase.From 2017 November Saturn will enter Dhanu rasi which is your third house from your moon sign. Once the period is over the time from End of 2017 is very good for promotion in your Job. You will have more subordinates and more success.

The transits till November,2014 were very weak with Saturn transiting the rasi with lowest beneficial score ( 20 out of 56). However the period after that should have seen some improvements.

Jupiter's transit in the sign Leo till July,2016 is extremely good as he is transiting the rasi which has highest strength in the Ashtakavarga of Lagna. The beneficial score is 8 out of 8. You will sure get some financial gains before July. 

A new phase in your career will start around November,2016 this will give a new perspective about career and much development and fame.

Directional Influences/Vimsottari dasa indications :
Your Jupiter dasa ended on 29.09.2014 and prior to that you were running Jupiter-Rahu dasa. Rahu antardasa is known to give good results in the first five months and later give troubles. Moreover Rahu in the twelth house to Jupiter indicates troubles.Ground has to be prepared for a new phase of life as your Saturn dasa was due to start on 29.09.2014.The period from mid 2013 is the Dasa chidra time and i am not surprised that you had to undergo turmoil starting that period.

Saturn, whose dasa started in September,2014 is the Eigth and Ninth lord in your horoscope and is placed in your third house, which is Leo.Saturn is closely conjunct Mars with in a degree and is the winner of the Graha Yuddha !!!. This is a very favourable indication. The Planet victorious in war sure gives good results in his dasa. 

Saturn dasa started when both Saturn and Jupiter were in their exaltation signs. As per Kalyana Varma's Saravali, if any planet is in exaltation at the start of the dasa the evil effects if any of the dasa will be warded off.

Saturn though in an enemy's sign in the Rasi chart, is in Sagittarius in Navamsa which lessens the effects of him placed in the enemy's sign. Moreover,Saturn is also conjunct Jupiter who is the 7th and 10th lord in your horoscope.This is a beneficial factor.Saturn has a Bhinnashtakavarga score of 2/8 but is very strong in dasa varga with 63% beneficial inclinations during its dasa. Looking at the another indicator the Ishta-Kashta Phala of Saturn is 33:24. which is a favourable indication for overall prosperity.

Taking all the above factors into consideration, i can say you are lucky enough to have an  above average beneficial Saturn in your horoscope. Saturn dasa is not beneficial in 90% of the cases.we can deduce that the dasa of Saturn would be very good overall. He will make you work hard and earn success.You will sure acquire much wealth and prosperity. 

The Saturn in your horoscope forms a Pravrajya/ Parivrajaka Yoga in your horoscope. The Sun in your horoscope is exceedingly strong. These factors will ultimately give you spiritual enlightenment. 

Saturn- Saturn    till 01.10.2017  will be average
Saturn - Mercury  till 08.06.2020 will be good
Saturn - Ketu      till 17.09.2021 will give some health troubles and some times Change of place/displacement
Saturn - Venus  till 19.09.2024 will be exceedingly good
Saturn - Sun  till 01.09.2025 will give fame and success, wish fulfillment
Saturn - Moon till 29.03.2027 will be average 
Saturn - Mars till 07.05.2028 will be exceedingly good but with some health issues 
Saturn - Rahu  till 14.03.2031will be average
Saturn - Jupiter will be exceedingly good

Remedies : .....

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Jupiter Rahu Conjunction 2016

Rahu/Ketu axis is about to change signs by the end of January 2016.Jupiter right now is in the last degrees of Leo,the sign signifying Royalty,will be turning retrograde and also will be close to Rahu for the coming few months.Jupite signifies Ministers,pious people,Spiritual gurus.

There might be a major overhaul in the Modi's Government.Some of the ministers would have to be dropped or portfolios might be changed.

ISIS Chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi might be caught or killed before March.

There would be heightened terrorist activity in the following countries,Cities :

Countries : France,Italy,Bohemia,Sicily,Chaldea to Bassorah,North of Rumania,Apulia and parts near Sidon and Tyre.

Cities : Rome,Bath,Bristol,Portsmouth,Philadelphia,Prague,Ravenna,Taunton,Damuscus,Chicago,Bombay and Blackpool.

There would be unrest in Prisons.Some scandals related to Prisons would see light.Prisoners might escape.

A famous spiritual guru would be maligned.Brahmins would face deception and loss of reputation.

A King maker would breath his last.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mercury,Saturn and Mario Moliner

Was Checking the Astro data bank site and found this interesting horoscope of Maria Moliner, a Spanish Librarian and Lexicographer. She is the author of 'Diccionario de uso del español' a dictionary which contains detailed definitions,synonyms,expressions and families of words and is more detailed than Real Academia Española's dictionary.
The Natural Significator of writing and Grammar is Mercury and in an individual horoscope the third house and lord signify the communications the natives makes.
In Maria Moliner's horoscope, the natural significator Mercury, is retrograde,debilitated and in her Fifth house of creative intelligence. The lagna lord Mars is in her Fifth house of creativity as above and in a parivartana yoga with her Fifth lord Jupiter who is retrograde in lagna.

The Third house of communications is extremely strong with a SAV of 39 and the Third lord Saturn is in the star of Moola in the 9th house of zodiac signifying her mission.

What is most interesting in her chart is the placement of most of planets either in the constellations of Mercury or Saturn both of which signify Writing,Grammar and communications!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week day wise activities that can be started for favourable results

Each week day is favourable for some certain activities. Following are the week day wise activities that can be started for favourable results :
Lord of Sunday is the Sun,the king of all planets.As per Parasara Hora sastra, Lord Rama is born with the amsa of Sun.
Sunday is generally favourable for the start of the following activities :
Coronation,Service to the Government/King,King worship,fire related works like performing homas,yagnyas and worship involving use of fire.
The day is also favourable for weapon making,war,teaching mantras,Purchase of Cows,giving and listening to religious discourse,learning music,usage of forest items,animal rearing,wearing of new clothes,climbing mountains,
giving and taking initiation of Agni Mantras etc.
Monday favours starting of the following activities :
Agriculture,farming,gardening,planting fragrant trees,lotus and other flowering plants, starting to learn dancing,water related works,starting to lay roads,making and wearing ornaments,sale and purchase of cows,buffaloes,purchase of gems,pearls,shells,conch shells, starting to learn singing etc
Tuesday favours starting of the following activities :
arresting culprits,encounters of criminals,inciting insurgency,and other works invloving violence. Tuesday is the day of Mars and hence favours starting of any work related to Police and military actions. Tuesday favours planting of red coloured flowering plants,buying and selling red coloured items,blood donation
Wednesday is the day of Mercury and favours the following activities : starting of education, writing,learning of vedas,idol making, mantra kriya,marraige,friendship,starting of fast, holy bathing,favourable for trade,creative works,starting of war, collection of articles, communications,starting of physical exercise
Thursday is the day of Jupiter and is favourable for starting of the following activities : doing of Yagyas, Havan, start of worshipping, negotiations of peace,installing of idols,decoration, start of education,works related to knowledge like inauguration of libraries, educational institutions,starting to live in a house,visiting the doctor,inaugurating medical shops, all medicine related works,development and expansion works,travel
Friday is the day of Venus and is favourable for starting of the following activities : Starting to learn dance,music,singing,painting,acting, doing celebrations,wearing new clothes,ornaments,starting friendship,trade related to food grains and agriculture,farming, selling and purchase of land,sugarcane,juciy foods,gems,gold,silver
Saturday is the day of Saturn and is favourable for starting of the following activities :Entering into new house,city, for dreadful deads,insurgency, works related to obstruction, trading of arms and ammunition,usage of iron and steel items, appointing servants and learning secret mantras from Guru( deeksha_) , starting any community service activities

The Rahu-Mercury Conjunction

Retrograde Mercury and Rahu are exactly conjunct today.This combination leads to excessive thoughts,hyper imaginations and some times paranoia like thoughts.
Natives of Vrishabha,kanya and kumbha rasi will be the most effected.
Please do not take any hasty decisions regarding education and also please check and recheck any communications you send and receive.
be careful with your cellphone, laptop and tabs. If possible visit Lord venkateswara and Durga devi temples and perform abhishekam.
This combination will continue for another 20 days. Just beware.
The Russian involvement and now the Chinese involvement in the Syrian conflict will lead to major diplomatic confrontations between the Nations involved

Friday, October 2, 2015

Some Nadi Principles

Following are some Nadi principles :

Jupiter is the native and the placement of Jupiter in a horoscope shows the life style of the native. If the Jupiter is placed  in Sagittarius in a horoscope, this shows  the native is very dharmic in nature and lives his life like an ascetic.
Jupiter placed in Taurus shows the native will be from a rich family and lives a royal life.Jupiter placed in Libra shows the native is sensuous,inclined towards luxuries and is from a well to do family. 

Placement of Mars tells about the brother of the native. A well placed Mars shows that the brothers of the native would be leading a comfortable life. The number of planets in conjunction with Mars shows the number of brothers of the native.  

Placement of Venus says about the sisters of the native. A debilitated Venus shows that the female siblings of the native would be unfortunate and or shows the sisters would be less in number

The number of planets in conjunction with the Sun would indicate the number of brothers and sisters of the native. Placement of Sun tells about the father of the native. If the Sun in a horoscope is placed in Leo, it shows the father of the native is a Government employee or a politician depending upon the other indications in the chart. Sun placed in Sagittarius shows the father of the native would be spiritual natured.

Saturn, the naisargika karma karaka shows the profession of the native. 10th house from Saturn and the lord of 2nd house from Saturn indicate the profession of the native. 

Mercury shows the nature of education of the native. Mercury in conjunction with Rahu may indicate study of psychology. This combination also indicates breaks in education. 

In a male horoscope, the sign in which Venus is placed shows the direction from which the spouse of the native would be coming.

In a female horoscope,the sign in which Mars is placed shows the direction from which the spouse of the native would be coming.

Applying Ashtakavarga principles :

The Sarvashtakavarga strength of the 10 th house from Mercury indicates the success of the native with respect to education.

The SAV strength of the 10th house from Saturn indicates the success in profession of the native.

Study of Ashtakavarga strengths from various reference points indicate intricate details about the native. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


HORA SARVAM is a platform for those who intend to seek astrological readings and get advices on remedies from Me.
I am planning to add some more astrologer friends in the near future to attend to the queries if needed.
About me : I am into studying and researching into Parasharic system of astrology for the past 10 years.I have read considerable number of charts of friends,family members,collegues and others ,fixed Muhurthas for marraiges,upanayan ceremonies and matched horoscopes of number of prospective couples.
I intend to provide astrological consultancy at reasonable rates and assure prompt replies with in a turnaround time of 48 hours depending on the number of horoscopes to be studied.
A portion of the money earned through this activity will be donated to an Educational Trust.
You can post your accurate Birth details and your question in brief and give me time as mentioned above, to reply you, the astrological indications in your chart and any remedies.
You can reach me at : 
My Contact No : 91 96407 54054 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mars-Saturn Mutual aspect and Crane Collapse at Mecca

Mutual aspect of a debilitated Mars and Saturn in Scorpio should be the primary cause of the Crane Collapse at Mecca,Yesterday.
Wikipedia quotes a local source saying the incident to have happened at 5.45 pm.
Lagna is Aquarius and has the aspect of the debilitated Mars and the lagna lord Satrun too has a strong aspect of Mars.
Mishaps happening at Mecca around the Haj is not uncommon in the recent past few years. Saudi Arabia being the birth place of three Abrahamic faiths/religions is related to Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Sagittarius is where Pluto is transiting from the past few years and the Khavedamsa and Timsamsa charts for the time of the incident show an aspect of Pluto and some malefic combinations effecting Sagittarius.
In the Khavedamsa chart in particular,While Pluto is placed in Gemini in conjunction with Saturn, Mars at the time of the event, in conjunction with a retrograde Neptune was transiting in Sagittarius in Khavedamsa both the planets being in moola nakshatra, indicating a big mishap at a religious place.
The lagna at the time of the event at 12 degrees Aquarius (a vayu tatwa rasi) is in Aardramsa. Aardra means moist or wet.Mars placed in the last degrees of Cancer, a Jala tatwa raasi is aspecting the lagna. The reason for the crane collapse is said to be strong winds caused by a Powerful storm !!!
I believe Mishaps will continue in the region till the time Pluto changes over into Capricorn some time after 2020.But before that, we may see some cataclysmic events in the region whenever Pluto combines with other malefics.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mars,Rahu and Ram Charan Tej

Apart from acting, Actor Ram Charan Teja (Son of Actor turned politician Chiranjeevi) is in news for the wrong reasons. frequently. 

A police case was booked against him yesterday for creating a ruckus in a drunken state by shouting and hooting,disturbing his neighbours at 3.00 Am . The complaint was given by a top Police officer of  Hyderabad city.    

Earlier too the actor was in news for beating up two software engineers in a traffic altercation and later on released some morphed photographs to prove his innocence. 

He was also known to have publicly criticised a very senior Tollywood director once before.

Apart from the above, the actor is known to have undergone multiple plastic surgeries to his face to cover up his deformed lips from birth.

Speaking in astrological terms, the impulsive behavior and the surgeries to face signify that he is of Mesha lagna.  The Ascendant/First house signifies the face of the native and also his general nature.Wikipedia gives his date of birth to be 17th March,1985.On this day, there is a combination of Mars- Rahu happenning in Aries/Mesha, and his lagna being in that sign gives him a very impulsive,aggressive and a concealing nature and also the surgeries he underwent.     

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sri Vidhu Sekhara Bharathi Swami - The 37th Pontiff of Sri Sringeri Mutt

Wikipedia gives the date of Birth of the 37th Pontiff to be of the Sri Sharada Peetham of Sringeri, Sri Vidhusekhara Bharathi to be 24 th July 1993 at Tirupathi.

On trying to indentify the lagna of the Swamy i believe he should be of Simha Lagna.

If it is Simha lagna, lagna lord Sun in the 12th gives him divine powers.

The Lagna lord in a Chara sign gives him a Sanchara Yoga.

Yoga karaka Mars the 9th lord in lagna gives him the religious inclinations and mission.

Ketu in the 10 th house gives him knowledge in shastras
Venus in his own house in the 10 th while forming a Malavya maha purusha yoga, gives him good oratory and teaching skills.
Mercury in own house in the 11th and Jupiter in 2nd too will give him good teaching skills.
Retrograde Saturn in the 7th while forming a Sasa Maha purusha yoga gives him a sanyasa yoga too.

Rahu in the fourth and Eigth lord Jupiter aspecting his own 8th house and Lagna lord in the 12th along with the Mahapurusha Yogas will sure make him a highly spiritual personality and a man with a mission.
Broad forehead and well formed face confirms him to be of Simha lagna i believe.

Moreover the Rahu - Jupiter period running currently,gives him association with ascetics(he has been taken as the sishya on the 23rd January by the Sringeri Swamy) and religious missions,gain of position !!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Man who knew Infinity - Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan

Rishi Jaimini in his horasastra states thus in the context of letting us know the results of planets placed in the bhavas from Karakamsa:

चन्द्रेण संख्ययोगज्ञा : साहित्यज्ञो गयकस्च !!

which means : Moon placed in the Karakamsa or the Fifth from it results in making the native well versed in Samkhya sastra,Yoga.literature and a muscian.

The mathematical genius Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan has his moon in the fifth from his Atma Karaka Mercury in his horoscope.Sri Ramanujan was a hard core believer of Samkhya philosophy.

He was a self trained mathematical genius .

Sri Ramanujan seems to have mentioned many a times that a mathematical equation had no meaning if it is not expressed as a thought of God

The parivartana yoga of the Fourth lord(Mercury) of education and the Sixth lord(Mars) of psychic perfections and siddhis (being the 11th from 8th) is very significant in his horoscope.

While Mars in his fourth house has given him many troubles in education in his childhood, Mercury in the Sixth house in opposition to a combination of retrograde Pluto and Neptune gave him insights and higher level understanding of the mystical and ultimate laws of the Universe.

The Conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in opposition to a Pluto and Neptune conjunction is the cause of his expertise in mathematics and applying  his mathematical abilities to the esoteric laws of the Universe. 

Mercury is the significator of Mathematics and is in conjunction with Jupiter, the deva guru who imparts divine knowledge, AND is in opposition to Pluto, the planet which signifies the  absolute truth, the end of everything and moksha and Neptune, the planet which signifies divine mysticism . The combination of Pluto and Neptune is in the 12th house from his Janma Lagna,  with Pluto in the constellation of Rohini of which Brahma is the adhidevata .12 th is also the house which signifies the state of non existence(moksha).

In conversation with Mr.GH Hardy, Sri Ramanujan  seems to have often mentioned that " Zero is the symbol of the Absolute Nirguna Brahma and the Product of Zero and Infinity is the finite number series !!! "