
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Exceptions to Nadi Dosha

1. If the couple is having same Janma Rasi but different birth stars, or same birth star and different Janma rasis, then Nadi dosha does not exist. The couple in these case will have excellent mutual understanding and love. However, couple have same Janma Rasi and same nakshatra padas is the cause of death.

2. Nadi dosha is seen generally for persons belonging to Brahmin caste ( For those who are Purohits and do daily homas) . For people of other castes, Nadi dosha may not be considered. 
But if the Janma Nakshatras of the Boy or Girl falls in one of Bharani, Aslesha, Jyeshta or Moola then Nadi Dosha has to be considered for Couples of all castes.  

3.Nadi Dosha does not exist, if the birth stars and even if the padas of the couple are the same and of the following stars : -  Rohini , Ardra, Pushya, Magha, Visakha, Shravana, Uttara Bhadra and Revati.

4.If one of the Boy or Girl has Janma Nakshtra among the following stars, then Nadi Dosha is eliminated :- Ardra, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Visakha, Anuradha, Poorva Bhadra  and Revati.

5. The following pairs : 

Krittika - Rohini ; 

Dhanishta- Satabhisha; 

Pushyami - Aslesha 

should be left in marraige if they coincide with the Janma Nakshtra of the Boy and the Girl

6. 100% compatibility in respect of Tara, Graha maitri, Yoni and Mahendra Kutas will remove Nadi Dosha

7.The following pairs of  Janma Nakshatras, falling in different signs will not cause Nadi Dosha : 

Krittika - Rohini; 

Ardra- Punarvasu; 

Uttara Phalguni - Hasta; 

Purva Bhadra - Satabhisha; 


even if the pair falls in the same nadi.

8.Nadi Dosha has to be considered only for arranged marraiges.

9. If one of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is the common Rasi lords, then Nadi Dosha need not be considered.

10. If  Maha Mrutyunjaya Pasupata homam is done along with donation of gold, gems, cow, grains, clothes and butter to Brahmins as per ones capacity, then Nadi Dosha is eliminated.