
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Marital compatibility with the partner with natal moon in 7th constellation - Some results

Result of marriage with partner who has natal moon in the 7th star
Birth Star 7th star Result if married
Ashwini Punarvasu Gives birth to many daughters
Bharani Pushyami Couple will live in affluence
Krittika Aslesha Unhappy Married life
Rohini Magha Many sons
Mrigashira Purva Phalguni Death & Pecuniary loss
Ardra Uttara Phalguni Happy Married life
Punarvasu Hasta Progress & Development
Pushyami Chitra Happy Married life
Ashlesha Swati Unhappy Married life
Magha Vishakha Wicked sons will be born
Purva Phalguni Anuradha Happy Married life
Uttara Phalguni Jyeshta Rancour between the couple
Hasta Moola Death & Pecuniary loss
Chitra Purvashadha Unhappy Married life
Swati Uttarashadha Birth of daughters
Vishakha Shravana Enimity between the couple
Anuradha Dhanishta Unhappy Married life
Jyeshta Satabhisha Ruin
Moola Purvabhadra Prosperity shall increase
Purvashadha Uttarabhadra Mutual affection
Uttarashadha Revati Enjoyments
Shravana Ashwini Couple shall separate
Dhanishta Bharani Unhappy Married life
Satabhisha Krittika Unhappy Married life
Purvabhadra Rohini Many sons
Uttarabhadra Mrigashira Widowhood
Revati Ardra Rancour between the couple