
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

About the Spouse - Planetary Combinations which give a description of to be Wife - In a Male Horoscope

As per Nadi system combinations of some planets with Venus, the Kalatra karaka, reveal about how the Wife will be like and her nature :

If Venus is with Sun in the male chart, his wife would be a respectable woman with dignity, hailing from a good house , having qualities of  accumulating wealth and forgiving nature. She might suffer from bile complaints. She will be an administrator, philanthropist, kind hearted and a social worker.

If Venus is with Moon , the wife will be hailing from a distant place, will be shimsical in nature with an interest in travelling and arts. She will lend her ears for hearsay, will be unsteady in mind and blameworthy. She will suffer from cold related problems besides undergoing misunderstandings with in-law's.

If Venus is with  Mars , the wife will be good at picking up quarrels with husband, yields to flattery, may suffer from cardiac problems. Is dominating in nature, she is very straight forward, at times Proud in nature not bending to anybody, hot tempered

If Venus is with Mercury , the wife will be Social, fun seeking and good at speech, with a capacity to overcome difficult situations, and will have a generous quality accusation and face troubles. Academic qualifications may not of treating everybody equally and yet she will be subjected to be to a marked degree but will be quite intelligent. In later stages she may develop some skin problems. Her husband will have business acumen.

If Venus is with Jupiter,  the wife will be Polite, Religious minded and pious with guiding qualities, she will enjoy a respectable status and will get honour for both side of the family. She may suffer due to obesity.

If Venus is with Saturn , the wife will be  lazy at times, but she will be inclined to take up some profession or other for earnings.

If Venus is with Rahu ,  This combination makes her very attractive and beautiful but secretive, sometimes liar and lazy too. She sums up money. Husband gains vehicles. She will have luxurious life with storied building to live in. Health may create some problem due to heat and gastric troubles.

If Venus is with Ketu, Divine contemplating person, interested in gathering money and wealth with charitable disposition at her will.

If Venus is with Sun and Moon , the wife will be a  respectable lady with a travelling interest

If Venus is with Sun and Mars  , the wife will be very fortunate , proud and stubborn and does not like to be instructed

If Venus is with Sun and Mercury , the wife will be Intelligent and good person bringing honour to both the families

If Venus is with Sun and Jupiter, the wife will  possess qualities to help settle others dispute with justice and efficiency. She is Bold and getting help from influenced persons. She may involve in social activities. Her children will have good fortune. She will have respectable marital home.

If Venus is with Sun and Saturn. the wife will be  with a respectable family background, where in her father must have faced hardships at her birth time. She may have problems in male progeny to surpass with divine grace.

If Venus is with Sun and Rahu , the Father of the wife must have overcome enemies and situations of endangering life. This woman is destined to enjoy more benefits at her marital home compared to her parental house. Unless some good planet influences from 5th sign there will be problems for male issue.

If Venus is with Sun and Ketu , the Father of the wife  must have had property litigations in her child hood. This combination does not assure a significant fortune. It would be just average.

If Venus is with Moon and Sun , the Father of the wife must have settled in some other place. She has a variable nature with an artistic bent of mind.

If Venus is with Moon and Mars , An intelligent woman who likes travelling, though artistic in nature at times becomes adamant; She will have troubles through elders in the family and even from her brother in law Her husband will have change of place and prospers through travelling. After selling a house property she buys another

If Venus is with Moon and Mercury , the wife will be Intelligent enough to grasp things quickly, with a social bent of mind, very active and gains knowledge in various artistic fields. She will have brothers and sisters. She will visit many holy places. She loves nature and treats guests fairly. One of her sister will be whimsical in nature. The fortune of the husband is greatly influenced by her good luck and he will gain assets and even gets compensate the losses if any suffered by him. Despite he will suspect her due to her smiling and social nature Persons helped by her will take advantage of her generosity and blame her at a later date making her a scapegoat

If Venus is with Moon and Jupiter, the wife will be a A respectable lady, enjoys food, will be yellow and red tint complexion. Hails from a good family background she was born at a holy place. She has the quality of respecting elders and treating guests fairly. She will have interest in performing divine deeds. She will enjoy wealth and fortune. Her influence will also greatly promote her husband's prosperity despite some change of place. She may suffer due to intestinal problems.

If Venus is with Moon and Saturn, the wife will be Fairly good looking lady with oily red colour, a good house wife at times expressing laziness, will suffer from cold related problems. After marriage the husband will have changes in career

If Venus is with Moon and Rahu, This is a very bad combination for wife. She is fair looking and will be interested in munching food. At time her innocent behaviour creates unhappy situations and her husband mistakes may even call for treatment. Her husband may not have fair her and rebuffs her causing mental disturbance to her which conjugal bliss and seeks outside pleasures. He would feel it is his karma to lead a married life with such problematic wife. The wife should not be allowed to wander in late evenings in lonely place; water bound areas as they are prone to catch evil spirits

 If Venus is with Moon and Ketu , the wife will be with a good fortune at birth place, she will develop intuitional powers and will incline towards self-realization and liberation. She might contemplate on renouncing the world. She might expressively pride and adamant and believes in over cleanliness by dipping in holy water or sacred baths for prosperity. She lacks confidence in her own doings causing repetitive efforts.

If Venus is with Mercury and Sun,  the wife is good natured , quite intelligent and respectable. After marriage influences husband's luck wherein he enjoys Land, property Etc,

If Venus is with Mercury and Moon,  By her good talks can attract anybody. She is very adjusting in nature, social. She will be inclined towards artistic talents. Persons helped by her will cheat her. She may suffer from tonsils. She may have more female issues. After marriage husband prospers with lands garden and other properties. Her sister or a friend may fall in love with her husband who will be craving for such relationships.

If Venus is with Mercury and Mars Though education is average she will have an ambition to continue her education as she is quite intelligent. Her nature will be good but little short tempered. She must have skipped a marriage alliance before this marriage.

If Venus is with Mercury and Jupiter , With an aptitude for talent and fairly good education, she pursuits having knowledge in varied fields. She has a quality to can be a guide or teacher with little success in intellectual respect learned, elders and intellectuals with an appreciable discretion powers. She is social in nature and will have a fairly good family life.

If Venus is with Mercury and Saturn , Quite intelligent & educated, she will be a commercial career oriented woman. She has good behaviour. Despite the fact that her husband prospers through her fortune, he brings to her dejection which will further be fuelled from her Mother in law.

If Venus is with Mercury and Rahu , Despite being intelligent she suffers due to fear complex.Her husband will be fortunate because of her luck. She can enjoy a luxury life. Her husband may face some hurdles due to enmity or for other reasons which will be solved due to the good fortune of wife.

If Venus is with Mercury and Ketu , Gifted with intuitional powers, inclined towards self-realisation, liberation and renunciation she suffers from nervous debility. She will be devoted to Lord Vishnu. She may have her name related to Goddess Saraswati. Her husband enjoys prosperity due to her fortune and will have gains through green lands agriculture etc.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Sun , Very fortunate with name and fame reserved for later part of life, she can be a guide. She enjoys rich food and luxurious life with accumulated jewellery etc., Luck bestowed at both, birth and marital places because of her. This fate is destined by her past karma. She may be bit yellowish in colour turning red cheeks when angry. She will have respects from social institutions. One of her male progeny will earn name and fame. He may suffer due to excess of heat and nervous debility.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Moon,  With a quality to respect elders she is also respectable. promotion, prosperity and gains further by distant travel She has inclinations to arts. After marrying her, husband gets ultimately the whole family enjoys prosperity.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Mars ,  Her husband will be stubborn in nature causing her problems, though she is good and fortunate. This would also result in unrest in family life and affect prosperity. If he modifies his nature things may change for better.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Mercury , She will be inclined towards divine contemplation, with fair looking and intelligent. Her husband is also intelligent, but will have affairs with female and neglects his wife. Even then her luck will influence him to gain in wealth and prosperity and good career.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Saturn , She is so fortunate to bring good name and to both her birth and marital place. She has the ability to teach and guide others with her knowledge and gets name and prosperity in her life.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Rahu ,  She will dominate her husband in family affairs. She will be inclined towards divinity. She brings luck to her husband after marriage that will make him enjoy prosperity and vehicular gains.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Ketu Very orthodox with good nature with charitable qualities and helping nature she is a fortunate lady at times losing her temper and behaving adamantly.

If Venus is with Saturn and Sun,  Duty minded, shall be career oriented, Father have overcome difficulty at her birth time.

If Venus is with Sarturn and Moon,  Work oriented, capricious in nature will be subjected to blames, she will have desires to travel extensively.

If Venus is with Saturn and Mars ,  Family life may have disruptions due to unrest, quarrels and rifts promoting unhappy situations, but her husband enjoys prosperity due to her luck only. There could be separation due to his career reasons.

If Venus is with Saturn and Mercury , The whole of her luck supports her husband who gets landed gains after marriage. He will have affairs with female during his course of career and can enjoy profits through commercial lines.

If Venus is with Saturn and Jupiter,  Being a career oriented woman, after marriage in later dates enjoys prosperity, name and fame.

If Venus is with Saturn and Rahu , A fair looking woman, might suffer due to problems in cardiac regions but transfer her huge luck to her husband who enjoys enormous wealth, house properties, vehicles etc., without much strain.

If Venus is with Saturn and Ketu , Though her husband survives because of she being fortunate, in the later dates after marriage when some litigation crops up she is subjected to blames by him for the sufferings and dejections in career

If Venus is with Rahu and Sun ,  Father of the native faced endangering situation, before her marriage and overcame the same at later years after her marriage due to her good luck with which the husband also enjoys influencing .

If Venus is with Rahu and Moon, In general this combination can be termed as fortunate have been endangering situations to mother before her as she is intelligent and brings luck to her husband. There could marriage. She may not have co-operation from mother in law even then she can handle the situation. However, she will not be escaped from getting blames. The person may suffer from cold related problems and rheumatism. The person is susceptible to suicidal tendencies at desperate times. Such natives must avoid loitering at night times, water bound places, lonely places to prevent from the spell of evil spirits, by which the person at times may become mentally disabled.

If Venus is with Rahu and Mars , with little fortune it may help husband to enjoy vehicular gains, but time and again, there would be arguments, disputes and quarrels in her family life by which the relation between husband and wife will be strained.

If Venus is with Rahu and Mercury,  Despite the fact that both husband and wife can live happily as her general luck would permit, due to peculiar behaviour of husband she will search for some other source for her pleasures and happiness and equally the husband will also have extra marital affairs.

If Venus is with Rahu and Jupiter, With an average luck during the marriage time, it will gradually improve at later years and promotes prosperity and development.

If Venus is with Rahu and Saturn, This combination totally in support of husband's for by which after marriage he sees through great prosperty was etc.

If Venus is with Rahu and Ketu ,  This combination occurs only when VEN is having Rahu in front of it in the same sign or in the next sign and if KET alone in 7th to Rah. In such cases the person is termed a fortunate except for the reason that some year later after marriage some major problems are to be faced and subsequently life moves with prosperity.

If Venus is with Ketu and Sun ,  She is inclined towards liberation, she respects elders and her luck will promote her husband leading to enjoy name fare prosperity and also from benefits from Government.

If Venus is with Ketu and Moon , Being a good housewife, she enjoys great fortune, visits holy places, and develops artistic interest and gain knowledge in tailoring stitching embroidery.

If Venus is with Ketu and Mars She may have obstructions in educational matters. This combination creates disharmony between husband and wife.

If Venus is with Ketu and Mercury ,Husband suffers disappointment and later on there will be land gains. He may get into extra martial affairs. She will overcome some disputes regarding property but later on gains it.

If Venu is with Ketu and Jupiter , She will be Inclined towards divinity, liberation, with average fortune, having her hands fortune aspect she can take up career as a teacher or in some medical field.

If Venus is with Ketu and Saturn After marriage will have to face some critical situations and later on situation improve.

If Venus is with Ketu and Rahu ,  This combination is similar to the one earlier stated in the case of Ven, Rah, Ket. This combination does not permit her to enjoy family life. Some years later after marriage, she will have extreme nervous debility, major ill health problems. This is not a combination for happy life.

If Venus is with Sun and Moon ,She will be capricious and cunning by nature. But she will be a fortunate lady.

If Venus is with Sun and Mars ,She will be generally good natured. She will be courageous. She will be egoistic and proud. There will be ruptures in the family life. She needs philosophical guidance.

If Venus is with Sun and Mercury ,She is generally an intelligent native. She will have good education

If Venus is with Sun and Jupiter, She hails from reputed family back ground and will be fortunate with the qualities of a guide. She will have people to receive her command and will be at her service at any time.

If Venus is with Sun and Saturn, the wife hails from a good family background and she is quite fortunate. She is in general a good lady but she may not be obedient to her husband. She has the capacity to compete the work unfinished by her husband.

If Venus is with Sun and Rahu , the wife  hails from a good family. Husband may not get happiness from her and he cannot express his pride before her.

If Venus is with Sun and Ketu , the wife will be a miser with fair discretional powers. She will have inclination towards renunciation and will have least interest in sex.