
Friday, March 19, 2021

The Third House - Vikrama Sthana or the house of Siblings

This house stands for short journeys , upper part of lungs , courage , younger siblings, arms and shoulders , right ear , lower neck , communications , writing ,  and drama, music and dance .

This house represents separation/expenditure/loss for the mother as it is the twelfth from the fourth house. If the third house the fifth is the second from the fourth and therefore it is the house gets linked to the fifth, the mother may face outgo of wealth as of accumulated wealth of the mother. Here Jupiter and Saturn will play a role. It is the house of success and income for the eldest child of the individual, being the eleventh from the fifth house. Here Jupiter will play a role. It is the house of religion, higher studies, good fortune and long journeys for the spouse of the individual since it is the ninth house from the seventh. Here Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu will play a role. It is the house of business and partnership for the father of the individual being the seventh from the ninth. Here Mercury and Venus will play a role. It represents the children of the eldest sibling of the individual since it is the fifth house from the eleventh. Here Jupiter will play a role. It is the house of profession and high status for the maternal uncle of the individual. Here Saturn and the Sun will play a role. The third house represents neighbours of the individual as Gopal Ratnakar says that younger siblings should be considered from the third house and the elder from the eleventh. It is said to be a house of longevity since it is the eighth house from the eighth .

It is the sixth house from the tenth and could cause obstructions and trouble in the affairs of the tenth house.

The affairs represented by this house are exalted in the twelth house. 

This is an upachaya house and therefore also stands for growth

The individual will have good results relating to the house according to Brihar Parashar Hora  Shastram if it is occupied by or it receives aspect from a naturally benefic planet.

He will be happy with his younger siblings if the owner of the third house and Mars are either placed in the house or they project aspects to it. 

When the owner of the house and Mars are either placed in signs of naturally malefic planets or are associated with such planets the younger siblings of the Individual may not survive or there may be much unhappiness on their account.

If the Moon or Venus owns the house or if they occupy it the individual will have sisters and he will be happy with his sisters.'

In case this is so with male planets viz., the Sun, Mars or Jupiter, will have brothers and he will be happy with his younger brothers.

When both male and female planets influence the house he will have both brothers and sisters.

When Mars, the karaka for younger siblings, and the owner of the house are both placed in the eighth house and are under influence of a naturally malefic planet, the younger siblings will be  destroyed. 

When the owner and karaka are placed in angles, triangles or are in their signs of exaltation or friendly signs, the individual will get happiness from his younger siblings. We can say the same if these two planets occupy their own or friendly vargas .

The younger siblings will prosper if the owner of the house, karaka or the house itself is associated with a naturally beneficial planet or it projects an aspect to the owner, karaka or the house respectively.

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra says that when the Sun occupies the third house the individual is unlikely to have elder siblings. Saturn in such a position will ensure that the individual does not have younger siblings, and, when Mars occupies the third house he will not have any siblings, whether elder or younger.

Manasagari amends this. It says that when the Sun occupies the third house the individual is unlikely to have elder siblings, when Mars or Saturn is in the house he will not have younger siblings and when Rahu occupies the house he will neither have elder siblings nor younger.

Satya Jatakam says that when the owner of the third house is friendly to the owner of the ascendant and it occupies a triangular house from the ascendant or from the owner of the ascendant the individual will have cordial relations with his siblings. In practice, when the two owners are not inimical to each other nor are they placed in adverse houses from each other, the relations between the  two would be cordial.

Jatakatatvam says that when the third house is under influence of naturally beneficial planets, has a naturally malefic planet placed in it, its owner is powerful or it occupies an angle or a triangle, the
individual will be courageous.

When a naturally beneficial planet occupies the third house,   or the owner of the house is exalted or is placed in a friendly sign, the individual according to Sarwagya Bhooshanam, a little known treatise used in Andhra, will be courageous and of a stable mind.

Satya Jatakam says that the individual will be notorious and nobody will have a good word for him if the owner of the third house occupies the ascendant under influence of a naturally malefic planet.

Again, Satya Jatakam says that the owner of the third house in a movable sign in the seventh would ensure that the sibling of the individual would live at a distant place. The question of determination of number of siblings has been best settled by Jatakaparijatam. Having determined if the individual is
likely to have siblings at all, Jatakaparijatam says that the number of strong planets that occupy the third house or associate with or project aspects to the owner of the house, its karaka or the house would be the number of siblings. This is the most practical method and gives good results. This method is universally applicable. It can be as efficiently applied to the case of determination of number of children or other relatives as well. There are however other methods also that are being given below.
that of the younger siblings.

Vaidyanath says in Jatakaparijatam that the number of planets in the the eleventh and twelfth houses would be the number of elder siblings and the number of planets in the second and third that of the younger siblings .

Bhavartha Chandrika has given a unique way to determine the number of elder and younger siblings. We should first determine the strongest planet among Mars and the owner and occupant of the third house. The number of dwadasamsas it has traversed in  the sign that it occupies would indicate the number of siblings the individual should have. 

Satya Jatakam has given another method to determine the number of siblings. It says that we should first determine the cusp of the third house. We should then see as to how many navamsas the cusp has crossed. The number of crossed navamshas will be the number of siblings.  This is applicable to the fifth house also for determination of number of children.