
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fourth House - The House of Mother,Education and Vehicles

This house stands for the heart , chest, lower half of the lungs , breasts , common masses , mind , mother , home , immovable property ,education , happiness , upper part of the liver, vehicle , agriculture , discomfort , and riots . 

This house signifies separation/expenditure/loss to the children of the individual as it is the twelfth from the fifth house. This is the house of success and income for the rivals of the individual being the eleventh from the sixth house. Mars and Jupiter will also play a role. It is the house of high position and authority for the spouse of the individual being the tenth from the seventh. Jupiter (for husband) or Venus (for wife) and the Sun will also play a role. This is the house of trouble and danger for the father of the individual being the eighth from the ninth. Saturn or Mars will also play a role. This is the house of disease, surgery, accident, debt, obstacles etc. for the elder sibling of the individual. Mars or Saturn will also play a role.

This is a Kendra.

The house will yield favourable results when a naturally beneficial planet influences it. Influence of a naturally malefic planet on the house will disturb the affairs of the house and cause setback to them. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram says that the individual will have a comfortable home if the owner of the ascendant or the fourth house is placed in the house and has the aspect of a naturally beneficial planet. It also says that if the owner of the fourth house is placed in its own sign, in exaltation or in its own navamsha the individual will be happy with his lands, conveyances, houses and musical instruments 

Bhavartha Ratnakara says that a combination of the owners of the fourth and ninth houses in the ascendant would ensure a luxurious life for the individual. The association of the owner of the
fourth house and Jupiter in an angle or trine will also have the same effect 

According to Sarvagya Bhooshana there may be slur on the name of the mother of the individual if Rahu or a naturally malefic planet is associated with the owner of the fourth house. The individual will have respect from the government and public when the owner of the fourth house is under close influence of the owner of the ninth house or Jupiter 

Jatakaparijata says that if the owner of the fourth house, Mercury and Jupiter are placed in the third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses, or they are debilitated, the individual will not have education. The
mother of the individual will keep poor health if the third and fifth houses have naturally malefic planets and the owner of the fourth house is debilitated or in an inimical sign. The individual will be of
good conduct when Mercury projects an aspect to the fourth house or the house is flanked by naturally beneficial planets. The individual stays abroad or lives in somebody else's house if the owner of the
fourth house occupies the twelfth. 

Jatakalankaram says that the individual will be honoured by the government when the owner of the fourth house occupies the ascendant under aspect of Jupiter. He will have many vehicles when the owner of the fourth house is in the eleventh under aspect of Jupiter.

Satya Jatakam says that a planet placed in a sign, constellation or navamsha of a naturally beneficial planet, associated with it, under its aspect or flanked by two such beneficial planets is considered to be in shubha (auspicious) yoga. If it is so with respect to naturally malefic planets, it would be in ashubha (inauspicious) yoga, and when it is with both, it would be in mishrit (mixed) yoga. When the owner of the fourth house is placed in the ascendant in shubha yoga the individual will be wealthy and powerful. 

He will have good food, much property, vehicles and will be happy when the owner in shubha yoga occupies the second house. The results will be adverse when the yoga is inauspicious. He will have some land and property, may have differences with his step brother and may sell his house when the owner is placed in the third house in shubha yoga. He will be very rich when so placed in the fourth
house. In the fifth house in shubha yoga his mother and children will be rich. The mother will be of good character and the children will hold high positions. The uncle of the individual will be a high
dignitary when the owner of the fourth house is placed in the sixth house in shubha yoga but this is not good for the morals or health of his mother 

Jatakatatva says that the mother of the individual will pass away early in his life if Saturn occupies the fourth house under influence of a naturally malefic planet. If Saturn is under the influence of naturally beneficial planet the mother will not die so early. The individual will have very affectionate relations with his mother when the owner of the ascendant is friendly with the owner of the fourth house and both the planets are under influence of naturally beneficial planets.

The owner of the fourth house under influence of Jupiter will make the individual happy.