
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Ascendant/Lagna - The Start of Life

Life begins with the Ascendant . It is this house that was forming when the individual was born. Therefore this house stands for birth, infancy and the beginning. The Moon corresponds to these characteristics of the house. Hence when Saturn influences the ascendant and the Moon the child is likely to face serious health crisis in his infancy. 

This house represents the human body , head , birth place  and hair . Astrologers of the past analysed this house to tell of persons present and the surroundings at the time of birth This is not a favourable house for the sixth, as it is the eighth from it. Since the sixth house represents maternal uncle of an individual, this house would harm the concerned relative. This is also therefore an adverse house for the  competitors of the individual.

This is not a favourable house for the eighth since it is the sixth from it. When the body gets diseased and troubled in various ways it shows a threat to the longevity of the individual. This house is also not good for the wealth of an individual as it is the twelfth from the second. This house stands for success in matters represented by the third house as it is the eleventh from it. 

The significations of the fourth house get exalted through the first house. The first house is the tenth from the fourth. The first house in relation with the fifth generates an extraordinary love for one's children if the two houses are inclined to be friendly with each other.

There would be much attachment with one's grandchildren when the first is related to the ninth house in a friendly manner. The signs and planets in the first house are of importance as they govern the appearance of an individual

Our classics give many important yogas  that relate to the ascendant. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra has dealt with such combinations in detail in the chapter on the ascendant. It says that the individual will maintain good health when the ascendant has in it or is under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet

The individual will be long lived, wealthy, and well known and he will keep good health and have comforts when the owner of the ascendant; or, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter is in an angle or in a
triangular house from the ascendant. A naturally beneficial planet associating with the owner of the ascendant in one of these houses would give even better results.

The association of the Moon with any of these naturally beneficial planets in any of the four angles will make the individual fortunate and prosperous.

The owner of the ascendant in a movable sign under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet will also ensure comforts, renown and wealth to the individual. Similarly, a naturally beneficial planet in
the ascendant or its aspect to it would ensure comforts and good health. Such a beneficial planet in the ascendant would also impart a pleasant appearance to the individual. An individual will be happy
in his middle age according to Varah Mihir in Chapter on Miscellaneous Planetary Combinations of Brihajjatakam when the owner of the Moon sign occupies an angular house. Varah Mihir says in the same chapter that when the ascendant or the Moon is in vargottama navamsha the individual will be happy and prosperous throughout his life.

On the contrary, the individual will not have good health or comforts when the owner of the ascendant is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house; or it is associated with a naturally malefic planet. The individual will keep poor health when the owner of the ascendant is either debilitated, placed in an inimical sign or it is combust.

The health of the individual will remain unsatisfactory according to Sarvarth Chintamani when the owner of the sign that the owner of the ascendant occupies is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth
house. The health of the individual will remain indifferent when the ascendant is occupied by or under aspect of a naturally malefic planet without any aspect of a naturally beneficial planet. The Moon too under similar influence would indicate poor health
A naturally malefic planet in the ascendant would also make the individual poor to look at.

A naturally beneficial planet in the ascendant would make the personality of the individual attractive. Others would like to go upto him and be with him. On the contrary, a naturally malefic planet so placed would make the individual appear uninviting and standoffish.

According to Varah Mihira in Chapter on Evils in his  Brihajjatakam an individual with:
1.Jupiter in the ascendant and Saturn in the seventh house will suffer from gout, rheumatism, or other windy complaints; 
2.Jupiter in the ascendant and Mars in the seventh house will turn insane; 
3.Saturn in the ascendant and Mars in the fifth, seventh, or ninth house will be an idiot: 
4.Saturn and the Moon in the twelfth house from the ascendant will be an idiot; Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius in the ascendant under aspect from a naturally malefic planet will turn bald;
5.Cancer, first 20° of Scorpio, first 10° of Capricorn or the last 10° of Pisces in the ascendant under aspect or occupation of naturally malefic planet will be under restraint. 
6.When the ascendant is within stipulated degrees of Cancer, Capricorn or Pisces, the individual will be kept under restraint in a building; when in Scorpio, he will be kept in a subterranean cell. 

According to Varah Mihira in Chapter on Female Horoscopy of Brihajjatakam when:

A sign of Venus in a female chart rises in the ascendant which is in Aquarius navamsha or Venus is in a navamsha of Saturn and vice-versa and these two planets aspect each other, the individual will have lesbian inclination.

A sign of Mars or Saturn rises with afflicted Moon and Venus the female individual and her mother would both be promiscuous

The ascendant and the Moon both indicate infancy. When the Moon and ascendant have influence of naturally malefic planets, life in infancy is jeopardised. There is a large number of combinations that suggest the possibility of very early demise of an infant. Saravali has listed such combinations in fair number with subtle variations, but the basic principle remains. A debilitated, waning or badly placed Moon under adverse influence in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house and the ascendant under aspect of or associated with a naturally malefic planet would point to an early demise of the infant. If in addition,
the owner of the ascendant is also placed similar to the Moon the possibility of the infant passing away very close to the day of his birth would become very strong.

It has also been stated that when the owners of the Moon sign and ascendant are together in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house in a combust state the child would die in the number of years that is indicated by the sign. For example, in case these two planets are in Cancer in the birth chart, the sign being fourth in the order of signs, the child would die in the fourth year. Almost all the classics talk of the Adhi yoga that is formed by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupying the sixth, seventh and eighth houses from the ascendant or the Moon. Such an individual is long lived and prosperous, he holds a high position, is indomitable and keeps very good health. Varah Mihira in Brihajatakam has described this combination in Chapter on Lunar Combinations. 

Sarvartha Chintamani has given combinations for obesity and emaciation of the physique. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are watery signs. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. When a non-watery planet is in the ascendant that has a non-watery sign the individual will be slim. More than one naturally malefic planet in the ascendant that has a non-watery sign will also make the individual slim. The owner of the ascendant associated with a non-watery planet or
placed in a non-watery sign will make the individual slim. 

The individual will tend to put on weight in case the ascendant has a watery sign and it is occupied with a naturally beneficial planet . When the owner of the ascendant is a watery planet and is associated with a naturally benefic planet the individual becomes over weight. Even when the owner of the ascendant is not a watery planet but is placed in a watery sign and is associated with a naturally benefic planet, 
will turn obese, The Individual could be obese if Jupiter occupies or projects an aspect to the ascendant. If at the same time the ascendant has a watery sign the condition would be much aggravated. Even a naturally beneficial planet in the ascendant under aspect of another naturally beneficial planet would turn the individual fat.

According to that Parasara Hora Shastram an individual with the owner of the ascendant in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house associated with a naturally malefic planet will not have physical felicity Jatakalankaram also supports this statement 

The Individual will have poor health when the owner of the ascendant is combust, debilitated, or in an inimical sign.

The owner of the ascendant with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in an angle or trine will make the individual long lived, wise, wealthy and powerful Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that the individual will have
physical felicity when the owner of the ascendant is in its own navamsha and it is associated with or under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet

If a naturally beneficial planet is placed in an angle or trine, the individual will remain free of disease.
A naturally beneficial planet placed in the ascendant or projecting an aspect to it will ensure physical felicity to the individual. 

A naturally malefic planet occupying the ascendant or projecting an aspect to it without any redeeming aspect by a naturally beneficial planet will deprive the individual of physical felicity.
A naturally malefic planet in the ascendant will make the individual ugly. A naturally beneficial planet so placed will make him handsome.

Sarvartha Chintamani says that a movable sign in the ascendant or in the navamsha of the ascendant, the owner of the ascendant being a fast moving planet or ascendant receiving the aspect of a fast moving planet will keep the individual constantly moving in life. Phaladeepika extends this effect to the owner of the ascendant too. Placed in its own sign, the owner will retain the individual at his place of birth; placed in a movable sign the individual will never remain at one place; and placed in a fixed sign he will remain at one place for life. The owner in a common sign will keep the individual at one place for a while and then he will move on. 

Phaladeepika says that when the owner of the ascendant is with a powerful planet the individual will receive help and support from powerful persons in his life. If, on the other hand, the owner of the ascendant associated with a weak or debilitated planet will bring the individual in contact with only persons of common or poor status.

Jatakatatva says that the individual will be lean when Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, or Sagittarius rises and the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupies the ascendant. The same effect would be seen if the owner of the ascendant is placed in one of these signs or it is associated with one of these planets.

Jatakatatva says that the individual would be corpulent when Jupiter occupies the ascendant or projects an aspect to it.

The owner of the ascendant in Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio will produce a tall person. On the other hand the individual will be short if the owner is placed in Aries, Taurus, Aquarius or Pisces. 

Jatakatatva says that an individual will be deceitful if (1) Mars and Mercury associate, (ii) Mercury is placed in Aries, (iii) Mars occupies the third house without association or aspect of a naturally beneficial planet, (iv) the owner of the fourth or the ninth house is in the sixth, or (v) the fourth house has a naturally malefic planet or such a planet projects an aspect to the house. It is necessary to
have the fourth house without any blemish if the individual has to be sincere and straightforward. The owner of the ascendant in the fourth house associated with or under aspect of a naturally beneficial
planet would produce a straightforward person. Venus in its own sign, in exaltation or debilitation in the birth chart, in its own navamsha, in Gemini, in the first half of Leo, in the seventh house, or associated with Mars shall make the individual highly desirous of carnal pleasures. We will discuss the effect of planets in each sign in the first house. The location of a planet shall not be taken in Bhava chart

A planet gives results of location in a house taken from the ascendant in its major period or in the major period of a planet that is in contact with this planet. It also gives results of its location in a house taken from the location of a major period planet in its sub period in that major period. Thus, Mars in Gemini would give results of the third house if the ascendant is in Aries in its major period, but in the major period of the Sun in Leo its results in its sub period would also appear to be of Mars in the eleventh house.

This is true for any level of periods. Taking Mars as the inter-period planet in Gemini in the sub-period of Saturn in Libra in the major period of the Sun in Leo, we will analyse the effect of Mars in the
ninth house (from Saturn).

A planet does not give results merely according to the degree that it is occupying in a sign and according to its karakatwa (signification). It is noticed that generally a planet gets swayed by the influence of other planets with which it is related and produces results according to this kind of impact. In each chart a planet also interacts with other planets and produces many other different results,

Varah Mihira has said in Chapter Seventeen of Brihajjatakam that results mentioned for a planet in a sign will come to pass fully if the sign containing the planet, the owner of the sign and the concerned planet are all powerful. This means that none of the three is afflicted in any manner by naturally malefic planets. These three should also be associated with or under aspect of naturally beneficial planets. The results would appear in proportion to the strength of the three elements. If not even a single element is
strong, results are unlikely to be seen.