
Monday, November 22, 2021

Rasi Phala and Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 23.11.2021

Above is the Nakshatra Pada Wise Tara Bala and Chandra Bala chart for tomorrow,  23.11.2021, Tuesday.

There are no sumuhurtas for tomorrow. Not a good day to start anything new. 

Tomorrow is 'Ganadhipa Sankashtahara Chaturdhi'. Praying to Lord Ganesha is very good tomorrow. You can chant 'Om Gum Ganapataye Namah' as many times as possible. 

Adjacent is the chart for tomorrow ,23.11.2021 at 6:00 am. Jupiter changed from his debilitation sign Makara to Kumbha on the 20th and is at 0 deg 15 mins. This makes the time inauspicious for any important activity to be initiated. 

People having moon signs in Tula have to take care of their mother's health. Makara, Kumbha People should take care of their own health. Midhuna people have to avoid travel  . 

People with moon sign in Vrischika should avoid arguments with their wife and also avoid any speculative activity. Vrischika people should also avoid long distance travels. They may have unexpected visits from friends and also unexpeeted gains.

People with moon sign in Dhanu rasi should take care of their diet. There may be difference of opinions with partners/spouse. Income and expenses will be equal and high. There will be success in all undertakings.There may be troubles in short distance travels.

People with moon sign in Makara should take care of their health and also be conscious of their diet. They should take care not to offend any one with what they speak. Should be carefull of their valuables. Should take care of their children's health. Reward will be more than their effort. 

 People with moon sign in Kumbha should control their anger. They should not loose confidence. Should not undertake long distance travels. More efforts and less reward. There will be cordial relation with spouse and partners. There will be good news from foreign sources. 

People with Moon Sign in Meena should avoid travels. Should take care while walking. Any Symptoms of sickness to the left eye or legs should not be ignored. There will be more reward for the efforts put in. Expenses will be under control.You will spend on charitable actiivties. There will be happiness from friends. Rash driving should be avoided.

People with Moon sign in Mesha Should be careful of your valubles. Should take care of diet. Do not  over eat.  There might be difference of opinion with father. There may not be recognition to the efforts put in. Friends may cause trouble.Spouse may be aggressive. There will be success in undertakings.

People with Moon sign in Vrishabha Should avoid being overconfident and arrogant. Should take care their health and avoid travel. Do not talk bad about Techers and Gurus. There may be much delays in undertakings. There may not be success.

People with Moon sign in Midhuna luck is not favouring. should take care of health. Father may oppose you. There will be recognition and happiness from brothers and friends. Control anger. Spouse may differ. 

People with Moon Sign in Karkataka Should take care of health and avoid travel. There will be trouble at home.  Health of spouse will be not good. There will be success in undertakings but reward will be less than the efforts put in .

People with Moon Sign in Simha partners may trouble. Spouse may suffer ill health.  Anger should be controlled. Children's health may suffer. There might be delays effecting undertakings. Not much rewarding day. Expenses might be high.

People with Moon Sign in Kanya Luck is not favouring. There might be trouble with partners and spouse. Income and expenses will be equally high. Good News from foreign lands. There might be long distance travels.