
Sunday, November 21, 2021


Among all the constellations, Pushya is the most powerful & is referred as the king of the constellations. It removes Doshas caused by the Moon, Tara, Yoga, Tithi, planets and various malefic Yogas. It is a highly benefic asterism among all the 28 asterisms and is the most suitable for almost all types of elections.

According to Jyotir Vidabharanam (2/29 & 30): like sea full of gems increases wealth of the natives on the earth, all the works started in Pushya are successfully completed & desires of the aspirants are fulfilled, even in
Kaliyuga - the worst Yuga. This constellation is extremely beneficial even in Kaliyuga, then what to mention of other Yugas. Even presence of lot many Doshas causing maleficence are removed in the elections when work is started during the currency of Pushya. 

It forms number of benefic Yogas when coincides with weekdays except on Friday, when the combination produces “Utapata Yoga" which is prohibited for all elections. 

With Thursday, Monday & Sunday it produces “Sarvarth Siddha” Yoga an extremely auspicious Yoga. When combined with Sunday it is suitable for elections related to “Yantra- Mantra-Tantra Siddhi' & usage of medicines.

When concurrent on Thursday, Yoga formed is called “Guru-Pushya”, a very effective & powerful Yoga highly beneficial for trade elections. But it is strictly prohibited for marriage; as the combination has curse of Lord Brahma. 

According to Jyotish Tattwa, even when Pushya is afflicted (Vedhita) by a malefic planet, conjoins a malefic, & in presence of  malefic Tara; it is capable of bestowing complete success (Abhishta Siddhi) in all undertakings, except in marriage. Muhurta Ganapati agrees with this. Even when the Moon is unfavourable in transit, but occupies Pushya, she is capable of bestowing Siddhi due to inherent strength of Pushya constellation.

Narada Samhitha (6/56-57) cautions: Pushya Nakshatra is capable to eliminate all the Doshas related to travel. But if Pushya itself is engulfed in special Doshas, then other (benefic) Yogas are not capable to remove the afflictions. However, if Pushya has strength then, Doshas like malefic conjoining the Moon & the Moon in 8th house of election chart are eliminated; and Pushya is efficacious in producing auspicious results & fruition of desires.

When Pushya falls in lunar month of Jyeshta, it gives average result; as it becomes Maas-Shunya Nakshatra. When 9th Tithi, Thursday & Pushya are concurrent, “Vish Yoga” is formed, making the epoch as unsuitable.