
Friday, November 26, 2021

Transits of Jupiter over natal Planets

Jupiter is the most benevolent and the biggest planet of the Solar System.  Jupiter takes roughly an year to transit each sign. He takes 12 years to completely traverse all the 12 signs.  In the course of his transit, Jupiter transits over all  the natal planets in one's horoscope chart.  Given herein are the effects of transit of Jupiter over each natal planet. The effects stated here  under are more prominent when Jupiter transits within 5  degrees orbit of the natal position of each planet. 

Jupiter over Natal Sun : 

The native will have professional progress. The native will be inclined to visit temples of prominence and will perform religious rituals, homas and yagas during this transit. The native will get an opportunity to meet religious leaders, ministers and high ranking officials. 

During this transit of Jupiter over natal Sun, the native's father will prosper, will get support from noble persons. The native's father may also meet gurus and religious guides and may be guided towards religious/spiritual and success

Also, during this time of transit of Jupiter over the native's Natal Sun the son of the native will do well in education, will get good guidance from well wishers. 

Jupiter over Natal Moon :

The native might be blemished by enemies. He may contemplate changing of residence. The native may get involved with a person of opposite sex. This transit may result in the native getting a girl child. The native  may suffer from persistent cold and cough 

During this transit of Jupiter over natal Moon , the native's mother may become more devotional/spiritual . She might be attending more religious events. She might put on weight and face fat related issues. She will be prosperous.

Jupiter's transit over natal moon will be beneficial for the native's daughter. She will progress well in edducation. If in a Job she will earn more income and be prosperous. She might also get married during this transit. 

Jupiter over Natal Mars : Transit of Jupiter over natal Mars makes the native aggressive and hasty. He may become stubborn. He may try to show off his power over others. He will be inclined to take up construction activity. He may suffer from blood pressure. He will be more inclined towards technical activities.

During the transit of Jupiter over natal Mars, the native's brothers will do well. One or more brothers will do very well in education. They will also be prosperous and will be well known in the society.

For Female natives transit of Jupiter over natal Mars may result in marraige. Husband may get promotion. He may also have success in education.

Jupiter over Natal Mercury :  Transit of Jupiter over natal Mercury will give success in education to the native. The native will be inclined to acquire new knowledge. He will have professional training , will attend seminars and discourses. The native will be successful in interviews . The native may come in contact with a female friend.  

During the transit of Jupiter over Natal Mercury, younger siblings of the native will also get good education and learning. They will be prosperous and have good career progress. They will do good in their business.

Jupiter over Natal Jupiter : During this transit of Jupiter over his own natal position, the native will be more self confident. He will be more inclined on self development. The native may get a male child.

Jupiter on Natal Venus : The native will aquire items of luxury. He will get financial support. The native may also get married during this period. He may also get a female child during this transit. There will be celebrations at home. 

Female Natives during this transit will have good achievements in education. They will be prosper.

Jupiter on Natal Saturn : During this transit the native will get employment or promotion. There will be professional  prosperity. He will do good deeds.

For Female natives this transit may result in ill health.

Jupiter on Natal Rahu : During the transit the native may be under illusions. He will be in troubles. There may be diseases. If the Natal Rahu is connected with natal Jupiter then the disease will be of serious nature. 

For Female natives, the transit may lead to problems with progeny and hysteria

Jupiter on Natal Ketu :  This transit may increase interest in occult and spiritual matters. The native may also experience dejection and depression. The native may have Joint pains.