
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes , Tara and Chandra Bala for tomorrow 03.12.2021


Above is the Tara and Chandra Bala Referencer for tomorrow 03.12.2021. Tomorrow is Kartika Krishna Chaturdasi. Travel and initiating any new work should be avoided on this tithi. Not good for any manglik works or hair grooming.  

Till 08:27 in the morning moon transits through Tula/Libra and later in Vrischika/Scorpio. After 08:27 it is chandrashtama for Mesha/Aries people. These people should avoid initiating any new activity and travel. 

Rasi Phala:

Mesha/Aries :  Take care of your diet. You will be confident. All tasks on hand will be completed succssfully. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. There will be troubles with friends. You will be able to repay old debts. Service conditions will be good. Avoid travel and initiating any new activity. Take care of father's health. Luck is not favouring.

Vrishabha/Taurus: Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. There may be  problems related to digestion. Children will bring in happiness. You will have good following. You will be able to find solution to tricky issues. Do not speculate. You will have to work hard to get results. There will be success in education. 

Midhuna/Gemini: Take care of your father's health. Rewards will be more compared to your efforts. There will be happiness and success. You may suffer from sleeplessness. Avoid conflict with spouse. Luck is not favouring. Take care of your valuable possessions. Avoid speaking bad about gods and gurus.

Karkataka/Cancer :  Take care of your health. Do not speculate. Avoid conflict with lowly people of opposite sex. You will be disappointed with your children's progress. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. Short distance travels will bring in good results. There will be good news through communications. Younger brothers will do good and be supportive to you. Avoid being emotional. 

Simha/Leo: Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Foreign contracts will give losses. You may suffer from indigestion. You will receive amounts due to you. There will be increase in wealth. Control anger . Children's progress will not be satisfactory. Health will be good. Do not speculate. 

Kanya/Virgo :  Health will be good. You will be confident. Rewards will be more compared to efforts. Take care of your diet. You may suffer from indigestion.  Some of your works get delayed. There will be happiness from friends. Expenses will be high. There will be indecisiveness.

Tula/Libra: Control your anger and emotions. Children's progress will be disappointing. There will be happiness. Income will be good. Rewards will be more compared to efforts. Take care of your health. Luck is not supporting. Health will be good.  Relations with mother will improve.

Vrischika/Scorpio : There will be success and happiness. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. You will receive favours from Government. Take care of your mother's health. Control your anger and emotions. There will be trouble from vehicles. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius : Luck is favouring you. There will be success in undertakings. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. There will be happiness from friends. Money due to you will be received after much efforts. Father will oppose you. You may suffer from insomnia. There will be loss of position and humiliation. 

Makara/Capricorn: Money due to you will be received after much efforts. Take care of your diet. Think before you talk. Income will be good. Luck is favouring you. There will be income through friends. There will be happiness at home. Health will be fine. Control your emotions.

Kumbha/Aquarius : Take care of your health. Control anger and emotions. Children will be a source of trouble. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. You will have spiritual thoughts. 

Meena/Pisces : You will have good income. Friends will be a source of happiness. You will suffer from insomnia. Control your emotions. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. Wealth will increase. Some of your works will get delayed. Take care of your mother's health.