
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Sun in the 2nd House


Let us now see the results of the Sun placed in the second bhava. In the second bhava, Sun will be in the 12th to the 3 rd house which happens to belong to co borns. This placement indicates hospitalisation expenses incurred by the native for his co borns ,as Sun is the significator of health. This placement also shows the penalties,fines and punishments levied on the co borns of the native , as Sun also denotes authorities and Government. Sun as we know is also the significator of Father and being in the 12th house to the 3rd, indicates the distance/differences between the co borns and the native's father. 

This placement of Sun in the 2nd house which is the 12 th bhava of Vyaya indicates the expenditure made by the native on communication and communication devices. The native may be spending much on Mobile phones and other communication devices. His mobile bill will be quite high due to this placement of Sun. 
If other factors support, the native may also be spending on publishing news bulletins and books.

Sun in the second bhava will be in the 11th to the fourth house indicating that the native will be benefitted from the housing schemes of the Government.
This placement of Sun also indicates benefits from the father as Sun representing father is positioned in the eleventh house from the house of the native's happiness.
The native may also get educational support from the Government by way of scholarships or seats in education institutions in the Government quota etc.

Sun in the 2nd house will be in the 10th house from the 5th house of children indicating that the profession of  children will be related to or in the Government service. They might be employed as Doctors, Pharmacalogists etc . They may work even after their retirement they might be deputed in assignments with this placement of Sun.

Sun in the second bhava will be in the 9th bhava to the 6th house of maternal Uncle and indicates their prosperity/luck. The native's uncle too would be benefitted from the Government. directly or indirectly.

Sixth bhava also indicates the happiness of the youngest co born and sun in the 9th house to the sixth bhava indicates that the youngest brother also would be benefitted from the Government.