
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Sun in the First House

Sun in the first house happens to be posited in the 12th house from the 2nd house representing losses, expenditure, hospitalisation. As Sun represents father, Government Sun posited in the first house results in payment of fines, penalties to the Government, losses in Government contracts, imprisonment , hospitalisation expenditure of father or losses incurred by father. The native's father may not accumulate wealth and end up spending all the hereditary wealth thereby making the native lose wealth on that account. The native should be careful while dealing with Government officials. If there are modifying influences like Sun being in exaltation or in own, friendly sign or has the aspect of a natural beneficial planet like Jupiter ,then the the position of Sun in the ascendant may be more beneficial.

Sun in the first house will be the 11th house from the 3rd house which represents the co borns. They will be benefitted by this position of Sun in the native's chart. Father of the native will be more helpful to the co borns of the native. The Co borns of the native will be benefitted by doing Government contracts, may get good government jobs and other wise.

Sun in the First house of the native may give him a good position to him in the Government which may involve adventure. The native may be in Police,Security or defence serices or the like and may shine.

Sun in the first house of the native will be in the 10th house from the 4th house of making the native's mother to have any professional assignments in the Government.

This placement of Sun in the 4th house may also make the native work in the sphere of vehicles, underground resources like like the department of water survey, mines and archeology etc.    

Sun in the first house will be in the ninth house from the 5th house which may result in the children of the native will be in a good position in the society, the native will having blessings of his father always. The native will be benefitted through spiritual organisations and may be entrusted the task of propagating subjects of higher knowledge. The native may also be benefitted from insurance. 

Sun in the first house may make the native get unexpected prosperity from the Government by even obtaining job on compassionate grounds due to death of father as observed in many cases.

Sun in the first house will be in the represents that the maternal uncle of the native would not have had the support of his father for a long time or the he may not have had received his due from the Government as Sun will be in the 8th from the 6th house. 

This position of Sun in the first house may also make the native die for the cause of the Government. 

Sun in the first house makes the native of very commanding nature. The life partner will be benefitted by Government patronage by way of employment,scholarships or awards etc due to this placement of Sun in the first house.