
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Remedies for Saturn

Remedies to nullify Saturn’s ill effects are crucial since its impact is profound, long-lasting, and malefic in nature. It is a slow-moving celestial body and stays in one sign for as long as 2.5 years.

Its presence can be both malefic and benefic depending upon its placement in a house. It is the karaka of difficulties, death, intestinal illnesses, theft but it also governs life, wealth, property, children, and legal matters.

If favorable, it can work wonders for the native. People under the benefic influence of Saturn are usually scholarly with great articulation and communication. It can make rags to riches and vice-a-versa.

A malefic Saturn in a horoscope can be detrimental to one’s happiness. Such a person may struggle a lot in life. Chances of success are delayed if not denied. Native may suffer from hair fall frequently. Moreover, loss of wealth is also possible. Such people have low vitality and strength. They look older than they actually are. Their house also looks aged and is spoilt by pests. Some of them also suffer from stomach problems, sudden illnesses, and weight loss. They tend to indulge in conflicts with subordinates and servants. Moreover, their attitude in life tends to be pessimistic at times.

These remedies for Saturn could be helpful in annulling the ill impact of this planet in a horoscope.

Vedic Remedies for Saturn

  • Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that includes Nimtree as an ingredient is an effective remedy for Saturn.
  • Natives having a malefic Saturn in their horoscope should also donate shoes to beggars and homeless individuals.
  • Following a Vegetarian diet and avoiding alcohol is also a potent remedy for Saturn.
  • You should also stay away from lying and cheating. Indulgence in any legal matters should be avoided too.
  • You should avoid opportunities to flirt with the opposite gender and never be unfaithful to your partner.
  • Assisting blind individuals also calms Saturn
  • Another effective remedy for Saturn is to never slash down trees.
  • People under the negative effect of Saturn should never slay a serpent or any reptiles too.
  • Natives with bad Saturn should behave well with servants and downtrodden.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Saturn

  • You should avoid having milk at night to nullify Saturn’s ill-effect. Moreover, always prefer to have cow milk only.
  • One of the easiest remedies for Saturn is to purchase a little ball of silver and keep it in your wallet or purse at all times.
  • To calm mighty Saturn, you should try to wear dark green-colored clothes.
  • You should practice pouring milk on a banyan tree root and apply tilak with the drenched soil.

Why Vedic Remedies are required?

A horoscope represents the combined energy system of the 9 planets including Rahu & Ketu. Any imbalance of the planetary energy in a chart creates a need for adopting measures to balance out the energy. This, in simple terms is the way Astrological Remedies work to balance out the energy system in your life.

We are humans, we make mistakes. We suffer due to our temptations and troubles in this life and even for our past life karma. This comes up in form of negative influences in the horoscope. Certain areas of life being represented by them appear unfulfilled and troubled zones. This can be understood as a negative imbalance in the chart and can be helped by remedies. Remedies can help strengthen or weaken a planet. It’s like an expert’s prescription based on the diagnosis. Think of Sun. Its energy can be felt through the light and heat but when you are in a closed room, you would be unable to experience it and all you see is darkness. You need to lift the window blinds to let the energy in. In astrological terms, this window blind represents a malefic aspect of other planets over Sun in form of an eclipse, position in enemy sign, debilitation or placement in negative houses like 6th, 8th and 12th. To open those window blinds, you need remedies. Remedies work both ways - they can activate and re energize a weak planet or nullify the impact of a strong malefic planet.

Please note:

Astrology remedies are a means to heal, not prevent every possible loss. Your karma manifests in this life so there is no running away from it. You also need to experience pain, learn from your mistakes and only then true healing begins. Letting go, charity, fasting, volunteering are few effective ways but all remedies should be done with a serious approach and sense of responsibility and not to be carried out as barter with God.
Different Ways / Means of Astrological Remedies:

There are several ways and methods to perform remedies that align with Vedic astrology principles.

How Vedic Mantras work?: Mantras are sound vibrations grouped together & chanted to propitiate planets. By chanting Mantras, not only we pay respect to the corresponding planet but also become one with their energy. The Mantra gets activated by perfusing into that part of your body or the cells that it correlates with, which are ultimately made of the tatva corresponded to that planet. Mantra requires the use of the power of your Mana, meaning mind (Man + tra). It is a relatively safer form of remedy with little or no side effect. We can use Mantra and meditation to ward off negative energy that may be troubling us like an overly strong & malefic Rahu, Mars and Saturn. It may not be advisable to strengthen these planets using gemstone. Propitiation of planets in this case using meditation techniques is a better way of remedies.

Tantras are the rituals and actions performed in order to free oneself from the negative impact of planets. Tantras are actions performed for the enlightenment of the soul and in doing so, you need to use the power of your 'Tana', that is body.

Yantra refers to the devices, symbols or processes used to balance the mind and concentrate your energy on to the concepts that the Yantra represents. Yantras can have geometric patterns imprinted comprising of squares, circles and so on and these shapes represent some spiritual power or concept. Sri Yantra is one of the most common Yantra used which has geometrical patterns that represent the Universe, hinting towards the unanimity of the subject and object - of human and divine.

Through the dawn of history, gemstones have been thought to carry talismanic value. The Navagraha concept is specifically popular in Vedic astrology. According to this, each gemstone represents a certain planet and based on the strength or weakness of the planet in the horoscope, a gemstone is recommended to either strengthen or pacify the planet.

Mars Maha Dasa

Mars Mahadasha runs for 7 years. Mars is the karaka of passion, ambition, energy, aggression, and enthusiasm. The major fields it represents are sports, physically demanding activities, marketing, sales, military, surgery, and war.

During the Mahadasha of Mars, the native has to increase the amount of energy he or she puts into these key areas of life. Mars Mahadasha is marked by an increase in aggression.

Mars gives burns, wounds, and disputes with brother due to land and property matters. In case of malefic influence, the native may also suffer from allergies, low blood pressure, bone weakness, and lack of energy.

Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mars dominates the native’s life in this period. Native observes a sharp increase in energy, courage, aggression, and desires.

During this period of Mars Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha, the native observes gains in property matters.

The native feels endowed with more courage and better problem-solving skills.

This Dasha also creates good marriage prospects for the native.

This period also brings growth in career and financial matters.

If under malefic influence, this Dasha can lead to differences with siblings.
Native may also suffer from urinary problems, property-related issues, danger from electricity, weapons, and fire.

Low blood pressure is another key problem that strikes during this Dasha. This planetary period also creates strong chances of an accident. Businesspersons also experience hurdles in growth.

Rahu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Rahu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha is a negative period as per Vedic Astrology principles. Rahu here casts a negative influence upon the native.

During this period, the natives encounter a lot of opposition, challenges, and risk from weapons, fire, theft, expired medication, and poison. At times, native also suffers the loss of elders or a loved one.

Lack of moral values and inclination towards illicit pursuits persists throughout the Dasha.

Native may also struggle due to stomach, eye, or heat-related health issues.

Overall, this is an unstable period wherein the native feels mentally drained and distressed.

Jupiter Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Jupiter and Mars share a friendly relationship so Jupiter Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha brings positive results to the native. Jupiter’s wisdom and maturity tame the aggression of Mars.

Native feels more attached to the divine and expresses a lot of knowledge and wisdom. This Dasha brings more strength of mind, a lot of respect, authority, and spiritual inclination to the native.

The status of the person also elevates during this Dasha. A lot of auspicious events take place in one’s life. Profit from land and property is also possible. Relief and profits in business matters are also observed during this period.

The combined effect of planets also affords the native with good health and peaceful married life. Native enjoys a happy life with family and a cordial relationship with children and friends

Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha is a tough period in one’s life because Saturn is malefic and is quite inimical towards Mars. Native encounters a lot of hurdles in professional and personal life.

Opposition tries to cause harm to the native. Family and friends also become the reason for some personal suffering for the native. A sense of bitterness exists in all personal relationships.

Lack of peace of mind and instability persists in life during this period of Saturn Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

This is a time to keep patience and make serious efforts towards success.

The native should stay away from theft, imprisonment, fire, travel, and authority. Loss of wealth is also possible during this Dasha.

Mercury Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mercury governs wisdom and intelligence and is a benefic planet. Despite the conflicting relationship, this is a balanced Dasha.

Native may feel distressed at times but intellect and wisdom would improve, helping him or her emerge as a winner despite the odds.

Natives would feel blessed for what they have and feel inclined towards spiritual pursuits during this period of Mercury Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

Some restlessness and impatience may persist at times due to Martian influence and natives may also experience fear from enemies.

Harshness and ego may increase which could lead to some unreasonable quarrels. Loss of wealth is also possible during this period if care is not taken.

Ketu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Ketu is considered a malefic shadow planet in Vedic astrology and Mars is also a fiery planet.

During this Dasha, the native faces many hurdles, negativity, and difficulties. Planets make the person impatient and pose many challenges in the way to success.

There could be some sudden trouble from fire and weapon. Native may also suffer the loss of wealth during this period. A lot of mental tension infects the atmosphere in familial matters.

Native is also likely to encounter wasteful travels, career downfall, mental confusion, loss in business, and health issues such as stomach problems, leg pain, or some difficult-to-diagnose problems.

Spouses or children may also suffer on the health front during this period of Ketu Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha.

Venus Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Venus is a tender, feminine benefic planet but Mars on the other hand is masculine and aggressive. But both the planet are neutral towards each other so maintain a balance.

During this Dasha, the native feels free-minded. Venus Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha also affords the native better health, rise in status, vehicles, property, precious jewelry, and physicals comforts.

Income also increases during this period. Native feels a strong penchant for arts, music, dance, and luxuries. Native also pursue virtuous deeds and feels happy.

If Venus is under malefic influence, the person goes to a foreign country and experiences fear of theft and eye-related issues.

Sun Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Both the planets are masculine and fiery and represent power and ambition. Their Dasha brings mixed results for the native.

During this period, the native earns a lot of fame and success in competitions. Income and wealth also increase. Royal favors, reward from the government, and recognition in foreign countries are some of the perks associated with this Dasha.

Some may also land a government job during this period of Sun Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha. This is a good period for those in politics too.

Native mostly spends a blissful time with loved ones. Native enjoys sound health and a stable mind.

Some negative results of this Dasha include distress to children, health issues like fever, headaches, eye problems, and hair fall. Defame is also possible if the malefic influence is there.

Moon Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha

Mars considers Moon as a friend while Moon is neutral towards it. This is a balanced position as one planet is masculine and fiery but the other is feminine and watery.

The native becomes soft-spoken and polite during this Dasha but it also makes the native a little impatient. Native enjoys a lot of comforts and pleasures, happiness and rewards.

Some auspicious occasions may also take place at home during this time. Moreover, your desires and dreams also get fulfilled due to the combined influence of planets.

Moon Antardasha in Mars Mahadasha also brings a rise in status and income. Some problems could persist though due to an increase in distress, restlessness, and lack of mental peace.

Moon Maha Dasa

Moon Mahadasha runs for almost 10 years. Moon represents beauty, femininity, purity, charm, softness, emotions, art, love, money, status, progeny, luxuries, auspicious events, prosperity, mental peace, mother, silver, and so on. During Moon Mahadasha, the native often feels inclined towards artistic pursuits. This period boosts creativity in the person. Native experiences vivid dreams and fantasies during this period.

Moon takes you on an inner journey, towards spirituality and higher knowledge. However, Moon also brings mental instability, depression, laziness, and moodiness in case of malefic influence.

Moon Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Moon Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha is a positive period in one’s life unless the planet is afflicted. A lot of progress takes place during this time. Native enjoys material comforts, prosperity, and the company of women.

The relationship with the mother also improves because the native is able to fulfill her wishes. A lot of positive and negative developments make a way in life. Chances to have the bliss of childbirth too. Singles get a chance to meet someone special.

Due to the mental weakness and instability imposed by Moon, the native also encounters some hurdles.

However, a lot of respect and fame in society marks this period. Inclination towards arts and creative fields such as music, poetry, etc also increases. Spiritual travels also take place during this Dasa.

Mars Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Mars Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha, the period is marked by increased difficulties and hurdles. Some wealth loss is possible but at the same time, native experiences growth on the professional front.

Hard work is the keyword for this Dasha. The person often has to stay away from his or her native place during this period. Some issues with mother and other family & relatives also persist.

Majorly, this Dasha takes its toll on health as the native experiences issues related to stomach, blood impurity, and anxiety. Enemies also try to drag you down during this Dasha.

Rahu Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Rahu & Moon planets are inimical to each other. Rahu here affects the psychological health of the person. The native suffers from a lack of mental peace and unnecessary fears, especially from theft.

A dip in financial status is also seen during this period of Rahu Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha. The native feels distressed and lonely as if there is no one to turn to.

Vicissitudes in business are also seen. Eating habits also suffer during this period and health issues also strike pose hurdles such as fever, mental distress, and infections due to wrong medicines.

Once the Dasha is over, the native’s life returns to a normal state.

Jupiter Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Jupiter, the lord of expansion here affords the person with great wealth and happiness. Native spends a lot on luxuries, clothes, ornaments, and other material comforts. This is the time of indulgence and enjoyment.

Some spiritual travels also take place during this period of Jupiter Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha. Knowledge and wisdom get a boost. Students get to choose a subject of their choice and their efforts bear good results in exams.

This is large because both are benefic planets. Happiness and peace prevail in life and native spend a lot of time with friends and company too. Moreover, wealth prospects also improve during this period.

Saturn Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Saturn is a malefic planet so this period of Saturn Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha, naturally causes some challenges in life. Saturn is the planet that brings delay so you might observe some hurdles in fulfillment of your goals and achievements, which could lead to frustration and distress.

Native also begins to use harsh language & tone and becomes more argumentative under the malefic influence. Chances of defaming in society are there as well. Mother’s health or your relationship with her bears the adverse influence of this Dasha the most. Native also develops some sort of addiction.

Mercury Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Moon considers Mercury as a friend. While Mercury is inimical towards Moon, this period of Mercury Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha bears positive effects for the most part, because both are benefic planets.

A lot of growth in career and income prospects takes place. Native enjoys the comforts of life. Communication ability improves considerably because of the benefic presence of Mercury. This is a good period to take part in debates.

Native uses a lot of intelligence and knowledge to make wise decisions and drive him or her towards success and happiness. A good boost in financial position is also possible. Students perform satisfactorily in their studies.

Ketu Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Ketu Anatardasa in Moon Mahadasha causes a lot of travel. Native however suffers due to some mental distress and lack of peace of mind. Ketu’s shadow over Moon is considered malefic in Vedic astrology, and it keeps the native mentally distressed during this period.

Wealth loss & Family issues also persist and frequent quarrels affect cordiality. Some unwanted fears also keep the native troubled, such as from water and enemies. While it is a tough time, it cannot be termed a bad time.

Venus Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

While the relationship between Venus and Moon is inimical, both are benefic planets associated with wealth. Native enjoys a lot of comforts and luxuries in life during this Dasha.

Wealth grows considerably, and some sudden gain is also possible during this period of Venus Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha.

New relationships are possible during this period and existing ones remain blissful. Natives spend a lot of time with loved ones too.

Native feels interested in creative pursuits and develops a fondness for arts, poetry, music, cosmetics, beauty, jewelry, etc. The desired travel also takes place during this period.

Sun Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha

Moon absorbs most of the hard sunlight and reflects only the soft glow. This period is a very balanced one since both planets work together just like a father (Sun) and a mother (Moon).

Moreover, these two planets are friends with each other so happiness and enjoyment prevail in life during this period of Sun Antardasha in Moon Mahadasha.

Native attains a better position in life and recognition from authority too. Social life and status improve during this period. Career growth is also perceived.

Enemies are not able to drag you down. However, native becomes a little egoistic and dominating during this period, which should be avoided to maintain peace in relationships.

Jupiter Maha Dasa and Effects of Various Antardasas

The duration of Jupiter Mahadasha is of 16 years. Jupiter is the planet associated with wealth, riches, fortune, spirituality, and happiness in married life too. It also represents the liver.

Benefic placement of Jupiter in the chart means, the native would lead a prosperous life. Jupiter elevates and expands the aspects of the area where it sits in the horoscope.

People under the Mahadasha of Jupiter get success in teaching, banking, lectureship, education, finance, jewelry, marriage counseling, loan processing, psychology, spirituality, politics, administration, etc.

Children also perform well when Jupiter Mahadasha is going on.

During this period, Jupiter blesses the native with improved judgment and wisdom. Native makes the right decisions in life and aspires to achieve great heights in their career too.

This Mahadasha also increases your inclination towards spirituality and religion.

It is also marked by warmth and betterment in relationships, especially married life.

Here are the results of several Antardashas of Jupiter.

Jupiter Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Spiritual pursuits and worshipping afford a lot of wealth, conveyance, and physical comforts. If done with conviction, the person could enjoy a lot of name and fame in society and get the blessings of Jupiter.

Jupiter Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha is a landmark period in terms of practicing spirituality. A lot of religious travels and virtuous activities take place. Children also lead a happy life.

Native enjoys a lot of wisdom and knowledge and gets a better position in their career.

If afflicted, this Dasha can also lead to separation from spouse. Problems with children are also possible. Health issues could strike, especially related to the liver. Affliction may also lead to loss of wealth and defame.

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha gives benefits in loan and property matters. People in this period enjoy a lot of wealth and gains due to the downtrodden in society.

This period gives a boost to one’s professional status. Native puts in a lot of effort into getting success. This is a good period to succeed in the field of law, justice, and management. The more you work hard during this period, the better would be the chances of success.

If the affliction is there, the native could face issues in work life. Some health complications may also crop up during this period due to the negative influence.

Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha could also lead to defaming in society and loss of wealth in case of affliction.

Mercury Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Both planets are the karaka of wisdom and intelligence so, during this period, the native gains good knowledge and learning power. Their intellectual abilities improve a lot.

Native earns a lot of name and fame with their intelligence. Boss also recognizes your value during this time. Native gets success in professional endeavors and earns a lot of respect in society.

This is also a good period concerning education.

Results are often positive during this Dasha.

During this period of Mercury Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha, native tends to maintain peace and good relationship at home.

If the affliction is there, the native struggles to get desired results of his efforts and hard work in exams. Skin problems are also likely in this case. Moreover, memory issues and mental instability can persist too.

Ketu Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Ketu Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha affords the native with the spiritual inclination and interest in religious travels.

However, during this period, Ketu causes a lot of problems and confusion in career matters. The possibility of imprisonment also exists.

Native may also suffer from health issues and a lot of mental distress.

Some wasteful travels could also occur during this period. You may observe a sort of distance in relationships too. Expenditure also shoots up.

Venus Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Dasha brings a lot of positive outcomes, provided you make enough efforts. Your conviction towards God and your spiritual guide strengthen during this period.

Venus gives a lot of physical comforts as well you tend to enjoy a lot of material comforts too, such as luxury clothing and vehicles.

Your interest in music and singing also increases. Your knowledge also increases due to the positive influence. You observe a lot of affection and love in your married life.

Both planets are benefic and denote wealth and fortune. This period of Venus Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha thus brings prosperity and financial stability to the native.

Sun Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Antardasha brings a positive impact on your financial position. Status elevates and overall wealth increases too. The influence of planets brings a lot of name and fame to the native.

Both these planets are supreme and powerful so success in professional endeavors is possible. Chances of promotion also exist.

Native observes an increase in knowledge and wisdom during this period of Sun Anterdasha in Jupiter Mahadasha.

Happiness in family and relationship matters also prevails in this Dasha.

If malefic presence is there, the native could suffer from body aches, fever, nervous disorders, headaches, and lack of peace of mind.

Moon Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

Native enjoys comforts from partner and children during this Antardasha. The influence of Moon and Jupiter’s relationship boosts income prospects.

This is a beautiful phase of life for the native. The person undertakes spiritual travels too.

The native develops a liking for dairy products.

This period of Moon Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha also brings progress on the career front.

Native gets a lot of support from society and enjoy material comforts, luxuries, and pleasures of life.

Relationship with spouse and children also remains cordial.

If under malefic influence, this Antardasha can lead to distance in relationships. Loss of wealth and health issues are also possible.

Native could also face issues with mother or maternal figure. Frequent body aches and mental distress may also persist during the Dasha.

Mars Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Antardasha increases knowledge and learning ability. Native earns profits from land sources.

There remains a lot of happiness in familial matters and married life too. Relationship with siblings also improves.

Native becomes a little dominating in nature though so some disputes and arguments with others are possible.

Nonetheless, this period of Mars Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha is to enjoy respect and fame in society.

If under malefic influence, this period causes eye-related issues and fever. Lack of mental peace also keeps the native troubled. Problems concerning property matters may also come up. Moreover, loss of wealth is possible too.

Rahu AnterDasha in Jupiter Mahadasha

This Dasha brings a lot of confusion and problems in life. It makes the person egoistic and domineering by nature. The person begins to indulge in unnecessary arguments and fights.

Family relationships also suffer during this period of Rahu AnterDasha in Jupiter Mahadasha.

Native also observes a career downfall during this period. Financial problems are also possible due to rising expenditure.

This period is also marked by an increased fear of medication and infections related to it. The person may also suffer from physical distress, headaches, and liver-related problems.

To have a more peaceful life during this Dasha, natives should take up religious travels and take a dip in holy waters. Practicing meditation also helps in this regard.

Venus Maha Dasa

Mahadasha of Venus runs for as long as 20 years. It is a benefic and tender planet, watery feminine energy.

Venus is strongly linked to love, passion, beauty, marriage, arts, music, creativity, luxuries, wealth, indulgence, sex, media, and fragrances. It is essentially the planet of the senses - of smell, sights, sound, taste, and touch.

When Venus is benefic in the chart, it brings a lot of material comforts and prosperity. Native does well in artistic industries such as media, fine arts, dance, music, entertainment, etc.

Venus affords the native with magnetism to attract the opposite sex. It gives the comfort of vehicles, jewelry, luxuries, home, royal status, and profit from all aspects.

Venus Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

Antardasha of Venus leads to wealth gain and prosperity. Native gets to enjoy a lot of comforts, conveyance, new clothes, luxuries, perfumes, and so on.

Venus gives a better name and fame in society too. Along with financial gains, native experiences intensity of desires in personal life as well.

This Antardasha brings new relationships and also, romance in existing ones. It also brings love and passion back into your married life.

Native feels artistically inclined and becomes fond of creative pursuits such as fine arts etc. A lot of enjoyment and indulgence takes place during this period of Venus Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha.

Sun Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

The relationship between Sun and Venus is inimical so Sun somehow engulfs the positive impact of Venus here. While there would be slight progress in wealth, some challenges also persist in life.

Native tends to indulge in conflicts with family members and spouse.

During this time of Sun Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha, only sincere efforts can fetch good results.

Some enemies or opposition also tries to drag you down. Moreover, you feel a lack of support too.

This Dasha especially affects your eyes, head, stomach, and heart. The native should also beware of dealings with the government sector.

Moon Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

When these two watery feminine energies collide under an Antardasha, the native becomes fond of artistic pursuits and beauty such as music, flowers, fragrances, fine arts, etc.

Both these planets are tender, feminine, and benefic but exact results differ from chart to chart.

Excessive submissive energy causes issues in career matters. Some irresolution persists along with distress in familial matters.

Moon Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha is not the time to go haywire but follow a righteous path. Inclination towards spirituality helps.

Mars Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

In this period of Mars Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha, your libido goes sky high too. You become aggressive and revengeful. There can be some hurdles at work so you should work towards controlling your behavior.

Health issues like fever, cold, blood infection, acidity, etc may persist too and some blood-related problems crop up too at times.

However, native also attracts a lot of wealth, ornaments, luxury clothes, etc during this period. If you are in the land, copper, or gold-related business, huge profits roll in during this period. Overall, this Dasha brings mixed results for the native.

Rahu Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

Rahu Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha brings good news from children and relatives’ side.

However, native should exercise caution in situations involving fire, chemical, or poison. Some infection due to medication is possible too during this period.

You are able to defeat enemies during this time nonetheless. The negative influence of Rahu somewhat overshadows the benefic aspects of Venus so some challenges and difficulties persist during this period.

Native falls from the grace of seniors at work and loses position and wealth at times. Some bitterness and misunderstandings persist in relationships as well.

Jupiter Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

While the relationship between Jupiter and Venus is inimical, both these planets are benefic by nature. Jupiter in fact is considered the most benefic planet in Vedic Astrology.

Jupiter relates to expansion so, under Venus Antardasha, Jupiter expands what Venus gives. Native enjoys good professional status, material comforts, and happiness in familial matters during this period.

Some inclination towards spirituality is also felt during this period of Jupiter Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha.

Native gets a lot of recognition and fame in their social circle. Jupiter also expands one’s knowledge and intellect.

Native spends a pleasant time with spouse and children and also observes elevation in career.

Saturn Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

Saturn is malefic while Venus is benefic. Since both planets are friends with each other, Saturn’s negative impact alleviates to some extent. The results of Saturn Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha are average in turn.

While the native is likely to experience disputes in married life, he or she enjoys a lot of comforts and luxuries too during this period.

Obstacles in career and social life cause some disturbance in life. Health issues and financial hiccups also persist on account of rising expenditure.

On a positive note, this period is marked by increased religious inclination. This is the period of hard work. If you invest serious efforts, results would be somewhat positive.

Mercury Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

Venus and Mercury are friends with each other. Moreover, both the planets are benefic by nature.

If this Dasha is free from affliction, then the native enjoys a comfortable and enjoyable life with children. Native leads a satisfactory life with friends and family.

Relationship with spouse and other members of the family also remains stable and happy. You become more sincere towards relationships.

Happiness can be felt in abundance in all matters. Mercury infuses the right amount of wisdom to strike opponents down and rise to fame.

Mercury Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha is a great period for people who participate in creative competitions such as debate, arts, poetry, writing, or painting.

Ketu Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha

Ketu is a malefic planet so it weakens the positive impact of Venus here. Native experience an increase in bitterness in relationships, which can create some distance. Lack of mental peace also persists during this period.

A lot of obstacles keep you from treading towards success, especially in your career. Native may lose his position at work or suffer some loss.

Some unwanted travels also take place during this period. You should be very careful as your enemies try to drag you down as well.

You should also check your medication as you could end up with some infection due to wrong medicines during this period of Ketu Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturn Maha Dasa

Saturn Mahadasha runs for as long as 19 years in one’s life. This ringed planet is associated with karma, hard work, limitations, ambition, discipline, and longevity.

Saturn is specifically related to workers, employees, handicapped, old age people, diseases, and joint pain.

Saturn Mahadasha is often the marking period in the spiritual journey. Many gurus and leaders are born and made during this period.

Saturn gives challenges and results in line with your karma.

It gives success but the journey towards success is not smooth, to make you modest and grounded and understand the value of what you attain. Naturally, Saturn thus poses many hurdles in life during Mahadasha.

It is a period when natives experience disputes, delay, distance, detachment, and sometimes denial too. These challenges are specifically felt in career and social life.
Saturn Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

An unafflicted Saturn in the horoscope affords you with better status and position in life during this period of Saturn Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha.

Native lands a leadership role in society. Matters related to land also fetch benefits.

This period also turns out well for spouse and progeny related matters.
Native gets a lot of social support too.

However, if the malefic influence is there on Saturn, this period can also have a lot of obstacles in career and professional life.

Native may also have issues in the relationship with family and siblings. This period is marked by increased aggression, jealousy, disputes, and gastric issues as well.

Mercury Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

Mercury in the Dasha somewhat balances the negative influence of Saturn in the chart. Native earns a better image in society and enjoys good comforts. Native also feel inclined to indulge in social work and charity.

This is also a positive phase for business growth. Native becomes more charitable, intellectual and wise and also handles all the challenges efficiently.

Some achievement in the professional area is also possible during this period of Mercury Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha.

Ketu Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

Native travels to a foreign country during this Dasha. Spiritual inclination also gets a boost during this period. While this Dasha increases income, expenses also shoot up due to association with the 12th house.

The malefic impact of this period of Ketu Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha makes the native weaker from inside. Some lack of peace and dissatisfaction persists in life and a lot of conflicts take place within the family.
Venus Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

This Antardasha brings the native’s life back on track eventually and gives a positive direction in life. If Saturn is positively placed, the native enjoys a happy married life and spends a lot of time with loved ones.

Native also spends a lot on luxuries and comforts. Career also elevates during this period of 

Venus Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha.

However, in case of malefic presence, the native suffers from eye-related issues and frequent fever. It also affects married life and causes detachment from the spouse.
Sun Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

This isn’t a much positive period as some obstacles in the professional life continue to block success. Enemies also try to drag him or her down.

Native also experience conflicts with father. Some problems with authority also persist during this period. Native becomes vulnerable to false accusations and detachment from family.

Sun Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha also takes its toll on health and some mental distress keeps the native agitated. Health issues such as fever, headaches, and heart-related problems also crop up during this period.

Moon Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

This Antardasha brings some negative impact on native’s life. A sense of restlessness and detachment is experienced during this period.

Native suffers from depression and mental tensions, primarily because of growing distance in relationships and problems in career.

The native feels weak-minded and lonely. The number of enemies also increases during this period. Some financial ups and downs also persist.

The native should channel his or her energy towards spiritual activities during Moon Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha.

Mars Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

Mars increases aggression and the feeling of authority and domination in the native. This naturally affects relationships to some extent. It is advised to avoid being overly harsh and short-tempered during this period.

This Antardasha also leads to conflicts with the spouse and causes separation.

Some skin-related allergies also persist for the native. Enemies try to harm as well during this period of Mars Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha. Moreover, some losses in career also disturb the march towards goals in life. If you join a new workplace or job, you should remain alert during this Dasha.

Rahu Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

Some unnecessary conflicts take place during this period. Doubts and obstacles keep the native from treading on the path towards success.

Native has to work hard during this period so naturally, some mental distress and tensions also prevail in life.

Native need to be self-reliant as support from others is negligible. Some downfall in career and position is also observed. You should avoid being aggressive with enemies.

On a positive note, native often goes abroad during Rahu Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha too

Jupiter Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha

Jupiter is a benefic planet and like Saturn, it is also strongly associated with wisdom and spirituality. Jupiter here tames down the negative impact of Saturn.

Native gains a lot of willpower, intelligence, and courage to fight off enemies during this period of Jupiter Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha. Knowledge and wisdom get a nice boost too as a result of Jupiter’s benefic presence. Happiness also makes its way back into your family life. Career also begins to get on the right track eventually.

The mental pressure that the native had been feeling lately finally eases off now. This period is also marked by increased interest and involvement in spiritual pursuits. Overall, this is the period of relief.