
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each Nakshatra, Auspicious and Inauspicious times for 31.08.2023

Tomorrow is Sravana Pournami till 07:05 and Padyami from then. Tomorrow is celebrated as Gayatri Jayanthi. Reciting Gayatri mantra 1008 times is very auspicious. 

Tomorrow is

Naidhana Tara for : Till 17:45 - Aslesha, Jyeshta , Revati                                                          From 17:45 - Aswini, Magha, Moola
Ashtama Chandra Dosha for : Karkataka Rasi 
Ghataka Thithi for : Vrushabha, Kanya, Meena Rasis
Ghathaka Rasi for : Midhuna
Ghataka Vaara for : Tula, Kumbha
Ghataka Nakshatra for : Tula  till 17:45 

People of the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras should avoid travel and initiating any new activity.

Tomorrow is a good day for performing remedies to : Jupiter, Moon, Saturn , Rahu

Monday, August 28, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, auspicious and inauspicious times

Tomorrow is Shravana Sukla Trayodasi , Mangala Vaara, and Nakshatra is Sravana till 23:50. 
Naidhana Tara for : Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorva Bhadra 
Ghathaka Vaara for : Makara Rasi 
Ghaathaka Thithi for : Simha,Dhanu,Kumbha
Ghaathaka Rasi for : Simha 
Ghaathaka Nakshatra for : Kanya rasi 
People of the above mentioned Rasis and Nakshatras should not Travel or initiate any new activity tomorrow

Tomorrow is a good day to perform remedies for : Kuja, Moon, Jupiter.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, auspicious and inauspicious times for 25.08.2023.

Till 09:14 am
Naidhana Tara for : Bharani, Poorva Phalguni and Poorvashadha.

From 09:14 am:

Naidhana Tara  for : Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttarashadha people

Ashtama Chandra Dosha for : Mesha rasi 
Ghataka Thithi for : Tula and Makara rasi people
Ghataka Vaara for : Vrischika, Dhanu and Meena rasi people.
Ghaataka Nakshatra for : Karkataka rasi people

All the people belonging to the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras are advised not to travel or initiate any new activity.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each Nakshatra, auspicious and Inauspicious times for 24.08.2023

For 24.08.2023

From 09:04 Am : 

Naidhana Tara for : Bharani, Poorva Phalguni, Poorvashadha people

Ashtama Chandra Dosha for : Mesha Rasi People

Ghaataka Thithi for : Simha ,Dhanu and Kumbha rasi People

Ghaataka Vaara for : Tula and Kumbha rasi People

Ghaataka Nakshatra for : Karkataka rasi People 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra , auspicious and inauspicious times for tomorrow - 23.08.2023

For Tomorrow ie 23.08.2023

From 08:08 am :- 

Naidhana Tara for: Aswini,Magha,Moola

Ashtama Chandra Dosha For : Meena Rasi People

Ghaataka Vaara For : Karkataka Rasi People

Ghaataka Tithi For : Midhuna and Karkataka Rasi People

All the people of the above mentioned Rasis and Nakshatras should not travel or initiate any new activity. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra , Auspicious and Inauspicious times for tomorrow - 22.08.2023


From 06:31 : 

Naidhana Tara for : Ashlesha, Jeshta, Revati nakshatra people.
Ashtama Chandra Dosha for : Meena Rasi People 
Ghataka Vara for : Makara Rasi People
Ghataka Thithi for : Mesha, Vruschika rasi people
Ghataka Nakshatra or : Midhuna rasi people. 

People of the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras should avoid travel and should not initiate any new activity tomorrow - 22.08.2023

From 06:31  : 
Sampat Tara for : Mrigasira,Chitta and Dhanishta nakshtra people.  

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Naga Panchami - 21.08.2023


Tomorrow is Shravana Sukla Panchami and is celebrated as Naga Panchami. Very auspicious day to perform remedies for Kala sarpa dosha. 

Chanting Nagendra Nava Nama stotram as many times possible starting from tomorrow will give relief from Sarpa Doshas and Kala Sarpa Dosha. 

Tara & Chandra Bala , Auspicious and Inauspicious times for tomorrow - 21.08.2023

Tomorrow is Naidhana Tara for : Pushyami, Anuradha & Uttarabhadra nakshatra people

Ghataka thithi for : Vrushabha, Kanya, Meena rasi people Ghataka vara for : Midhuna rasi people Ghataka rasi till 17: 30 for : Vrushabha rasi people

Ashtama chandra till 17: 30 for : Kumbha rasi people Ashtama Chandra from 17:30 for : Meena rasi people All the people of the above mentioned rasis and nakshatras should not travel or initiate any new activity

Friday, August 18, 2023

Transit of Mars into Virgo today - 18.08.2023 till 03.10.2023

Mars will transit into Kanya rasi today ie., 18 th August, 2023 at about 15:00 Hrs and will stay in the sign till October 3,2023 , 17:02 Hrs before moving into Tula rasi . 

Mars thus transiting into Kanya rasi will be aspecting Dhanu rasi with Fourth house aspect, Meena rasi with 7th house aspect and  Mesha rasi with 8th house aspect. 

It is here very important to note that  Mesha rasi is already having a debilitated aspect of Saturn and also Rahu is transiting in it. 

While there will be positive results for some signs, as there will be two sides to the same coin, there will be negative results also. 

Following Signs will Generally have some positive results : 

Mesha Rasi : Mars will be transiting in the 6th house. There will be gain of money, clothes, food grains. There will be gain of fame and happiness. There will be auspicious ceremonies in the family,Victory over enemies and all round succcess. However , the 8th house aspect of Mars will result in some obstacles in achieving your objectives. You should take care of your health from seasonal diseases. Loans should not be given to anyone at any cost. 

Karkataka Rasi : Mars will be transiting in the 3rd house. This will result in Gain of money. You will purchase ornaments. There will be health and happiness. You might get unepected wealth, authority and fame. There will be happiness from children. However , the 8th house aspect of Mars on your 10th house may give some tensions in the work atmosphere. Some people will try to defame you. You should try to be straight forward in doing your tasks and not indulge in any kind of manipulations. 

Vrishchika Rasi : Mars will be transiting in the 11th house. You will have good health. Wealth will increase. You will buy clothes of your choice. There will be happiness in the family. There will be increase in Property. You may buy lands. There will be increase in Income. However, as Mars with his 8th house aspect aspects your 6th house of enemies,debts and health, You should not give hand loans to any one. Your enemies will get stronger during this time. Try to stay away from quarrels and arguments.Take care of your health from seasonal diseases.     

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Tara &Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, auspicious and inauspicious times for tomorrow - 18.08.2023

Moon transits in Poorvaphalguni ( Pubba) nakshatra till 22:57 in Simha rasi tomorrow. 

Ashtama chandra dosha for : Makara Rasi People

Naidhana Tara for : Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta

Ghataka vara for : Vrischika, Dhanu and Meena Rasi 

Ghataka Tithi for : Midhuna, Karkataka 

Ghataka Rasi for : Karkataka  

People of the nakshatras and Rasis mentioned above should avoid travel or initiate any new activity. 

Ravi Transit into Simha Rasi on August 17th


Sun transits into Simha Rasi Today at about 13:00 Hrs IST . This yearly transit of Sun in Simha Rasi  is generally beneficial to Midhuna (3rd House Transit) , Tula ( 11th house Transit) , Meena (6th house Transit) . The intensity of beneficence will how ever depend on the Sun's bhinnashtaka varga score in the Simha rasi in each individual's horoscope. 

Midhuna Rasi :  There will be good health and happiness, acquisition of wealth & new position, destruction of enemies, gatherings with friends and relatives, achievement of desired objectives.

Tula Rasi : Promotion in Job , Honour, gain in money , happiness from spouse and children, good health. 

Meena Rasi : Mind will be free from worries. there will be improvement in health, acquisition of clothes, gain in wealth, destruction of enemies & desired results in all endeavours.

However, the beneficience of Sun for he above mentioned Rasis along with other rasis depends on the Bhinna Ashtaka Varga Score of Sun in his individual ashtakavarga chart. If the score is higher than 4 out of 8 , then the transit will be beneficial even if Sun is transiting in bad house. If the Score is equal to 4 then the results will be a mixture of good and bad. If the score is lower than 4 , results will be in negative. 

Also, the Sun will be transiting in opposition to the transiting Saturn in the Kumbha rasi. And the Sun in Simha rasi has an aspect of Jupiter who is transiting in Mesha rasi. So even though the transit is good for the rasis mentioned above, the beneficial results will be obtained slowly and progressively. 

Worshipping Surya daily will reduce the ill effects of the transit of Sun in Leo and also will lessen the ill effects of opposition of Saturn.  
Reciting Aditya Hrudayam daily is good .

General Results of Ravi's tansit into Leo - Effects on the world : As the Sun will be in direct opposition to Saturn and will have the beneficial aspect of Jupiter , there will be the following mild effects : There will be opposition to Government policies which the Government may go back due to the oppositon, There might be danger to some prominent personalities, there may be job cuts in multi national companies. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Tara&chandra bala for each nakshatra , auspicious and inauspicious time for tomorrow - 17.08.2023


Click on the picture above for a better view
Moon transits in Magha nakshatra till 19:58 tomorrow evening and in Poorva Phalguni(Pubba) later.All of tomorrow moon will be transiting in Simha Rasi. 

Naidhana tara till 19:58 for - Rohini,Hasta,Sravana
After 19:58 Naidhana Tara for - Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta

Ashtama Chandra Dosha for : Simha Rasi 

Ghataka Vara : As tomorrow is Thursday Ghataka vara for Tula Rasi People.
Ghataka Nakshatra : Magha is Ghataka Nakshatra for Mesha Rasi People 
Ghataka Thithi : Tomorrow is Padyami and is a Nanda Thithi . Nandha Thithis are Ghataka for Mesha and Vrishchika rasi people.
Ghataka Rasi : As all of tomorrow moon transits in Simha rasi, Simha rasi is ghataka rasi for Karkataka rasi people 

People of all the nakshatras and rasis shown in red are not advised to travel or initiate any new activity tomorrow.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra , auspicious and inauspicious times for tomorrow - 14.08.2023

 Click on the above picture above for a better view 

Moon Transits in Punarvasu till 11:07 AM : Naidhana tara for Ashwini, Magha, Moola
Moon Transits in Pushyami from 11:07 AM : Naidhana Tara for Bharani, Pubba, Poorvashadha 

Ashtama Chandra : Moon transits in Karkataka rasi all of tomorrow - Ashtama Chandra transit for Dhanu rasi people. 

Ghataka Thithi : Trayodasi till 10:25 AM - The Thithi is Ghataka Thithi for Simha rasi people ; From 10:25 AM Chaturdasi and is Ghataka Thithi for Tula, Makara rasi people. 

Ghataka Vara :As tomorrow i.,e 14.08.2023 is Monday, Ghataka vara for Midhuna Rasi people. 

People of the nakshatras and rasis mentioned above should not initiate any travel or start any new activity within the times mentioned specifically for them. 

Moon Sign Horoscopes for 14.08.2023

Mesha Rasi : Avoid un necessary running around. Your work will be hindered due to some dilemma. You will have loving relationships with your friends and family. Take nitritious food. You might be humiliated for your talkative nature. Children will be very happy. Advice of your life partner will benefit you.

Vrushabha Rasi : People may criticize you behind your back. You will earn money as per your expectations. It would be better to use your wisdom and judgement before doing anything. People will respect your emotions. The day will remain favourable for students.

Midhuna Rasi : Some of your work may get hindered. Be nice and co operative to your co workers. Un necessary running around will impact your health. The day will give you mixed results. Do not pay attention to others just focus on your work. Some people will try to lower your confidence.

Karkataka Rasi : You will receive guidance for elderly family members. You will invest money to expand your business. You might participate in some new projects. You will reminisce old memories with your friends. You will take interest in some important work.

Simha Rasi : Today you must speak sensibly with others. Your income will decrease despite your best efforts. You should remain careful from your rivals. Keep property documents with safety and care. Children will be worried about their studies.

Kanya Rasi : You might start a new business. You will spend money on important work. People associated with politics will achieve great success. You will spend quality time with your children. Your social life will be good. You might get some delightful new from your friends.

Tula Rasi : There will be peace and prosperity in your family. The entire day will be full of excitement. You will participate in social welfare activities. You will receive some delightful news from your children. You will actively use social media. People will admire your nature.

Vrischika Rasi : You will get positive thoughts. But you must develop clarity in your thoughts. Making thoughtful decisions will get you to success.Maintain cordial relation ship with your boss. A wish of yours might get fulfilled. You might spend money on important work.

Dhanu Rasi : You will fell lethargic in the morning. Take care of the health of your parents. Your marital happiness may suffer. You should listen and obey your elders in the family. Your friends will not support you. Maintain cordial relationships with your partners.

Makara Rasi : You will easily handle legal hurdles. You will remain busy with your house hold chores. You will receive guidance from intellectual people. Working professionals might work on some new projects at job. There will good financial growth. Your loyalty will be appreciated.

Kumbha Rasi : You might get job offers from abroad. People will admire your sweet nature. You will be stressed about your hindered work. You will be fit and healthy. Working professionals may get promoted. You will be able to repay your debt.

Meena Rasi : Your family atmosphere will be serious.  Investment in mutual fund will give you handsome returns. Love and harmony will increase in your family life. You will freely express your opinions in front of others. There are chances of success in exams and interviews. There will be financial gains from new sources.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each Nakshatra , Auspicious and Inuaspicious times for tomorrow - 13.08.2023

 Click on the picture above for a better view 

Moon transits in Ardra nakshatra till 08:26 Am and moves into Punarvasu naskhatra from then. From 08:26 AM Naidhana Tara for Aswini , Magha and Moola nakshatra people. Moon transits Midhuna rasi the whole day. Vrishchika  rasi people have Ashtama Chandra transit. People of these nakshatras and Rasi mentioned above should not initiate travel or any new activity. 

Also , as tomorrow i.,e 13.08.2023 is Krishna Dwadasi , the thithi is Ghataka for Midhuna and Karkataka rasi people. Sunday is Ghataka vara for Mesha rasi people. Midhuna is Ghataka rasi for Kanya rasi people. So Midhuna,Karkataka, Mesha, Kanya rasi people are advised not to initiate travel or any new activity tomorrow. 

Moon Sign Horoscopes for 13.08.2023

 Click on the picture above for a better view

Dusthanas from lagna - The 6th,8th & 12th houses

The 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are the malefic houses of astrology. Each of these houses has their own lords and their placement in different houses indicates various things. For instance, if the lord of the 6th house is sitting in the first house, then it may gravely affect your health and well-being. The first house represents movement and physical health. So, when the 6th house lord is sitting in the first house, it will restrict your movements and inspire you to introspect and reflect.

Dusthana lord sitting in the dusthana house can take away unpleasant things from your life. Now here, the unpleasant things do not only mean sorrows and suffering. Here, these things also mean your ego, excessive pride, and superficial ambitions. Life is a process of serious evolution, and the houses of the 6th, 8th, and 12th enable us to evolve with grace and courage.

6th House : -
The 6th house is also called the house of sickness. If we want to live happily, this house indicates the importance of being fit and living a healthy life. This house thus indicates the various aspects that are connected with our health and overall well-being. Diet, nutrition, and exercise are all connected to this house. The aspect of good health is deeply connected with the idea of self-improvement. One disease or sickness can disturb our whole life cycle and impede our progress in life. The 6th house is associated with the intestines and digestive tract.

High-stress levels are connected with poor digestive health. Digestion is the core-the centre of our health and our entire well-being revolves around the health of our digestive system. The 6th house strongly suggests that to make an overall improvement in our life, we must learn to take care of our health first. 6th house also reveals the expected duration of a sickness.

The 6th house is also called the Shatru bhava or the house of the enemy. It dictates your relationship with your colleagues, co-workers, laborers, and maternal relatives. This house tests your ability to adapt, adjust, and let go of other's wrongdoings and forgive them. However, this house also emphasizes your inherent strength to fight injustice without losing your power to love. Your competitors, distant relatives, employees, and pets are all associated with this house. The daily activities of paying bills, performing mental jobs, running errands, arguing, fighting, and sacrificing are all associated with the 6th house. The 6th house may also get you into litigation and disputes, but it also gives you the power to fight against them and emerge undefeated.

The 6th house indicates your evolutionary process through helping others. Here, it's your own soul that is brought into connection with the general well-being of people and their service. If you observe yourself carefully, this house will help you to uproot your toxic habits and irrational behavior. This house indicates that you must learn to serve people if you wish to progress in life.


The 8th house is another dusthana and the most dreaded one. This house rules your reproductive system, genitals, private parts, and colon. The 8th house is thus called the House of Sex. Sex is also a transcendental force and leads to the union of body and spirit. It is a universal force that also leads to transformation. The 8th house thus also marks our ability to transform and transcend.

The 8th house indicates things that we have no control over. Aspects like death (of loved ones), murders, and rebirth are beyond our control. If this house indicates things that are beyond our control, then it also connects with the things that we can tame and master. Your deep-seated fears, anxieties, mental weaknesses, and depression have their roots in the 8th house. But, this house also gives us ample power to overcome all of these through the sheer force of our will. This house teaches us to transform our greatest insecurities into lasting strengths. This house drives us deep into ourselves. This house enables us to discover our true selves and explore life to the fullest. This house gives us equal opportunities to love and hate and an equal power to overcome both these powers. Love-hate relationships can go to extremes, but if we learn to keep balance, then it can lead us to uncover our highest truth.

Interactions, relationships, and rituals also connect with the 8th house. This house indicates sudden and abrupt changes in your career, behavioural patterns, and lifestyle. On a daily basis, this house governs taxes, insurance, alimony, and our financial, physical, and emotional health.This house teaches us to clear off toxicity, get rid of meaningless relationships, and embrace change. Though this is the most dreaded house in astrology, great results can be achieved if we learn to channel the power of the eight houses. This is why this house also plays the second most important role in liberation.

12thHouse : - 

The 12th house is called the Vyaya Bhava. This is also the house of Moksha or liberation. The 11th house is the house of growth, ambition, and aspirations. Being placed after the 11th house, the twelfth house is all about transcending these aspirations and going beyond your common objectives in life.

The twelfth house is all about entering the secret realms of dreams and deciphering higher powers. It's here that the real toil of the mind begins-the toils to break free from the bondage of life and death, the toil to overcome deep-rooted fears, and the toil to discover the Ultimate Truth. This house is connected with solitude, secrets, and silent suffering. Jupiter and Ketu are the natural rulers of this house. Both these planets imbibe spiritual powers and propel us to discover the true purpose of our lives.

Relationships, money, fame, and success are all temporary. The nature of the twelfth house emphasises the temporality of these things. Once we transcend these things, this house opens the channels to light and peace. 'Fulfill your spiritual purpose' is the main idea of this house. This house rules the feet and ankles. Ruling the feet and ankles is indicative that one must constantly be on the 'path' to spirituality. The twelfth house also rules the left eye. It's the dominant eye and indicates the accuracy of placing humanitarian goals over personal and selfish needs.

The twelfth house indicates activities like meditation, dreaming, sleeping, secret sorrows, travelling to foreign countries, fantasizing, and drug addiction. This house also makes you incur high expenses and fritter away your money through insurance policies and fat weddings.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra, auspicious and inauspicious times for today - 11.08.2023

 Click on the picture above for a better view

Moon transits Mrigasira nakshatra all of today. Naidhana tara for Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra people. Moon will transit in Vrishabha rasi till 16:58 and in Midhuna rasi after 16:58. Ashtama chandra for Tula rasi till 16:58 and Ashtama chandra for Vruschika rasi from 16:58. These people of the nakshatras and rasis mentioned during the times mentioned should not initiate any travels or start any new activity. 

As today is Yeka dasi , Mesha and Vruschika rasi have Ghataka thithi. Ghataka vara For Vruschika,Dhanu and Meena rasis  as today is Sukravara. Ghataka rasi for Vrischika rasi till 16:58 and Ghataka rasi for Kanya rasi from 16:58.  

People of the above mentioned rasis should also not initiate any travel and new activity today. Vrischika rasi people should be extra cautious today. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Moon Sign Horoscopes for 11.08.2023


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గ్రహ దోషాల ఉపశమనానికి పరిహారాలు చేసుకోడానికి ఆగస్ట్ నెలలో అనుకూలమైన రోజులు

గ్రహ దోష నివారణకు జప/హోమ/దానాలు చేసుకోవడానికి రానున్న రోజుల్లో అనుకూలమైన రోజులు(ఆగస్ట్ నెలలో) : 

ఆగస్ట్ 11 ,ఏకాదశి, శుక్రవారం, - వైష్ణవ , శైవ ఉపాసనకు అనుకూలమైన తిథి.

ఆగస్ట్ 13, ఆదివారం, ఆర్ద్ర నక్షత్రం - రాహు కేతు పూజ చేయించుకోవడానికి, రాహు కేతువుల కు జప/దానాలు చేయించుకోవడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు.

ఆగస్ట్ 14 , బహుళ త్రయోదశి , సోమవారం, పునర్వసు నక్షత్రం - రాహు మహర్దశ అంతర్దశ లు జరుగుతున్న వారు రాహు జపం మొదలు పెట్టడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 14 , బహుళ చతుర్దశి, సోమవారం,పునర్వసు నక్షత్రం  - మాస శివరాత్రి -  రుద్రాభిషేకం చేసుకోవడానికి చాలా అనుకూలమైన రోజు .

ఆగస్ట్ 15 , అమావాస్య , పుష్యమీ నక్షత్రం, మంగళవారం - శివారాధన కు అనుకూలమైన రోజు. శని మహర్దశ, అంతర్దశ జరుగుతున్న వారు శని జపం చేయించుకోవడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 19, శుక్ల తదియ, ఉత్తరా నక్షత్రం - శని మహర్దశ అంతర్దశ లు జరుగుతున్న వారు శని జపం మొదలు పెట్టడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 20, ఆదివారం, హస్తా నక్షత్రం, బహుళ చవితి - కేతు గ్రహ దశ అంతర్దశ జరుగుతున్న వారు కేతు జపం మొదలు పెట్టడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు.

ఆగస్ట్ 22, శుక్ల షష్ఠి, మంగళవారం - స్కంద షష్ఠి - సుబ్రమణ్య ఆరాధనకు అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్టు 23,శుక్ల సప్తమి, బుధవారం, స్వాతీ నక్షత్రం - కుజ,రాహు అంతర్దశలకి జపాలు మొదలుపెట్టడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 24, శుక్ల అష్టమి, గురువారం - దుర్గా దేవి ఆరాధనకు అనుకూలమైన రోజు .

ఆగస్ట్ 27, ఆదివారం, శుక్ల ఏకాదశి, మూలా నక్షత్రం - బుధ మహర్దశ,అంతర్దశ జరుగుతున్న వారు దోష నివారణార్థం  బుధ గ్రహ జపం మొదలు పెట్టడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 29, మంగళవారం, శుక్ల త్రయోదశి, శ్రవణా నక్షత్రం - ఏ లి నాటి శని, అష్టమ శని, అర్ధాష్టమ శని జరుగుతున్న వారు శని జపం మొదలు పెట్టుకోవడానికి అనుకూలమైన రోజు. 

ఆగస్ట్ 31, శ్రావణ పూర్ణిమ - గాయత్రీ జయంతి  - ఈ రోజు గాయత్రీ మంత్రోపదేశం వున్నవారు సహస్ర గాయత్రీ జపం చెయ్యడం చాలా మంచిది. లక్ష్మీ పూజ , శ్రీ సూక్త పారాయణం వల్ల అష్టైశ్వర్య సిద్ధి , వాంఛా ఫల సిద్ధి కలుగుతాయి . 

శివరామ కృష్ణ జ్యోతిష్యాలయం 
96407 54054
91828 17435

Tara & Chandra Bala for each nakshatra , auspicious and inauspicious times for - 10.08.2023


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Today is Adhika Sravana Krishna Dasami , 10th August,2023, Thursday. Moon transits Rohini Nakshatra in Vrushabha rasi all of today. 

Naidhana Tara for Punarvasu,Visakha and Poorva Bhadra Nakshatra people. Tula rasi people have Moon transiting their ashtama rasi

Rohini is Ghataka nakshatra for Makara Rasi people. Navami Thithi is Ghataka for Vrushabha, Kanya and Meena rasi people . Thursday is Ghataka vara for Vruschika rasi people.
All the people of the above said rasis and Nakshatras should avoid initiating travels and any new activity and only do their normal activity. 

Today is   good day to start performing Vedic remedies for Guru and Chandra Grahas.  

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Effects of Birth in Various Thithis

The lunar days are called tithis and each month has 
30 tithis, which may vary from 20 to 27 hours . New Moon to Pournami is called Shukla Paksha and Pournami to Amavasya is called Krishna Paksha. 

There are 16 tithis in the Hindu Panchanga. Every 12* difference between Sun & Moon forms a tithi. There are 15 tithis during the Krishnapaksha or dark fortnight and 15 in the Shuklapaksha. 15th Tithi in the Krishna Paksha is Amavasya and the 15th Tithi in Shukla Paksha is Pournami.

Following are the effects of birth in each Thithi ( Both in Krishna paksha and Shukla Paksha) : 

1. People born in the Padyami (1st Thithi)   will be well educated,Wise, will be having a big family, will wear Gold ornaments, will be Gentle men, friends of Kings and will be bright with handsome features.

2. People born in Vidiya ( Dwiteeya) will be Donors, Benevolent,Gentlemen, Wisemen, Greedy minded, Will practice good habits, will be of pleasing personality, and famous.

3. People born in Tadiya ( Truteeya) will be highly educated, will have high levels of libido, will be strong bodied, will be wealthy due to favours from the king, witty, will reside in foreign countries, and will lead a luxurious life.

4. People born on Chavithi (Chaturdhi) will take loans for business or other purposes, will be brave persons, good at warfare, will spend less, will not be kind hearted people, will be interested in gambling, will be argumentative.

5. People born on Panchami will be well built, will be endowed with wife, friends, will enjoy favours from the king, will have charitable nature.

6. People born on Sashti will be speaking only truth, will be endowed with sons and wealth, Will be long legged, will be bright with distinct sparkling features, will be very famous but will have sores on their body.

7. People born on Saptami will knowledgeable, Gentle men , will be wide eyed, will respect sadhus , will be of god worshipping nature, will have girl children more, will be greedy and will steal others money, will win over their enemies.

8. People born on Ashtami will have all kinds of wealth in their possession , will be graceful , will beget sons, will be educational officers in the Government, will be respectful to women but will be agile. 

9. People born on Navami will be averse to help relatives, will talk tough , will be against knowledgeable people, will not adhere to usual dharmic practices but will be supportive to those who practice. 

10. People born on Dasami will be dharmic in nature, will be prosperous and will have grandeur, will be long necked, will be liberal minded, will be knowledgeable in various Sastras, will be ethical in nature, will have high libido.

11. People born on Ekadasi will be God and Brahmin worshippers, will be of charitable nature, peaceful minded, will be scholars, will do dharmic deeds and will be doing only good deeds. 

12. People born on Dwadasi will be efficient, will be always in their own home, will lead a luxurious life, will donate food to the needy, will get wealth from the Government, will beget sons. 

13. People born on Trayodasi will be satwic in nature, will have long neck, will beget sons, will be task masters, will be witty and will have high libido.

14. People born on Chaturdasi will be cruel natured, will like humour, will have high libido, will contradict themselves on issues, can be easily aroused for fights or arguments. 

15. People born on Pournami  will have tender body, will have lawfully earned money, will always be happy, will have excessive luxuries , will be compassionate, will tend to be dharmic always. 

16. People born on Amavasya will be peaceful in nature, will respect parents, will have hard earned money, will like to always travel, will have respect and fame, will have less influence, will be slim bodied.       

Tara & Chandra Bala for each Nakshatra and Auspicious and Inauspicious times for tomorrow - 09.08.2023

Click on the above picture for a better view

Moon transits Krittika nakshatra all of tomorrow. Naidhana tara transit for Ardra, Swati and Satabhisha people.  As moon will be in Vr;ushabha rasi from 07:43 am tomorrow, Tula rasi people will be having Moon in their ashtama rasi. 
People of the above mentioned nakshatras and rasi should not initiate any travel or any new activity. 

Moon Sign Horoscopes for Tomorrow - 09.08.2023

 Click on the above picture for a better view 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Tara & Chandra Bala , Auspicious and Inauspicious times for tomorrow - 08.08.2023

Click on the above picture for a better view

Tomorrow is Bharani Nakshatra for all day. Naidhana tara for Mrigasira , Chitta, Dhanishta  people and as moon transits Mesha rasi all of tomorrow, Kanya rasi people have Moon in ashtama rasi. People of nakshatras and rasi mentioned above should not initiate any travel or new activity tomorrow. 

Moon Signs Horoscopes for 08.08.2023

 Click on the above picture for a better view

Sunday, August 6, 2023

సూర్య జప మంత్రములు/వేద మంత్రము/ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు/గాయత్రి మంత్రములు

సూర్య జప మంత్రములు

1.ఓం హ్రీం సూర్యాయనమః

2.ఓం నమోభగవతే సూర్యాయనమః

3.ఓం హ్రీం ఘృణి సూర్యాయ నమః

4.ఓం హ్రీం ఘృణిః సూర్య ఆదిత్య శ్రీం

5.ఓం హ్రాం హ్రీం హౌం సః సూర్యాయ నమః

6.ఓం ఘృణి సూర్య ఆదిత్యోం నమః

7.ఓం ఘృణి సూర్యాయ నమః

8.ఓం హ్రాం హ్రీం సః సూర్యాయ నమః

9.ఓం హం ఖం ఖః ఖోల్కాయ నమః

10.ఓం హ్రీం తిగ్మరశ్మయే ఆరోగ్యదాయ స్వాహా

11.ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శ్రీం క్లీం ఏం సౌః హ్రీం రవయే నమః

12.ఓం హ్రాం శ్రీం అంగ్రహాది రాజాయ ఆదిత్యాయ స్వాహా

13.ఓం హ్రీం తిగ్మరశ్మయే ఆరోగ్యదాయ స్వాహా

సూర్య వేద మంత్రము

ఓం ఆకృష్ణన రజసార్తమానో నివేశయన్నమృతం మర్త్యంచ ।
హిరణ్యయేన సవితారథేనా దేవోయాతి భువనాని పశ్యన్ ॥

సూర్య ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు

1.సూర్యారిప్టేతు సంప్రాప్తే సూర్యపూజాంచ కారయేత్
సూర్యధ్యానం ప్రవక్ష్యామి | ఆత్మపీడోపశాంతయే ॥

2.జపాకుసుమ సంకాశం కాశ్యపేయం మహాద్యుతిమ్ |
తమోరిం సర్వపాపఘ్నం ప్రణతోస్మి దివాకరమ్ ||

3.ద్విభుజం పద్మహస్తం చ | వరదం మకుటాన్వితం ।
ధ్యాయే దివాకరం దేవం | సర్వాభీష్ట ప్రదాయకం |

సూర్య గాయత్రి మంత్రములు

1.ఓం భాస్కరాయ విద్మహే మహాద్యుతి కరాయ ధీమహితన్నో ఆదిత్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

2.గ్రహరాజాయ విద్మహే సర్వసాక్షిణే ధీమహితన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

3.అశ్వధ్వజాయ విద్మహే పద్మహస్తాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యఃప్రచోదయాత్

4.ఓం అశ్వధ్వజాయ విద్మహే, పాశహస్తాయ ధీమహి, తన్నో సూర్యఃప్రచోదయాత్

5.ఆదిత్యాయ విద్మహే | భాస్కరాయ ధీమహి తన్నోభానుః ప్రచోదయాత్

6.ఆదిత్యాయ విద్మహే సహస్ర కిరణాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

7.ఆదిత్యాయ విద్మహే దివాకరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

8.భాస్కరాయ విద్మహే జ్యోతిష్కరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో ఆదిత్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

9.దివాకరాయ విద్మహే మహాద్యుతి కరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో ఆదిత్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

10.భాస్కరాయ విద్మహే ప్రభాకరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో భానుః ప్రచోదయాత్

11.భాస్కరాయ విద్మహే దివాకరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

12.ప్రభాకరాయ విద్మహే దివాకరాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

13.ఆదిత్యాయ విద్మహే మార్తాండాయ ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యఃప్రచోదయాత్

14.భాస్కరాయ విద్మహే సహస్రరశ్మయే ధీమహి తన్నో సూర్యః ప్రచోదయాత్

Venus Retrograde - 2023

Venus Retrograde Start : July 23,2023 07:00 Am @ 4 degrees Simha

Venus will enter Karkataka in retrogression on 07 th August at 12:16 afternoon. 

Retrogression of Venus will end on 4th September,2023 @ 06:46

Venus will again enter Simha rasi on 02nd October,2023 @ 00:26 Am

Venus retrogression will impact Vrishabha and Tula Rasis and Bharani, Poorva Phalguni and Poorvashadha nakshatras the most  

When Venus, the planet associated with love, relationships, beauty, and harmony, goes into retrograde, its energies are thought to be intensified and turned inward. Thisperiod prompts us to reevaluate our values, relationships, and patterns of relating. It offers an opportunity for reflection,introspection, and growth in matters of the heart. 

During Venus Retrograde, the usual expression of Venusian qualities may undergo some challenges and reassessment. Relationships, romance, self-worth, and creativity may be  areas of focus. It is not uncommon to experience challenges   or obstacles in love relationships, unresolved issues resurfacing, or a need to reassess our desires and values. It is important to note that Venus Retrograde affects each
individual differently based on their birth chart and planetary placements. Some individuals may experience significant shifts or challenges during this period, while others may feel a more subtle influence. 

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves donning masks to protect our vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to our closest relationships. We create boundaries and wear egoic armor to shield ourselves from emotional pain and the desire for respect. However, it is time to shed these masks and reveal our true, beautiful selves. The Venus Retrograde offers an opportunity to approach relationships from the heart rather than the head.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturn In Aries


Saturn in Aries folks? That's like square pegs in round holes!

Risk? They pass. 

They're the safety players, conforming to social norms even if they disagree. All to steer clear of the big, uncertain world out there. 

Freedom has a price - responsibility. 

But these individuals struggle with the capacity to handle the fallout of their own choices. 

They know their Achilles' heel, yet the Aries fire clashes hard with Saturn's caution. 

So, what wins? 

Their craving for certainty. It often feels like they're prisoners of their own fear, huddling in comfort zones. 

Pain tolerance and burden-bearing? Not their strong suits. 

They might seem too fragile, mentally and physically, to weather life's harsh storms. This lack of resilience often leads them to quit when the going gets tough. 

The fiery, dynamic Aries throws Saturn off balance. 

As the zodiac's first sign, Aries signifies the initial stage of cognition - we're intoxicated by our thoughts and ideas. 

However, Saturn, the celestial elder, reminds us that living our way has its costs. 

Saturn in Aries amplifies this awareness, building a mental roadblock that stops them from pursuing their freedom dreams.

Moon Sign Horoscopes for today - 05.08.2023


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శని జప మంత్రములు/వేద మంత్రము/ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు/గాయత్రి మంత్రములు

శని జప మంత్రములు

1.ఓం శం శనయే నమః

2.ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శనైశ్చరాయ నమః

3.ఓం భ్రాం ఫ్రీం బ్రౌం సః శనయే నమః

4.ఓం ప్రాం హ్రీం ప్రౌం సః శనైశ్చరాయ నమః

5.ఓం హ్రీం శ్రీం గ్రహచక్రవర్తినే శనైశ్చరాయ క్లీం ఐం సః స్వాహా

6.ఓం హ్రీం హ్రీం హ్రీం సర్వశత్రూన్ విద్రావయ వినయ మార్తాండ సూనవే స్వా

7.ఓం హ్రీం నమః పంగుపాదాయ సూర్య సూనవే స్వాహా

8.ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శ్రీం ఐం సౌః హీం హీం శనైశ్చరాయ నమః

9.ఓం హ్రీం శ్రీం నీలవర్ణాయ శాంతాయ సౌరయే క్రోం స్వాహా

శని వేద మంత్రము:

ఓం శమగ్ని రగ్ని భిస్కరచ్ఛన్న స్తపతు సూర్యః శం వాతో వాత్వరపా అపశ్రిధః

శని ధ్యాన శ్లోకములు

1. నీలాంజన సమాభాసం రవిపుత్రం యమాగ్రజమ్
ఛాయామార్తాండ సంభూతం తన్నమామి శనైశ్చరమ్

2.కోణస్థ పింగళోబభ్రుః కృష్ణోరౌద్రాంతకో యమః
సౌరి, శ్శనైశ్చరో మందః పిప్పలాది షు సంస్థితః

3.నీలాంబరో నీలవపుః కిరీటి గృధ్రస్థిత శ్చాపకరోధనుష్మాన్
చతుర్భుజః సూర్యసుతః ప్రసన్నః దదాతుమహ్యం వరద ప్రసన్నః

4. గాధిశ్చ కౌశికశ్చైవ, పిప్పలాదో మహామునిః
శనైశ్చర కృతాం పీడాం నాశయంతి స్మృతాస్త్రయతిః

5.శన్యారిష్టేతు సంప్రాప్తే శని పూజాం చకారయేత్
శనిధ్యానం ప్రవక్ష్యామి శనిపూజాంచ కారయేత్॥

6. కోణశ్శనైశ్చరో మందః ఛాయా హృదయ నందనః
మార్తాండ జస్తథా సౌరిః పాతంగీ గ్రహనాయకః

7.అబ్రాహ్మణః క్రూర కర్మా నీల వస్త్రాంజనద్యుతిః
కృష్ణో ధర్మానుజః శాంతః శుష్కోదర వరప్రదః

శని గాయత్రి మంత్రములు

1.ఓం కాగధ్వజాయ విద్మహే, ఖడ్గహస్తాయ గీమహి,
తన్నోమందః ప్రచోదయాత్

2.ఓం నీలాంబరాయ విద్మహే సూర్యపుత్రాయ ధీమహి
తన్నో సౌరిః ప్రచోదయాత్

3.భగ భవ్యాయ విద్మహే మృత్యురూపాయ ధీమహి
తన్నో సౌరిః ప్రచోదయాత్

4. శనైశ్చరాయ విద్మహే ఛాయాపుత్రాయ ధీమహి
తన్నోమందః ప్రచోదయాత్

5.కాశ్యపాయ విద్మహే సూర్యపుత్రాయ ధీమహి
తన్నో మందః ప్రచోదయాత్