
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Planets in Debilitation on 28.10.2011

This is the chart for 28.10.2011,03.30PM. The time and date has been discussed by one of the  members in Yahoo groups  which was interesting for astrological study.

On the above date and time the planets Sun,Moon,Mars are in deep debilitation.Rahu and Ketu too are in their debilitation  signs Scorpio and Taurus( though this is a debatable issue).

The following are the planetary formations on that date:

Sun debilitated in conjunction with Mercury and Venus in Libra which are in turn aspected by debilitated Mars.

Moon debilitated and afflicted by Rahu.

Both Moon and Rahu aspected by Saturn who is in the star of Mars.

Jupiter in Ketu Nakshatra and retrograde aspecting  debilitated Mars and the three planets in Libra.  

I believe deep debilitation of Sun and Moon with these afflictions might result in death of a spiritual leader or head of a state.

Probable places of this happening might be in one these places :Japan,Tibet,Alaska,Portugal,Johannesburg or in South West India

Monday, August 29, 2011

Divisional Charts - Transits - Ashtakavarga

In my experience of reading into some considerable number of charts , i am of the view that Divisional charts are to be treated on par with the Rasi chart.These charts have to be used to analyse the different aspects of life of any native.Though not supported by any classic, i am of the view that Transits and ashtakavargas of Divisional charts have to be used in interpreting horoscopes.

Example:Steve Jobs ,CEO Apple Inc
(source from astro data bank,_Steve) Date of Birth: February 24, 1955 Time of Birth: 19:15 Place of Birth: San Francisco, California, USA

Above are  the D6, D10 and their ashtakavargas derived from the horoscope of Steve Jobs
Ayanamsa Used : Lahiri

Here i am trying to just give an overview analysis of his chart using simple ashtakavarga techniques,D Charts and Saturn Transits.I am not analysing the chart from the vimsottari dasa point of view.

Most of us would know that Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple in April this year as he is suffering from pancreatic Cancer.

He has been dignosed with this disease in 2003 itself but could manage till now with a surgery & Liver transplantation.
In 2003,Saturn was transiting Gemini.
From the above  D6 and D10 charts and their respective ashtakavarga it can seen that D6 has 33 SAV score in Gemini and D10 has 24 in Gemini when he was first diagnosed as having the disease.He had about 60% favourable transit in D6 and 43% favorable transit in D10.Hence even though he had health trouble he could overcome it by way of surgery and carry on.

At present the transit of Saturn is in Virgo. In D6 he has a Score of 22 in virgo and in D10 he has a SAV Score of 23. These two scores clearly indicate his present problems health wise and also Career wise.

In Raasi Chart too Virgo has an SAV Score of 24 showing turbulence in life in general.
These indicators only give an overview and for specific results we have to make finer analysis based on Dasa and antar dasas.

The period when Saturn transits a Raasi with more than 30 SAV score will be generally good .
I Believe this is applicable for every Divisional chart as well.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sun and Saturn conjunctions

On 14 th October 2011 there will be a conjunction of Sun and Saturn in Virgo.Both the planets are in the last degrees of the Sign.Sun has a BAV Score of 6 and Saturn has a score of 6 too.As both the planets are equally strong during the conjunction,I believe the conjunction might not result in any untoward events.Instead the Government and People might be reaching to an understanding as has happened during the conjunction of 2008 when both the planets were strong.

Following are some Sun and Saturn conjunctions which happened in the recent past.As Sun represents Fire Arms and Saturn represents People the happenings on the dates of the conjunctions are an interesting read.I have enlisted the dates of the conjunctions and the events happened and the Bhinnashtakavarga scores of  Sun and Saturn.When Sun was strong and Saturn weak(in BAV Scores) there were killings of innocent people.When Saturn was strong and Sun weak,there were bombings targeted at the authorities.

The data is taken from Wikipedia:

in Virgo 

01.10.2010 : Two car bombs explode in Nigeria during  the country's 50th Independence celebrations,killing 12 people.;Air strike launched by NATO in Afghanistan ;A massive rainstorm, formed from the combination of the remnants of Tropical Storm Nicole and a second extra tropical low, drenches the East Coast of the United States from North Carolina to Maine BAV Scores : Sun 3 , Saturn 4

17.09.2009 : Car bomb attack in Kabul killing 6 people;Seven Explosions in the Burmese city of Yangon with no casualities.Two large explosions hit the main base of African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu, Somalia,At least 87 refugees are killed after an army air raid on a camp for displaced people in 'Amran Governorate, northern Yemen. BAV Scores : Sun 5 , Saturn 2

in Leo

04.09.2008 : The Government of Thailand agrees to hold a referendum to resolve the 2008 Thai political crisis.Tata Motors suspends work at its Plant in Singur due to continued agitations by Trinamul  Congress.BAV Scores :  Sun :7 Saturn 5  

22.08.2007:Suicide Bomber kills at least 20 people and wounding 40 more in the town of Baiji,An american helicopter crashes in northern Iraq.Hurricane Dean makes it final landfall in Mexico.BAV Scores: Sun : 4,Saturn 1

in Cancer

07.08.2006:Tens of thousands are evacuated from around the Mayon Volcano in the Bicol Region of the Philippines as local volcanologists anticipate an imminent eruption. (Fox Scores : Sun 2, Saturn 2

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lok Pal bill and Saturn

In 1982, just when Saturn/Saneeswara entered Libra,its exaltation sign,Lokpal type bill was adopted in Singapore and in a single day about 142 corrupt ministers were arrested.Now we know what is Singapore.It is well developed country.

Saturn signifies the masses/people and when it enters its exaltation sign,people become more and more powerful.

Saturn is again about to enter Libra its exaltation sign on 15 th November 2011.He stays in the sign for the next Two and half years to come.

People are now more active/rebellious as in India,Libya.

The recent Jupiter - Saturn opposition has triggered the mass movements which will be carried on by the presence of Saturn in Libra giving desired results to the people against the corrupt/dictatorial rulers

Hence in India too like in Singapore,we can expect the Movement led by Anna Hazare to give positive results benefiting the people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

About Raasi's,Konas and Kendras

The names of the 12 Rasis (Zodiac signs) in their natural order and their rulers:
1.     Aries or Mesha is ruled by Mars/Mangal. It extends from 00:00 degrees to 30:00' in the zodiac.
2.      Taurus or Vrishabha is ruled by Venus/Shukra. It extends from 30:00 degrees to 60:00'
3.     Gemini or Mithuna is ruled by Mercury/Budh. It extends from 60:00 degrees to 90:00'
4.      Cancer or Karka is ruled by the Moon/Chandra. It extends from 90:00 degrees to 120:00'
5.      Leo or Simha is ruled by the Sun/Surya. It extends from 120:00 degrees to 150:00'
6.      Virgo or Kanya is ruled by Mercury/Budh. It extends from 150:00 degrees to 180:00'
7.      Libra or Tula is ruled by Venus/Shukra. It extends from 180:00 degrees to 210:00'
8.      Scorpio or Vrischika is ruled by Mars/Mangal. It extends from 210:00 degrees to 240:00'
9.      Sagittarius or Dhanu is ruled by Jupiter/Guru. It extends from 240:00 degrees to 270:00'
10.               Capricorn or Makara is ruled by Saturn/Sani. It extends from 270:00 degrees to 300:00' 
11.               Aquarius or Kumbha is ruled by Saturn/Sani. It extends from 300:00 degrees to 330:00'
12.               Pisces or Meena is ruled by Jupiter/Guru. It extends from 330:00 degrees to 360:00'
Sun and Moon own one house each and all the other 5 planets own 2 houses each. Rahu and Ketu do not own any houses. But in whichever house they are situated they behave according to the requisite qualities of that house & rashi.
The rashis are further divided into several categories. The categories are:
1. The Trikona or Triangular groups. 
Ø The 1st triangle formed by Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Agni-Tatwa or Fire signs. They are active, aggressive, adventurous and dominating by nature and are good leaders and administrators. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Dharma aspect predominant.
Ø The 2nd triangle formed by Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Bhu-Tatwa/Bhoomi tatwa or Earth signs. They are down to earth, practical and careful by nature and have a good sense of money. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Artha aspect predominant.
Ø The 3rd triangle formed by Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are Vayu-Tatwa or Air signs. They are intelligent, carefree, jovial and social by nature and enjoy life more than the other signs. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Kama aspect predominant.
Ø The 4th triangle formed by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Jala-Tatwa or Water signs. They are emotional, sensitive, romantic, artistic, nature loving and spiritual by nature. These signs, and people with these signs strong, have the Moksha aspect predominant.
2. The Kendra or Quadrangular groups
Ø Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn forming the 1st quadrangle are Chara or Movable rasis. They are active by nature, like change and direct in their approach. Normally people with chara rasis dominating in the birth chart travel a lot. 
Ø Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius forming the 2nd quadrangle are Sthira or Fixed rasis. They take their time to act, do not like change, and have a fixed views and ways of doing things. 
Ø Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces forming the 3rd quadrangle are Dwichara or Dual rasis. They are very intelligent and like exploring new ways and theories

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Raasis and Countries


Significations of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto

I see similarities between the Hindu perception of  Indra ,Varuna ,Yama and Western perception of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto  respectively.I am giving herein below the significations of the three planets as per Western Astrology:

X-Rays,Unexpected upsets,Ideas,Tresspassing,TV,Tornado,Anarchy,Strikes,Bohemian brother,Shocks,Changes,Research,Discovery,Radar,Earth Quakes,Eccentric Electronics,Non Conformists,Engineers,Metaphysics,Exile,Genius,Foreign,Independnce

Bay,Cheat,Escape,Actors,Anesthetic,Alcohol,Artificial,Cigars,Bogus,Cinema,Double dealing,Coffee,Debauchary,Confusion,ESP,Gas,Fictitious,Germicides,Imagination,Hospitals,Graft,Floods,Yoga,Wine,Swimming,Smuggling,Psychic matter,Rubber,Puzzles,Treacher,LSD,Radiation,Telepathy,Spiritualism,Secret,Sea,Intoxication,Magic,Liquor,Mystery,Petrol,Nightmare

Assassination,Calamities,Hell,Atomic,War Crime,Death,Evil,Cremation,Horror,Laser beams,Pollution,Rape,Violence,Vermin,Trade unions,Terrirists,Underworld clubs,Ambushes,Bandits,Black Magic,Gangsters,Calamities,cesspols,Computation,Organized mass murder,Vermin wreckers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sri Rama Krishna's Devalokamsa Saturn

Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa's chart:

Indicators of Spirituality among other factors

1.Exalted Saturn in 9th house with a shadbala of about 150% and also being in Devalokamsa in D-60
2.Ascendant  being Aquarius which is a sign signifying spirituality with Moon in it.

3.Ketu in Own sign in 10th house which has 43 SAV points.The combination is very apt due to Ketu being mokshakaaraka and 10th house being the Karma sthana.

4.Natural Aatma Kaaraka Sun with Shadbala of about 140%

5.Retrograde Jupiter in 5th house aspecting Ascendant and also Ninth house

6.Ascendant, Sun,Mercury,Jupiter,Saturn,1st house Cusp,9th house Cusp all being in Rahu's Stars.Rahu being his Aatma Kaaraka.

Sri AUROBINDO'S Sun And Jupiter

This is the chart of Sri Aurobindo a freedom fighter and Yogi/Saint.The birth details are available in Astro Data Bank.

Sri Aurobindo is a very highly evolved soul who has given a new dimension to the meaning of  Vedas.He rejected the traditional Maya vada and says the evolution of humans is not finished and says as man emerged out of animal, the superman with consciousness of his own divine self emerges out of man.He established an Ashram in Pondicherry, has many followers  and wrote many books on Vedas,Upanishads and Gita.

The predominant features in Sri Aurobindo's chart which led him in this path of spiritualism are as follows:

1.Sun the Naisargika Atma karaka is extremely strong with a Shadbala of 178% which is not seen in normal persons.Any one who has Sun this strong in their chart will definitely be drawn towards spirituality and will also experience spiritual evolvement leading to realisation of self/atma and Moksha.

2.The Sun in his chart is in Sreedhamamsa in Dasa Varga and Golokamsa in Shodasa varga.This itself proves the fact that he is a Paramatma.

3.The Sun is placed in Lagna along with Jupiter.The Jupiter is in Karkaataka his exaltation sign, giving a strong Hamsa Yoga which makes the native spiritual and Pious.This is one of the Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas

4.In Navamsa,Sun is in Aries/Mesha in his exaltation sign and Jupiter is in Capricorn his debilitation sign.This Navamsa placement of Jupiter has made him to reject the traditional thought processes of Maya vada etc.

5.In his rasi chart the Moon is with retrograde Saturn in Jupiterian sign of Sagittarius.

Quotes of Sri Aurobindo

Evolution is not finished; reason is neither the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges.

What I cannot do now is the sign of what I shall do hereafter. The sense of impossibility is the beginning of all possibilities. Because this temporal universe was a paradox and impossibility, therefore the Eternal created it out of His being.

The meeting of man and God must always mean a penetration and entry of the divine into the human and a self-immergence of man in the Divinity.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Asteroid Strike/Mysterious Explosion - The Tunguska Event

The Event

Siberian mysterious explosion or meteor strike that flattened all the trees for many miles in the wilderness.

Data Source : Astro Data Bank/Nature:Asteriod Strike

This is the Event chart of the Explosion/Meteor Strike which happened in Siberia on June 30th 1908.The time has been rated by Astro Data Bank as 'A'.
This shows the time is credible.

Though Classical Astrology texts do not mention Uranus,Neptune and Pluto, in this event their presence and impact is clearly seen.

In Raasi Chart

The Cancer lagna(Ascendant) is in Utpataamsa in D-60

Lagna has Debilitated Mars,the significator of accidents.Jupiter too is placed in Lagna which is its exaltation sign but is debilitated in Navamsa.

At the time of the event,including Neptune and Pluto there were Seven Planets in the Sign Gemini.This definitely signifies a very big event.

Gemini is the 12th from the Ascendant.The 12th house shows mysterious/accidental happenings and Rahu too being involved in the conjunction in the 12th house gives the mystery angle to the whole issue.

Mercury,Venus and Uranus are retrograde making them more powerful.

Out of the planets in Conjunction Moon,Venus,Mercury and Neptune are in the Star of Jupiter. Jupiter's Adhistana Devata is Indra which shows all these planets are acting as per the wish of Indra the King of Gods.

The most important aspect of this conjunction is Mercury who is considered as the messenger of Gods, is just one degree away from Neptune(Varuna).We know Neptune/Varuna is the god of Rain and in this case might have caused the asteroid fall.

Venus too is just with in One degree of Neptune.

All the Planets in Gemini are in aspect with the Galactic centre.
More so Rahu/Ketu which are just within three degrees to the Galactic centre.

Pluto in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu and the  retrograde Uranus/Indra and Neptune/Varuna being away 180 degrees and exactly opposing each other and this opposition/conjunction happening over the Vishnu Nabhi/Galactic Centre is of significance.

The Trimsamsa chart for the time too shows a very strong relation between Uranus and Neptune with both the planets being within two degrees in Gemini and Mercury which too is very close to both the planets with in one degree.

Ayanamsa taken:Lahiri

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident and PLANETS

The Accident took place on 26.04.1986 at 1.23 Am at Chernobyl.

There were drastic planetary configurations which obviously were the cause for the Nuclear Power plant accident.

The Planetary formations which were the reason for the accident are as follows :

1.Sun the Planet which signifies Atomic Power is in Aries in conjunction with Rahu.The conjunction is with both the planets being with in 5 degrees of each other.Aries is a fire sign.Sun is in the Star of Ketu which signifies that there will be unexpected events/accidents related to the significations of the Sun(Atomic power plant in this case).

2.The above conjunction is strongly aspected by a Retrograde Pluto from Libra which is an airy sign.Pluto is in exact oppositon with Sun in Libra just above 180 degrees .Pluto is also in the star of Rahu.The aspect of Pluto from the airy sign signifies spread of radiation to nearby areas.

3.In the Navamsa too at the time of the accident Sun is in oppositon to Pluto

4.At the time of Accident, Mars being the dispositor of Sun and Rahu and who signifies accidents and fire is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is again a fire sign.

5.Ketu is in the 12 th house of accidents from the Scorpio lagna signifying proneness to accidents in that time.

The Event :
Russian nuclear power planet explosion. Reactor No.4 exploded and caught fire, contaminating vast areas of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus and spewing a radioactive cloud over Europe. The Kremlin tried to conceal the accident and delayed evacuation of people from nearby towns for days. Firefighters and other workers who were the first at the destroyed reactor had little or no protection from radiation.

More than 4,000 cleanup workers died and 70,000 were disabled by radiation in Ukraine alone. About 3.4 million of Ukraine's 50 million population are considered affected. The Ukraine will suffer effects of the accident for years to come. Millions of its citizens are affected by radiation-related ailments.

Since the accident, the plant experienced many malfunctions, and it was an immense relief to not only the Ukraine but the people of the world when the plant was closed 14 years later.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi and Freedom Fight

As per the birth chart of Mahatma Gandhi,the ascendant is Libra which has Sun in Virgo on one side and Saturn in Scorpio on the other side.

as per the classic texts

The ascendant tells about the native under study.

Sun denotes Kings,government and authority.

Saturn denotes the people

All his life,Mahatma Gandhi was struggling for people against the British Rulers.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Timing Marraige

Studying favourability for marraige in the near future :
This is the chart of a girl whose marraige timing is to be determined. The following is my analysis:

Bhava chalita chart has Sun in Lagna.

Shastihayani dasa applies in this case. Dasa of the 9th lord Sun is starting from 21.09.2011.Here the 9th lord Sun has 72% aspect to 7 th house and is in conjunction with Mercury the 7th lord. Very good chances of marriage from 21.09.2011 till 28.12.2011(sun-sun-sun period).

Transits are very favourable from 17.11.2011 Saturn in 11th house(SAV points of 40),Jupiter in 5th house and Ketu in 6th house.This period statring from 15th November will turn out to be the best period in her life

If the asktakavarga strengths of transits are considered in D9 from 15.11.2011, Jupiter will be transiting the raasi with 8 BAV points(maximum) and Saturn will be transiting the raasi with 3 BAV points.Both together coming to 11 points out of 16.which is very good.SAV strengths of these two raasis are good too.We can expect marraige to happen before May 16,2012 after which Jupiter transits into Taurus

In the annual Tajaka chart Muntha is in the first house in conjunction with Venus(7th lord in Tajaka chart).The placement of Muntha is fairly auspicious.Venus Patyayini dasa starts from 19.07.11 till 12.10.11 and ascendant dasa is from 12.10.11 till 12.12.11.These periods are favourable for marraige.

Venus(Karaka for spouse) transits over the natal vivaha sahama on 13.11.2011.
Mercury(7th lord) transits over the natal vivaha sahama on 13.11.2011.An important event regarding marraige can be expected around this date.

Problems in conception

The above is the chart of a person whose wife had two abortions .I attempted to study the factors/indicators which caused the problems in conception.Given herein below is my analysis

In Rasi

7 th house has 24 SAV Score showing suffering to wife and suffering to native due to that.
5 th house has only 19 SAV Score which is much lower than the optimum 28

5 th lord is in third House in conjunction with Saturn .Mars benefic for Cancer ascendant is in conjunction with Retrograde Saturn which is a malefic for this ascendant.

Strongest natural malefics are in conjunction in the 11th to 5 th house.
And A5 has Rahu in it.

Rahu and Ketu are in their Moolatrikona signs which is good.

In Saptamsa

Mars and Saturn are mutually aspecting each other.And the Fifth house from Saptamsa Lagna has Rahu,aspected by Retrograde Saturn which is in conjunction with the 5 th lord Venus (Which is benefic for Gemini ascendant) from Saptamsa Lagna.Here too Benefics are connected to strong malefics creating hurdles for begetting children.

there might be the curse of Wife from a previous birth.

Jupiter Transits over Natal Putra Saham on May 9th 2012.The Saham ascendant has benfics occupied but may not be that strong enough for giving children.

BPHS says Mars and Saturn in 9 th may give son by adoption.In this chart, both are having a strong 7th house aspect on the 9 th house.And both are in the 9 th Rasi from Moon.

If we take Ketu as the dual owner of 5th house for this chart,he too is in the 6th house but in a good sign.There is a possibility that the couple may get a child in the period October 2012 to Nov 2013 in the Rahu/Ketu period.