
Friday, September 30, 2011

Dasaarishta Bhanga from Saravali

प्रवेशे बलवा न्खेत सुभैर्वा  सुनिरीक्षित: !   
सौम्याधिमित्रवर्गस्थो मृत्यवे न भवे त्थादा !!

अन्तर्दसाधिनाधस्य बलस्य दसायदा !
बलिनस्यत्तदा भङ्गो दसरिष्टस्य तद्ध्रुवं !!

युधे च विजय तस्मिन्ग्रःयोगे शुभे यदि !
दास्यां न भवेत्क्ष्टं स्वोचाधिषु च संस्थित: !!

At the time of start of the antardasa, if the antardasa lord is a benefic,strong or is aspected by benefics,or is in the sign of a friend then the antardasa lord will not give any evil effects during its period.

At the time of the start of the antardasa,if the antardasa lord is weak and the Moola dasa lord is strong,then in that antardasa there will be not be any  evil effects  .

In  the dasa of a planet victorious in a inter planetary war then too there will be no evil effects.

The above slokas are from Kalyana varma's Saravali.

Uranus in the 12 houses - Part II

In the Eigth House
You have strong psychic feelings and a keen intuition. You perhaps have unconventional ideas about life, sex and death, which you do not necessarily reveal. The afterlife is a great mystery for you and you may seek to probe for answers. The occult sciences in general may intrigue you. You may experience difficulties through nervous
tension. Sudden loss or gain could come about with other people's resources. There can be an unexpected inheritance or financial gain through unusual sources. Be careful around electricity and machinery. An interest in healing, perhaps through the laying on of hands, attends this position. You may have entertained thoughts of suicide in earlier years.

In the Ninth House
Your thinking, ideas and philosophies are original, offbeat, independent and unorthodox. There may be a desire to study metaphysics or a fringe religion or foreign culture. Sudden and unexpected long journeys are possible. Mental journeys in the form of dreams, visions, intuition and prophecies are possible. Your mind ever seeks to expand, gain knowledge and journey where it has never gone before. Too much mental activity, though, can cause nervousness and perhaps lead to a mental breakdown.

In the Tenth House
You are not a conformer and do not wish a career that is stable, uneventful and commonplace. You are highly independent and may wish to be self-employed. Your rebellious nature may cause you to do the opposite of what you are told to do in your line of work. Your strong imagination, intuition and creativity will be applied to any career you choose. Sudden changes in job fortune are probable. Routine work drives you batty. A career in electronics, computers, invention, metaphysics or mechanics is possible.

In the Eleventh House 

This confers intuition, originality, inventiveness and creativity. Humanitarian ideals are important to you. Unusual friendships with unusual people are indicated. Friendships, goals and dealings with groups can change rather suddenly. You make friends easily, but prefer many acquaintances with only a few intimate friends. Your friends may see you as being somewhat aloof. You could be quite a rebel or reformer and it would be best if you use these energies along constructive lines rather than the opposite.

In the Twelth House

You tend to be highly intuitive and secretive, with humanitarian ideals. You may have feelings of loneliness. There may be nervous difficulties. There is interest in metaphysical subjects. You may have unique psychic experiences which you keep to yourself for fear of being ridiculed. You have a tremendous desire to feel free and a constant questioning of the meaning of life and of the imperfections you see around you. Unresolved difficulties in your subconscious mind need to be brought out and disposed of. You have a tendency to feel
that something is going to "get" you, to sneak up on you, if you are not careful. It is as though you always have a sense of impending doom. You need to overcome this apprehension. Self-control must be developed.

Uranus in 12 Houses - Part I

Taking advantage of sudden and unforeseen events, the knack of mesmerizing others, occult forces, electrical gadgets, short-cut methods, inventions, progressive projects, originality, reforms, oratory, exposures, astrology, electricity, computers, reforms, automobiles, mental creativity, science, research, psychology, humanitarianism, technical writer, astronomer, air conditioning technician, aerodynamicist, psychiatrist, telephone repairman. The potential to fascinate and charm people. A charismatic aura that sways the emotions of others. Love of addressing groups. Enters into unusual ventures where originality and inventiveness can be unleashed in making quick decisions to solve problems or devise better timesaving shortcuts. Quick to grasp the ideas of others. Aptitude for installing and adjusting delicate instruments, working with electrical devices.

In First House
You are strong-willed, independent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive. You have an exciting and stimulating personality which tends to draw people to you. You may be willful,
high-strung, nervous, and anxious. You may experience feelings of unrest and loneliness, perhaps because of the uniqueness you feel. Seeking new and unusual ways of expressing traditional ideas appeals
to you. Listen to your intuition because it is probably very strong, or could be developed to a high degree. You can become a leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow. You may be ahead of your
time. You may not pay as much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because of the myriad of thoughts that occupy your mind.
In the Second House
You can earn money in original and inventive ways. Money and possessions come and go in sudden, unexpected ways. There may be unusual and disruptive changes in your financial condition. You may
value money for the freedom it gives you to pursue your inner talents, which may be rare and unique. You have the ability to get yourself out of financial difficulties.  

In the Third House 
Your mind is independent, original, creative, unconventional, curious, perhaps somewhat eccentric, and unusual. People around you sometimes cannot understand how you think or why you express yourself in the
ways you do. You may be ahead of your time. Mental restlessness causes you to always be on the search for new information and knowledge. You have unique ways of passing this new information along to others.
Frequent changes of mind are likely as new data filters through you. Relationships with siblings and neighbors are likely to be unusual and perhaps somewhat high-strung and tense at times. Boredom is seldom a
problem. The desire for fresh experience may cause you to travel extensively. Intellectual freedom is important to you.
In the Fourth House

You may experience unsettled home or family conditions. These events usually happen quite unexpectedly, out of the blue. Your family heritage may be eccentric or unusual and family skeletons can appear.
This position gives restlessness, perhaps with a desire to move often. Your parent(s) or your relationship with either parent may be unusual, which will affect you emotionally (nerves) for good or otherwise.
There will be many changes in your life, including different localities. You desire to remain free from commitments to either a home or a community. You may be unconventional and not interested in how others view you. Later in life, you may develop an interest in astrology or in metaphysics.

In the Fifth House
You definitely possess creative originality. Your hobbies are unusual and interesting. Your desire for independence may make love affairs and relationships with children unsettling. Your children may be very
unique, so much so that neither you nor they can understand the other. You are disinterested in society's social games and are more concerned about your own inclinations. Speculation can get you into trouble -
be careful. Sudden gain and sudden loss are possible. Unexpected gains without any effort on your part can come to you, which may generate an attitude within that you just can't lose. Watch out for
that. Your love life is unusual, sometimes maybe even wild. Your approach to romance and dating may be somewhat cavalier, unconventional and/or rebellious.

In the Sixth House
You have unique abilities and original methods, especially in your work. You may suffer from extreme nervous tension and strange accidents on the job. Your appearance and manner of dress are apt to be quite unusual. You like the kind of work that has irregular hours, is different, and has a lot of variety. You are a good worker, but must watch out so that you do not overwork. You can develop clever ideas which will aid you in your work. You are at your best when you can be independent and be your own boss. You may be impatient with others and can appear to be abrupt to and detached from your fellow workers. Strange and unexpected turns in your health can occur. Spasmodic health is also a possibility. Many times the cause is simply nervousness, anxiety, stress, and tension. Relax.

In the Seventh House
Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock
appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise "unavailable".Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life.
Any need to control the other person in your relationships will  probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain "hit the road" attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships.You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and
emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present.Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and
need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner.The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place.For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.

The Outer Planets - Uranus

Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. While the building blocks (science, electricity) are safe here, this planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the aegis of this planet.

No one will ever characterize Uranus as subtle. This is the planet that coaxes erratic and bizarre behavior and byzantine schemes. A bohemian, utopian society is more in keeping with Uranus's bent, as are humanitarian ideals. Freedom and creativity are important to this planet; Astrology is also within its realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and often unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and other natural disasters.

It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac. It is an androgynous energy and rules Aquarius and the Eleventh House. Uranus is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury and the first of the transcendental planets.

The Outer Planets - Uranus

The discovery of Uranus around March 13th 1781 must have been somewhat of a shock to the existing astronomical and astrological fraternity of the day. Up to that point only the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn had been acknowledged. Its discovery and subsequent acceptance by the scientific community coincided with an incredible revolution in technology and science. Having an aerial as its glyph or symbol is a testimony to the progressive things Uranus stands for.

The emergence of Uranus in the consciousness of man simultaneously coincided with the earlier discovery of electricity and the broader research orientated scientific methodologies. Though the Royal Astronomer, John Flamsteed, had identified a celestial body on several occasions between 1690 and 1715, it was Herschel who is credited with its discovery. Interestingly Herschel was a musician, not an astronomer.

Considering its distance of 1,782 million miles from the Sun, its discovery at this time is significant and seems to reflect the rapid advancement of society from that point on. Its symbol in fact also represents the mythical Thor and in some Vedic circles, Lord Indra, God of Lightning, as its presiding deity. This allocation is to some astrologers arbitrary and due to its slow cycle of approximately 84 years, is still speculative.

Astrologers assign Uranus to the New Age zodiac sign of Aquarius and suggest it is the upper harmonic of Mercury. If Mercury governs intelligence, Uranus is considered the refined and more intuitive and intellectual faculties within us. This is a superior form of intelligence, somewhat related to the psychic faculties of man, but not purely so, as this is the work of Neptune. Nevertheless, the sign of Aquarius governs what we call the Age of Man and the higher rational processes in man. On a physical level it represents the nervous system and though Aquarius is predominantly an air sign, the fire element also has an influence on this planet esoterically.

Uranus the Reformer
The general principles of Uranus govern change – abrupt, radical and unexpected change as opposed to gradual and foreseen modifications. Sociologically, due to this sudden quality associated with it, revolutions and all sorts of reform are linked to Uranus. On a more personal level, those people born under Aquarius, or under Uranus’ influence will be rebels - with or without a cause, and at some level in their lives are working towards a progressive and world-shattering change in their environments. The movement of the planet Uranus through the different signs of the zodiac gives vastly different effects, although still retaining its inherent ground-breaking nature.

The complete cycle of Uranus through the twelve signs takes approximately 84 years - nearly the same duration as the average human life span. Being one of the three outer planets including Neptune and Pluto, it is considered a transpersonal planet yet due to this 84 year span acts personally too. Unlike Neptune and Pluto whose cycles are much longer, some individuals experience the return of Uranus to their natal position. Speaking of the lifecycles, there are some astrologers who believe the quarter, half and three-quarter cycles of Uranus have relevance to our personal development. At 21 years of age, we witness the transition from teenage years to full adulthood, a time when responsibility and the approaching duties of family life are thrust upon us. At around age 42 the dreaded “mid-life crisis” is associated with the half-circuit of Uranus. And when the three-quarter cycle of age 63 occurs, many consider retirement from working life. In respect of these critical years of development there seems to be a correlation between Uranus and its effect on us as at these critical stages. The vast majority of humanity may not see the full return of Uranus, yet for some, the return would signal an important spiritual revelation and reflect the notion that human life is indeed finite and there is something beyond this material human process. These life changes are in themselves revolutionary and impact on our perception of the world and ourselves.

Uranus in the Signs
Depending on which sign of the zodiac Uranus is found at birth, its influence will indicate the manner in which the soul can progress in life and what unusual or progressive work each of us will endeavour to manifest in this incarnation. The continuing theme of course is freedom and defying the limitations of one’s social and historic structure, but most importantly, the way in which we are able to free ourselves from the constraints of our Karmic limitations. Each individual is born with specific samskaras or past life impressions and it is the job of Uranus to assist us in breaking down these patterns through the process of change – at times radically so. Therefore, Uranus helps liberate us and can assist in revealing who we are by removing external and internal blocks that are holding us back from attaining our true spiritual potential.

Uranus moved through Aries in its most recent transit in April 1927 where it stayed until June 1934. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and informs us that Aries’ independent, freedom loving spirit is strongly accentuated by the electrical Uranus here. These are courageous, resourceful and somewhat domineering personalities and if other negative planets or aspects influence this sector, the person may even be violent and unstable. People of this period underwent some significant changes socially as a result of the Great Depression. These transformations in society no doubt had an impact on the psyche of that generation.

As Saturn moved through the sign of Taurus, the concepts of business money and material values on the whole were drastically affected and people born with Uranus here (June 1934 to May 1942) would take a very special interest in finance, economics and unusual ways in which money can be used. They are highly inventive in the way they use their financial resources and also enjoy the speculative side of money but unfortunately that premature or spontaneous energy of Uranus may not always give them the success they look for. The spiritual action of Uranus beckons them to look beyond the material basis of fulfillment to the deeper values which can only be found within oneself.

Uranus entered the sign of Gemini in May 1942 and continued its transit there until September 1948. As Gemini is an intellectual air sign the mechanics of thinking are strongly influenced by the New Age Uranus and gives those born at this time a quick-thinking and scientific nature. As many will attest, Gemini is not fixed, a mutable sign leading to inconstancy. People born with this combination should work on calming their nerves and systematically work through their ideas to a logical conclusion without scattering their energies.

Under the influence of a Cancerian Uranus that occurred between September 1948 and September 1955 the emotional nature of society was quickly accelerated. The water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces indicate a deeper emotional response that has a psychic component to it and therefore there was a quickening of ESP and subtle senses within man at this time. Those born with Uranus in Cancer have a deep and sensitive intuition with foresight, but also need to break with their cultural past and explore new cultures and faraway places. Sudden changes in their home lives are quite notable and much migration and change of residence also started to occur in the Western World throughout this period.

From September 1955 through to August 1962 Uranus continued its trek through the zodiac in the sign of Leo and produced a generation comprising of radical enterprise and supremely determined individuals. This was the generation in which the new love and freedom in expression started to dominate society in the West. Under Uranus in Leo people seek freedom of expression in art, music, drama, theatre and for that matter in the way they communicate their ideas socially. The risk here is intellectual pomposity and an inflexible attitude to receiving ideas of a more conservative nature. If these individuals can maintain open-mindedness alongside their bold and aggressive concepts, great things can be achieved by them throughout their lives.

In the period of August 1962 to June 1969 the prudent and virginal sign of Virgo was shaken up by the transit of Uranus. Great strides have been made in computer technology, health and other work practices throughout the cycle of Uranus in this sign and those born throughout this period are also likely to exhibit the inventive qualities coupled with work and service. Many new vocations and types of work are likely to emanate from the consciousness of these people and new attitudes to human resources within the workplace will be pioneered by them. Modern forms of healing and medical technology have sprung up and this also indicates a need for those having Uranus in Virgo to watch their own health and maintain, in particular, the health of their nerves which could be a flashpoint for them.

When Uranus entered into Libra towards the end of June 1969 it continued there until November 1974 and this placement heralded many unusual shifts in the consciousness in love and relationships. The way people viewed love and the social etiquette surrounding relationships generally underwent a notable transformation. The very structure of marriage has changed dramatically since then with the bonds not being quite so formal as they were prior to that. De facto relationships have become more commonplace and this has been due to the motion of Uranus in the 7th sign of Libra. Those born with Uranus in Libra have an experimental and freedom loving approach where marriage and one on one relationships are concerned. They will be challenged at some point in their lives to seek to create at least some necessary boundaries in which to operate on this level.

When Uranus entered into the mysterious, eighth sign of the zodiac Scorpio in November 1974, the sexual and spiritual consciousness of the world changed. The transit in the sign of Scorpio continued all the way up to the third week of February 1981 and represented a deeper psychic progression for humankind at that time. Some astrologers cite Scorpio as the exaltation sign of Uranus or what would be considered its high point in the zodiac. As Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration (see Pluto, its ruler), people will be preparing for the coming of the New Age which is represented by Uranus. Death in this sense relates to the old way of doing thing, the old manner of seeing things, the antiquated ways of relating and even refers to the traditional methods of viewing ourselves in relation to the Universe. In short, everything will begin to change at this time and those born during this period will want to express their unusual ideas for reforming the world as they reach maturity. The sign of Scorpio is notorious for its emotional response and therefore those having Uranus here can be almost ruthless in demanding that their feelings and ideas be heard and acted upon. This could indeed be a weak point for those with this placement.

The sign of Sagittarius represents the philosophical ideals that we aspire to and when Uranus entered Sagittarius in February 1981 many of our religious views and philosophies started to undergo transformation. It continued in its transit there up until December 1988. A fanatical attitude could be elicited by the placement of Uranus here in the sign of religion and philosophy yet those having a balanced view could actually develop new fields of understanding for the greater community. A pioneering vision in the way they present their principles to the world around them is indicated. They are true luminaries and are able to pragmatically combine philosophy and science thereby creating a new practical occultism which will propel our society forward into the future. Dogmatism has to be avoided by those born with Uranus in Sagittarius.

In December 1988 when Uranus entered Capricorn radical and unexpected shifts were occurring at that time, particularly in the global financial markets which culminated in financial losses of the late 80’s as you will recall. Uranus maintained its presence in the sign of Capricorn until leaving there in April 1995 and just like the other earth sign of Taurus, had a marked impact on the value system of not only society as a whole but the individuals born at that time. The people born during this period will continue to exert their influence on the commercial and economic structures of the world as they mature. They have very strong ambitions and are dedicated and resolute in attaining their material ambitions. They must be careful not to put material values before their spiritual interests.

From April 1995, Uranus transited through its own sign, Aquarius until March 2003. These newborns of the last few years will usher in the golden age of Aquarius and are possessed with a deep longing to make those changes in our world which will herald the beginning of the true universality of humanity. People born in this period through their deep commitment to social and cultural reform will spearhead the way for humanity into the long awaited Age of Aquarius.

Along with this talent for social and humanitarian reform we mustn’t forget the intellectual and scientific quality of the sign of Aquarius and these people will also excel in making great strides in the technological spheres. Of course the motivation for these advances will be less material than spiritual but the aerial symbol of Uranus reminds us that what is above can be transmitted to what is below. Their spiritual ideals will be made practical, and therefore useful by all.

The current transit of Uranus through the sign of Pisces is significant and particularly for those born at this time between the period of March 2003 until March 2011. The people appearing throughout this period are indeed blessed as Pisces is the final sign in the evolutionary spiral of the zodiac and indicates the completion of the soul’s journey through many incarnations. These people continue their journey with a view to assisting others to break free of the past and this indeed makes them unique in their spiritual and mystical power as well as their healing abilities. The individual born during this period deeply aspires to connect with the highest spiritual identity within their nature and it is quite within their ability to do so on an individual and collective level as well.

In the horoscope we seek the revelations of Uranus in the sense that it can free us from the shackles of our own past and those personal and societal limitations that bind and obstruct us from moving forward as free-thinking individuals in this world. The placement of Uranus by sign at the time of our birth and in concert with the other planets’ is a reflection of a unique cosmic symphony. It reflects to us those areas in which we may both be limited and yet how and where we may be freed. Ultimately freedom though, is a state of mind, a state of being in harmony with ourselves and our environment and so therefore Uranus exhorts us to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Outer Planets : Neptune - The Planet Of Illusion

Neptune is among the outermost planets and is comparatively a recent discovery. It was discovered in 1846. It also has an extremely slow orbit around the Sun due to its distance from it.
Neptune is considered changeable and illusionary. Its glyph is the trident of Poseidon, God of the Seas. It is said that Neptune rules the oceans of planet Earth. An individual's dreams, illusions, intangible and mysterious thoughts are all governed by Neptune.
The Significance Of Neptune In Astrology
An individual's spirituality is extremely important to the planet. How one uses his energy for personal and spiritual betterment is guided by his Neptune placement in the birth chart
Here are some other aspects related to the effects of Neptune:
  • Neptune uses its energy to guide individuals into a meditative state so as to gain insights and higher awareness levels.
  • The planet favors several activities like music, dance and poetry.
  • On the outside, the planet rules all forms of glamour, fashion, and theatre.
  • It has captivating energy to produce an illusion which reveals a enthralling outside along with similar attraction within.
  • People who have Neptune as their ruling planet do not reveal their inner identity easily. Such people can be flatterers who talk sweet on the outside but are conspiring from within.
  • On the darker side, Neptune also plays an important role in the world of alcohol, drugs, trances and hypnosis. People who are affected by the negativities of the planet are chased by several abnormalities like hypochondria and an escapist's attitude.
  • Neptune also lords over the sleep and the dreams of an individual.
Neptune takes almost 165 years to go around the Sun; therefore its effects are also strongly termed as long-term collective changes. It remains in any one sign for about 14 years and represents non-material influences like dreams and illusions.Neptune also brings an end to structures and represents optimistic changes on a social and spiritual level.
People who have a strong Neptune influence are often divine and have a continuous feeling of discontent about their routine and boring existence. Its overall effect depends on their birth chart on the whole and the sign and the house it falls in. Even the positions of the different planets with Neptune have a strong bearing on the interpretation of the birth chart.
Neptune guides one to rise above the materialistic things in life and live beyond one's dreams. It also helps one gain spiritual understanding by making an individual accept the humanity of all that is around him. You could say that the planet's action helps dissolve boundaries. This action ultimately helps one represent his/her optimism, altruism, glamour, delusion and finally the need to perish.
The planet takes 165 years to orbit the Zodiac and roughly remains in a sign for about 14 years. It is a feminine energy that rules Pisces in the 12th house. The planet is also known as the higher octave of planet Venus and is the second among the transcendental planets.

The Outer Planets - Uranus

Uranus stays in a sign for about 7 years, and while there makes a similar impression on all those born during that period. On the collective level, it influences the cultural pulse of a given time period.
What happens during an Uranus transit?:
When Uranus makes a transit to to any planet in your birth chart, that planet gets whooped upside the head. You're in for some cosmic surprises. Sometimes it's liberating, and other times you're thrown into utter chaos. If you've coasted along with a mild discontent, Uranus' visit amps it up to the next level. For example, perhaps you've been miserable in your job. Uranus comes along and you get fired -- you might be shocked, but now you've got the chance to change course.
What is the Uranus opposition?:
The Uranus opposition occurs somewhere around the age of 40, when transiting Uranus opposes your own natal Uranus. Also known as the mid-life crisis, this is when people suddenly cast off the shackles that keep them from fulfilling their destiny. You might get the courage to leave a stagnant relationship, or to suddenly follow a long-buried dream.
A Revolutionary Discovery:
An amateur astronomer named William Herscel first spied Uranus through his homemade telescope on March 13, 1781. It was considered an accidental discovery in this Englishman's backyard, which is fitting for the planet of quirky innovation. Astro-historians often point out the revolutions underway at this time in France and America, and the busting free of old structures of power.
sudden turns, rebellion, independence, invention, surprises, liberation, disruption, awakening
The meaning of Uranus in astrology:
Uranus plays an important role as the provocateur, the bringer of the cosmic wake-up call for both individuals and the collective as a whole. Just when we relax into our comfortable, stable lives, Uranus disrupts the scene. It can be through an event that happens to us, or self-initiated acts spurned on by a desire for change.
The influence of Uranus on a generation is revealed through innovations, break-throughs, shifts in perception, etc. When Pluto and Uranus were conjunct in Scorpio during the sixties, there were surprise events that shocked the world, along with social upheaval due to changing perceptions. I'm thinking of the sudden loss of leaders through assasination, but also a desire of the so-called hippie generation to break free and live in a more liberated way.
On a personal level, Uranus can factor in when there are intense aspects to natal planets. If you've got Sun square Uranus in the birth chart, for example, constant upheaval as you pursue your goals leads you to be flexible and go with the flow. Many insights come from looking at the house in which your Uranus falls. A 7th House (Relationships, Partnerships) Uranus can mean sudden changes that involve other people.
The gift of Uranus is to set us free when we've become too rigid or structured. While it's influence is disruptive, and accidents are associated with this planet, a crisis tends to sharpen the focus, make you feel more alive. Uranus can remind you of what you really want, not what you've been conditioned to think you want.
Uranus rules Aquarius and those with a heavy influence in their chart are born to shake things up, be the revolutionaries. John Lennon with his Moon in Aquarius and Yoko Ono, Aquarius Sun, put their desire for social change into action with the many songs, bed-ins and marches for peace. Some say Aquarians, and by association, Uranus, is 50 years ahead of its time. As the "Divine Awakener," pehaps Uranus' surprises are part of the cosmic orchestration designed with a future vision in mind.

The Outer Planets - Uranus


Like the nodes, Uranus represents unpredictable or unusual phenomena. More specifically, people with prominent Uranus' tend to value originality and freedom. A favourable Uranus in a chart will generally signal a quick intellect or a desire to be unconventional. A poorly aspected Uranus may create a need to be different for its own sake, or inconsistency.
In his younger days, comedian Robin Williams was known for his frenetic, original, and often eccentric onstage antics. Uranus is very closely aspected by no less than three planets (Mars, Moon, and Venus) in his horoscope, a highly unusual occurrence. These Uranus-connected planets gave him high energy(Mars), changeability and eccentricity (Moon) and creativity (Venus). But sometimes the Uranian influence isn't helpful, as in the case of movie star Elizabeth Taylor. Married no less than 7 times, she has a close Uranus-Venus conjunction in aggressive and headstrong Aries, pointing to a real problem with commitment and an impulsive approach to love.

The Outer Planets : Pluto: Planet of Power

As the outermost planet in our solar system, Pluto is also the farthest from the Sun. It has only recently been discovered, having come to light (albeit a dim one) in 1930.

Pluto's energy may be subtle, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks. This planet is about transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Things aren't pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says 'out with the old and in with the new,' and we'd better be ready for it. If we're not, this planet will simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend that which we know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result.

For all that Pluto (re)creates (it also governs the reproductive system), it loves to destroy. This planet rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion, viruses and waste. That's definitely not pretty. Pluto also governs crime and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive activity (terrorism, dictatorships). This planet is about all that is secret and undercover, that which is hidden from view. Is this the story of good vs. evil? Yes.

No one will deny Pluto's power (it rules atomic power, too) and intensity. This planet's energy is often focused on the masses and what the collective will do. Pluto beseeches the masses to look inward (and to their subconscious) to see what's there. It may be scary, but Pluto doesn't care. This planet knows how to push buttons.

It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the zodiac. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes this planet between 12 and 31 years to pass through a sign. It rules Scorpio and the Eighth House. Pluto is the last of the transcendental planets and is the higher octave of Mars.

The Outer Planets : Pluto: A Neo-Vedic View

Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D.

The discovery of Pluto in 1930 by astronomer Percival Lowell reflected the beginning of a new era of powerful dictators such as Hitler and Stalin and the exploration of nuclear energy leading to the development of the atomic bomb. Pluto themes of transformative as well as destructive power would pervade the events of the 1930s and the decades to come. At the time of this writing, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon occurred reflecting the challenging Pluto/Saturn opposition of 2001/2002. In mythology Pluto, the god of the underworld was also called Hades which means invisible or to make invisible. The origins of Vedic astrology credited to the great sage Maharishi Parasara occurred at least several thousand years before Pluto and the other outer planets were visible to astronomers.1 Therefore, in traditional Jyotish or Vedic astrology, the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are not utilized. Instead of focusing on the outer planets, a traditional jyotishi emphasizes the chaya grahas or shadow planets: Rahu, the north node of the Moon and Ketu, south node of the Moon. According to the ancient jyotish texts, Rahu is said to act like Saturn and Ketu is similar in nature to Mars. In my own astrological practice, I have observed the additional effects of Rahu to reflect the Uranus energy of sudden change while Ketu is somewhat similar to mystical Neptune. Pluto seems to be a combination of both of the lunar nodes representing powerful transformation and death/rebirth themes.

Being born with natal Pluto conjunct my ascendant and living in Sedona, an hour away from the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona where Pluto was discovered; has made it personally difficult to ignore Plutos powerful presence. By the age of two I had experienced three near-death traumas including a difficult birth and a near fatal car accident. In 1990, the death of my Father occurred during Plutos transit over my natal Saturn (a significator of father for night births in traditional Hellenistic and Vedic astrology). We all have our intense Pluto stories to share! These personal experiences of death themes have made it impossible for me to discount the effect of powerful Pluto in the natal chart or by transit. For me, to ignore Pluto would be akin to sticking the proverbial head in the sand.

Most jyotishis that I have met over the years have given minimal comment on the outer planets except to say that they may be reflected through the nodes of the Moon and other shadow planets or upagrahas such as Gulika. Themes of death and destruction are associated with Gulika somewhat similar to Pluto. In a recent TMA article, Dennis Flaherty wrote, the astrologers of ancient India did not use Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, because these planets had not yet been discovered; however, the use of the outer planets in Vedic astrology is not as questionable as it may first appear. Furthermore, the Vedic sage Parasara recounts in the classic Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra that there are five non-luminous planets in addition to the traditional nine grahas. Parasara called these non-luminous planets upagrahas, or secondary planets. Many contemporary Vedic astrologers use the outer planets and consider them a type of upagraha in their effect.

An important question still remains to be answered: Is there any evidence of commentary on the outer planets from ancient Vedic culture? In 1994, I had the good fortune of meeting the renowned Hindu astrologer and Vedic scholar from India named Narendra Desai. For many years until his death in April 2001, he taught workshops and gave private consultations throughout the United States. While sharing his knowledge at a Vedic Astrology conference in the Washington D.C. area in 1994, he began to speak about the importance of the outer planets. According to Mr. Desai, he saw an ancient Vasistha Nadi palm leaf in a museum in Madras, India, which predicted that three important grahas or planets would be discovered by the jyotishis of the Kali Yuga. The great seer Vasistha was the author of a number of hymns in the Rg Veda (dated 3000 BC) and was considered a great priest of the kings. According to the ancient palm leaf the names of the grahas or planets would be Prajapati, Varuna, and Yama. The palm leaf went on to reveal that the jyotishi s of Kali Yuga would need to decipher the significance and meaning of these powerful grahas. It was refreshing to hear a traditional jyotishi from India speak with such an open mind toward the influence of the outer planets.

In comparing the Hindu mythology of these three planetary deities with the Uranus, Neptune and Pluto myths; there are many common themes and metaphors. For example, Prajapati is the lord of progeny and creativity. He exerts his heat and duplicates himself and his divine voice sounds like thunder. One of the translations of Prajapati is Indra, the lord of thunder and lightening. A similarity to the planet Uranus can easily be seen. Uranus represents the Prometheus myth of bringing fire to earth, the bringer of change and innovation. Uranus is often associated with heat, lightening and thunder. He was also the father of Venus, the goddess of creativity. Narendra Desai felt that Uranus was a higher octave of Mercury, the god of creative intellect. He said that a prominent Uranus was often seen in the chart of a good astrologer.
Varuna is the lord of the cosmic waters and is associated with the mysterious laws of fate. He is a powerful, mystical healer and is the lord of maya or illusion. Varuna is the bestower of spiritual wisdom and the god of cosmic medicines. In the early cycles of Creation all the gods together approached Varuna and said to him: May you accept the lordship of all waters on earth and protect us all. May you ever dwell in the ocean, refuge of the aquatic creatures. The great ocean, the husband to all the rivers and streams, would thus remain subservient to you. You would swell and shrink along with the Moon. This sounds strikingly similar to the role and meaning of Neptune, god of the mystical seas, in modern Tropical astrology.

In Hindu mythology, Yama is the god of death and agent of Lord Shiva. Yama means the binder, restrainer who keeps mankind in check. Yama also refers to various powerful yogic disciplines such as breath control, hatha yoga and meditation. Lord Yama guides the soul to the astral plane after death, where one can experience the results of one s karma from the present life and prepare for the next incarnation. Yama has a green body, wears red clothing, and rides a black bull. A Sanskrit word for bull is go meaning sound or sense organ. This may indicate the Lord Yama rides his senses and permits them to function but controls or restrains their movements. He holds a loop in his left hand, which pulls the soul from the body of the deceased. While researching Yama on the Internet, the medical research journal Cell reported on a newly discovered enzyme named Yama that cleaves other proteins and causes cells to self-destruct. The research group named the protease enzyme Yama after the Hindu god of Death. Yama rules over the kingdom of the dead where the ancestors dwell and is the preta raja or king of ghosts. He is a deity that demands sacrifice and discipline. He decides which actions of humans bear or do not bear fruit. Yama then judges the dead whom his messengers drag before his throne. His aide, Chitragupta catalogues the karma of all human beings and replays the major life events helping the soul realize its life s work. The soul may realize its mistakes and transgressions and feels remorse. Lord Yama may then inflict punishment or danda. Yama represents the eternal law on which the universe resides. He is called Dharmaraja, or the King of Righteousness. For spiritual adepts, Sri Yama arranges a celebration after their death to guide their soul personally to the higher spiritual realms.

The yamas of the sage Patanjali Maharishi in the ancient Yoga Sutras represent the rules of behavior that exist in all religions and act as mechanisms of personal transformation. They are the first of the eight limbs of yoga. The yamas reflect primarily external discipline. The five yamas according to Patanjali are non-violence, non-stealing, chastity, absence of greed, and truthfulness. Following these rules of behavior is a great way to propitiate Yama. The lunar nakshatras of Bharani (13° 20 - 26 40 of sidereal Aires) and Magha (0-130 20 of sidereal Leo) is said to be the auspicious lunar time for the worship of Lord Yama. As the great jyotishi Sri Yukteswar stated;  the first lesson on the spiritual path is to learn to behave. The power to cleanse and remove impurities or apabharani shakti is a boon of Yama. Yama s reflection of the Pluto themes of death/rebirth, transformation and purification can easily be seen. As mentioned previously, Pluto is the Roman version of the Greek lord of the underworld, Hades. In Jungian psychology, Hades represents the deep shadowy layers of the invisible psyche that need to explored and purified. In her classic text, Gods and Planets, Ellynor Barz writes: When Hades was no longer experienced only as dreadful and horrid, when people were able to connect with him more consciously and to recognize the abundance and the riches under the earth, he was then called Pluto. The horn of plenty became his insignia. In Pluto, we find the end or abundance of life. Yama offers humanity a similar choice of destruction or transformation.

The late Narendra Desai also felt that Pluto was a higher octave of Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, in classical or Vedic astrology. This supports the rationale of the rulership of Scorpio to Pluto in modern tropical astrology. However, using Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio in Vedic astrology can make a mess of a valid effective system that uses the traditional rulers of classical astrology. I personally tend to judge the position of Pluto natally or by transit more from the tropical chart although I place the outer planets in the Vedic chart as well. Bringing the outer planets into the Vedic chart should be done with care. According to the Vedic Astrologer Chakrapani Ullal, the risk of creating goulash by mixing the two systems is a real dilemma for any astrologer studying both Eastern and Western astrological traditions.

After his recent death in April 2001, several of Narendra Desais devoted students have continued to share some of his thoughts on the outer planets. One student recently wrote to me that Narendra would emphasize the importance of an outer planet making a close aspect (conjunction, trine, opposition) to another planet. For example, he would give special emphasis to a natal aspect between Mercury and Uranus for indicating astrological skills. He also utilized the outer planets in his compatibility work and they were treated as somewhat challenging in nature. He also confirmed that for the spiritual understanding of the natal chart, the outer grahas or planets are very important. The type of spiritual practice or sadhana can be revealed in a Vedic consultation. For example, bhakti or devotional yoga indications traditionally associated with Sukra or the planet Venus may also be revealed through Neptune, a higher octave of Venus. A jnana or wisdom path may involve a powerful Uranus, a higher vibration of Mercury. A person with a prominent Pluto may want to explore meditation practices that involve Shiva, Kali or Yama worship. Thus, a specific sadhana may be reflected through the outer planets as well as other traditional indications in the Vedic chart.

In summary, a strong case can be made for the study of the outer planets in modern Vedic Astrology. The true spirit and philosophy of the Vedas was to keep an open mind to all forms of truth. The challenge of integrating this information into the Vedic system is the work of the neo-vedic astrologer of the new millennium. The research should be done with an open mind while still protecting the tenets of traditional Jyotish. As the great seer Narendra Desai stated to one of his students; Never mind what others say about the outer planets; they are there, we must use them!

* This article is dedicated to the memory of Narendra Desai (1924-2001).

The Outer Plantes:Pluto in western astrology - II

What is the meaning of Pluto in Astrology?:
In the birth chart, Pluto shows the area of life where you'll personally face the intense powers of creation and destruction. It's the doorway through which volatile compressed pockets of self, spirit and primal energy lies hidden, which are released either by our own efforts or by provocation from the outside world.
Pluto's energy will not be suppressed but its power is often feared. This can put you in a showdown between your greatest fears of being destroyed, and the pursuit of the deepest longing in your heart. The Ego holds to its defenses, but Pluto tries to urge you to let go, and surrender to become a new person.
Pluto rules Scorpio with its province being death and rebirth. There's a Sufi saying, "Die many times before you die," and Pluto's lessons hold out promise of emerging from the flames a new person. When chaotic events shake us at the foundations, it could be Pluto provoking change at the fundamental level. We might not think we exist without the ground beneath us, our sense of who we are, but if we're brave, we come to discover there is life after this kind of ego-death.
Pluto also governs power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination, and of course, personal power. It shows up when perfectly capable people end up under the thumb of someone else's control. Facing down the control and manipulation of others, especially parents, can make us weak in the knees. But once we do this, we are changed forever.
You can either be at the mercy of Pluto's provocation to change, or you can take matters into your own hands. It can be humbling to look soberly at the area of life in which you feel powerless, worked over, dissed by the Universe -- but by doing this, you can try to understand and alter your own reactions. You still might be brought to your knees, but while there you'll rest assured that Pluto's dark and punishing face is that of a tough, but loving teacher, leading you toward a more authentic experience of yourself.

The Outer Planets : Pluto in western astrology - I


Like Rahu, Pluto magnifies the planets it touches. It is associated with power and will, usually in a coercive or total sense. Pluto transforms and obliterates, and can operate beneath the surface. Secretive organizations such as the Mafia and government intelligence agencies fall under Pluto's influence. Depending on the planet it is connected to, individuals with a well-placed Pluto can exercise power over others, or enjoy great wealth. A badly aspected Pluto can cause misery and torment.
India's great independence leader Mohandas Gandhi had a powerful Pluto-Jupiter conjunction where benefic Jupiter ruled the third house of courage and initiatives. Through his decades-long struggle against British rule, his energy and will never faltered. This tenacity for transformation reflected the powerful Pluto placement in his chart. Widely considered the most powerful man in post-war America, former FBI chief J Edgar Hoover had difficult aspects between both Pluto-Sun and Pluto-Moon. This created distortions in the exercise of power and personal paranoia as he maintained incriminating dossiers on most major public figures from presidents to pop stars. Hoover is still rumoured to have had a hand in the assassinations of both President Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Saturn - Pluto Oppositions

The Latest Opposition of Saturn and Pluto is in September 2001 when there was an attack on the Twin towers in New York .Starting from then there were wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

There was an opposition in August 1965 before.Vietnam was at war and there was a Indo - Pak war in the same year.

Earlier,there was an opposition in 1931.There were floods in China.The Floods were considered the worst of the natural calamities in the known history.An estimated 10 to 25 lakh people were killed.

We know Saturn denotes the Masses and Pluto the Yama.

Data Source : Wikipedia

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

World War I , Planetary Formations and Galactic Centre

World war I started on 28th July 1914 a month after the assassination of the Arch duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.Before the war started, there were two eclipses one Solar eclipse on Feb 25th 1914 and one Lunar Eclipse on March 12,1914 with in a short span of 15 days.This kind of rare occurrence of the eclipses with in a short span, which also happened during the Mahabharata war, was the trigger for start of the great war in 1914 which lasted till 1918 causing loss of millions of people.

At the time of the war interestingly Saturn at 4Ge  is in close conjunction with Pluto at 8 Ge.Mercury the messenger of Gods too is in conjunction with these two planets. Jupiter and Saturn are in mutual 6/8 position.The warrior planet Mars is in Opposition to Rahu.All these formations indicate immensely adverse happenings. 

Apart from the above,I want to draw your attention to the aspect of the Saturn - Pluto - Mercury conjunction on the Galactic centre at 5 degrees Moola.The Galactic Centre which we call as Vishnu Nabhi is from where Brahma the creator is born as per the Hindu Mythology and aspect of Saturn and Pluto on the same is of high significance.

I came across the chart of one Margaret Mead born on Dec.16,1901 9.00 am EST,Chicago,IL.Her ascendant is in Sagittarius, where, at that time the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is happening.She was an Anthropologist.We all know anthropology is the study of  origin and evolution of humans.The significance is, the native born in the ascendant where a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is happening and which happens to be the Galactic centre, studying the origin of humans

I am of the belief that aspects and or conjunctions on the Galactic centre from Jupiter,Saturn,Pluto,Uranus and Neptune are of much importance in forecasting wars and natural calamities.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Countries and Directions of Planets - Varaha Mihira's Koorma Chakra

Sun - East ,Moon - North West,Mars - South,Mercury -  North , Jupiter - North East, Venus - South East,Saturn - West,Rahu - South West

Sun - Eastern Narmada,Orissa,Bengal,Bihar,Kambhoja,Eastern Tamil Nadu,Kausambhi

Moon - Kosata,Broach
Mars - Narmada,Sindhu,Mahanandi,Bhimaratha,Sipra River,Malya,Chola,Dravida,Andhra,Konkan,Vindhya
Mercury - Ganga,sarayu,Himalayan states and Saurashtra(Gujarat)
Jupiter - Eastern Punjab,Western U.P
Venus - Takshasila,Gandhara(Afghanistan),Malva,Vitasta,Iravati
Saturn - Saurashtra,Vidisha,Rajasthan
Rahu - Sulekha,Kinnaras
Ketu - Iran,Hunas,Afghanistan,China,Cholas

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Analysis of recent events using Varaha Mihira's Koorma Chakra

Varahamihira, the greatest astrologer of ancient India  has classifed the country into 9 regions based on the directions indicated by the 27 Nakshtras.

When ever there is transit of a Benefic/malefic planet/planets in a nakshtra the regions indicated by Varahamihira get effected as per the significations of the planets and raasis involved. Benefic and malefic nature of the planets are Naisargika as per the ancient texts. Natural benefic planets become malefics when they are combust and or debilitated. Natural Malefic Planets if in their Own,exaltation or Moola trikona signs still retain their malefic nature
With my limited knowledge in the subject and only with strong enthusiasm to study and learn astrology i tried herein below to analyse two of the recent events based on the classification done by Varahamihira.
Event 1.
There was a train accident in Tamil Nadu on 14 th September.As per the classification of regions,  Nakshtras representing Tamil Nadu among other regions are Uttaraphalguni,Hasta and Chitta.

On 14th September Saturn the strongest natural malefic is transiting in Hasta.

Saturn has a 74% aspect from debilitated Mars.Saturn is also in conjunction with Debilitated Venus  which is transiting in Uttara Phalguni which again represents the region.

Venus also signifies Luxurious Vehicles.Mars is the significator of accidents.

Event 2.

Mars entered Cancer its debilitation sign on 9th September.It is transiting Punarvasu.Eastern India is represented by  Ardra,Punarvasu and Pushya.The area covers Bihar,Jharkhand,West Bengal,Bangladesh,Meghalaya,Assam,Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram and Tripura.

Debilitated Mars which is transiting Punarvasu has a 74 % aspect from Saturn. The West Bengal Government announced a flood situation on 26th August also there was a flood situation in Bihar too.Both the states are covered by Punarvasu as per the Varahamihira's classification.

Please also refer to my previous post on Varahamihira's Koorma Chakra for ready reference

Friday, September 16, 2011

కృష్ణస్తు భగవాన్ స్వయం

 - By Sri Satya Narayana Sarma
భగవంతుని  అవతారాలలో  కెల్లా నీకిష్టమైన అవతారం ఏది? అని నన్ను ఎవరైనా ప్రశ్నిస్తే తడుముకోకుండా వెంటనే నేను సమాధానం చెప్పగలను-- కృష్ణావతారం -- అని. నా జవాబు వెనుక కొన్ని కారణాలున్నాయి. 

పుణ్యభూమి అయిన మన దేశంలో అనేక మంది మహనీయులూ సిద్దులూ యోగులూ ప్రతి తరంలోనూ జన్మించారు. జన్మిస్తూనే ఉంటారు. అంతే గాక భగవంతుని అవతారాలు కూడా అనేకం మన దేశంలో వచ్చాయి. ఎన్ని భగవద్విభూతులు అవతారాలుగా వచ్చినప్పటికీ కృష్ణావతారం వంటి అవతారం మాత్రం ఇంకొకటి రాలేదు, రాబోదు అని మనం విశ్వసిస్తాం. మిగిలిన అవతారాలు అన్నీ అంశావతారాలు అనీ, కృష్ణుడొక్కడే పూర్ణావతారం అనీ మన  పురాణాలు చెబుతున్నాయి. 

శ్రీ మద్భాగవతం ఇలా అంటుంది.

శ్లో || ఏతే చాంశ కలాః పుంసః కృష్ణస్తు భగవాన్ స్వయం
ఇంద్రారి వ్యాకులం లోకం మృదయంతి  యుగేయుగే  [1.3.28 ]

[ఈ అవతారములన్నీ భగవంతుని యొక్క అంశకళలు మాత్రమే. కానీ శ్రీ కృష్ణుడు సాక్షాత్తూ భగవంతుడే. ధర్మ  విరోదులచేత లోకం వ్యాకులం చెందినపుడు రక్షించడానికి వీరు ప్రతి యుగంలోనూ వస్తుంటారు]

కొన్ని అవతారాలలో  పదిపాళ్ళు, కొన్నింటిలో పాతిక పాళ్ళు, ఇంకోన్నింటిలో ఏభై పాళ్ళు, ఇలా రకరకాలుగా  భగవంతుని శక్తి ఆవిర్భావం జరిగింది. కాని శ్రీ కృష్ణుని అవతారంలో నూటికి నూరు శాతం భగవంతుని శక్తి భూలోకానికి దిగి వచ్చిందని శ్రీమద్భాగవతం అంటుంది. 

కృష్ణావతారం ప్రత్యేకతలు ఏమిటీ అంటే :--

1 .ధర్మాధర్మాలకు అతీతమైన భూమికలో లీలా వినోదంగా జీవితాన్నిగడుపుతూ ధర్మసంస్థాపన చెయ్యడం.

2.అన్నీ తెలిసీ ఏమీ తెలియనట్లు లీలా నాటకాన్ని నడపడం. 

3.అన్నీ ఆచరిస్తున్నప్పటికీ దేనికీ అంటకుండా దేన్నీ అంటించుకోకుండా  ఉండటం.

4.భౌతిక స్తాయిలో పూర్తిగా నిమగ్నమైనా కూడా తనదైన అతీత దివ్యస్వరూపంలో నిత్యమూ స్తితుడై ఉండటం.

5.దేనినీ అసహ్యించుకోకుండా దేనికీ లొంగకుండా ఉండటం.

6.తన చిలిపిపనులతో అల్లరిచేష్టలతో అందరి హృదయాలనూ కొల్లగొట్టడం.

"భౌతికంలోకి దివ్యత్వం దిగిరావాలి" అన్న అరవిందుల ఆకాంక్ష కృష్ణావతారంలో నిజమైనట్లు అనిపిస్తుంది. కాకపొతే కృష్ణుడు భగవంతుని అవతారం. అరవిందులు ఆశించినది మానవ పరిణామక్రమసాధనలో పరిపూర్ణత. అరవిందుల పూర్ణయోగాన్ని అందులోని స్తాయిలనూ భూమికలనూ శ్రీకృష్ణుడే ఆయనకు దర్శనమిచ్చి  స్వయంగా బోధించాడని తన "Synthesis of Yoga" అన్న గ్రంధంలో అరవిందులు చెప్పారు.

భగవద్గీత కూడా అప్పటివరకూ ఉన్న రకరకాలైన వేదాంత మార్గాలను సాధనా విధానాలను క్రోడీకరించడానికి చేసిన ప్రయత్నం లాగా మనకు కనిపిస్తుంది. యుద్ధ రంగంలో కొన్నిగంటల వ్యవధిలో పద్దెనిమిది అధ్యాయాలుగల గీతను కృష్ణుడు అర్జునునికి నిజంగా బోధించాడా? ఇది నిజమేనా? అన్న అనుమానాలూ దీనిమీద చర్చలూ అనవసరమైన విషయాలు. యుద్ధమధ్యంలో వేదాంతచర్చ జరిగి ఉండవచ్చు ఉండక పోవచ్చు. కాని అప్పటివరకూ అందుబాటులో ఉన్న వివిధ వేదాంతసాంప్రదాయాలను ఒకచోట క్రోడీకరించాలన్న వ్యాసభగవానుని ప్రయత్నం చాలా ఉన్నతమైనది. అప్పటినుంచీ ఇప్పటిదాకా భగవద్గీత ఎన్ని లక్షలమందికి ఆత్మోన్నతిని ఇచ్చిందో మనం ఊహిస్తే, ఒకవేళ యుద్ధరంగంలో వేదాంతచర్చ అసంబద్ధం అనుకున్నప్పటికీ, భగవద్గీతా రూపంలో జరిగినది ఎంత గొప్ప ప్రయత్నమో ఎంత నావెల్ ఐడియానో మనకు తెలుస్తుంది.

శ్రీకృష్ణావతారం వల్ల లోకానికి మూడు ముఖ్యమైన ప్రయోజనాలు ఒనగూడాయి అని నా భావన. 

ఒకటి - వేదాంతం గ్రంధాలకే పరిమితం కాదు అది ఆచరణాత్మకమే అని తన  అద్భుతమైన జీవితం ద్వారా నిరూపించడం. దేవుడు మానవునిగా దిగివచ్చిన అన్ని అవతారాలలోనూ బాధలు పడ్డాడు. విలపించాడు. మానవునిలాగే ఆవేశ కావేశాలకు లోనైనాడు. శరీరంలో ఉన్నంతవరకూ శరీర తాదాత్మ్యాన్ని అనుభవించాడు. శ్రీరాముడు కూడా " ఆత్మానం మానుషం మన్యే రామం దశరధాత్మజం" అంటూ తాను మానవుణ్ణి, దశరధుని కుమారుణ్ణి అని మాత్రమే తాను తలుస్తున్నట్లుగా అంటాడు. కాని శ్రీ కృష్ణావతారంలో మాత్రం, శరీరధర్మానుసారం . ఎన్ని బాధలు పడినప్పటికీ, ఎన్ని  యుద్ధాలు చేసినప్పటికీ, ఎంత మంత్రాంగం నడిపినప్పటికీ, తాను భగవంతుణ్ణి అన్న స్పృహ మాత్రం ఆయనను ఎప్పుడూ వీడనట్లు కనిపిస్తుంది. కనుకనే " అహం సర్వస్య ప్రభవో మత్త సర్వం ప్రవర్తతే (నేనే అంతటికీ ప్రభువును అంతా నన్ను అనుసరించే నడుస్తున్నది)" ,"అహమాత్మా గుడాకేశా  సర్వభూతాశయ స్తితః , అహమాదిశ్చ మధ్యంచ భూతానాం అంతయేవచ (సర్వభూతములలో ఉన్న ఆత్మను నేనే. సర్వభూతముల ఆది, మధ్య, అంతం అన్నీ నేనే)" అని గీతలో చెప్పగలిగాడు. ఇటువంటి మాటలు గీతలో కోకొల్లలుగా కనిపిస్తాయి. ఇలా చెప్పగలగడం సామాన్య విషయం కాదు.అందుకే ఆయన  మాయామానుషవిగ్రహుడయ్యాడు. లీలానాటకసూత్రధారి అనిపించుకున్నాడు. ప్రపంచం ఒక లీల అన్న విషయం తెలిసినవాడు గనుక చిరునవ్వుతో అన్నింటినీ చక్కబెట్టాడు. శత్రువులకూ మోక్షాన్నిచ్చాడు.

రెండు- అత్యద్భుతమైన మధురభక్తిమార్గాన్ని లోకానికి అందించడం. కృష్ణప్రేమభక్తి మాధుర్యంలో ఓలలాడి ఎందరు భక్తవరేణ్యులు దివ్యానందాన్ని చవిచూసారో లెక్కలేదు. వేదాంతంలో అత్యున్నతమైనదిగా తలచే మోక్షాన్ని కూడా తక్కువ స్తాయిదిగా తలచి త్రుణీకరించగల శక్తి మధురభక్తి సొంతం. దివ్యమైన మధురప్రేమానుభావం ముందు మోక్షం కూడా వెలవెలా బోతుంది అన్నది వాస్తవమే. ప్రేమానందంలో మునిగి మత్తులైన ధన్యాత్ములు అద్వైతప్రతిపాదిత మోక్షాన్ని కూడా నిరసించారు. భక్తి మార్గ ప్రవర్తకులైన మధ్వ, రామానుజ,చైతన్య, నింబార్క, వల్లభాదులు, మీరా, సూరదాస్, మొదలైన మహాభక్తులు అద్వైతమోక్షం అనేది ప్రేమభక్తి కంటే ఎక్కువ ఏమీ కాదన్నారు. శ్రీ రామకృష్ణులు కూడా ఒక పాటను ఎప్పుడూ ఆలపించేవారు " నేను మోక్షాన్ని ఇవ్వడానికి ఎప్పుడూ వెనుకాడను. కాని నిర్మలమైన ప్రేమభక్తిని మాత్రం అంత త్వరగా ఎవరికీ ఇవ్వను." అంటూ ఆ గీతం సాగుతుంది. ముల్లోకాలలో ఎంత గొప్పసంపద అయినా అది ప్రేమభక్తికి సాటిరాదు. ప్రేమభక్తి ఉన్నవానికి భగవంతుడు కట్టుబడతాడు. అట్టి భక్తుణ్ణి వదిలి భగవంతుడు ఎక్కడికీ పోలేడు. అటువంటి భక్తిమార్గం కృష్ణావతారం ద్వారా లోకానికి ఇవ్వబడింది.

మూడు - సమస్త వేదాంతసిద్ధాంతాలనూ భగవద్గీతా రూపంలో సమన్వయపరచడం. ఇప్పటివరకూ వచ్చిన ఆచార్యులు పండితులు అందరూ భగవద్గీతకు వ్యాఖ్యానం వ్రాసినవారే. ఎందుకంటే సమస్త వేదవేదాంతాల సారం గీతలో నిక్షిప్తమై ఉన్నది. దానికి వ్యాఖ్యానం వ్రాయగలిగితే సమస్త వేదాలనూ స్ప్రుశించినట్లు అవుతుంది అని వారందరూ భావించారు. గీతలు ఎన్నున్నా భగవద్గీత ఒక్కటే సమస్త  వేదవేదాంత సారంగా వెలుగుతూ వచ్చింది. హిందూ ధర్మాన్ని అధ్యయనం చెయ్యాలనుకునేవారు ఏ గ్రంధం చదివినా చదవకపోయినా భగవద్గీత చదివి అర్ధం చేసుకుంటే చాలు, హిందూధర్మం మొత్తం అర్ధం అవుతుంది. ఇది కూడా లోకానికి కృష్ణ ప్రసాదమే.

కాకపోతే ఇటువంటి మహత్తరమైన అవతారాన్ని మనం సరిగ్గా అర్ధం చేసుకోలేక పోవడం ఎప్పటిలాగే మన దురదృష్టం. కృష్ణుడు అబద్దాలు చెప్పాడనీ, మోసాలు చేసాడనీ, గోపికలతో సరసాలు సాగించాడనీ, రాసలీల అనేది కామకేళి అనీ పిచ్చిపిచ్చి మాటలు, కథలు ప్రచారంలో ఉన్నాయి. రాముడు చేసినట్లు చెయ్యండి, కృష్ణుడు చెప్పినట్లు చెయ్యండి - వ్యతిరేకంగా మాత్రం చెయ్యకండి. అన్న శ్లేషాత్మకవ్యాఖ్యలూ ప్రచారంలో ఉన్నాయి. ఇవన్నీ కృష్ణుని ఔన్నత్యం అర్ధంకాక అజ్ఞానులు అనుకునే పిచ్చిమాటలు. కృష్ణావతార మహత్యాన్ని అణుమాత్రం గ్రహించగలిగినా ఆ కధల వెనుక ఉన్న అద్భుతమైన ఔన్నత్యాన్ని మనం చూడగలుగుతాం.

కృష్ణుడు పిల్లలలో పిల్లవాడు, యువకులలో యువకుడు, జ్ఞానవృద్ధులలో వృద్ధుడు, రాజులకురాజు, వీరులలో వీరుడు, వేదాన్తులలో వేదాంతి, ఆదర్శవంతుడైన కుమారుడు, స్నేహితుడు, సోదరుడు, ప్రేమికుడు, భర్తా, రాజూ, సేవకుడూ, యోగీ, శిష్యుడూ, గురువూ అన్నీ తానే. ఒక్క వ్యక్తిలో ఇన్ని పరిపూర్ణతలు ఆవిర్భవించడం పరమాద్భుతం. ఒక్క భగవంతుడు మాత్రమే ఇన్నికోణాలలో పరిపూర్ణతను ప్రకటించగలడు. ఇది ప్రపంచంలో ఏ మానవునికీ సాధ్యమయ్యే విషయం కాదు. చిన్నబాలునిగా తన ముద్దుమాటలతో, అల్లరి చేష్టలతో గోకులాన్ని కట్టిపడేశాడు. ప్రేమికునిగా గోపికలకూ రాధకూ మహత్తర ప్రేమభక్తిని చవిచూపించాడు. వీరునిగా యుద్ధాల్లో పాల్గొన్నాడు. సోదరునిగా అన్నకు అండగా నిలబడ్డాడు. రాజుగా ధర్మాన్ని నిలబెట్టాడు, సేవకునిగా సారధ్యం వహించాడు, కుమారునిగా తండ్రి ఋణం తీర్చుకున్నాడు, స్నేహితునిగా కుచేలునీ, బంధువుగా పాండవులనూ ఆదరించాడు, ఉత్తమశిష్యునిగా సాందీపని ఆచార్యుని ఋణం తీర్చుకున్నాడు. ఉత్తమ గురువుగా అర్జునునీ ఉద్దవునీ ఉద్దరించాడు. తననే నమ్మిన రుక్మిణికి, అష్టమహిషులకూ, పదహారువేలమంది భార్యలకూ న్యాయం చేశాడు. ధర్మయుద్ధాన్ని నడిపించాడు. ఒక్కడే పాశ్చాత్యరాజుల దాడులను, కుట్రలనూ ఎదుర్కొన్నాడు. దుర్మార్గులను అంతం చేసాడు. చివరిగా తనవారు తన ఎదురుగానే కొట్టుకుని చచ్చిపోతుంటే నిర్వికారంగా చూస్తూ మౌనంగా ఉన్నాడు. తాను వచ్చినపని అయిపోయిన అనంతరం ఎవరికీ చెప్పకుండా, ఏ విధమైన మోహాలూ లేకుండా, అందర్నీ వదిలి,  దేహాన్ని వదిలి తన స్వధామాన్ని చేరుకున్నాడు. అందుకే "కృష్ణస్తు భగవాన్ స్వయం" అన్న మాట అక్షరాలా నిజం. 

కృష్ణునిలోని ఇన్ని కోణాలనూ చక్కగా అర్ధం చేసుకున్నప్పుడే కృష్ణావతారం పరిపూర్ణమైన అవతారం అని మహనీయులు ఎందుకు అన్నారో మనకు కొద్దిగానైనా అర్ధం అవుతుంది.

ప్రజా ఉద్యమాలు -- శనిగ్రహ ప్రభావం

By Sri Satya Narayana Sarma

జ్యోతిర్విజ్ఞానంలో శనిగ్రహ పాత్ర చాలా గొప్పది. అందరూ శనిని తిట్టుకుంటారు. కాని శనిగ్రహం భగవంతుని ధర్మ స్వరూపం అన్న విషయం తెలుసుకోలేరు. ధర్మానికి తనా మనా అన్న భేదం లేదు. ఎవరైనా సరే ధర్మం తప్పితే దానికి తగ్గ శిక్ష విధించడమే ఈ సృష్టిలో శనిగ్రహం యొక్క పాత్ర. 

మనుషులు శనిగ్రహాన్ని తిట్టుకోవడం మానాలి. గ్రహాలు దేవతా స్వరూపాలు. వాళ్ళను వాడు వీడు అని సంబోధించడం, " శనిగాడు" లాంటి మాటలు వాడటం వల్లకూడా చెడుకర్మ మెడకు పాములా  చుట్టుకుంటుందని మర్చిపోరాదు. తాము గతంలో చేసిన తప్పులకే ఇప్పుడు శిక్షారూపంలో బాధలు పడుతున్నామన్న సత్యాన్ని జనులు గ్రహించాలి. అంతేకాదు శనికి తైలాభిషేకాలూ  పూజలూ చేస్తూ నిత్యజీవితంలో మాత్రం  మళ్ళీ అవే తప్పుడుపనులు చేస్తున్న రాజకీయులూ వ్యాపారులూ అవినీతిఅధికారులూ తెలుసుకోవలసిన విషయం ఒకటుంది.మీ దొంగపూజలవల్ల గ్రహాలు ఏమాత్రం లొంగవు. మీరు భూమ్మీద ఉన్న ఏ న్యాయవ్యవస్థ కళ్ళైనా కప్పవచ్చు.కాని ధర్మంకళ్ళు కప్పలేరన్న విషయం గుర్తుంచుకోవాలి. ధర్మస్వరూపం అయిన శనిగ్రహం ఎవరినీ ఒదిలిపెట్టదు. ఎవరికి ఎప్పుడు ఎలా బుద్ధి చెప్పాలో శనిభగవానునికి తెలిసినట్లు ఎవరికీ తెలియదు. 

గ్రహాలు సృష్టిని నడిపించే దైవీశక్తులు. మన నిత్యజీవితంలో నడవడికలో ధర్మాన్ని అనుసరించకుండా చేసే దొంగపూజలవల్ల ఏమీ ఉపయోగంలేదన్న విషయం ముఖ్యంగా మనం మర్చిపోరాదు. అధర్మపరులకూ అవినీతిపరులకూ తాత్కాలికంగా అంతా  బ్రహ్మాండంగా సాగుతున్నట్లు కనపడవచ్చు. కాని వారిసమయం వచ్చినపుడు వారుపడే బాధలు పరమభయంకరంగా ఉంటాయి. గ్రహాలు పూజలకు లొంగవన్న విషయం ముఖ్యంగా గుర్తుంచుకోవాలి. మన నిత్యజీవితంలో మార్పురాని ఉత్తపూజలవల్ల ప్రయోజనంలేదనీ మనం అర్ధం చేసుకోవాలి.

శని భగవానుడు సామాన్య ప్రజలకు కారకుడు. సహజరాశిచక్రంలో శని బలాన్ని పుంజుకున్న ప్రతిసారీ ప్రజా ఉద్యమాలు జరగటం ప్రత్యక్ష సత్యం. ఇది ఎలా జరుగుతుందో కొన్ని ఉదాహరణలద్వారా బాగా అర్ధం చేసుకోవచ్చు.

నవంబర్ 2011 లో శని భగవానుడు తులారాశిలో ప్రవేశించి ఉచ్చస్తితిలోకి రాబోతున్నాడు. అంటే బలాన్ని పుంజుకుంటున్నాడు. ప్రస్తుతం కొన్నినెలలుగా అనేక ప్రజాఉద్యమాలు చూస్తున్నాం. లిబ్యాలో ఈజిప్టులో  ఉద్యమాలు దీనిఫలితమే. అంతేకాదు, నేడు అవినీతికి వ్యతిరేకంగా భారతదేశంలో జరుగుతున్న " అన్నా ఉద్యమమూ " దీని ఫలితమే. వీటన్నిటిలో సామాన్యపౌరులే ప్రముఖపాత్ర పోషిస్తున్నారన్న విషయం గమనిస్తే మామూలుమనుషుల ప్రతినిధి అయిన శనిగ్రహపాత్ర స్పష్టంగా కనిపిస్తుంది. ఉపవాసం ఉండటమూ, ఒకచోట బంధింపబడటమూ ( అది ఐచ్చికంగా కూడా కావచ్చు), ధర్మంకోసం పోరాటమూ, వృద్ధునిదీక్షా, వైద్యపరీక్షలూ  ఇవన్నీ శనిగ్రహ కారకత్వాలేనన్న విషయం "అన్నాహజారే"  సత్యాగ్రహంలో స్పష్టంగా కనిపిస్తున్నాయి. అన్నాదీక్ష వల్ల, ప్రజాభిప్రాయం విజయం సాధించడంవెనుక బలం పుంజుకుంటున్న శనిగ్రహం కనిపిస్తుంది.

ప్రజావిజయాలలో విప్లవాలలో శనిగ్రహపాత్ర కొంచం చూద్దాం. ప్రతి 30 ఏళ్లకొకసారి రాశిచక్రాన్ని చుట్టివచ్చి తులారాశిలో ఉచ్చస్తితికి శనిభగవానుడు వస్తాడని, అందులో రెండున్నరేళ్ళు ఉంటాడనీ మనకు తెలుసు. గతంలో శనిభగవానుడు తులారాశిలో ఉచ్చస్తితిలో ఉన్న సంవత్సరాలు అప్పుడు జరిగిన సంఘటనలు ఇక్కడ చూద్దాం.

2011 -- విజయవంతమైన అన్నాదీక్షతో ప్రజాగ్రహానికి తలొగ్గిన భారతప్రభుత్వం ఆయన డిమాండ్లను  ఆమోదించింది. 2012 లో శని పూర్తిగా ఉచ్చస్తితికి వచ్చినపుడు జనలోక్ పాల్  బిల్లుకు పూర్తివిజయం లభిస్తుంది అనడానికి ఇదొక సంకేతం.

1982 -- విసిగిపోయిన ప్రజలకోసం ఆంద్రప్రదేశ్ లో తెలుగుదేశంపార్టీ స్థాపన జరిగింది. తర్వాత ఎన్నికల్లో ఘనవిజయంతో ప్రజలు ఆ పార్టీకి బ్రహ్మరధం పట్టారు. ఆ తరువాత ఆ పార్టీలోనూ అవినీతి ప్రవేశించి తన పూర్వవైభవాన్ని కోల్పోయి పార్టీ పతనమైంది. అది వేరేసంగతి.

1952 -- భారత దేశపు మొదటి ఎన్నికలు జరిగాయి. దేశమంతటా స్వేచ్చ కోసం నవజీవనం కోసం ప్రజల ఎదురుచూపులు, ఎల్లెడలా ప్రజల్లో నూతనోత్సాహం వెల్లివిరిసింది.

సింగపూర్ లో CPIB (Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau) మొదలు పెట్టబడింది. ఈరోజు ప్రపంచంలోనే అతితక్కువ అవినీతి ఉన్న దేశాలలో ఒకటిగా సింగపూర్ ( మిగతావి డెన్మార్క్, న్యుజీలాండ్) ఎదిగింది. Transparency International ఇచ్చిన కితాబులే అందుకు నిదర్శనం.

1919 -- జలియన్ వాలాబాగ్ మారణకాండలో వందలాది సామాన్యజనం హత్య చేయబడ్డారు. ఉవ్వెత్తున ఎగిసిన ప్రజాగ్రహజ్వాల ప్రపంచాన్ని నివ్వెరపోయేలా చేసింది. ( ఈ సమయానికి శని తులారాశిలోకి ప్రవేశించలేదు. కాని దగ్గరగా ఉన్నాడు.)

1923 --జనాకర్షణ కలిగిన రంగస్తలనటుడు, నాయకుడూ అయిన NTR , గాయకుడు ముకేష్, నటుడు దేవానంద్, సామాన్యజనానికి యోగాన్ని చేరువ చేసిన "బీహార్ స్కూల్ ఆఫ్ యోగా" వ్యవస్థాపకుడు స్వామి సత్యానందసరస్వతి మొదలైనవారి జననం జరిగింది. వీరందరూ సామాన్యునికి చేరువ అయినవారే అన్నది గమనించదగ్గ అంశం.

1893 -- ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా భారతీయవేదాంతం యొక్క మహత్యాన్ని ఎలుగెత్తి చాటి " India is the Guru of the world " అని నిరూపించిన వివేకానందుని ప్రధమప్రసంగం చికాగో పార్లమెంట్ ఆఫ్ రెలిజియన్స్ లో ఇవ్వబడింది. భారతదేశపు సనాతనధర్మానికి స్వామి తెచ్చిన గుర్తింపుతో భారతదేశపు ప్రజలందరిలో ఆత్మవిశ్వాసమూ ధైర్యమూ గర్వమూ కలిగాయి. అంతేకాదు, భారతదేశపు మహత్తర యోగవిజ్ఞానమైన క్రియాయోగానికి ప్రపంచవ్యాప్త గుర్తింపు తెచ్చిన మహనీయుడు "పరమహంస యోగానంద" ఈ సంవత్సరంలోనే జన్మించారు. ఈనాడు సామాన్యునికి కూడా యోగా గురించీ మన హిందూధర్మం గురించీ ఎంతోకొంత తెలుసంటే వీరే దానికి కారకులు.

1863 -- భారతదేశ పునరుజ్జీవనానికి ఆద్యుడైన శ్రీరామకృష్ణుని ప్రత్యక్షశిష్యులు స్వామివివేకానంద, స్వామిబ్రహ్మానంద, స్వామితురీయానంద, స్వామి రామక్రిష్ణానంద మొదలైన 16 గురు మహాసిద్ధుల జననం జరిగింది. ఈ మహనీయుల పుట్టుకతో ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా సనాతన ధర్మపునరుజ్జీవనం ప్రారంభమైంది. వీరిలో ఒకరైన స్వామి అఖండానంద శిష్యుడే-- RSS రెండవనేత అయిన "పూజ్యగురూజీ" మాధవసదాశివ గోల్వాల్కర్ అని చాలామందికి తెలియదు. ఇదే సంవత్సరంలో అమెరికాలో సివిల్ వార్ జరిగింది. ఆ సందర్భంగా బానిసలకు స్వేచ్చనిస్తూ అబ్రహాం లింకన్ " Emancipation Proclamation " ఇవ్వడం జరిగింది. ఇదీ ప్రజావిజయమే.

1833 -- Government of India Act, Abolition of slavery Act అనే ముఖ్యమైన చట్టాలు బ్రిటిష్ పార్లమెంట్ లో చేయబడ్డాయి. గవర్నమెంట్ ఆఫ్ ఇండియా యాక్ట్ వల్ల Governor General of India పోస్ట్ సృష్టించబడింది. Abolition of slavery Act వల్ల బ్రిటిష్ రాజ్యం ఉన్న అన్ని దేశాల్లో బానిసత్వం నిర్మూలిస్తూ చట్టం చెయ్యబడింది. అదే సమయంలో మనదేశంలో భయంకరమైన క్షామం తాండవించింది. కలరా కరాళనృత్యం చేసింది. గుంటూరు లో ఈ ఏడాదివచ్చిన దారుణమైన కరువువల్ల కొన్ని వేలమంది తుడిచిపెట్టుకుపోయారని చెబుతారు. దీనినే "డొక్కల కరువు" అంటారు. దీని ప్రభావంవల్ల ఒంగోలునుంచి మచిలీపట్నం వరకూ, ఆకలితో, కలరాతో చచ్చిపోయిన వారి శవాలు ఎక్కడచూసినా గుట్టలుగా పేరుకుపోయాయి అంటారు. 

1835 -- "లార్డ్ మెకాలే మినిట్స్" వల్ల దేశచరిత్రనూ, విద్యారంగాన్నీ, జనుల జీవనవిధానాన్నీ తీవ్రంగా ప్రభావితంచేసిన ఇంగ్లీష్ విద్య మన దేశంలో కాలుమోపింది. లింక్ లాగ్వేజ్ అయిన సంస్కృతం మరుగునపడింది. ఇంగ్లీష్ వల్లే ఈనాడు మనం చైనా వంటి ఇతరదేశాలకంటే కొన్నిరంగాల్లో ముందున్నాం. కాని సంస్కృతం మరచిపోవడంవల్ల మన ధార్మికమూలగ్రంధాలను చదువలేకపోతున్నాం.

ఇలా వ్రాస్తూపోతే మనదేశంలోనూ ఇతరదేశాల్లోనూ  ఎన్నో ఎన్నెన్నో ఉదంతాలున్నాయి. ఒక్కటిమాత్రం స్పష్టం. భూమ్మీద జరుగుతున్న ప్రతిసంఘటన వెనుకా మనకు కనిపించని కారణాలూ శక్తులూ పాత్రపోషణ చేస్తున్నాయన్నది వాస్తవం. ఇందులో శనిభగవానుని పాత్రవరకూ కొద్దిగా మనం చూడగలిగాం. ఇలాగే మిగతాగ్రహాల పాత్రనుకూడా అర్ధం చేసుకోగలిగితే, ప్రపంచమనే స్టేజీ మీద జరుగుతున్న నాటకం మొత్తం అర్ధం అవుతుంది. పగళ్ళూ, రాత్రులూ, ఋతువులూ, ఎలా వరుసగా రిపీట్ అవుతున్నాయో అలాగే ప్రజాజీవితంలోనూ కొన్ని రిథమ్స్ ఉన్నాయి. నిర్దిష్టమైన కొన్నేళ్ళకు అవేఅవే  సంఘటనలు రకరకాల రూపాల్లో జరుగుతాయి. ప్రతిసారీ అవేసంఘటనలు జరుగకపోయినా, వాటి వెనుకనున్న theme మాత్రం అదేఉంటుంది.  అవి తెలుసుకుంటే భవిష్యత్తును స్తూలంగా దర్శించడం సాధ్యమే. బహుశా ఇలాగేనేమో బ్రహ్మంగారూ, నోస్త్రాడేమాస్ మొదలైనవారు భవిష్యత్తును చూడగలిగారు.

పై సంఘటనలను చదివినవారికి కొన్ని అనుమానాలు రావచ్చు. ఆ సంఘటనల్లో ప్రతిసారీ ప్రజలకు మంచి జరగలేదు. కొన్నిసార్లు చెడుకూడా జరిగింది. పైగా వాటిల్లో మతమూ ఉంది, రాజకీయాలూ ఉన్నాయి, ప్రజాజీవితమూ ఉంది, పరిపాలనా ఉంది, ప్రజాక్షయమూ ఉంది. శనిప్రభావం ఇన్నిరకాలుగా ఉంటుందా?  అన్న సందేహం రావచ్చు. దానికి ఒకటే సమాధానం. శనిప్రభావం రకరకాలుగా ఉంటుంది. ఆయన ప్రభావంవల్ల  ధర్మం అనేది అన్ని రంగాల్లోనూ స్తాపించబడుతుంది. అది మతం విషయంలో ఒకరకంగా జరుగుతుంది. రాజకీయాల్లో ఒకరకంగా జరుగుతుంది. ప్రజాజీవితంలో ఇంకొకరకంగా జరుగుతుంది. ఎలా జరుగుతుందో ఎవ్వరూ ఊహించలేరు. 

కరువుకాటకాల్లో వేలమంది చనిపోవడం ప్రజలకు మంచి ఎలా అవుతుంది? అనికూడా అనుమానం రావచ్చు. చెడు అనేది సమాజంలో భరించలేనంత స్థాయికి చేరినప్పుడు ప్రజానిర్మూలనం తప్పదు. అప్పుడు ప్రకృతిభీభత్సాలు జరుగుతాయి. మనిషి చెయ్యి దాటిపోయినప్పుడు ప్రకృతే స్టీరింగ్ తీసుకుంటుంది. అప్పుడు అవసరమైతే వేలలక్షల సంఖ్యలో జనాన్ని నిర్మూలనం చెయ్యడంద్వారా తిరిగి సమతుల్యత స్తాపించబడుతుంది. మానవులకు తెలివిఉంటే అంతవరకూ తెచ్చుకోకుండా ఉండాలి. ప్రక్రుతి మనల్ని క్షమించే లిమిట్ లో మనం ఉన్నంతవరకూ పరవాలేదు. అది దాటితేమాత్రం జరిగే ఘోరాలు దారుణంగా ఉంటాయి. మానవుడు రాక్షసస్థాయికి దిగజారినప్పుడు ప్రకృతే మహిషాసురమర్ధినిగా మారి  అతన్ని ముక్కలు చేస్తుంది.  ఈ మధ్యలో జరిగిన ఒకనాయకుని ఉదంతమే అందుకు నిదర్శనం.

విశ్వప్రణాళిక బహుసూక్ష్మంగా విచిత్రంగా ఉంటుంది. శనిభగవానుని ధర్మస్థాపనా విధానాలుకూడా బహుచిత్రంగా ఉంటాయి. ఆయా సమయాలకు ఆయన మీదఉన్న గురువు, రాహువు, కుజుడు ఇత్యాది మిగతా ముఖ్యగ్రహాల ప్రభావాన్నిబట్టి అప్పటి సంఘటనలు జరుగుతాయి. వీటినుంచి ఎవ్వరూ తప్పించుకోలేరు. మన అధికారమూ, హోదాలూ, డబ్బూ, పలుకుబడీ ఏవీ ఆ సమయానికి రక్షించవు.

ఏదేమైనా, శని భగవానుడు మంచిబలంగా ఉండబోయే వచ్చే మూడేళ్ళలో ప్రజాజీవితాలు తీవ్రంగా ప్రభావితం అయ్యే సంఘటనలు దండిగా జరుగబోతున్నాయని చెప్పవచ్చు.

Varahamihira's Koorma Chakra

Varahamihira in Brihat Samhitha has divided the country according to the directions represented by the 27 nakshatras.

The 27 Nakshtras are divided into units of 3 each representing particular parts of the country.

Following are the divisions he mentioned :

1.Central Region represented by  Krittika,Rohini and Mrigasira : The region covers Parts of Rajasthan,Western UP including Mathura,Madhya Pradesh,Chattisgarh,Eastern part of Mahashtra

2.Eastern India represented by Ardra,Punarvasu,Pushya.The region covers Bihar,Jharkhand,West Bengal,Bangladesh,Meghalaya,Assam,Nagaland,Manipur,Mizoram and Tripura

3.South East represented by Ashlesha,Magha,Purvaphalguni.The region covers Bengal,Kalinga,Vidarbha,Tripuri(near Jabalpur),Kishkinda and Andhra Pradesh.

4.South represented by Uttaraphalguni,Hasta,Chitta and the area covers,Sri lanka,Malaya,Konkan,Kerala,Part of Karnataka,Nasik,Chola,Kanchi and Tamilnadu.

5.South West represented by Swati,Vishaka,Anuradha.The region covers Goa,Karnataka,Part of south western Maharashtra.

6.West represented by Jyestha,Moola,Purvaashadha and the region covered are West Maharashtra,Gujarat,Baluchistan,Parts of Rajasthan.

7.North west represented by Uttarashadha,Sravana,Dhanishta and the regions covered are Northern part of Kashmir,North of Pakistan,Afghanistan

8.North represented by Satabhisha,Poorvabhadra,Uttarabhadra and the regions covered are Kailash,Kutch and Tibet,Central Asia,Jammu & Kashmir,Himachal Pradesh.

9.North East represented by Revati,Aswini,Bharani and the areas covered are Part of Nepal,Sikkim,Bhutan,Arunachal Pradesh,Tibet.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why Terrorists targeted the High court in New Delhi

Ketu which signifies  terrorists is currently transiting over the Ascendant,which happens to be Taurus, in Indian Independance chart.The Ascendant is also the A6 and A5.Venus signifies Courts of Law,Judges,Jury in Mundane charts.  As he is also a Preceptor/Guru same as like Jupiter, Courts of Law signified by Venus and houses owned by Venus(Taurus in this case) is justified.

Natal Lagna position is at 8 degrees Taurus and currently Ketu is transiting at 24 Taurus.The latest Terrorist attack on 7th September at the Delhi High Court,was the second of its kind in the past five months. There might be more terrorist activity when Transiting Ketu reaches nearer the degrees of Ascendant and A6   

A5 is at 19 deg Taurus which is very close to the transiting Ketu .A5 signifies the seat of power and that may be the reason why it happened in New Delhi.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pakistan into Turbulent times and Probable civil war

Transit of Saturn into Libra this November 15 th seems to be alarming in the case of Pakistan.On a study of the Pakistan's Independance chart we can see the following factors:

1.The transit is in the 5th house from natal moon.5th house in mundane charts signify Children,birth rate,Educational facilities,Stock Exchange,Speculation,Morals,immorality,scandals,crimes relating to immorality,High society,Parliament,ambassadors and diplomats from foreign countries and Danger to the Ruler as the 5th house is 8 th from the 10th .

2.Ashtaka varga Strength of the Fifth house in the Pakistan's Independence chart is 19 out of 56  which is alarmingly low.This low score denotes suffering with respect to all the significations of the 5 th house mentioned above.There might be danger to Rulers and representatives of People.People in general will be more restless which may lead to a civil war.More so because Saturn in this rasi has a BAV of only 2 out of 8 which too is very low adding fuel to the fire.

3.Aspect of Saturn on the Natal Sun : On 9th January 2014,Saturn has a 100% aspect on Natal Sun which shows danger to the ruler.Saturn is in Krooraamsa  and Sun in Kaala Pavakaamsa  in D 60 both in malefic shastiamsas.Significantly Saturn is aspecting Transit Sun and also Moon both of which are in Fire signs.Moon is in conjunction with Ketu and Sun is aspected by Mars.Another important aspect to be noted here is Jupiter transits over the natal Satru saham on July 20 th 2014.

4.Saturn transits over natal Jupiter creating delusions to the people.

5.Libra also happens to be the A10 which signifies the ruler.

6.Transit Saturn weak in strength signifies Civil war.

Transit strength of Saturn in various divisional charts during its transit in Libra:

D-2   43% Adverse
D-3   52% Average
D-4   55% Average
D-5   34% Very Low
D-8   43% Low

Low scores in D5 signifies very adverse Power and Fame
in D8 it signifies unexpected troubles.