
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rules of Longevity - Sarvaartha Chinta mani

मरणाज्जीवित मरणं गुह्यस्थानम् च मरनहेतुम्च !
अन्नसुखा मरण देसं परिभवमपिचिन्तयेत्प्राग्यः !!

From the 8 th house longevity,death,sexual organs,reason of death,Food comforts,place of death,Insults are to be seen.

रन्ध्रेस्वरे पापयुतेन्त्यरासवल्पायुरस्येतिवदन्तिषष्टे !
तत्रापि लग्नेस्वर योग जातेत्वल्पा युरस्येतिवदन्तिसन्तः !१

Eigth lord aspected/conjoined by another malefic planet and  being in 12 th house, the native will not live long.If the 8 th lord is in 6 th with lord of the Ascendant,in this case too the native will be short lived.

स्वक्शेत्रगे वायाडी रन्ध्रनाधे दीर्घ्युर अस्तितीव दन्ति सन्तः !
मन्देनवाचिन्त्यमसेशमायुह् स्वक्शेत्र मित्रोच गृहस्थितेन !!

If  lord of the 8 th house is in own house or if Saturn is in exaltation or in a friends raasi then long life has to be predicted.

रन्ध्रेस्वरेनापि युते विलग्न नाधेरी पोउवा व्यय रासि युक्ते !
शष्ट्यान्त्य पे वायदि लग्न युक्ते दीर्घायु रस्येति सुभेक्षितस्चेत !!

lagna lord with lord of eigth is in sixth or eigth and if sixth lord or twelth lord is in lagna and is aspected by a benefic planet,the native will be long lived.

कर्मेस्वरेनापि वि चिन्त्य मायुःदीर्घंसुःरुत्स्वोच्छयुते न तेन !
केन्द्रस्थितौ कर्म विलग्न नाधौ तधैव दीर्घायु रुदहरन्ति !!

Tenth lord being placed in own or exaltation signs too confers good longevity.If Tenth and Lagna lords are in Kendras then too long life will result.

Rules of Longevity - Chandra Kala Nadi

विलग्नाष्टमकर्मेसाः केन्द्रलाभत्रिकोणगाः !
शनिस्तु बलवान यत्र पूर्ण मायुर्भविष्यति !!

Saturn enjoying strength as the planets ruling the ascendant,the 8th and the 10th are disposed individually or in combination in angles and trines will bless one with full span of life.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Effects of Saturn Transit

According to Jaataka Bharanam :

भ्रंसं क्लेशं संचसत्रुप्रव्रुद्धिं !

पुत्रात्सोउख्यं  सौख्यव्रुद्धिम्दोशम् !!

पीदासोउख्यं  निर्धनत्वं धनाप्तिं !

ननार्धं भानुसूनुस्तनोति !!

When Saturn transits in the Twelve Bhavas the following effects are felt. In the Janma Raasi there will be losses in every aspect of life, In second there will be problems,in third there will be fame and well being,in fourth enemies will gain strength,in fifth happiness from children,in sixth there will be improvements in comforts,in seventh unsocial behaviour,in eigth there will be problems, in ninth there will be comforts, in Tenth there will be lack of wealth,in eleventh there will be gain of wealth,in twelth all kinds of losses.

Effects of Vargottam Planets in their Dasa

Acccording to Phala Deepika:

वर्गोत्तमांसस्थ दस सुभप्रदा !
मिस्रैवसा चास्तमिते च नीचगे !!
मृत्युव्ययारीस दसापहारयो !
स्तत्र स्थितस्याप्य शुभं फलं भवेतः !!

The planet which is vargottam always gives favourable results in its dasa. Such planet if in its Debilitation raasi or combust will give mixed results.But if the both the Dasa and antardasas are of Eigth and Twelth lords or the planets which are in Sixth,Eigth or Twelth houses then the planet gives unfavourable results.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Asteriod Hits - The Vitim Event

This is the chart for the time at which a comet nucleus fell in the Vitim river basin in Siberia,Russia on 25th September,2002. Investigations concluded without any ambiguity the comet fall.This event too like in the other events analysed earlier proves the presence of the outer planets, the Galactic centre and Rahu/Ketu in the extra terrestrial event.

Primary factors:
There was a conjunction of Pluto is at 21 Sc and Ketu at 17 Sc very close.Saturn is in Gemini at 4 Ge which is exactly in opposition to the Galactic Centre.Secondary factors:Jupiter is at 17 Cn in oppostion to Retrograde Neptune at 14 Cp .Mars in opposition to retrograde Uranus is also worth mentioning here.
It is very evident in this kind of extraterrestrial events that all the planets are either in conjunction or in opposition to one another along with a conjunction of Pluto with one of the nodes either Rahu or ketu in Scorpio or in Sagittarius which is the Galactic centre.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dakshina Murthy Dhyana Mantra

ॐ नमः प्रणवार्थाय  सुद्धज्ञानैकमूर्थये  !

निर्मलाय प्रशान्ताय दक्षिनमुर्तये नमः !

निधये सर्वविद्यानां भिषजे भवरोगिनां !

गुरवे सर्वलोकानां दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः !

चिद्घनाय महेशाय वट मूल निवासिने नमः

सच्छिदनन्दरूपाय दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः !

Ashta Siddhi Mantra

ॐ अणिमायै   नमः
ॐ महिमायै नमः
ॐ लघिमायै नमः
ॐ गरिमायै नमः
ॐ प्राप्त्यै नमः
ॐ  प्रकाम्ययै  नमः
ॐ इसितायै नमः
ॐ वसितायै नमः

Monday, October 17, 2011

Indignados, Occupy Wall street movement - Saturn Transit

Till now we are used to see agitations,people unrest in the under developed countries of Asia and Africa.

Now in the recent times we are seeing the agitation in the developed countries of Europe and United States.It all started with a campaign which started on May 15 in Madrid's puerta del sol square by a Group called "Indignados".

The protest started in a small way and now manifested into a  Movement  spread accross Europe and United States of America.

With their economies  being hit by recession over a considerable period of time,the Governments indulged in giving bail out packages to Financial institutions/Corporates to help them tide over their bankruptacy and implemented Budget cuts in Government spending which resulted in the mass unrest.

Yesterday there were protests accross 951 Cities in about 80 Countries.The protest even turned violent in Rome .

The violent protests are very  close to the Sun Saturn conjunction happenning in Virgo.There was an exact conjunction between  both the Giant Planets on 14 th October.At the time of conjunction both the planets were in Garalamsa in D-60 which is a malefic shastyamsa triggering violent protests.

On a bigger canvas,Saturn is about to transit into Libra on November 15th. Libra is Saturn's exaltation sign.In its exaltation sign, Saturn makes the people stronger and stronger.And in the coming two and half years of Saturn transit in Libra, we will see more aggressive form of  people movements in all of Europe and USA.

With a Jupiter - Saturn oppositon from early 2010,people are more enlightened now about the atrocities conducted against them,the inqualities persisting in the socio-economic and political systems.

That is the reason for the revolt in Libya.

Now the transit of Saturn into its exaltation sign Libra from November 15 is empowering the people as Saturn represents the commoners.

There would definitely be some very big cleansing done to all the existing oppressive and fradulent systems.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Indian Independance chart,Saturn,Venus and Pluto

In the Independance chart of India there is a close conjunction of Saturn,Venus and Pluto.
This might be the reason of the population explosion and frequent satellite launch failures.

Sun - Saturn Conjunction

Sun and Saturn are in conjunction from 14th October in Virgo. Sun represents Royalty and Saturn the common people.

The prominent effect of this conjunction is the marraige of the King of Bhutan with a commoner on the 13 th.

The other effects to be observed are :

1.Fall of the Government in Slovak after failing a no confidence vote.
2Arrest of the ex chief minister of Karnataka Mr.Yedyurappa.
3.Arrest of Former Prime minister of Ukraine

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lagnaashtakavarga - Chandra Kala Nadi

लग्ने यावत फल निस्युस्थावद्वर्षात परमसुखं !
मृत्यर्दिव्यय भवान्तं दृष्टा भावफलानि  च !!

भिन्नाष्ट वर्गे लग्नेसो फलहीनस्य रासिषु  !
स्फुतयोग गते जीवे त्वल्पसोउख्यं  विनिर्दिसेत !!

In the Bhinnaashtaka varga of the ascendant, note the total bindus.Prosperity will rise after such total number of years as calculated earlier. From the 1 st to 12 th, when Jupiter transits the raasi with less number of Bindus,happiness will decline.

Important rule of Transit - Chandra Kala Nadi

तत्द्भवाष्टमेषांसे दुष्टक्रान्ते च रासिगे !
तत्द्भावाष्टदशकाले  तत्द्भावस्य नासनं !!

When malefics transit the 8 th from a given sign,or the sign identical with the navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8 th from a given bhava,destruction of the bhava under consideration will occur.

Above is one more interesting sloka from Chandra Kala Nadi.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pluto in Houses

Pluto in 1st House

You radiate intensity, and others' first impressions of you tend to be strong, one way or the other. You might often intimidate others with your manner. You can be very protective of your privacy, yet you generate much intrigue and interest with your strong presence. You might struggle with fears of being overpowered, rejected, or minimized, yet few are able to guess that you could be anything less than confident. Your first instinct in new situations is gutsy and determined, defensive and intense. You rarely accept the obvious or the surface of matters -- instead you look through situations in order to read any information on hidden levels. Strive to avoid getting your back up or viewing life as a battleground.


Pluto in 2nd House

When it comes to building your resources, your instincts are powerful. You might find it hard to let go of things, attaching much sentimental value to your possessions or holding on to them because you fear poverty or because you fear a feeling of helplessness and wanting. You might feel a powerful need for control over your money and possessions. You could be driven to make money. Others taking something from you without asking, even right in front of you, could be especially irritating to you. It's not about being stingy--you simply have a strong sense of ownership and prefer that you are asked. You may experience some form of loss in your life in order to learn lessons of change, and that strength, worth, value, and wealth come from within. You are excellent at strategy and planning when it comes to finances, and you are able to spot a good deal or objects of value instinctively. Your advice on these matters can be invaluable to others.

Pluto in 3rd House

You rarely accept what you hear or what you read as truths. Your mind is very analytical and you instinctively search for hidden meanings. You can be exceptionally persuasive in the way you express yourself, whether through the spoken or written word, simply because you communicate with authority, conviction, strength, and decisiveness. You tend to learn through observation rather than by asking questions. In fact, you may be somewhat resistant to learning directly from others, preferring to be self-taught. You might fear the loss of self through self-expression, and thus you might choose your words carefully as to avoid letting others know too much about you.

Pluto in 4th House

Early experiences may have led you to feel self-protective or to be secretive about yourself. A parent might have been secretive or ashamed, for example, and this pattern is deeply ingrained in your psyche. You might feel a sense of guilt for where you came from, even if most of you feels proud of your roots. A parent might have encouraged you to look beyond the surface of matters, and might have encouraged in you a love for psychology. A parent might have been very protective of you and attempted to shield you from negative experiences, and you subsequently grew to fear change. Or, your early experiences might have included a shocking, intense, or scary event that lives within you. Alternatively, you might have absorbed the strong fears or obsessions of a parent.

Pluto in 5th House

You possess powerful creative impulses, and you might invest much energy and passion into the creative arts, romance, or child-rearing. You take much pride in, and invest much of your ego into, whatever it is you produce. Romance for you needs to be intense, passionate, and deeply intimate--nothing superficial or light attracts. You have an "all or nothing" attitude in love. If you are not "owning" this attitude, then you may be meeting Pluto energies through your lovers, and thus attracting intense, controlling, or passionate romantic partners. A deep-seated fear of loss or betrayal can be behind any jealous, obsessive, or controlling behavior in fifth house areas, including romantic involvements, child-rearing, and creative endeavors. Your attitude towards play, entertainment, and recreation is also intense--rarely lighthearted. While you may yearn to throw your soul into your creative endeavors, fear might prevent you from doing so completely.

Pluto in 6th House

You are a hard worker and can be quite protective or private when it comes to your work output. You are excellent at analysis, but you can also easily become obsessed with finding an answer to problems, perhaps even finding problems that others overlook. You "come alive" when presented with a problem that requires research and analysis. Work can become an obsession for you, and you are able to work almost tirelessly. You might be private or insular when it comes to your work, and you might also feel overly attached to what you do even to the point of paranoia. Fear of criticism might run high when it comes to your work output. Directing your own work or working for yourself may be the best route for you to take, as you can easily resent others controlling your schedule and the work that you do. You are likely very interested in areas of health and self-improvement, as well as explorations of the mind-body connection, and you instinctively seek alternative therapies for healing. Some of you are excellent researchers in these areas.

Pluto in 7th House

With Pluto in the seventh house of the horoscope, power struggles in close personal relationships are themes. This can play out in a variety of ways. You might simultaneously fear and desire complete absorption in a close one-to-one relationship. You might find yourself both drawn to and resistant of close partnerships, fearing loss of control over your own life. You might be drawn to people who are intense, jealous, possessive, or obsessive, or possibly who you feel are powerful. On the other hand, your own resistance can bring out control issues in a partner, who fears the loss of you or your betrayal. In fact, you might bring out the "worst" in others by your relationship behavior -- you tend to be the catalyst for others to discover their more primal instincts and fears. Never underestimate your role in this interplay, and don't make the mistake of thinking that you are simply a victim. You also discover your own power through your relationships, and this may or may not be comfortable. How you deal with it determines outcomes. You might feel trapped in a difficult relationship, or have a hard time finding the deep connection that you crave. Obsession in your interactions with partners can be a big theme in your life. Watch that you don't project your own urge for control onto your partner. Strive to come to terms with your own intense and deep-seated fear of losing someone you love and fear of betrayal, or you will meet these energies repeatedly in your closest relationships.

Pluto in 8th House

You have a natural attraction to all that is hidden, taboo, or "dark". This fascination can lead you to experience more unusual events than others. A natural psychologist, you are expert at cutting through appearances and getting to the heart of matters. You are endlessly interested in motivations and sources. You may be especially interested in hypnosis, healing therapies, occult sciences, as well as great mysteries and the darker side of life. Sexual relationships are very intense and perhaps complicated. You are both fascinated with and fearful of deep intimacy, and crave unusually deep, passionate, and intense experiences with others. This fascination can bring you intense experiences with others, and attraction to nontraditional sexual experiences, particularly those that involve domination and submission, control, and possession. If you are attracting controlling people into your experience and are uncomfortable with it, strive to examine and understand your own deep-seated fears regarding power and sharing issues. Some of you might engage in power struggles with money, particularly with a partner. Themes of control are quite possible with Pluto in the eighth house. You would likely be quite talented in the healing professions, especially helping others deal with crises and trauma.

Pluto in 9th House

You are extremely attached to your opinions and belief system. Due to this attachment, debates might easily turn into arguments if you are not careful. At your best, you are persuasive and intelligent with a probing and incisive mind. Your opinions are strong and well-researched. You are able to back up your arguments, and enjoy doing so! At your worst, you can be obsessed with "converting" others to your beliefs. You are suspicious of new ideas until you've given them deeper thought. You may have a disdain for blind followers of belief systems and for hypocrisy. You may be considered "deep" or "profound" and you are likely to come up with some unusual and unique ideas that impress others. Your sense of adventure runs deep and can lead you to unusual experiences. You are likely to make an involved, captivating, and inspiring teacher, speaker, or lecturer. While you may not share your ideas frivolously, when you do express yourself, you do so creatively and persuasively. Some of your most intense and life-changing experiences may come through travel or in connection with other cultures.

Pluto in 10th House

*You have a powerful sense of destiny and may be unusually, even ruthlessly, ambitious. There is a very driven, compulsive quality to the way you pursue your career or other important life goals, which is likely to win you both staunch admirers and vigorous opponents.

There is a very "radical" side to you, and you may want to remake or change the world in some significant way. Depending on other astrological factors in your chart and your own decisions, you can be either very destructive or a powerful force for healing and positive change in the world.
#Change begins for you when you first feel the tug of ambition - you want something more or better. As you deal with transformation, your goal-oriented behavior becomes spiritual aspiration rather than simple material seeking.
^With Pluto in your 10th House achieving a sense of power can definitely be among your ambitions. This can be a highly creative position for Pluto, since exercising your ability to bring about transformational change and healing through your career path can be quite a challenge. Even if you decide not to follow a career path, you can still be a powerful force in your family and may even play an influential matriarchal role as you mature. However, you're likely to run into power issues with others too, since as you become more adept at moving through the chain of command your presence and strength can attract power struggles with others. This is not the only option, since you may also find that you enjoy rubbing shoulders with the movers and shakers. After all, that's where you belong! But before you can achieve the levels of success you deeply desire, you may have to address buried resentments, guilt or shame which have their origins in your past. In essence, you can become a vessel for regeneration and healing, and your own wounds may be the keys to your power to influence change in the lives of others.

Pluto in 11th House

*You may have a deep aversion to groups, associations, clubs, or organizations of any kind. Any such group you become involved in is likely to be either for intense personal growth, change, and healing, or centered around social change and revising society in some manner.
#Circumstances impel you to change, ready or not. Sometimes you feel you must listen to a lot of other people's dreams and follow them. It is important to weigh their urgings against the inner voice of your own desire.
^With Pluto in your 11th House, you may meet many of your power issues within the social sphere, particularly around special interest groups or when dealing with political processes. You're not the women who enjoys sitting on the sidelines if you're part of a group, especially if something could be done more effectively. If you have not developed a strong sense of your own ideals and beliefs you can fall under the influence of others who would usurp your power in order to boost their own. But once you've awakened to your own ideals, drives and directives, you can be a highly influential leader and instigator of social change. The extent of your efforts depends upon you and the choices you make for yourself.

Pluto in 12th House

*You have a deep interest in secrets, the underworld or unconscious, and anything hidden and mysterious. Psychoanalysis, investigating your dreams, and other methods of uncovering secrets are very interesting to you. You may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. Your emotions and subconscious energies are complex, and periodic transformations and personal crises are sprinkled liberally throughout your lifetime.
#Death has played a large part in creating doubt about your abilities. Use private time to examine your present knowledge and skills, and you may find that confidence replaces doubt. You need the quiet moments to build your power.
^Since you have Pluto in your 12th House you may be tempted to repress your emotions, particularly those which have to do with those deep needs which spring from the shadowy side of yourself. You may even have problems with depression or addictive behaviors which create a kind of emotional trap until you learn to delve into the depths of your being and clean out the ghosts and dragons from your past which still haunt your dreams. Old resentments can also act like a potion which poisons your imagination and undermines your ability to trust your inner self. Once you've conquered your own demons, you may feel driven to help others confront their own, and can become an extremely effective healer.

Mini-moon: Smallest full moon of 2011 rises tonight

Mini-moon: Smallest full moon of 2011 rises tonight

Bigger isn't always better.
So tonight, why not get outside and look up at what astronomers say will be -- or rather, will appear to be -- the smallest full moon of 2011?
According to astronomy expert Joe Rao, the smallest full moon of 2011 will be 12.3% smaller than the largest full moon of 2011, which occurred in March.
The difference in perceived size is due to the moon's elliptical orbit. In March, the moon turned full just minutes away from the perigee of its orbit, or the point at which the moon is closest to Earth. Tonight's full moon will reach its fullness peak at 7:06 p.m. PDT; just a few hours later, at 5 a.m., the moon will hit the apogee of its orbit, or point at which the moon is the farthest from Earth.
The perigee and apogee of the moon's orbit change each month, but in March the moon was 221,565 miles from Earth when it appeared to be full; tonight, the moon will be 252,546 miles from  Earth when it appears full.
For those who don't have a calculator handy, that's a difference of 30,981 miles.
So will we be able to notice the difference?
"I really should say no, because 12% is just not that much of a change,"said Steve Edberg, an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in an interview with The Times. "But to someone who was paying close attention and remembered what the moon looked like in March, there's a difference. And there is quite a noticeable difference in pictures."
The October full moon is traditionally called the hunter's moon, and like the harvest moon -- which occurred in September -- will appear to be full for longer than normal. All this light could have helped hunters in their pursuit of prey.
One thing we're wondering: What does one call the smallest full moon of the year? News outlets dubbed the largest moon of the year a super-moon.  Perhaps we should call tonight's underwhelming lunar display a mini-moon.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Asteriod Hits - The Vela Incident

This is the chart for the time the Incident happened near to an island possessed by France as reported in the above link in Wikipedia.

There was an unexplained double flash of light which was observed,  associated obviously with enormous release of energy which probably was a nuclear explosion.

The incident has been observed by the Vela Hotel satellite belonging to US,which occured in the sea near to south Africa.There was much debate on whether the incident is related to a nuclear test or a meteorite fall.The puzzle never was solved or intentionally the truth was suppressed though there were many scientific investigations .

If we observe the planetary formations on that date with the data available in the link given above,we can see the Five planetary combination in Virgo that of Sun,Moon,Mercury,Venus and Pluto. There was a Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction going on in Leo with Rahu-Ketu axis falling between Jupiter and Saturn.Mars is debilitated in Cancer.

In this instance too the planets are lined up in the skies,spread over three signs Cancer,Leo and Virgo.This lining of planets always signifies big events.

Pluto signifies atomic power and Conjunction with Sun results in manifestation of the atomic energy.

Pluto in Maya Shastyamsa is of much significance in this event which shows a coverup

More over,As in all other mysterious explosions/events analysed,there is no nexus between Pluto and Rahu/Ketu axis in this event. So we can conclude the event is not of an asteriod fall but a nuclear test,which has been covered up as an asteriod fall.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Asteriod Hits - The East Mediterranian Event

This is the chart for 6 th June 2002.

Observing the planetary alignments on that day,we can see Sun,Saturn,Rahu and Mercury in Taurus and Jupiter,Venus and Mars in Gemini.All the planets seem to be lined up in the skies.

Saturn and Rahu were in exact conjunction within one degree to each other and Sun with in 3 degrees to these two.The conjunction is in opposition to Pluto in Scorpio.Pluto in turn is within two degrees to Ketu.

In Gemini Jupiter and Venus are again closely in conjunction within two degrees to each other.

Pluto significantly is in Sarpa Shastyaamsa at the time of this conjunction.

The result was there was an undetected  ASTERIOD fall. The asteriod before reaching the surface exploded in mid air over the mediterranian sea between Libya and Greece.The explosion was as powerful as that of a small Atom bomb!!. Check on this link for details

India's Kali Saham and Assasination of Indira Gandhi

In continuation to the study of the Sahams on Mundane charts,this is one more instance, in addition to my previous post titled India's Kali Saham and Terrorist attack on Mumbai. This is the chart for the time  of Jupiter transit over India's Kali saham on 23.11.1984.The Year 1984 has been a very significant year for India as there were many untoward incidents. Following are the incidents that took place during the year :
6 June - Indian troops storm the Golden Temple at Amritsar, the Sikhs' holiest shrine.

31 October - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated by her two Sikh security guards. Rajiv Gandhi becomes prime minister of India.

31 October - 3 November An estimated 2,700-10,000 Sikhs killed during the anti-Sikh riots in Delhi and other areas; mobs loot and damage several Sikh homes, businesses and Gurdwaras in response to the assassination of Indira Gandhi
3 December - Bhopal Disaster: A methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, kills more than 2,000 people outright and injures anywhere from 15,000 to 22,000 others (some 6,000 of whom later die from their injuries) in one of the worst industrial disasters in history.

From the above listed events we can see that  very close to the transit, Mrs Indira Gandhi,the then Prime minister of India was assasinated.
Following the assassination there was wide spread arson in the Capital city which resulted in massacre of sikhs.

There are two issues to be considered here.1.Transit of  Rahu /Ketu on their natal positions.2.Ketu transiting very close to Sun who denotes the ruler.

The saham Ascendant is Aries which is aspected by Mars ,Saturn and Pluto.

Further, there was disaster which happened in Union Carbide in Bhopal. At the time of this transit there was a conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in the Airy sign of Libra .This conjunction is in aspect to the Saham ascendant.

The Saturn Pluto conjunction aspecting the saham ascendant resulted in the operation blue star,Bhopal disaster and Ketu's conjunction with Sun and Moon resulted in the assassination of the Prime Minister !!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

India's Kali Saham and Terrorist Attack on Mumbai

The Tajika techniques seem to work even on the event charts and Mundane charts.In continuation to my earlier post on India's Artha Saham and finding wealth at Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple,this is one more instance proving relevance/utility of Tajik techniques on Mundane charts.

The adjoining chart shows Jupiter's(8th and 11th lord) transit over India's Kali saham  on 30 th September,2008.Kali saham denotes accidents and untoward events.Around this date there was an increase in the number of accidents and terrorist activity.
In the first instance Jupiter transited over the saham on 17th February and next on August 16 2008,in retrogression and finally on 30 th of September.The following are some of the events which happened around these dates.

On 29 th September there were Bomb explosions in Western India.On 3 rd August there was a stampede in Naina devi temple in Bilaspur,Himachal Pradesh.on 25 th July there were serial blasts in Bangalore and on the next day there were number of blasts in Ahmedabad,Gujarat killing about 45 people.The most significant event  around this date is the terrorist attack on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai on November 26 to 29 th Killing 175 people and over 308 people wounded.

If we observe the transit positions at the time of Jupiter's transit over the Kali Saham,Ketu the significator of Terrorists is exactly transiting over the natal Venus who is the lagna lord and natal Saturn who is the Yoga Karaka. Ketu at the time of this transit is at 21 Cn. Natal positon of Venus is at 22 Cn and that of Saturn is at 20 Cn.Ketu's transit very close to these natal positions indicates the terrorist attacks and other mishaps.Ketu's transit over the 9 th lord and Rahu's transit over the 9 th house of the India's Natal chart and the stampede at the Naina devi temple is of significance as 9 th house signifies places of worship.

On the date of this transit,all the planets are in between Rahu/Ketu  forming a kaala sarpa yoga.At the time of transit more planets are in Hasta and Chitta Nakshtras which indicate western india.

Before this transit,Jupiter was transiting on the Natal Kali Saham on 3 rd November,1996.There were two prominent events around this date.

On 7th November,1996 a devastating Cyclone hit Andhra Pradesh and about 2000 people died .During this transit there were 3 planets in Jala tatwa raasis.Moon was in Cancer,Saturn and Ketu were  in Pisces indicating a watery mishap.

On 12 th November 1996,Two planes collided mid air near New Delhi Killing about 349 people.Note Saturn is retrograde and is in conjunction with Ketu with in 5 degrees.

(Data source: WikiPedia)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rudrasana Yoga - Chandra Kala Nadi

शष्टाषटमव्ययस्थं  स्याल्लग्नमुछ्हग्रहम् यदि !

तस्य रुद्रासनपदं   निर्दिष्टं  पुर्वसुरिभि: !!

If the 6th,8th and 12th contain planets in simultaneous exaltation,Rudrasana Yoga is formed.This yoga is formed for Leo and Aquarius ascendants only.The native with this yoga will be wealthy from birth and will rule the whole world.

On searching for the dates on which this yoga is formed , the following are some dates that are found to be having this Yoga and useful for study:

Leo Ascendant:
1.February 6 th 1983 at 19.20
2.March 17 th 1962 at  16.50

Vedic mantra for Propitiation of Saturn

संनो देवी रभिष्ट्यो  आपो पीतये शं योरभि श्रुवन्तु न:

may Saturn protect us,may it prove beneficial in the direction of our divine wishes,may good and peace come to us from all directions.