
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Aditya Stuti

आदित्यमूला  मखिलं  त्रैलोक्यं  मुनिसत्तमाः 
भवत्यस्माज्जगत  सर्वं  स  देवासुर  मानुषं 
रुद्रोपेन्द्र  महेन्द्रानां  विपेन्द्र  त्रिदिवोव्क्सां
महाद्युती  मतां  चैव  तेजोम  सार्वलोइकिकं 


Sri Surya Narayana Stuti

लोहितं रथमारूढं सर्व लोक पितामहं 
महोपकारं देवं तं सूर्यं प्राणमाम्याहं
श्री विष्णुं जगतां नाधम ज्ञानविज्ञान सास्त्रदं 
महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्राण माम्याहं 


Planets and their Significations

Monday, June 28, 2004
The Sun The Soul; Power; Intense Severity (fierce); Fortress; Good Strength; Heat; Splendour; Fire; Worship Of Siva; Courage; Thorned Trees; Being In Royal Favour; Bitterness; Old Age; Cattle; Wickedness; Land; Father; Taste; Self-Realization; Skyward Look; One Born of a Timid Woman; World Of Mortals (Mrtyu Loka); Square shape; Bone (skeletal system); Valour; Grass; The Belly; Strenuous Effort; Forest; Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Eye (right); Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Quadruped (also the birds); King; Travelling; Dealing; Bite; Scorch; Circular Shape ; Eye Disease; Body (vitality in the body); Timber (wood); Mental Purity; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign); Freedom Form Disease; Lord Of Saurashtra State; Ornaments; Disease In The Head; Precious stones (gems); Lord Of Sky; Short Like A Dwarf; Lord Of The Eastern Direction; Copper; Blood; Kingdom; Red Cloth; Stone; Public Life; River Bank; Coral ; Ruby; Strong At Mid-Day (Noon); Eastern Direction; Mouth; Long Standing Anger; Capture Of The Enemy; Sattvik (Pure); Red Chandan Or Saffron; Hostility; Thick Cord

The Moon Mind; Imagination; Flower; Good Perfume (incence); Going to a Fortress; Brahmin by caste; Idleness; Phlegmatic (kapha) Humour; Epilepsy (diseases of mind, if afflicted); Enlargement of the Spleen (spleed creates bile which help in fat metabolism); Mental Disposition (state of mind); Heart (feelings); Woman (motherly); Virtue Or Vice (attributes of mind); Saltish taste/ Sleep (peace); Happiness; Anything like Water (any fluid); Bell-Metal; Silver (metal); Sugarcane; Typhoid (infection of intestine); Travel/ Going To Far Off Countries; Well; Pond; Tank (any water body); Mother (relations); Pearls; Consumption (infection of lungs/ TB); Whiteness (colour); Waistband; Short Stature; Ability; Winter Season; White Colour; Belly; Worshipping Goddess Gauri; Joking; Nourishment; Wheat; Pleasure; Splendour; Face; Sharp in Thought (in good association such as Jupiter); Love for Curd; Mendicant (sanyasa yoga); Fame (popularity among masses); Learned; Beauty; Strength at Night; Facing Westward; Learned; Getting A Job; Love For West; The Middle World; Nine Gems (navaratna); Middle Age; Life; Eating (food); Ailment of the Shoulders; Umbrella or any Other Royal Insignia; Good Fruits; Blood Purity and Vitality; Fish and Other Water Creatures; Serpent; Brilliant Things (sparkling); Clean Crystal; Soft And Velvety Clothes; Silk Garments

 Mars Prowess; Land (any immovable property); Strength; Kingship; Loss Of Virility; Thief; Battle; Hostility; Enemy; Generosity; Deep red colour; Owning A Garden; Sound Of A Trumpet; Affection; Quadruped; Fool; Anger; Going to a Foreign Country; Firmness; Supporter; Fire; Controversy; Bile; Heat; Wound; Commander in chief; Day; Seeing; Shortness; Disease; Fame; Tin; Sword; Lance Or Spear; Minister; Fracture Of A Limb; Jewel; Praying To God Subrahmanya; Youth; Pungent; Dubar Hall; Earthen Pots; Obstacles; Flesh eater; Calumniating Others; Victory Over Enemy; Bitter; Strong At The End Of The Night; Gold; Summer Season; Valour; Enemy's Strength; Profundity Of Character; Male; Axe; Forester; Village Headman; State Inspection; Pain while Passing Urine; Triangle; Goldsmith; Rogue; Burnt Place; Good Dinner; Leanness; Adept In Archery; Blood (red blood cells); Copper; A Beautiful Cloth; Facing South; Desire; Anger; Scandal; House; Sataghni, A Weapon; A Tree; Sama Veda; Brother; Spade Or Hatchet; Looking After The Wild Animals; Independence; Persistency; Judge; Serpent; World; Speech; Fickle Mindedness; Mounting A Vehicle; Sight Of Blood; Coagulation Of Blood

Mercury Formal education (schooling); Horses; Treasury; Mathematics; Speech/ Courteous Speech; Infantry; Writing; New Garment, Palatial Building; Green Colour; Sculpture; Astrology; Pilgrimage To Holy Places; Wise Lectures; Temple; Trading; Best Ornaments; Vedanta Philosophy; Maternal Grandfather; Bad Dreams; Eunuch; Facing North; Skin; Wet; Bell metal; Renunciation; Ritu (Season); A Beautiful House; Doctor; Neck; Recitation Of Mantras/ Sattvik Mantras; Childhood; Crooked Look; Heaven; Modesty; Paternal Relation; Fear; Dancing; Devotion; Humorous Temperament; Powerful In The Morning; Hemanta Ritu; Stone To Sharpen Knives; Tranquillity; Navel; Family Prosperity; Mixed Items; Proficient In Telugu Language; Worship Of Lord Vishnu; Sudra; Bird; After Born; Depth Of A Language; The Directions; Atharva Veda; Religious Action; Tower; Dust; Garden; Pudendum Virile; Even; Benefic; Moving In Villages; Impartial Nature; Fond Of Northwest Quarter; Well Versed In The Legends Of The Past; Specialist In Grammar; Expert In Testing Of The Precious Stones; A Scholar; Maternal Uncle; Sacred Prayer; An Amulet

Jupiter Brahmin; Guru; One's Duty; Chariot; Cow; Infantry; Savings; Meemamsa philosophy; Treasure; Horse; Honey; Large Body; Valour; Reputation; Logic; Astrology; Children; Grandson; Dropsy; Philosophy; Grand father; Great grand-father; Palatial House; Gems; Eldest Brother; Lord Indra; Automn Season; Wrath of Priest; Jewel; Merchant; Physical Health; A Beautiful Mansion; Royal Honour; Thighs; God (divine blessings); Penance; Charity; Religious Duty; Helping Others; Impartiality; Facing North; Circular; Yellow Colour; Moving In Villages; Close Friend; Swinging; Orator; Fat; Old Garment; A New House; Happiness; Mantras; Twice Born (Brahmins- Dvija); Holy Water; Knee; Movement In Heaven; A House Granting All Comforts; Intellect; Proficiency In Learning; Literature; Tower; Charming an Audience; Throne; Strong at All Times; a month; Vessels; Yellow Sapphire; Sweet Juice; Being Good; Happiness; Misery; Length; Gentleness; Reading Other's Mind; Ornamentation; Ether; Phlegm; Topaz; Vedic Text; Brilliancy; Softness; Worship Of Lord Shiva; Performing One's Religious Duties; Travelling In A Well-Decorated Carriage

Venus White Umbrella; Garment; Marriage; Income; A Biped (Human); Woman; Brahmin; Auspiciousness; Whiteness; Wife; Sexual Happiness; Short; Sour; Flower; Command; Fame; Youthful Vigour; Vehicle; Silver; South-East; Ogling; Scratching; Half A Month; The Quality Of Passion; Strong; Pearl; Yajur Veda; Vaisya; Beauty; Trading; Love-Making; Watery Resort; Elephant; Horse; Variegated Colour; Poetry; Dancing; Middle Age; Singing; Enjoyment; Happiness From The Wife; Gems; Fond Of Humour; Swimmer; Servant; Luck; Variegated Lustre; A Handsome Youth; Kingdom; Scents; Garland; Veena (a string instrument); Flute; Amusement; Lovely Gait; Eight Kinds Of Wealth; All Sorts Of Pleasures; Well Formed Limbs; Sparing In Meals; Spring Season; Ornaments; Eye; Truth Speaking; Proficiency In Art; Semen; Water Sports; Profundity Of Character; Pre-Eminence; Sharp-Witted; Decoration for The Stage; Fond Of Amorous Sports; Broken Health; Love, Greatly Respected And Highly Esteemed; Fondness For White Garments; Bharat Natyama (a form of dance in India); Government Seal; Worshipping Goddess Parvati and Lakshmi; Gentleness; Much Emaciated; Day Sitting Mothers; Literary Composition, Adept at Writing Poetry; Black Hair; Auspicious; Genital Organs; Urine; Afternoon; Diamond  

Saturn Laziness, Obstruction; Horse; Elephant; Skin (nerves, tendons and ligaments); Gain; Witness; Distress; Sickness; Misunderstanding; Misery; Death; Happiness Through A Woman; Maid Servant; Asses And Mules; Outcast; One With Disfigured Limbs; Haunting Woods; Handsome Look; Gift; A Lord; A Portion Of Life; Eunuch; One Born Of The Lowest Caste; Birds; A Servile Duty; Unrighteous Conduct; One Without Manliness; Telling Lies; Long Lasting; Wind; Old Age; Tendons And Muscles; Strong At The End Of The Day; Sisira Ritu (Winter); Great Anger; Exertion; Born Of A Very Low Mother; Bastard; Golaka (abode of lord Krsna); Dirty Clothes And House; Wicked Mind; Friendship With The Wicket; Black Colour; Evil; Cruelty; Ashes; Black Grains; Gems; Iron; Nobility; A Year; Sudra; One Representing The Father; Learning The Trade Of Another Class; Crippled; Sharp; A Blanket; Facing West; Life Saving Drugs; Downward Look; Agriculture; Life Saving Drugs; Arsenal; A Student Belonging To Another Caste; External Position; North-Eastern; Serpent World; Downfall; Lost in Battle; Wandering; A Spear; Lead; Misdirected Strength; A Turk; Worn Out; Oil; The Tamas Guna; Travelling Through Forests and Over Mountains; Hard-Heartedness; Fear; Long Standing Distress; Hunter; Ugly Hair; Entire Sovereignty; Alarm; Goats And The Like; Buffalos And The Like; Indulging In Sex Pleasure; Dressing Oneself For Amorous Appeals; Worshipping God Yama; Dog; Theft And; Cruel-Hearted
Rahu Umbrella; Kingdom; Gathering; Fallacious Argument; Hurting By Speech; Downcast; Wicked Woman; An Irreligious Man; Decorated Vehicle; Gambling; Strong At Twilight; Intriguing With A Wicked Woman; Going Abroad; Impurity; Bone; Enlargement Of Spleen; Falsehood; Downward Look; Perplexity; Emerald; Facing The Southern Quarter; Shelter Of Outcast Or Low People; Painful Swelling; A Big Forest; Wandering In Rugged Places; Mountain; Pain; Staying Outside; Tending Towards Southwest; Wind; Phlegm; Sorrow; Serpent; Night Breeze; Sharp; Long; Reptile; Reading Of Dreams; Travel; A Muhurata; Old Age; A Vehicle; World Of Serpents; Mother; Father Or Maternal Grandfather; Air; An Acute Or Sharp Pain; Catarrh; Breathing; Great Prowess; Forest; Worshipper Of Goddess Durga; Wickedness; Cohabitation With Quadrupeds; Urdu Script; Harsh Words
Ketu Worship Of God Chandeeka, God Ganesha And Many Other Gods; Doctor; Dog; Cock; Vulture; Salvation; All Kinds Of Wealth; Consumption; Pain; Fever; Bathing In The Holy Ganges; Great Penance; Wind; A Hunter; Friendship; Conferring Of Prosperity; Stone; Wound; Witchcraft; Inconstancy; Knowledge Of Brahma; Belly; Eye Sore; Stupidity; Thorn; Deer; Knowledge; Observing Silence As A Fast; Philosophy; All Sorts Of Luxuries; Luck; Trouble Form Enemies; Loss Of Appetite; Indifference To The World; Paternal Grandfather; Hunger; Severe Stomach ache; Boils And The Like Skin Troubles; receiving The Orders Of Arrest; Association Of Sudra.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Signs of Life Found on Pluto

The news of  Hubble telescope discovering a strong "absorber" of ultraviolet light on Pluto rocky, icy surface - suggest presence of  hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons hint about existence of  life on the dwarf Planet and probably the cause of life on Earth too. If the  building blocks of first life have been found on Pluto the same may have been carried on to Earth by a splinter rock from Pluto  thus making life possible on Earth !!!

Keeping aside the astronomical/astrological points of view for a while,we Hindus believe Pluto to be the Yama graha which is nothing but Hell. Hindus believe all the dead people go to Hell in sookshma sariras( miniature astral bodies) to pay back for their bad karmas for being punished by Yama. If hints of life have been found on Pluto,it makes me think that the complex hydro carbon molecules are nothing but  may be the astral bodies of the dead which travelled to Pluto from Earth !!!.

The timing of this finding is very interesting from an astrological point of view.Above given is the chart for 24 th December 2011 when the news has been first published.

Sun is transiting in Sagittarius at 7 degrees, very close to the Galactic centre.Galactic centre is the nucleus of the Universe . Indian astrology defines this as the Vishnu Nabhi,and mythology says this is the place from where Brahma the creator is born.In other words, origin of  universe is the Galactic centre.Sagittarius is the Ninth house of the Zodiac which signifies Higher Learning.

Pluto too as we know, is transiting closely over the Galactic center right now and is at 13 degrees Sagittarius. Pluto is also closely conjunct Sun astrologically. The combination of  Pluto and Sun transiting over the sign which signifies Higher learning , resulting in bringing to light, hints of life over Pluto is significant. 

Jupiter and Saturn have very strong aspects over this combination of Sun and Pluto, while they themselves are in mutual opposition. This opposition of Jupiter and Saturn marks new beginnings and both their aspect over the Sun/Pluto combination has resulted in bringing out the probable origins of life.

In the Navamsa chart of the Natural Zodiac, Pluto is interestingly over the Rahu/Ketu axis by being in conjunction with Ketu in Cancer. Navamsa chart shows the inner self !!!
I have established in my previous posts that the connection of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu triggers mysterious events. And this time it is about the revelation of Pluto's inner self itself that has been triggered since the conjunction/connection is in the Navamsa.

Scientists at CERN just very recently announced they probably have seen the Higgs-Boson particle which is  termed as the GOD PARTICLE, which explains the existence of mass in the Universe.The same astrological reasoning holds good for this find too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Brihat Samhitha - Classification of Substances

Brihat Samhitha assigns substances to signs.If the concerned sign is afflicted and well aspected, the articles will be available in abundance and will be sold at good prices.

Aries rules over Cloths,Sheep's wool,clothes made of Goat's hair,lentils,wheat,resin,barley,herbs growing on land and gold.

Taurus rules Clothes,flowers,wheat,rice,barley,buffaloes and bullocks.

Gemini rules Corn,autumnal creepers like grape vines,lily bulbs and cotton.

Cancer rules over paspalum,bananas,Durva Grass,fruits,bulbs,fragrant leaves and coconuts.

Leo controls husk grains,juices,skins of lions,Tigers,deers ets and jaggery.

Virgo rules Corn,horse gram,wheat,green gram and leguminous seeds.

Libra rules black gram,barley,wheat and mustard.

Scorpio rules sugar cane,fruits of creepers,iron or bell metal, goat's and sheep's wool.

Sagittarius rules horses,salt,weapons,sesamum,corn and roots.

Capricorn rules shrubs,creepers,what ever grows as a result of watering,sugarcane,gold,black metal and iron.

Aquarius rules over water products,fruits,flowers,gems and brilliant things.

Pisces rules gems such as pearls which are available in sea beds from testacious animals,water products,diamonds,all kinds of oils,fishes and fish products.

Jupiter occupying houses 4,10,2,11,7,9,or 5 from a sign promotes the interests  of those objects ruled by the sign

Mercury in houses 2,11,10,5,8 from a sign promotes the interests  of those objects ruled by the sign

Venus in 6,7 house from a sign destroys the objects ruled by the sign and in rest of the signs it promotes.

Malefics in houses 3,6,10 and 11 th from a sign promote the interests while in the rest destroy the significations pertaining to the house.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Phaladeepika - Bhavas from Karakaas

 सूर्यस्थितरा ज्जनक स्वरूपम्
वृद्धिं द्वितीयेनतु तत्प्रकासं
तद्भ्रान्तरंतस्य गुणं तृतीयात
तन्मातरंचापि सुखं चतुर्धात

The sloka describes how to know about the natives father. From the raasi where Sun is situated,physical attributes of the father of the native can be ascertained.The second house from Sun shows father's wealth and fame.From the third house from Sun one can get to know about the brothers and behaviour of the native's father.Fourth house from Sun shows the parents and comforts enjoyed by the native's father.

बुद्धिंप्रसादं सुतभाच शष्टा 
त्पीदां पितुर्दोष मरिञ्चरोगं 
कामं मदं तस्यतु सप्तमेव 
दुखं मृतिं मृत्युगृहात्तदायुः 

Father's intelligence and mental peace should be known from the fifth from where sun is situated. Sixth from sun shows the father's enemies,impediments,health wise love should be known from the seventh from Sun.Longevity and death should be known from the eigth from Sun.

पुण्यं शुभं तत्पितरं शुभेन
व्यापारमस्थ्यैवहि कर्मभावात
लाभं ह्यु पान्त्यात क्ष्यमन्त्यभावा 
चचन्द्रादिकानां फलमेवमाहुः

Father's father and his religious inclination should be known from the Ninth from Sun.Fathers profession from the 10 th house,Income from the 11th houses from the Sun. Expenses and losses should be seen from the 12th from Sun.

तद्भावात्कारक देवमूःयं
तत्तन्मातृ भ्रातृ पित्रात्मा जाड्यं
तस्मिन्भावे कारके भावनाधे
वीर्योपेथे तस्य भावस्य सोउख्यं 

In the same way to know about mother and brother one should study the relevant houses from Moon and Mars respectively.If the lord of any bhaava and the relevant kaaraka,both are strong all the significations of the Bhava would be favourable for the native.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Phala deepika - Transit Effects of Dasa Lord

Interesting correlations of Transits and Vimsottari dasa, effects of the Dasa lord

यद्भावगो गोचरतो विलग्नात 
दसेस्वरह् स्वोच सुहृद गृहस्थः 
तद्भावपुष्टिं कुरुथे तदानीं 
चलान्वित   स्छे ज्जननेपि तस्य 

In any dasa,if the dasa lord transits his exaltation,own or friendly house he does good to that bhava counted from the lagna,provided the planet is strong at the time of birth.

बलोनितो जन्मनि पाकनाधो 
मोउध्यं स्वनीचम् रिपुमन्दिरंवा 
प्राप्तस्च यद्भावमुपैथि चारात्
 तद्भावनासं कुरुथे तदानीं

At the time of birth which ever planet is weak,debilitated,combust the planet in its dasa while transiting the above said raasis destroys the significations of the bhava owned by it

दसेसस्य तुङ्गे सुहृद भे दसेसात 
त्रिशत्कर्म लाभात्रिकोणस्तभेषु 
यदाचार्यगत्या समायाति चन्द्रः 
शुभं संविधत्तेन्यधाचेद अरिष्टं 

When Moon transits the exaltation,friendly signs or 3,6,10,11 th houses or 5th , 9th Konaas or transits 7th house from the dasa lord gives problems.

पाकप्रभुर्गो चरतः स्वनीचम् 
मोउध्यं यदायाति विपक्षभं वा 
कष्टं विदध्या त्स्यगृहं स्वतुन्गम् 
वक्रं गतः सोउख्यफलं तदानीं 

In transit if the antardasa lord reaches his debilitation,enemy's sign or becomes combust he gives problems.If he transits his exaltation sign or when in retrogression gives good results.

पाकेसस्य सुभप्रदस्य भवनं तुङ्गं प्रपन्ने यदा 
सूर्ये तत्फलसिद्धिमेति गुरूणा प्येवंफलं चिन्तयेत 
नीचं कश्तफलप्रदस्य च दसानाधस्य वैरिस्थारं 
प्राप्तेभास्वति गोचरेण लभते तस्यैवकष्टंफलं 

when a favourable antardasa is running, in transit, when Sun reaches the exaltation sign of the antardasa lord or Jupiter transits in its exaltation sign,then the good results of the planet manifest. When in transit Sun reaches the antardasa lord's debilitation sign then the bad result destined to be given by the antardasa lord will definitely manifest.

Friday, December 9, 2011

UFO spotted Near to Mercury

There is a video going around the net showing footage of  an UFO very near to Mercury caught by NASA'S  Heliospheric Imager-1 (HI-1). A camera system aboard STEREO spacecraft, managed to capture some questionable footage last week of what some are calling a cloaked spaceship orbiting Mercury.

The footage caught a coronal mass ejection last week, where electronically charged material catapulted from the sun and hit Mercury. The solar flare that struck Mercury seemed to have hit another large object about the same size nearby, which was described as cylindrical on both sides with a shape in the center, resembling a spaceship.

Please visit the link given above for  the news and the video footage at the bottom,which is very interesting to watch.However, scientists at the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) disagree. According to NRL's Russ Howard, head scientist, and Nathan Rich, lead ground systems engineer, the mystery UFO is actually Mercury itself. It is simply a ghost of where Mercury was positioned the previous day, and was visible due to the way raw HI-1 telescope data is processed.

How ever, i am not concerned whether or not it is an UFO and is stationed near to Mercury by some aliens. I only want  to bring to the reader's notice that right now in Scorpio, Sun,Retrograde Mercury are conjunct with Rahu.The video was recorded on 1 st December 2011 when Retrograde Mercury and Rahu are exactly conjunct at 20 degrees Scorpio .

Scorpio is the Eigth house of the natural Zodiac which signifies mysteries and Rahu too as we know, signifies mysteries and unexpected events.At the time when Rahu is conjunct with Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio, the Imager showing the suspicious/mysterious  object near to the planet is of much significance.  And with a lunar eclipse which was to happen on 10th December,Rahu's influence is quite obvious.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Techniques for appeasing Venus/Sukra

Animals and Birds have to be fed every day.
Milk has to be given in charity.
Curd,Ghee,Camphor and Pearls have to be given in Charity.
Should pray to Goddess Maha Lakshmi.

Should acquire two equally weighed pearls and Kriya has to be done same as like kanya daan. One of it has to be dropped into a river and the second one has to be retained with your self forever.

Nava Graha Dhyana Mantras

Ravi Stuti

जपाकुसुम  संकासं  कास्यपेयं  महाद्युतिम 
तमोरिं  सर्वपापघ्नं  प्राणतोस्मि  दिवाकरं 

japaakusuma samkaasam kaasyapeyam mahadyutim
tamorim sarvapaapaghnam prana tosmi divaakaram

Chandra Stuti

दधि   संख  तुशाराभां  क्षीरोदार्णव  संभवं 
नमामि  ससिनं  सोमं  संभोर्मकुत  भूषणं  

dadhi sankha tushaaraabhaam kshirodaarnava sambhavam
namaami sasinam somam sambhormakuta bhooshanam

Kuja Stuti
धरणी  गर्भ  संभूतं  विद्युत्कान्चन  संनिभं  
कुमारं  सक्थिहस्तं  तं  मङ्गलं  प्रनमाम्यहम्

dharanee garbha sambhootam vidyutkaanchana sannibham
kumaaram sakthihastam tam mangalam pranamaamyaham

Rahu Stuti

अर्थकायं  महावीरं  चन्द्रादित्य  विमर्धनं  
सिम्हिकागर्भ  संभूतं  रहुम्तं  प्राण  माम्याहं  

arthakaayam mahaaveeram chandraaditya vimardhanam
simhikaagarbha sambhootam rahumtam prana maamyaham

Guru Stuti
देवानांच  रुशीनांच  गुरुं  काञ्चन  संनिभं 
बुद्धिमन्तं  त्रिलोकेसं  तं नमामि  बृहस्पतिं

Devaanaamcha rusheenaamcha gurum kaanchana sannibham
buddhimantam trilokesam namami brihaspatim

Sani Stuti
नीलाञ्जन  समाभासं  रविपुत्रं  यमाग्रजम 
चयामार्तान्द  संभूथं  तं  नमामि  सनैस्चरं

Neelaanjana samabhaasam raviputram yamaagrajam
chayaamaartaanda sambhootham tam namami sanaischaram

Budha Stuti

प्रियङ्गु  कालिका  श्यामं  रूपेण  प्रतिमं  बुधं 
सोउम्यं  सत्यगुनोपेतं  तं  बुधं  प्रनमाम्यहम्   

Priyangu kalikaa syamam roopena pratimam budham
soumyam satyagunopetam tam budham pranamaamyaham

Ketu Stuti
फलास  पुष्प  संकासं  तारकाग्रहमस्तकम् 
रोउद्रं  रोउद्रात्मकं  घोरं  तं  केतुं  प्राणमाम्याहं

Phalaasa pushpa samkaasam taarakaagrahamastakam
roudram roudraatmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamaamyaham

Sukra Stuti

हिम कुण्ड मृनालाभां दैत्यानां परमं गुरुं 
सर्व शास्त्र प्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्राण माम्याहं

Hima Kunda mrunaalaabhaam daityaanaam paramam gurum
sarva saastra pravaktaaram bhaargavam pranamaamyaham

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Saturn Japa Mantra

समग्निभिरित्यस्य मन्त्रस्य इळिं मीळि ऋषि :
सनैस्चरग्रहो देवता वुश्निक्चन्दः 

samagnibhirityasya mantrasya ilim mili rushih
sanaishcharagraho devataa vrushnikchandaha

Chandra Graha Dhyana Mantra

आप्यायस्व समेतुते विस्वतस्सोम वृष्णियं 
भवाजस्य संगधे 

Aapyaayaswa sametute viswatassoma vrushneeyam
bhavaajasya sangadhe

Sani Graha Dhyana Mantra

पाधः संयुतः मेघ संनिभतमः प्रद्योतनस्यात्मजो 
नृणां पुन्यसुभावहः स्व्यवपुषा पापिसां
दुःखकृत स्रीमद्दक्षिनदिक पतिर्महिशिष गो
भूशाभरालंक्रितो ध्येयः संयमिनीपतिः
पितृगण स्वम्य यमो दन्दभृत 

Paadha samyuta megha sannibhatamah pradyotanasyaatmajo
nrunaam punyasubhaavahah svyavapushaa paapee yasaam
duhkhakrut sreemad dakshina dik patirmahishago
bhooshaabharaalamkruto dhyeyah samyamineepatih
pitrugana swamy yamo dandabhrut

Sani Graha Dhyana Mantra

नीलांजन  समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम
चायामार्तान्द संभूतं तं नमामि सनैस्चरं

Neelaanjana Samaabhaasam raviputram yamaagrajam
chaayaamaartaanda sambhootam tam namaami sanaischaram

Sukra Graha Dhyanam

ॐ सुक्र्ते अन्यत विष्णुरूपे  अहनिद्येरिवासि 
विस्वाहि माया अवसिस्वधानो भद्राते पूषन्निहरातिरस्तु

Om Sukrate anyat vishnu roope ahanidyerivaasi
visvaahi maayaa avasi svadhaano bhadraate pooshannihaaraatirastu

Guru Dhyanam

वराक्ष मालां दण्डं च कमन्दलधरं  विभुं 
पुष्यरागान्कितं पीतं वरदं भावयेत गुरुं 

varaaksha maalaam cha kamandaladharam vibhum
pushyaragaankitam peetam varadam bhaavayet gurum

बृहस्पते अतियदर्यो अर्हाद्युमद्विभाति क्रतुमज्जनेषु 
यद्देद याचन सर्तप्रजात तदास्म सुद्रविणं धेहिचित्रम 

Bruhaspate ati yadaryo arhaadyumadvibhaati kratumajjaneshu

yaddeeda yachana sartaprajaata tadasmaa sudravenam dhehichitram

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Attaining Brahma Loka - Mahadeva's Jataka Tatwa


सिंहासने चन्द्रे पारिजाते गौरौ ऐरावते शुक्रे ब्रःमसायुज्यं
If moon has attained a simhaasanaamsa,Jupiter,a Paravataamsa and venus,an airaavataamsa,the native shall after his death,become one with Brahma

अन्त्येम्सात  केतौ ब्रःमसायुज्यं

If Ketu is in the 12th house counted from the Atmakaraka Navamsa,the native,shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

अम्सादन्त्ये मेषचपगसुभे ब्रःमसायुज्यं
If a benefic planet is in Aries or sagittarius in the last(12th) from the Atma karaka Navamsa,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

येकस्यन्गानां   चतुर्नमधीष्टि तरसीसे केन्द्रे कोणे ब्रःमसायुज्यं
If four planets are together in a sign and if the lord of that sign is in a kendra or a trikona,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

माने मीने सोउम्ये वा भोउमे ब्रःमसायुज्यं 
If Mercury or Mars is in the 10 th in pisces,the native shall after his death,become one with Brahma.

रन्ध्रेसे याने निद्रिथे वा सुभयुतद्रुष्टे ब्रःमसायुज्यं
If the lord of the 8th house is in Yana(going) or Nidritaavastha and is associated with or aspected by a benefic,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

लग्नेसोङ्ग ग धर्मेसो रन्ध्रेसो रन्ध्रं पश्यति चेद्रब्रःमसायुज्यं
If the Ascendant,the 9th and the 8th houses are aspected by their respective lords,the native shall,after his death,become one with Brahma.

नवमे केवलसुभद्व्ये ब्रःमसायुज्यं

If there are two benefics in the 9th house,the native shall after life,become one with Brahma.

Jataka Tatwa of Mahadeva - Utility of Vaiseshikaamsas


तुर्यपे सिंहासने गोपुरे म्रिद्वम्से व हर्म्यप्राकारादियुत्गृहं

If the lord of the 4 th house has attained a simhaasanaamsa,a Gopuraamsa or a Mridu shastyamsa,the native shall own a bunglow with a large compound

गृहेसे पारावते गोपुरे चन्द्रे गुरुदृष्टे दैविक वेषं

If the lord of the 4 th house has attained a paraavataamsa and the moon is in gopuraamsa,and is aspected by Jupiter,the native shall have a divine mansion


सुतपे ग़ूआआडू धरनादीपतु :
If the lord of the 5 th house has attained Gopuraamsa or other higher amsa,the native shall be sharp

सुतकारके गोपुरादौ परेढं गीतग्नौ मेधावी
If the kaaraka of the 5 th house has attained a Gopuraamsa or other vaishesikaamsa,the native shall have compassion and intelligence.

धनेसे गणे तुङ्ग गे गोपुरेक्रजे सिंहासने जीवे च वेदान्तग्नः
If Mercury is in own sign or exaltation in the 2 nd house,Saturn attaining a Gopuraamsa and Jupiter a Simhasanaamsa,the native shall be the top most expounder of Vedanta Philosophy.

उत्तमांसे भ्रिगौ लग्ने वेदान्तग्नः

If Venus has attained an Uttamaamsa and is in the Ascendant,the native shall be an interpretor of Vedanta Philosophy

देवलोके चन्द्रे उत्तमांसे भ्रुगौ केन्द्रे वेदान्तग्नाः
Moon having attained a Devalokaamsa and Venus an Uttamamsa and are in Kendra position,the native shall be an interpretor of Vedanta Philosophy.

केन्द्रे जीवे सिंहासने शुक्रे धनस्यभाम्सेसे गणे गोपुरे  षट्शास्त्रवल्लभा :
When Jupiter is in a Kendra position, Venus has attained a Simhaasanaamsa and Mercury owning the Navamsa occupied by the planet in the 2 nd house is in a Gopuraamsa,the native shall be proficient in all the six sciences.

कोसोङ्ग  गेसे  कोसेसे  पारावते  वेदान्ति
If the lord of the Ascendant is in the 2nd house while its lord has attained a Paraavataamsa,the native will be an authority on Vedanta Philosophy

स्वोच्चेन्ग गो गणे कोसेसे परावते व्यये शुक्रे वेदान्ति
If Mercury isin the Ascendant in exaltation, the lord of the 2 nd has attained a Paraavataamsa,and Venus be in the 12 th, the native shall have knowledge of the Vedantaa philosophy.

जीवे गोपुरे सुभद्रुष्टे त्रिकालग्नः
If Jupiter having attained a Gopuraamsa is aspected by a benefic,the native shall be omniscient.

खेसे देवलोके सुभद्रुष्टे ब्रःमनिष्टः
If the lord of the 10 th house having attained a Devalokaamsa is aspected by a benefic,the native shall be after the contemplation of the supreme spirit.

भाग्यपे परावते सुभद्रुष्टे ब्रःमनिष्टः
If the lord of the 9 th house has attained a Paraavataamsa and is aspected by a benefic,the native must be after the contemplation of the Supreme spirit

गोपुरागौ सुतेसे पुतरापतिः
When the lord of the 5 th house is in Gopuraamsa or other Amsaas,the native shall have children.

धर्मार्धसुतेसः पारावतादीगः सुभद्रुष्टः पुत्रापतिः
If the lords of the 9th.1st and the 5th houses have attained Paraavataamsa and other higher amsas and are also aspected by benefics,the native shall acquire children.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Guru Mantra

गुरुब्रह्म   गुरुर्विष्णु  गुरुर्देवो   महेश्र्वर   गुरुशक्षात   परब्रह्म
थास्मैस्रि   गुरवेनमहः गुरुवे   सर्वलोकानां भिषजे   भवरोगिनं
नित्ये   सर्वविध्यानां  दक्षिणा  मूर्थियेनमहः    

Gurubrahma  Gururvishnu Gururdevo  Maheswarah
Gurusaakshaath  Parabrahma Thasmaisri  Guravenamah
Guruve  Sarvalokaanaam Bhishaje  Bhavaroginaam
Nithye  Sarvavidhyaanaam Dakshinaa  Moorthiyenamah

Om Poornamadaah poornamidam

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्ण मिदं पूर्णात् पूर्ण मुदच्यते 
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते

 That is full,this is also full.
This fullness came from that Fullness.
Though this Fullness comes from that Fullness,That fullness remains forever full.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Govinda Dhyana Mantra

कल्पनो कह मूल संस्थित वयोराजोन्नतं
सस्थितं पुष्पं बनमथेक्षु चापकमले पशंकुषे बिभ्रतं
चक्रंसंखा गदैकरै रुदधिज सस्लिस्तदेहं हरिं
नानाभुषण रक्तलेप कुसुमं पीताम्बरं संस्मरेत

sasthitam paushpambanamathekshuchapakamale pashamkushebibhratam
chakramsamkhagadaikarairudadhijasamslistadeham harim
nanabhushana raktalepa kusumam pitaambaram samsmaret

Siva - Dhyana Mantra

ध्याये नित्यं महेशं रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचन्द्रावतंसं
रत्नकल्पो   ज्वलान्गम्  परसु मृग वर भितिहस्तं प्रसन्नं
पद्मासिनं  समन्तात स्तुतं अमरगणै :  व्याघ्रकृत्तिं  वसानं 
विश्वाद्यं  विश्ववन्द्यं  निखिलभयहरं  पञ्चवक्त्रं  त्रिनेत्रं

Om Dhyaye Nityam Mahesham rajatagirinibham charuchandraavatamsam
ratnaa kalpo  jwaalaangam parasu mriga vara bheetihastam prasannam
padmaasinam samantat stutam  amaraganaih  vyaghrakrittim vasaanam
vishwaadyam vishwavandyam  nikhilabhayaharam panchavaktram trinetram

Monday, November 28, 2011

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram - Amita, Divyaayuryogam

कर्कोदये ससिगुरू केन्द्रगौ बुधभार्गवौ 
सेशस्त्रिलाभरिपुगा अमितायुः प्रदा ग्रहाः 

क्रूरास्त्रिलाभ रिपुगाः केद्राकोणगतास्सुभा:
निधने सुभरासिस्थे दिव्यायुस्यान्नर स्थदा 

जीवे केन्द्रे गोपुरासेसिते पारावतांसके 
त्रिकोणे कर्कततनौ जातौ जीवेद्युगावधि 

पारावतांसके भोउमे देवलोकाम्सके सनौ 
जीवे सिंहासने लग्ने जातको मुनिसन्निभः

If Moon and Jupiter are in Karkaataka(Cancer) lagna,Mercury and Saturn are in Kendras and all the planets are in 3,6,11 then the native will have Amitaayu( extraordinary longevity)

Malefics in 3,6,11 and Benefics are in Kendras or Konaas to the lagna and when eigth house is the house of a benefic planet then too the native will have Amitaayu.

If Jupiter is in Kendra in Gopuraamsa,Venus in Konaa in Paraavataamsa and the lagna is Karkaata(Cancer) then the native will live upto the end of the Yuga.

When Mars is in Paraavataamsa,Saturn is in Devalokaamsa,Jupiter in Simhaasanaamsa in lagna then the native will have longevity equal to that of a Muni( Yogi) i.e will live for many hundreds of years. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rahu - ketu Dhyana Mantras


Vyasadeva's vedic mantra

अर्धकायं महाघोरं चन्द्रादित्य विमर्धनं
सिम्हिका  गर्भ संभूतं  तं राहुं प्रनमम्यहम्


Vyasa devas vedic mantra

फलास  पुष्प संकासं तारका ग्रहमस्तकम्
रोउद्रं रोउद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्राण माम्याहं

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stotra for Saturn

नमस्ते कोण संस्थाया पिङ्गलाय  नमोस्तुते !
नमस्ते बभ्रुरूपाय  कृष्णायच  नमोस्तुते !!

नमस्ते रोउद्रदेहाय नमस्ते चान्तकायच !
नमस्ते यम संज्ञाय नमस्ते सोउरये विभो  !!

नमस्ते मन्द संज्ञाय सनैस्चर नमोस्तुते !
प्रसादं कुरु देवेस दीनस्य प्राण तस्य च !!

Satya Narayana Dhyana Mantra

ध्यायेत्  सत्यं  गुणातीतं गुण त्रय समन्वितं
लोकनाथं त्रिलोकेसं कौसतुभावरणं  हरीं
पीताम्बरं नीलवर्णं स्रिवत्सा पदभूषितं 
गोविन्दं गोकुलानन्दं ब्रहमान्दैरभि  पूजितं 

Dhyayet satyam Gunaateetam guna traya samanvitam
lokanaatham Trilokesam kaustubha vaRanam Harim
peetaambaram neelavarnam srivatsa padabhushitam
Govindam Gokulaanandam Brahmaandairabhih poojitam

Narayana Dhyana Mantra

ध्यायेत् सदा सावित्रिमन्दल  मध्यवर्ति नारायण: सरसिजासन सन्निविस्त
केयुरावान मकर कुण्डल वान किरीटि हरि हिरन्मयपुर्ध्रित 

Dhyayet sada saavitrimandala madhyavarti narayana sarasijaasana sannivista
Keyooravaan makara kundalavaan kireeti hari hiranmayavapurdhrita sankhachakrah

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saturn - Moorthy Nirnaya - Transit in Libra


At the time of Saturn's entry into Libra on 15 November 2011 at 10h 12m, the Moon will be in Arudra in Gemini. So Saturn is Swarnamoorthy for Gemini, Capricorn and Leo (1, 6, 11 from Janma rasis). Result : Extremely good, giving excellent results.

Rajatamoorthy for Taurus, Aquarius and Libra (2, 5, 9 from Janma rasis). Result : will bring sterling opportunities.

Saturn is Tamramoorthy for Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo (3, 7, 10 from Janma rasis). Result: will give mixed results (both good and bad results).

Saturn is Lohamoorthy for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer (4, 8, 12 from Janma rasis). Result : A trying period (bad period)

Significations of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto

Significations of Uranus
People signified by Uranus include antiquarians, astrologers, aviators, electrical and scientific goods traders, electricians, discoverers, engineers, government or civic officials, inventors, lecturers, mesmerists, metaphysicians, original thinkers, patentees, phrenologists, pioneers, psychologists, public functionaries, radio technicians, spirit mediums, travellers, and all pursuing uncommon forms of work.

Physically, Uranus governs the appendix; aura; brain and stomach membranes; breathing; electromagnetic forces; eyes; heart valves; motor nerves; nerve fluids; and the growth of long bones. When prominent, it confers a pleasing though ascetic or effeminate appearance; slim body; large, light, brilliant, keen eyes; and irregular features.

Illnesses include fractures; inflammations caused by mineral deposits; lesions; ruptures; and spasmodic disorders.

Significations Neptune :
People signified by Neptune include all those engaged in aesthetic, artistic, inspirational, literary, occult and psychic vocations (including mediums and mystics), or those connected with water.

Physically, Neptune governs the cerebral ventricles and pineal gland; cell development and reproduction; glands; intuitive perception of a psychic genesis; poisons; nerve fibres; nutrition; optic nerves; psychic and telepathic functions; respiratory and throat tissues; spinal fluid; tears; and white corpuscule formation. When prominent, it confers a slim, orderly body; a mysterious expression; hypnotic eyes; sharp, almost cruel features; and a long head, bald at the temples.

Illnesses include anaemia; catalepsy; drug addiction; energy depletion; glandular imbalance; hypochondriasis; neuroses; oxygen deficiency; and wasting disesases. 

Significations Pluto : 
People signified by Pluto include aeronauts, anonymous writers, archaeologists, leaders of large organisations and movements, nuclear scientists, sociological writers, space explorers and scientists, television engineers and technicians, those working underground, and weather forecasters.

Physically, Pluto governs metabolic balance, and the nerve centres connecting the solar plexus with the sacral plexus and the top of the spinal column with the pineal gland. When prominent, it confers medium stature; a rugged, sturdy build; delicate skin; and fine, soft head hair but little body hair. Illnesses include ailments resulting from mineral deposition caused by acidosis; arthritis; and arteriosclerosis.

Saturn Shrines in India

The very popular shrines for Lord Saturn in India are Thirunallaru, near Karaikkal and Sani Shingnapur in Maharashtra.

Thirunallaru : In several parts of India, there are clusters of nine temples / shrines dedicated to the Navagrahas. One such cluster is located near the town Kumbakonam, in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Lord Sani’s shrine in this cluster is located at Thirunallaru. It is a temple dedicated to Lord Darbaranyesvara, a form of Lord Shiva, in which Lord Sani is located in a niche in a wall. At this temple, Lord Sani is considered to be of benevolent nature. Nala Tirtha is the sacred tank, by the side of the temple, bathing in which it removes the afflictions of Saturn. Those under the influence of the 3rd part of Sade-sati get good relief here.

Shingnapur : Another important shrine for Lord Sani is in Shingnapur, in Maharashtra, India. The deity self emerged from the earth, in the form of stone-block and was found by shepherds. When they touched the stone with a pointed rod, the stone began bleeding. The shepherds were astounded and one night shepherd got a dream that the deity was Lord Sani. To this day, due to fear of Lord Sani, houses within 1 km radius of the Sani temple do not have locks. No thefts happen in this place. Some who have tried to steal have received punishment (sickness, mental aberrations etc.,) from Lord Sani.

Sani Shrines in Maharashtra : Most Hindu temples have a little shrine set apart for the Navagrahas (nine planets) out of which one is Sani.

In Maharashtra, there are several temples mainly dedicated to Sanidev:Sani Devaalayam in Deonar near Chembur. Shree Saneeshwarar Temple at Nerul, Navi Mumbai.
Shree Sani Mandir at Kalyan (East) near Vitthalwadi.
Shree Sani Mandir on the Service Road at Khar East.
Sani Bhagwan Mandir, Beedh. Sri Sani Dev Kshetra, Nastanpur. Shri Sani Dev Kshetra, Tirth Nandur bar.

Sani Dham, Near Delhi : Another Sani temple is Sani Dham, at Fatehpur Beri, about 6kms from Chhattarpur temple and 16kms from the Qutub Minar, at Mehrauli, South Delhi, India. It has got the tallest 21 feet high statue of Lord Sani in the world, made of Ashtadhatu and a natural rock of Sani. Remedial measures for Kaalsarp dosha, Sade-sati and Dhaiya are done here on Sani Amavasaya, the most auspicious day for pleasing Lord Sani.
Sanichara in Madhya Pradesh : Built by Daulat Rao Scindia in 1825, Saturn Temple at Sanichara is situated about 27 miles from Gwalior. The history of this temple dates back to the Ramayana and Purana periods. People from all over the country visit this temple to worship Saturn with a view to ward of the evil effects of the planet. A fair is held here on every Somvati Amavasya.
The nearest railway station is at Sanichara, on the Gwalior- Bhind narrow gauge railway line.
Chitracala, Guwahati : The temple of Navagrahas is situated in the South-eastern part of the Guwahati town on the crest’ of a hill known as Citracala. The temple contains nine phallic emblems of Lord Shiva, covered with cloths of different colours sacred to the nine planetary gods.
Gwalior Kokilavan in Madhya Pradesh : Lord Sani temple of Gwalior Kokilavan in Vrindavan, where Lord Krishna gave darshan to Sanidev, is also a very popular Sani Temple.
  • Shree Sani Mandir Tirth, Ujjain Shri Sidha Shakti Peeth SaniDham, Delhi
  • Shri Sani Mandir, Madivala, Bangalore
  • Sanaischara Alayam, Hassan, Karnataka
  • Shri Sanimahatma Mandir, Pavagada, Tumkur district, Karnataka
  • Lord Sri Sanimahatma Temple, Sayyajirao road, Mysore, Karnataka Lord Sri Saneeswara Temple, Nandi Waddemanu, Nagarkurnool, Andhrapradesh.
  • Sri Mandeshwara Swamy Temple, Mandapalli, Kothapeta Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Lord Sri Sani Temple, Vargal, Medak district, Andhra Pradesh.

Kuchanoor :

A holy Saturn temple is at Kuchanoor, 20 km from Theni, near Madurai. The Lord is seen in Swayambhu (self-appeared) form, the name of the town (Kubjanoor) being derived from Kubjan, one of Sani’s names. Here, one will be relieved positively from the evil effects of the first part of 2 ½ years of Sade-sati. Bathing in the holy waters of river Surabi is said to redeem one from the clutches of Saturn.
Thirukollikadu :

A sacred temple of Saturn is located 9 Kms from Kachanam, in Tiruvarur- Tiruthuraipoondi road. Here people who are under the influence of the 2nd part of Sade-sati get relief, by worshipping Lord Saturn. The idol carries a plough, the symbol of creation in his hand.
Navapashanam (Devipattinam) :

70 Kms away from Rameswaram, navagrahas are installed in the seawater as upright stones, by Lord Rama Himself, before embarking on his journey to Lanka. Lord Shiva here is known as Thilakeswarar and is worshipped with gingely seeds. At the time of Sunrise, one has to offer prayers and ‘tharpan rituals’ to the deceased ancestors.
Pozhichaloor :

12 Kms from Chennai, there is a small shrine for Lord Saturn in Agastheeswarar temple. It is said that, here, Lord Saturn himself was relieved from the pain caused by his sin of making others suffer. Lord Saturn in good temper here blesses all the devotees!
Thiruppugalur :

Near Nagappatinam, within a huge temple of Lord Shiva, special worship is offered to Lord Saturn. Idol of King Nala is found by the side of Lord Saturn here. Devotees are generally advised to worship at this place first and then proceed to Thirunallaru. King Nala suffered a lot due to Sadesati and got rid of Saturn’s affliction, after worshipping in these two places.
While worshipping in all the Saturn shrines, please do remember to help the handicapped as much as you can. Also donate food and black clothes to the needy.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Uranus and UFO s

 This is the list of 20 UFO sightings information of which has been gathered from Astro Data Bank and Wikipedia. ADB refers to the Astro Data Bank file number. Charts for the times as given in the sources have been prepared and the key conjunctions been given here under. In almost all the UFO sightings it can be seen that Uranus has an important role.Uranus with Venus and on the Rahu/Ketu axis and or Pluto on the Rahu/Ketu axis and Uranus in a multiplanetary conjunction is definitely resulting in the UFO Sightings.

S.No ADB Ref no/Wiki Date Key conjunctions in Raasi
1 10595 10.06.1947 Pluto 18 Cn with Saturn 12 Cn
Rahu/Ketu with Venus and Uranus in Taurus
2 Wiki 17.04.1897 Uranus 5 Sc, Saturn 7 Sc UFO Crash in Texas
Opposing Neptune and Pluto in Taurus
3 11969 10.09.1951 Pluto 27 Cn , Mars 21 Cn
Rahu/Ketu with Venus in Leo
Uranus 21 Ge in Opposition to Moon 20 Sg
4 Wiki 03.03.2007 Uranus 20 Aq, Rahu 22 Aq
Pluto 4 Sg
Saturn 26 Cn oppo to Neptune 26 Cp
5 Wiki 24.07.1948 Saturn 29 Cn with Pluto 21 Cn Whitted Encounter
Uranus 5 Ge with Venus 2 Ge
6 Wiki 06.04.1966 Pluto 23 Le Uranus 23 Le The Clayton Incident
Saturn 29 Aq oppo Pluto and Uranus
Venus 5 Aq in oppo to Pluto - Uranus conjunction
7 7586 05.04.1935 Uranus 7 Ar ,Venus 24 Ar,Moon 22 Ar
Pluto 0 Cn with Ketu 4 Cn
8 12279 02.10.1952 Pluto 29 Cn with Ketu 27 Cn
9 Wiki 24.06.1947 Saturn 14 Cn with Pluto 18 Cn Kenneth Arnold Sighting
Uranus 29 Ta with Venus 20 Ta with Rahu/Ketu
10 Wiki 21.10.1978 Pluto 23 Vi with Rahu 2 Vi Disappearance of Valentich
Uranus 21 Li with Venus 29 Li and with
Sun, Mars,Mercury 
11 Wiki 09.12.1965 Pluto 25 Le with Uranus 26 Le in oppo to Saturn at 17 Aq The Keksburg Incident
Mercury 10 Sc with Ketu 11 Sc
12 Wiki 19.09.1976 Uranus 11 Li with Rahu 10 Li UFO Sighting at Tehran
Pluto with Venus,Mars,Sun,Mercury in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio
Saturn 19 Cn aspecting all the 5 planets in Virgo
13 6149 05.08.1926 Pluto 22 Ge with Rahu 22 Ge  in oppo to the Galactic centre UFO Seen in Himalayas
Sun 1 Le with Neptune 1 Le
14 6610 12.06.1929 Saturn ( 'R) 4 Sg in oppo to Pluto 24 Ge on the GC
Venus with Rahu/Ketu in Aries
Uranus in GC with Rahu/Ketu in Navamsa
15 8216 25.07.1938 Uranus 24 Ar with Ketu 1 Ta
16 9816 22.12.1944 Rahu/Ketu axis on GC with Saturn in opposition and 
Mercury and Sun in Sg close
17 10223 07.06.1944 Uranus 24 Ta with Rahu 27 Ta
18 10607 21.06.1947 Uranus 29 Ta with Venus 16 Ta and Rahu 9 Ta
Pluto 18 Cn with Saturn 13 Cn
19 12735 10.10.1954 Uranus 4 Cn with Jupiter 4 Cn
20 Wiki 25.02.1942 Uranus 3 Ta with Mars 1 Ta , Saturn 29 Ar with Jupiter at 19 Ta
War of Los Angeles