
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Saturn - Rahu Conjunction (Contd)

Mundane effects of the conjunction ( Contd) : The Conjunction is important because of two factors. Firstly as the conjunction is happening in Libra after a period of 147 years and Secondly ,when the conjunction happened previously, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Saturn in exaltation in this Rasi ,represents Leaders with mass following. Saturn afflicted by Rahu caused the assasination of Lincoln.He was shot in a theatre by an actor. The conjunction under study was happening in Libra which is a venusian sign which signifies places of entertainment.Abraham Lincoln as we know strived for the abolition of slavery.

This event gives  clues of the events to happen during the period while the planets are in conjunction. Below is the link to the events that happened in the year 1865 when the two planets were in conjunction previously :

In the year under study, following events can be seen from the link above: .1.There was a civil war going on in United states which ended in the year 2. Abraham Lincoln was reelected to the president ship only to be assasinated later on 3.Slavery has been abolished by the 13th amendment in the United States.4.Dominican Republic gains Independence from Spain 5.Florida drafts its constitution 6.Claywater Meteorite explodes before reaching ground level in Wisconsin 7.Shergetty Meteorite falls in Gaya , Bihar , India. 

Generalising the events listed above we can say 1.Democratic tendencies were evident in the year.This is because Saturn  was in exaltation.2.Assasination of the People's leader happened as the exalted Saturn was afflicted by Rahu. 3. There were meteorite impacts as Libra is an airy Sign afflicted by two malefics Saturn and Rahu.

We can expect similar effects to happen now too.In India Saturn signifies Gujarat.Prominent leaders of Gujarat might be under threat.
Saturn would be in retrogression from 19th of February 2013 till 7th of July 2013 during which period the effects of the conjunction would be  drastic.
However,Jupiter transits into Gemini on 31st of May,2013 and aspects this conjunction in Libra.Jupiter's aspect would have a modifying influence over the effects.

To be observed : While Saturn - Rahu are going to be conjunct on 17 th September,2013,the newly discovered Comet ISON would be approaching closest to Earth by the Christmas of 2013. These two occurences definitely signify big events and big people.

Rasi wise effects :
Aries : The conjunction would be in the 7th sign and would result in the people being cheated by partners.
Taurus : The natives of this rasi are in for good times as malefics are transiting the sixth house.This transit would benefit the rasi people in general
Gemini : The conjunction happening in the fifth house results in changes in behavioural patterns, stress in thinking, problems to children,losses in ventures
Cancer : The natives of this rasi would be facing some tough times as the conjunction is going on in the fourth house  which would result in turmoil in career and at home.
Leo : Natives of this raasi would travel a lot in this period. the natives would be more courageous. But they need to be more alert regarding their communications.Sibling of the natives may be troubled.
Virgo : The natives of this rasi need to be alert regarding their food habits and should guard their speech.should be careful regarding their family and wealth.The natives may have differences with their maternal relatives.
Libra: The natives of this rasi would be experiencing ill health,pressures in thinking and all affairs in general.They should be careful of their loved ones and children.
Scorpio : Natives of this rasi should be careful regarding their expenses,should be alert so as to avoid any theft of belongings.The natives should be careful while in long distance travels and from accidents.
Sagittarius : The natives would have good time in general.They would meet their long lost friends.The natives would be having more than one source of income. Would become more aggressive and would earn through questionable means.
Capricorn : The natives would have a boost up in career but need to be careful about loss of position and loss of money. 
Aquarius : The natives of this rasi should be care ful about their father's health and their own. Would visit religious places in this period. The natives would have dip in sacred rivers
Pisces : The natives should guard their health. Would be separated from their near and dear ones.

Effects for people running the dasa of Rahu or Saturn :
People running Saturn dasa would have good time generally but should be alert from any kind of cheating from foreigners. People running Rahu dasa should be careful about their health.The natives having Saturn exalted or in own sign in their chart would experience good results.

The above effects are general in nature and also depend upon the ashtakavarga strengths of the planets in the natal chart and other significations.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Saturn - Rahu Conjunction

The Nodes Rahu/Ketu are changing signs from the evening of 14 th of January into Libra/Aries respectively and would transit over the signs for a period of One and half years from then . The significance of this transit is the conjunction of Rahu with Saturn in Libra in September, 2013.

Following are the dates of  previous conjunctions of the two :
June 5 2002 in Taurus , 21 Jan 1991 in Capricorn,July 8 1979 in Leo,May 1 1968 in Pisces,8th October 1956 in Scorpio,28 th May 1945 in Gemini,12 th Feb 1934 in Capricorn,16th July 1922 in Virgo,May 3 rd 1911 in Aries,November 2 ,1899 in Scorpio,May 25,1888 in Cancer,28 Feb , 1877 in Aquarius,27 July 1865 in Libra.

Frequency of the Conjunction : Saturn Rahu come into conjunction every 12 years approximately.

But the previous conjunction of these two  happened in Libra in the year 1865 ,i.e about 147 years back.

The study of and sharing of What would be the effect of the conjunction on the world and what would be the effect of the same on individuals is the context of this writeup.

Date of Exact Conjunction: 17th September,2013 in the constellation of  Swati owned by Rahu 

Varahamihira in Brihat Samhitha : The Text says, Transit of Saturn in Swati results in Troubles to the people of Magadha,to scents,news carriers,to charioteers,to navigators,and to dancers.

Varahamihira's Koorma Chakra : As per the classification,Swati Constellation represents the south west regions of any country 

 It is said  सनि वद राहु कुज वद केतु . which means Rahu acts in the same way as Saturn and Ketu acts in the same way as Mars. More over,as Both Rahu and Ketu are chayaa grahas (Shadowy planets) they give results of the planet which aspects or influences them. Here in this case, as Rahu is going conjunct with Saturn ,   Rahu too should act like Saturn thereby enhancing the effects of Saturn in Libra.During the period the two are conjunct,we can expect the double impact of Saturn to result. 

Significations of the Sign Libra : Libra is the Seventh sign of the Zodiac owned by Venus. It is an Vayu tatwa(airy) sign and a Chara (moveable) rasi.The sign Libra denotes trade and sensual emotions.Libra rules black gram,barley,wheat and mustard.

Countries and Cities signified by Libra :
Countries : Austria, Indo-China, China, Tibet, Borders of Caspain, Upper Egypt, Savoy, North China, Livonia, Burma, Argentina, Japan, Massachusetts and vicinity
Cities: Antwerp, Charleston, Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza, Spires, Vienna, Lisbon, Johannesburg, Copenhagen, Middleton ,Leeds, Nottingham

Significations of Saturn:Laziness, Obstruction; Horse; Elephant; Skin (nerves, tendons and ligaments); Gain; Witness; Distress; Sickness; Misunderstanding; Misery; Death; Happiness Through A Woman; Maid Servant; Asses And Mules; Outcast; One With Disfigured Limbs; Haunting Woods; Handsome Look; Gift; A Lord; A Portion Of Life; Enunch; One Born Of The Lowest Caste; Birds; A Servile Duty; Unrighteous Conduct; One Without Manliness; Telling Lies; Long Lasting; Wind; Old Age; Tendons And Muscles; Strong At The End Of The Day; Sisira Ritu (Winter); Great Anger; Exertion; Born Of A Very Low Mother; Bastard; Golaka (abode of lord Krsna); Dirty Clothes And House; Wicked Mind; Friendship With The Wicked; Black Colour; Evil; Cruelty; Ashes; Black Grains; Gems; Iron; Nobility; A Year; Sudra; One Representing The Father; Learning The Trade Of Another Class; Crippled; Sharp; A Blanket; Facing West; Life Saving Drugs; Downward Look; Agriculture; Life Saving Drugs; Arsenal; A Student Belonging To Another Caste; External Position; North-Eastern; Serpent World; Downfall; Lost in Battle; Wandering; A Spear; Lead; Misdirected Strength; A Turk; Worn Out; Oil; The Tamas Guna; Travelling Through Forests and Over Mountains; Hard-Heartedness; Fear; Long Standing Distress; Hunter; Ugly Hair; Entire Sovereignty; Alarm; Goats And The Like; Buffalos And The Like; Indulging In Sex Pleasure; Dressing Oneself For Amorous Appeals; Worshipping God Yama; Dog; Theft And; Cruel-Hearted

Significations of Rahu : Umbrella; Kingdom; Gathering; Fallacious Argument; Hurting By Speech; Downcast; Wicked Woman; An Irreligious Man; Decorated Vehicle; Gambling; Strong At Twilight; Intriguing With A Wicked Woman; Going Abroad; Impurity; Bone; Enlargement Of Spleen; Falsehood; Downward Look; Perplexity; Emerald; Facing The Southern Quarter; Shelter Of Outcast Or Low People; Painful Swelling; A Big Forest; Wandering In Rugged Places; Mountain; Pain; Staying Outside; Tending Towards Southwest; Wind; Phlegm; Sorrow; Serpent; Night Breeze; Sharp; Long; Reptile; Reading Of Dreams; Travel; A Muhurta; Old Age; A Vehicle; World Of Serpents; Mother; Father Or Maternal Grandfather; Air; An Acute Or Sharp Pain; Catarrh; Breathing; Great Prowess; Forest; Worshipper Of Goddess Durga; Wickedness; Cohabitation With Quadrupeds; Urdu Script; Harsh Words.Rahu signifies Accidents,Mysteries.
Rahu is a karaka, or indicator, of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, foreigners, mass disease, dementia and inertia.
Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts,etc.

Mundane Effects of the Conjunction : We are already seeing the turmoil going on in Tibet for independence. Buddhists are immolating themselves for the cause of independence. Japan is currently involved in the senkaku islands dispute.In the elections held recently,the ruling party has been defeated and the Liberal Democratic party was voted into power. 

After Rahu moves over into Libra the Saturn impact doubles bringing about immense changes in the countries signified by Libra and Saturn.

Prices of  oils, black gram,barley,wheat and mustard would increase. Hoarding of these items happens. Middlemen would have their sway over these items.

The Countries signified by Libra would experience shortage of life saving drugs.

Mysterious airborne diseases spread in some of these countries.Pharmaceutical industry would see a boom.

Urdu script undergoes changes. There will be prolonged winter.Actors would be cheated.Some Scandals related to actors would come to light.

Prices of Iron,Black gram would increase. Drug patent laws would undergo changes. Some of the patents would be illegally used.

Exalted Saturn afflicted by Rahu shows the death of a mass leader being killed in a coup. 

There would be more of air plane crashes.Leaders of nations need to be alert in this regard.  

Heavy snowfall effects the aviation industry causing losses.

The economies in Japan,China,Burma would be negatively effected by the conjunction.

The Conjunction results in an increase in the sexual perversions among people. 

Dressing sense of people undergoes drastic changes.Laws regarding the news channels would undergo changes. There would be censor of these channels. 

Disputable laws would be enacted.
To be Continued...

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dasamsa - What to see from each House

Following have to be perceived from each of the houses of the Dasamsa Chart.
The Ascendant - Foundation of Career and Start and the Strength of good and bad karmas.A strong D10 ascendant aspected by benefics,ascendant lord in exaltation or own sign and higher SAV denote the strength  and roots of career.
Second House - The inputs available for building up the career like wealth,status,speech in this birth to the native have to be perceived
Third House - The strength,expression,courage,short distance travels involved in performance of the Karma
Fourth House - Happiness derived from career/profession and the inward emotional depth put into achieving the career goals of the native
Fifth House - People who support the native in performance of his duties,people who follow the native , creativity involved and the hard work put in can be perceived.
Sixth House - Rivalries involved,Obstacles faced in profession,the Karmic debt carried forward from previous births in to the current birth
Seventh House - Partners/Associates are denoted ,foreign associates are also to be perceived.
Eigth House - Hidden activities,Scandals,End/longevity of career should be seen from this house.
Ninth House - The preceptor and his guidance,his blessings,rightfulness involved
Tenth House - Boss,Government,sum total of all activities and status achieved
Eleventh House - Gains derived,results of hard work put into the career
Twelth House -  End of career,Charities have to be perceived

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Events of recent past and the planetary alignments

The Royal Hoax call Incident :

Below given is the link to the details of the incident  which is very widely in news in the recent past.

A hoax call was made by two radio jockeys of  Australian radio impersonating to be Queen Elizebeth and Prince Charles to the hospital, where Kate Middleton was treated, on 4th of December.

Mercury, the significator of communications was just about to transit into Scorpio on the 6 th of December to be conjunct with R/K axis.Scorpio as we know is the eigth house of the zodiac and signifies death. The hoax call resulted in the ultimate death of the nurse who received the call. 

The  planet which signifies hospitality and Nurses is Venus. 

When Transit of Mercury(communication from Radio station) happened into Scorpio, to be conjunct the R/K axis it resulted in a Hoax call to the nurse and the subsequent transit of Venus(Nurse in the Hospital) close to the R/K axis resulted in the suicide of the nurse.

It is very interesting to see the connecting events in correlation to the simultaneous transits. Here in this context the R/K axis seems to connect the significations of Mercury and Venus through the communication line.

Deaths of famous Singers :

Some of the famous singers  passed away in the very recent past namely  Pandit Ravi Sankar, GalinaVishnevskaya ,PatrickMoore , JenniRivera

Venus the significator of Artists is conjunct the R/K axis in Scorpio right now.

Earlier, during the year, there were deaths of  Artists/film personalities when the Sun- Saturn conjunction happened in the Venusian sign of Libra and now the same are happening when Venus,the significator himself is afflicted by the R/K axis in the house of death,Scorpio.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Water Ice Found on Mercury

Newest data from NASA's Messenger spacecraft confirms presence of Water Ice and organic substances in the polar region of Mercury.Below are the links to the news of  NASA's latest discovery.

I reported new knowledge about universe,age old watery sources coming to light in my post on 6th of November, the link of which has been given herein

The prediction coming true only proves time and again the relevance of Khavedamsa,outer planets in forecasting  mundane events.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rama Krishna Paramahamsa,Dakshineswar Temple and the Mystic Connection

On the 31st of May 1855, the Kali temple at Dakshineswar was consecrated.

Below is the link to the information about the temple on
On preparing a chart for the day of  consecration,i.e the day when the idol of Goddess was installed in the temple and on studying the chart, i could see some interesting alignments on the day.

Moon is in Scorpio, debilitated and has aspect from Sun,Mars and Saturn from Taurus.Moon signifies the Mother Parvatee and debilitated Moon in Scorpio signifies  Mother in the form of Kaali.Both the forms are of the supreme goddess and represent Prakruti and Vikruti.Moon so aspected by strong malefics represents the Goddess in aggressive form. Scorpio, being Eigth house of the Zodiac,signifies a place of  Kaali/Shakti  as per Nadi Texts.

Sun and Moon represent  Lord Shiva and Parvatee respectively and being thus placed as explained above resulted in the consecration of the Goddess in an aggressive form on that day.

Reading the Consecration chart with that of Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa's chart, we find a very interesting connection.Both Sun and Moon(Lord Shiva and Parvatee) which are influencing the Mystical Scorpio at the time of the Con secretion are in his Ascendant(in his birth chart) and the Ascendant lord Saturn (who was in exaltation and in retrogression in his 9 th house, Libra in his birth chart) has an aspect over the Moon in Scorpio, at the time of consecration.

Rama Krishna has his ascendant lord Saturn in his 9 th house.We know the 9 th house shows one's religious inclinations and moreover, Saturn exalted and in 9th house which is Libra,owned by the feminine Venus,signifies worship of the Goddess in the form of  Mother Kaali.

The Mystic Connection :On this day of Consecration of  the Goddess at the temple, there is a mysterious transit of the Rahu/Ketu axis happening over his Ninth house and  natal Saturn(Ascendant Lord) in Libra . Rahu is also the co lord of his ascendant.

In Sri Rama Krishna's natal Chart, Rahu has a very significant role to play as we can see the planets Sun,Mercury,Jupiter,Saturn and the Ascendant in Rahu's Stars.

The Rahu/Ketu axis is also conjunct Pluto transiting in Aries at that time.Pluto on this day is in Devaamsa in D60 and is very closely aspecting his natal Saturn.

This conjunction of Pluto with Rahu/Ketu is the cause of many mystic events and this is one among those.Sri Rama Krishna's 9 th house was thus been activated at the time by the mystical transiting conjunction,Showing the intentions of the supreme powers as to who is to preside over the worship in the temple.Sri Rama Krishna took over as the priest of the temple an year later in 1856,when Pluto-Rahu/Ketu were in a closer conjunction.
Result is as we all know ,the temple is now widely known to the world due to Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Bhrigu Bindu And Timing of Events

Bhrigu Bindu is an imaginary midpoint of the Rahu - Moon axis and is calculated by deducting the longitude of Rahu from that of Moon.The difference is divided by 2.The Quotient obtained should be added to Rahu's position and the result will be the Rahu-Moon midpoint and is called Bhrigu Bindu.

When any planet,benefic or malefic in transit aspects or conjuncts the Bhrigu Bindu,positive or negative  results are to be expected respectively. Conjunctions over this point are more effective than those by aspect.

Jupiter while transiting over Bhrigu Bindu results in progress in studies,obtaining employment,marraige,child birth,profits and expansion in business,piligrimage,recovery from sickness and fulfillment of long cherished desires.

Fast moving benefic planets like Mercury,Venus transiting over the Brigu Bindu  result in meetings with relations after long time,small gains of wealth,short piligrimages,festivities and enjoyments with relatives and the like.

Saturn while transiting over Bhrigu Bindu will produce unfavourable results such as long sickness,disagreement with spouse,sickness to spouse,sudden loss of wealth,death of near relations and one's own death provided it is indicated by other factors too (like vimshottarai dasa etc)
Fast moving Malefic planets like Mars and Sun will cause unfavourable results such as minor sickness,injury,temporary separation from near relatives,loss of money,quarrels or misunderstandings etc.

The Transit of Rahu/ketu over the Bhrigu Bindu will cause unfavourable results all of a sudden,on a very big scale and from unexpected sources.Bite by snakes or venomouse insects,mental suffering,trouble from government authorities like Income tax and enforcement department etc,theft of valuables,harassment,degradation or termination in service,family troubles,misunderstandings with wife or husband.

When more planets transit over the Bhrigu Bindu transit simultaneously over or aspect this point the effects are magnifies the benefic or malefic results to a very great extent depending on the nature of planets conjoining/aspecting.

The duration of the effects would prevail during the time the planets conjunct/aspect the point  within 3 degrees 20 minutes ( one Navamsa) around the Bhrigu Bindu. Maximum impact would be at the time immediately after the planet crosses over the Point.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Prediction which came true - Crude Oil Price volatility

As predicted in my post on the 7th of October , the Oil prices still continue to fall.Below is the link to the writeup on falling Crude oil prices on Yahoo:

Below are the links to my earlier posts on Mishaps to Oil Rigs,Short term oil price volatility and shortage.The prediction is purely based on the planetary alignments in Rasi and Khavedamsa and also considering the extra Saturnine Planet,Neptune as posted earlier.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nasa Hiding Historic discovery ???

News is abuzz in the internet about a discovery NASA made over Mars by the Mars rover curiosity. It all started when the chief mission investigator  of NASA John Grotzinger,hinted about a discovery which would be for the history books.  

The remark ignited speculations about finding life on Mars but was later downplayed by the NASA spokespersons.

Mercury the significator of communications is right now in retrogression and is in the last degrees of Libra. The retrogression will continue till the 27 th of the month and then Mercury turns direct and moves back to Scorpio to be exactly conjunct with Rahu on the 6 th of December, at 1 degree Scorpio.At the present too,Mercury is not that far away from the Rahu/Ketu axis. 

The conjunction might denote concealment of factual information.There is a possibility for  true information  to come out around the  27 th November,once the retrogression of Mercury is over.

Mars is transiting Sagittarius right now and is conjunct Pluto in the rasi chart.Sagittarius signifies Higher learning and the Origins of  the Universe.Pluto signifes Secrets.This conjunction too seems to signify the concealment of factual information about Mars.
Below are the links to the news :

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Savita Halappanavar - Killed by Religion - Follow up post II

Savita Halappanavar , the young Indian Pregnant woman died in Ireland due to 'Religion'.I wish to draw attention of the readers to my post on Mysterious happenings in store this month wherein i clearly mentioned religious thoughts and usage of drugs would be undergoing changes. Here in this case intervention of religion and non usage of medicines caused the death of a young lady due to which the religious practices and the relevant supporting laws have been questioned.The lady had her first pregnancy which turned life threatening to her suddenly. The doctors refused to abort the fetus till its heart stopped according to the prevalent 'laws'.

Sagittarius is the Ninth house of the Zodiac which governs Religion and Law.The conjunction of Neptune,who signifies drugs with Rahu/Ketu in the sign in Khavedamsa, prevented the surgical/medical process due to this young lady 

Below is the link to my relevant earlier post :

Refusal of  proper medical aid to this lady which led to her death caused  wide spread protests in Ireland against the prevalent Abortion Law and the Religious beliefs.This is due to the Jupiter-Saturn opposition happening in the Sagittarius/Gemini axis at this time along with the above said conjunction in Khavedamsa

Mysterious Happennings in store this month - Followup post I

Following are some events which happened in relation to the conjunction reported :
November 13 
Scott Routley, a 39-year-old Canadian man, makes medical history by becoming the first person believed to have been in a vegetative state to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. The discovery requires the rewriting of medical textbooks
November 14 
Ancient Shark species Gives insight into the  origin of great white shark 

Oldest Fossil of Giant Panda Family Discovered 

I already posted finding of a Rogue planet

Mishaps to Oil Rigs - Followup post III

In continuation to my earlier posts on the conjunctions in the Rasi and the Khavedamsa Charts about the mishaps to oil rigs, here is another event which resulted from the combination :

 An oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast caught fire on Friday the 16th of November, killing at least two people, local television reported, citing the Coast Guard and local officials.

According to KHOU-TV four more people were airlifted to hospital - two of them in critical condition - and two more are missing following the disaster on a rig operated by Houston-based Black Elk Energy.

In addition to the above event the Oil Gaint company BP agreed for a settlement with the US Department of Justice by paying up USD 4 Billion to end all criminal charges relating to the worst U.S Oil spill of 2010.

The Conjunction of Retorgrade Neptune with the Rahu/Ketu axis has shown its impact on the Oil companies.First it was Shell and next in the line was BP

Below are the links to the earlier posts on the topic:

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Rogue Planet - Alignments in Khavedamsa

Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope have identified a body that is very probably a planet wandering through space without a parent star. This is the most exciting free-floating planet candidate so far and the closest such object to the Solar System at a distance of about 100 light-years. Below is the link to the news :
The find is amazing from the Khavedamsa point of view wherein as i reported in my immediate previous post that some mysterious events are in vogue this month due to the alignments in Sagittarius in the chart. Uranus is conjunct Neptune along with Rahu/Ketu from the 2nd of this month till 18th. Uranus signifies discoveries and UFO s.Neptune signifies Mysteries and Sagittarius signifies higher learning. These significations are still more furthered with the two planets being in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mysterious happennings in Store this Month ???

The interesting alignment of  Retrograde Neptune with Retorgade Uranus and Rahu/Ketu over the Galactic centre Sagittarius,in the Khavedamsa , starting 2nd of this month along with the afflictions to the eigth house of Scorpio in the Rasi chart,  may result in some mysterious events and happenings till 18 th this month.

Following are some events which might happen :

1.An new line of thought may evolve now related to religions.An age old belief may change.
2.New knowledge about origins of life and of the Universe may come to light.which may revolutionalise the earlier thought process.
3.A new drug may be announced.An all together new line of thought about usage of drugs may come to light. 4.A mysterious UFO sighting may happen at a religious place.5.New knowledge about UFOs might come to light.6.Knowledge about an age old watery source might come to light
7.A mishap may happen during a piligrimage.8.Gaint sea beings may wash ashore.9.Some more storms may occur.10. A mystery related to a religious place might be solved or may come to light.
11.The world might very well see the death of  a spiritual guru.12.Some mysterious happening related to religion might happen.13.Difference in Opinions of various religions would come to the forefront 14. Primitive Aquatic life species might be found.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Prediction which Came true - Oil Shortage

In my post on the 7 th of October, i predicted about a short term Oil shortage resulting from the planetary alignments in the Rasi and Khavedamsa. Now i wish to draw  attention of the readers to the Oil rationing imposed in  United States in the aftermath of the Storm Sandy. Below is the link to the news :

The same alignments which are the causative factors for  occurrence of the super storm are the reason for the Oil/Gasoline shortages. Oil Production was cut down in the wake of the storm in  US,  which caused the shortage now.This cut down in the production resulted in  fluctuations in the Oil prices in  Asian market,which i reported in my earlier posts.

The same factors led the Oil Gaint company Shell to face litigation in the court of law,next it was the storm and in its aftermath, the Shortage.

 Below are the links to my earlier posts in this context.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Short term Crude Oil shortage,Price Volatility and Mishaps to Oil Rigs - Follow Up Post II

Following up on the write up i posted on the 7th October about the conjunction of Retrograde Neptune with Rahu/Ketu in Sagittarius in  Khavedamsa, i wish to draw attention of  readers to the relevant events which happened after 24th of this month as said in my earlier post.

Below is the link to the earlier writeup :
In the earlier writeup on the topic, i mentioned there would be volatility in the Oil prices and also shortages of oil . There are two events reported till date which have widespread consequences.

After the 24th firstly there was a marginal increase in the Oil prices by about 29 paise  in India due to the increase in commission to dealers.

And now due to hurricane Sandy, the Crude Oil Production has been cut down in the US resulting in fall of  prices in the Asian Market

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Rahu in Scorpio - Followup Post

The effects of the Mercury Rahu conjunction are showing up and following are two significant events which happened as a result of the conjunction :

1.Naveen Jindal releases a tape to prove blackmailing by Zee News.Link to the news has been given herein below :

Mercury signifies communications and Rahu signifies cheaters.

2.China blocks NY Times website after it published a report over the wealth of the Chinese premier's family

Link to the earlier post :

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Rahu in Scorpio

Mercury entered Scorpio a watery sign  on 23 rd this month and would be exactly conjunct debilitated Rahu this afternoon .Mercury would also be closer to Mars and in opposition to Jupiter Both Jupiter and Mars are enemies to Mercury. But as Mars owns scorpio, the conjunction would have some positive results too.

Two events which are amazingly and absolutely synchronous with the conjunction under study  happened yesterday when Mercury was closely conjunct  Rahu. 

Event No.1
Ireland's analogue Television network has been switched off and has been replaced by a Digital version. Link to the news has been given hereunder : 

This event is the result of the conjunction under study as Mercury signifies style of communication and Rahu in Scorpio denotes change.

Event No.2
Sudden demise of Jaspal Bhatti the famous Indian comedian actor and film producer in a road accident yesterday is also the result of this conjunction.Mercury is the significator of sense of humour and artistes and Rahu signifies accidents.

While the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Libra is endangering famous personalities on a bigger canvas,this conjunction of Mercury with Rahu furthered the effects of the conjunction in Libra and has narrowed down to the demise of the famous actor and comedian.   

The Conjunction would also result in the following events :

This is the time for some financial frauds coming to light. 
Diplomatic missions would fail.Embassies would be under threat again
Telecom and Television channel companies would have to face problems. 
Under sea  Telecommunication lines might get cut. 
Given below are some of the significations of Mercury and Rahu for further study :

Significations of Mercury :
Mercury signifies Commerce, Trade, logic of Astrology, Communication, Sports, Cinema and other arts, diplomats, intelligence, logic, speech patterns, communication style, sense of humor and quickness of thought.

Mercury causes diseases of  skin, nervous breakdowns, psychic diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma.

Significations of Rahu :
Rahu signifies Accidents,Mysteries.

Rahu is a karaka, or indicator, of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, foreigners, mass disease, dementia and inertia.

Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts,etc.

Reading the significations together we would get to know some hints about the results of the conjunction.  

On a Personal level People running the dasa of Mecury would be having a tough time during this conjunction. They would have ear pains,problems in communication,throat troubles.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

And the World Dances to the tunes of Planets

Yes the world is obviously dancing in perfect tandem to the tunes of planets.But dont worry it is always this way.

The two important conjunctions happening now in the heavens are of Mars and Rahu in Scorpio and Saturn and Sun in Libra.News of relevant happenings in correlation to these conjunctions are pouring in from every where.

Mars - Rahu Conjunction and Sports related scandals  :

Last week there was more news of the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong's doping scandal.Though there were allegations on him about using performance enhancement drugs to win cycling medals from before,the fallout of the allegations happened after the conjunction of Mars/Rahu started. He had to resign from the chairman ship of  his own charity LIVE STRONG on the 17th of this month.

He also has lost many endorsement contracts and would be losing aroung USD 50 million over the next few years.

In my post on the conjunction , i mentioned there would be fraud related to sports coming to light . This event is one more of the kind. Earlier i reported the sting operation conducted on the T20 world cup empires who were ready to sell their decisions.Links to my earlier posts have been given here under

Sun - Saturn Conjunction - Deaths of Kingly personalities/High ranked officials by explosions and heart strokes :

Also In the news is that of Fiedal Castro suffering a heart stroke and is on his death bed

This is the result of the Sun Saturn conjunction happening in Libra. Another relevant event in this context is the killing of Lebanese Chief of Intelligence

Gaddafi's youngest Son Khamis Gaddafi dies due to the injuries sustained in the battle with armed forces in Libya is another relevant event.

Link to my earlier post on the conjunction : 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Results of Venus in various Navamsas

Venus in Venus Navamsa - Produces a rich man having many women who enjoy various foods and drinks
Venus in Mars Navamsa - the husband of a corrupted wife
Venus in Mercury Navamsa - a wise man addicted to sexual intersourse and singing
Venus in Moon Navamsa - One who indulges a lot in sexual inter course and has a noble body
Venus in Sun Navamsa - A terrifying leader
Venus in Jupiter's Navamsa - A strong and courageous man who is a pre-eminent in his city as the best poet
Venus in Saturn's Navamsa - A rich man with a gentle wife who has little character and has a bad ending

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sun - Saturn Conjunction 2012

It is time for the yearly Conjunction of the Sun and Saturn. Sun entered Libra in the early hours today to join with Saturn.This time the conjunction is happening in Libra the debilitation sign of Sun. This conjunction triggers dangers to kingly personalities,famous people, Governments and Government establishments related to Trade as Libra is the sign signifying Trade.

Libra is also an airy sign and with the Sun Saturn conjunction in it might result in  mishaps to  planes carrying Kingly and famous personalities.

As Sun Signifies Temples and fire arms, some mishaps like stampedes and explosions are likely at religious places. 

As Saturn signifies democracy,one or more governments would fall owing to losing public support.  A Famous/kingly  personality  in exile would be caught and arrested.

Maoist activity would be higher in this period and would result in encounters causing deaths on both the sides.A high ranked official/Minister may be kidnapped and or killed.A kingly personality will die of heart failure.

A Kingly/Famous personality would be dragged into legal troubles during this period.

On a Personal level People who are running the dasa of Sun should be careful about their health and career for a month to come till Sun changes over into Scorpio.People who are running the dasa/antardasa of Saturn should be careful during the period from 19th October till 31 st as Saturn is going combust

Sun signifies Heart,Stomach,Head,Right eye,General constitution of the Body people who are suffering from problems in these parts would have aggravations.

 Saturn is going combust from 19 th till 31 st October and becomes much more malefic. The results of this conjunction of Debilitated Sun and Combust Saturn would be predominant during this period.

Saturn signifies Legs,Teeth,Arteries and Hair.People suffering problems in these parts should be more alert during this period.Heart patients should be more careful in particular.

Makar Rasi people should be alert to avoid any untoward problems with their higher ups.Mesh Rasi people should be careful while traveling abroad,while dealing with authorities and should be careful about their wife's health. Libra sing people should be careful about their health,should take care of their relations with their elder siblings and their income source. Cancerians should be careful about their vehicles and some sudden fire accidents at their homes.Taurus people should be careful about their maternal uncles health and should be careful about the behind the scene activities of their enemies.They may be having stomach problems. Gemini people should be careful about their children's health. Leo people should be careful in traveling and take care of their younger brothers and also maintain cordial relations with them.Sagittarius people should be careful about their friends and relations with them.Aquarius people should be careful about their health and while traveling to religious places.some problem regarding their higher eduction would present during this period.They might also loose some one close.  Pisces people would separate from some one.They should be careful about their health as there could be some aggravations.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mars Conjunct Rahu - Follow up post III

Two more events happened which are the result of this conjunction under study and as mentioned in my earlier post,the link to which has been given at the bottom of this post.

1. Collision of a Nuclear Submarine with a cruiser happened off the East coast of USA.Link to the news has been given herein :[NVATP,2,TUSNow,1]

 2.Legendary Newzealand Cricketer Martin Crowe has been diagnosed with Cancer of Lymphoma.

Link to the earlier Post :

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Knowing Eventful years in life - Hora Sara

1.Count number of Navamsas from the Navamsa occupied by Saturn upto navamsa occupied by  ascendant,both inclusive.In the year indicated by the total figure,injury as wound through a weapon be feared.

2.Count number of Navamsas from the one occupied by Rahu upto the navamsa occupied by  ascendant,and also from Mars to the ascendant. In the years indicated by the respective figures, native meets with some calamity,hit by a weapon,fatigue,sorrows and the like.

3.In a similar way if we count the number of Navamsas from the benefic planets namely  Moon,Mercury,Jupiter and Venus to the navamsa occupied by  ascendant,during the years indicated by these sums,the native will be blessed with progeny,wealth,happiness and the like without doubt.

Results of Mars in Various Navamsas

Mars in Own Navamsa produces a fierce,mighty and prominent hero who slays his enemies
If Mars is  in the Navamsa of Venus,the person would be a restless corruptor or other men's wives who get rich from other men's hoards
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Mercury,the person would be a vile rogue who does his duty
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Moon,the person would be an able hero and a jealous man
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Sun,the person would be a leader of great strength
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Jupiter,the person would be a leader of a village or a City
If Mars is in the Navamsa of Saturn,the person would be an evil pauper delighting in destroying wealth.