
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dr.Manmohan Singh's Horoscope - Some Observations

This is the chart of Dr.Manmohan Singh Prime minister of India.His birth details are given on the astrosage web site.On a study of his chart we can see four planets Moon,Mercury,Saturn and Rahu in their own signs resulting in his high success and becoming the Prime Minister of the country.

The conjunction of Mercury and Sun in his 10 th house of Status,Profession and authority is forming a Sreenatha Yoga which is another reason of his reaching to the top position. This yoga is said to confer power equal to that of Indra on the native.He became the Prime minister on the 22nd May 2004 when he was running Rahu-Mercury.Both planets are benefics in his chart as afore said.

There are some negative aspects in his chart :
1.Mercury which is forming the Sreenatha Yoga as said above is 'Combust'.

2.His ascendant lord Jupiter is placed in his 9th house Leo which is owned by Sun,the King among planets but is conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis.This conjunction results in a Guru Chandala Yoga which results in the native associating with lowly people though he is very righteous.

3.Moon in his chart while placed in his own sign is in opposition to Retrograde Saturn.As per Sambhu Hora Prakasika, this results in a yoga which is ironically named as DAASEE PRABHAAVA YOGA.This yoga results in the native being influenced by a servent maid

While benefic placements of planets have made him Prime Minister of the country, negativity associated with the planets which are forming strong power conferring yogas might have made him alllegedly a remotely controlled Prime Minister of the Country

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Saturn - Mars Mutual aspect and Discovering the Great Canyon of Greenland

Two days back on the 30th of August, Scientists have announced discovering a Great Canyon under the thick Ice sheet of Greenland.The discovery was made by NASA's technologically advanced radars. The Canyon has been estimated to be longer than the Grand Canyon of USA and is about 800 Kms in length  and 2600 feet deep at some places.Links briefing about the discovery have been given herein:1.Greenland's Great Canyon 2.Radars find a Canyon longer than the Grand Canyon 

A canyon is a deep gorge/valley flanked on both sides by mountains and with a river flowing through it like the one found in North America.

Apart from the spurt in confrontations between world countries on the issue of Syria and escalation in other forms of violence, i feel, discovery of the Great Canyon in Green land, beneath the ice cover is one more event resulting due to the ongoing mutual aspect of Mars -  Saturn and the Saturn's conjunction with Rahu.Mars, currently is in the watery sign of Cancer in debilitation and is aspected by Saturn from Libra.Mars as we know is the Bhoomi karaka and signifies all that which pertains to land. Saturn on the other hand is the planet of restriction and obstruction and by this nature is the karaka for formation of Ice. While all of water on the earth is signified by Moon,  ice is formed only due to the Saturnine influence on water. All the areas which are covered by ice like the North  and South Poles and in this context Greenland can be said to be under the influence of Saturn as they are covered by thick ice layer.

Saturn's aspect over the watery sign of Cancer signifies an area with Icy surface and presence of Mars in the sign shows the land beneath the said surface.Conjunction of Rahu with Saturn signifies previously unknown knowledge as Rahu is the significator of mysteries and Saturn signifies secrets.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Jupiter's Transit of Gemini - Trigger for Indian Economic reforms and liberalisation

 In the wake of continuous deflation of the Indian rupee in recent times, i wanted to study the astrological factors which may have contributed to the fall in the rupee value at present and also in the history of Independant India using the Indian Independance chart erected for 15th August 1947. Jupiter in the Independance chart is the 8th and 11th lord and his transit of Gemini is for sure bringing upheavals in the Indian economy not only in the current times but also in the past. A writeup on the Indian Economic reforms and liberalisation is on the Wikipedia site. The link is given herein : . As per the Writeup, economic reforms were attempted in India earlier in 1966,1985 and then in 1991. The earlier two attempts were unsuccessful and were reversed within short time. But the reforms made in 1991 were successful.

In 1966,Jupiter was transiting the Sign Gemini. Gemini in the Indian Independance chart has an SAV score of only 19 out of 56. In the year Rupee was devalued by the Government under extraordinary conditions,when foreign aid was cut off by USA and other developed countries.In 1985,Jupiter was transiting the sign Capricorn which is his debilitation sign and with an SAV Score of 20 out of 56.In this year economic reforms were initiated by Rajiv Gandhi but were stopped in the year 1987.
Jupiter is the Natural/Naisargika Dhana Karaka along with being the lord of Gains(11th lord) and also of impediments(8th lord) in the Indian context and his transit of the signs with lowest Bindus in the SAV chart is surely triggering economic upheavals which result in the corrective economic reforms and liberalisation.Also Gemini is the Second house of wealth from Taurus ascendant.

In 1978,when Jupiter was again transiting in Gemini, it is around the period when the growth in GDP was very less at 3.5% and less than that of Pakistan and other third world countries 

In 1990,the economy was again in doldrums with the country unable to pay up for the balance of payments and has mortgaged the 'Gold' reserves(Gold is signified by Jupiter) of the country to bail out from the crisis.In the year Jupiter was again transiting the sign Gemini and in the year 1991 July economic reforms were brought in by the then Sri PV Narasimha Rao led Congress government. 

The next transit of Jupiter in Gemini was in the year 2001 and the trend was broken when a strong Saturn with a BAV of 7 out 8 was transiting the sign Taurus which is the ascendant of India having an SAV of 44 out of 56 which is undoubtedly an exceptionally strong transit of Saturn.This transit resulted in the economy growing leaps and bounds during this transit of Saturn and bypassed the negative effects of Jupiter's transit in Gemini at that time.

Now again in 2013,Jupiter is transiting in the Sign Gemini from  the end of May this year and is causing the current economic crisis. This crisis would surely trigger another phase in the economic reforms/liberalisation in the coming year when Jupiter transits in the sign Cancer,which is his exaltation sign.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pluto's Trail - Muslim Conquests - The Indian Connections

Pluto's transit of Sagittarius seems to have an Indian Connection. I have observed three instances where in the Transit has caused the Mohommaden invaders to enter the Indo - Pak  territory from the Arab lands in  history. 

In the year 1024, Mohammad Ghazini invaded India for the first time.He swept accross the Thar desert in Rajasthan defeating the tiny Hindu Rajput Kingdoms on his way to finally destroy and plunder the wealth at Somnath temple in Gujarat. He subsequently established Ghaznavid rule in Northern India.Mohammed Ghazini is said to have personally hammered the Siva Linga in the temple into pieces and carried them all the way back to use the pieces in building foot steps of a mosque.In the year 1024,Pluto was transiting in Sagittarius in the constellation of Poorvashadha, along with Rahu/Ketu axis in opposition to Uranus transiting in Ardra in Gemini.

In the year 1521,Babur, descendant of the Mongol-Timurid dynasty and who established the Mughal empire in India set his foot hold in the Sindh which is now part of Pakistan.later on he invaded Delhi in the year 1526,and defeated the Sultan of Delhi in the battle which is known as the battle of Panipat. In the year 1521,Pluto was again transiting in Sagittarius in the constellation of Poorvashadha.Before Babur,Timur in 1390, has invaded India and has returned back after plundering wealth but did not set up his empire. 

The above two instances show that long lasting Mohammaden empires were established in India when Pluto was transiting in Sagittarius. It is noteworthy in this context that the constellations of Poorvashadha and Uttarashaadha represent the regions of Gujarat,Rajasthan and Parts of Pakistan,as per Brihat Samhitha of Varaha Mihira. The Invaders evidently came through these routes.

Apart from the above two dynasties, Delhi was ruled by Ghori, Khilji and Tughlaq Dynasties.Mohammad Ghori did not have any offsprings and the dynasty did not last after Ghori.Slave dynasty came to Power.Later on Khilji and Tughlaq dynastyies ruled.All these were powerful families which settled in India from the time of Ghaznavid rule. Shershah Suri who defeated Humayun too was the Governor of Bengal before he ruled Delhi.Nadir Shah came defeated the Delhi Sultan and went back but did not establish his empire.

In the recent times we know that Osama Bin Laden who organised the attack on  Twin Towers in New york, USA,sifted through all the way from Tora Bora in Afghanistan to Abbottabad in Pakistan which is just some 250 Kms from Srinagar in Jammu Kashmir.He seems to follow the Pluto's trail!!! Pluto entered Sagittarius in January 2006 and is still currently transiting Sagittarius in the constellation of Poorvashadha.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dhari Devi's Displacement Reason for Uttarakhand Floods

In continuation to my earlier post on the Uttarakhand floods about the astrological factors which caused the devastating floods, i would like to make another important observation in the same context .So much has been said and written about  shifting of the Idol of Dhari devi just before the flash floods in Uttarakhand.Below is a link to the news brief about the issue:

The Idol is said to be shifted from its original place on a small island in the Alkananda river to an elevated location close to its original position to avoid it being submerged in waters due to construction of a Hydal Power Project in the area.It is said there was lightening followed by heavy rain and cloud burst just after the idol is shifted.

The temple of Dhari devi (a manifestation of Kali devi) is said to be one of the Shakti Peethas and is believed to be the guardian diety of  Uttarakhand.Shifting of the idol surely is the cause of  cloud burst and floods.

In my earlier post  When Lord Shiva Lets loose the Ganga i made an observation that in the Trimsamsa chart on the day,  Retrograde Neptune being conjunct with Retrograde Pluto and Saturn over the Galactic centre, in the constellation of Moola which is lorded over by Niritti, the Goddess who delivers curses of Gods.The conjunction indicates the wrath of  supreme powers resulting in the event.

Friday, June 21, 2013

When Lord Shiva Lets loose the Ganga

340 mm of rain fall on the 15th June,2013,375% higher than the normal monsoon rainfall caused the divine river Ganga and its tributaries to flood  the state of Uttarakhand.About 60,000 people are stranded at various holy places and thousands are missing till date and many declared dead. Nothing was left behind at the Kedarnath temple area apart from the holy shrine.Many hotels,building,bridges and roadways collapsed across the state.Following is a writeup on the floods and the damage caused on wikipedia.
On a study of the astrological factors which contributed to the devastation we can see Neptune and Saturn playing a significant role in the event. All the airy signs Gemini,Libra and Aquarius are afflicted currently. Gemini is afflicted by the presence of an Atichara Jupiter who is in a multi planetary conjunction with Mercury,Venus and Sun.Libra is afflicted with a Retrograde Saturn and Rahu conjunction.Saturn which is conjunct with Neptune in both Trimsamsa and Khavedamsa Charts is about to turn direct within a few days.

In addition following are the contributing factors : 
1.In the Rasi Chart,Neptune, the God of waters, is currently transiting in the constellation of Satabhisha.,in the sign of Aquarius,which is an airy sign.

Rahu is the lord of Satabhisha and  presiding deity of the constellation is Varuna.

This combination of an airy sign and Neptune is the trigger for the storm.

In addition to this, Neptune, who is transiting satabhisha as said above, has turned retrograde on the 5th of June.
Retrogression of Neptune in the star lorded over by  Rahu shows strong karmic forces in action which were long overdue.
Neptune placed as above in the Rasi chart is supported by explosive formations in the Trimsamsa and Khavedamsa.
2.In the Trimsamsa chart for 15th June, we can see Retrograde Neptune conjunct with Retrograde Pluto and Retrograde Saturn over the Galactic centre. If we observe the longitudes in the Trimsamsa chart both Neptune and Saturn being retrograde are in the constellation of Moola.Which is lorded over by Niritti,the goddess who delivers the curses of  Gods.
3.In the Khavedamsa chart for the day, we can see both Neptune and Saturn being conjunct in the Watery sign of Cancer.
4.Most importantly,the Constellation of Satabhisha where Retrograde Neptune is transiting,signifies North Indian regions of Kailash,Tibet,Himachal Pradesh as per Brihat Samhitha of Varahamihira.
Human intervention with the nature by way of diverting several rivers and tributaries to fuel many hydro power plants and rapid deforestation in the name of development should have caused the supreme Lord shiva to let loose the Ganga without stopping it !!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jupiter's transit in Gemini - Results for all Signs

Jupiter has transited into Gemini on 31st May following are the results of the transit for various signs.Study  both for your Moon sign and Natal Ascendant too : 

Aries :
Travel will be beneficial. Gains will be possible through foreign country or associates. Students can look forward to go for higher education. A pilgrimage is on the cards. Some of you will have a new relationship. Benefits will be there through father, friends and elder sibling.
There will be lack of courage and confidence. You might be moving around without a purpose. Heavy or unexpected expenses are likely in business. You may get engaged in tall talking. There could be unnecessary misunderstanding with younger siblings, neighbors and associates. Loss is likely in short project.

Taurus :  
Unexpected monetary gains will make you happy. New member will join the family. Gains will be possible through oratory skills and inheritance. Family wealth will increase. You will enjoy good health. There will be an inclination towards occult or esoteric science. Professionals will enjoy advancement in career and unexpected promotions. You will be able to win over enemies.
Relationship will suffer due to ego clashes. Father may have health issues. You will have a laid back attitude. Speech has to be checked. Siblings and friends will not be around for support.

Gemini :    
Children will be a source of happiness. Inclination will be there for religious activities. You will benefit through learning and chanting of mantras. Pilgrimage is on the cards. Your knowledge will increase and you will develop new hobbies. Sharing of knowledge will be beneficial. Expansion of business or starting new business is likely. A new relationship will come up.
Expense will be there through health. You will have to work very hard to achieve success in profession. Disturbances are likely at home. Problems could be there through assets. Mother will suffer discomfort. There is a chance for mishaps through vehicle.

Your comforts will increase. A job opportunity will be possible in foreign country. You will be able to easily win over your enemies. Students will go abroad for higher education. Your assets will increase and you will participate in philanthropic work. There will be happy atmosphere at home. You will enjoy success in all your ventures. Expenses will be there for auspicious events. Divine blessings will be there for you.
Health issues will be there for father or fatherly person. Relatives will bring expenses. A theft or loss of possessions is likely to take place. It will be a bad time for relationship with spouse, separation from the partner also likely. Expenses will be there for health. You may suffer due to sleeplessness and bad dreams.

Gains will be there through children, partner, and younger siblings. You will have more interest or involvement in speculation and trading. You will be knowledgeable, wise and spontaneous. Friends will be there to help. Romantic partners will spend good time. Some of you will be blessed with progeny. Intuitive powers will be more. You will be spending more for amusements and entertainment. You will experience inner transformation.
You will have difficulty in repaying debts. Some discomfort will be there due to health. Students trying for scholarship will find it difficult. Expenses will be there for children education. You need to hold your excitement in romance.

New beginnings and new business opportunities will be there. Your comforts and money will increase. Education will be beneficial. Your speech will improve. A new person will join the family. There will be peace at home. Hard work for your company will bring you gains. Partnership business will prosper and legal issues, if any will get resolved. You will have gains through father. Spouse will excel in profession.
You may have to stay away from home. Separation from partner is possible due to professional reasons. There will be lack of energy. Children will be a cause of concern. There could be rift between partners due to misunderstanding.
You will earn name and fame through profession. There will be opportunities to improve skills and increase knowledge. Gains will be possible through communication and travel and even through enemies. Romantic relationship will bring happiness. You will be able to complete stagnated or pending works. Health will improve. You will be able to pay off your debts. You will have peaceful sleep.
Relationship with mother may suffer due to misunderstanding. You will have to keep a check on your emotions. Expenses will increase and it is imperative to handle your finances cautiously. Some purposeless travel will be there. Father will suffer from ill name. Your hard work will go unnoticed.

Expenses will be there for auspicious events. You will benefit through sudden gains and inheritance. Unexpected gains are also possible through trading. You will be more inclined into spiritual practices. There will be good bonding with the family, especially mother. You will earn through foreign associates. You will be buying property, vehicles, jewels, and other assets. Spouse will enjoy monetary gains.
Hard work will not reap rewards. Speculation will lead to losses. There will progeny issues. You may suffer due to laziness and lack of focus. Those staying in foreign country may face problem. You may have to bear unnecessary expenses. Expenses are likely through siblings. You may get involved in disputes with friends, father and gurus.

Gains will be through mother, spouse and friends. Your communication skills will be good and entering into new business venture will be successful. Dealing in short projects will be favorable. Love relationship will blossom. Siblings and neighbors will be there to support. You will work towards your goal and expect to fulfill some of your desires. Expenses will be there for auspicious events.
Hard work for career will not be recognized. Disputes are likely in property and you may incur loss of valuables. Professionals will feel insecure at work. Sudden expenses may come up. You are likely to suffer from inferiority complex and may get bad dreams.

Travel will be favorable. A foreign travel is on the cards. There will be good opportunities for making investment. Hard work in career will be recognized. Favor from government sector will make you comfortable. Siblings will make progress. You will be able to repay your debts. There will be some dream experiences. You will get opportunity to meet renowned people. Expenses are likely for auspicious events. You will love to do charity. You may stay away from home for spiritual benefit.
You will feel lazy and will lack confidence. Expenses are likely through father, medical expense also likely. Travel will be discomforting. You will not be able to depend on people for help.

Children will be a cause of gains and happiness. Students will go for higher education. Your friends circle will increase and your desires will be fulfilled. Gains will be there through speculative activities. You will enjoy good health and spend good time with the family. You will be more popular among friends and associates.
There will be some hidden difficulty. Expenses will be there through family members, entertainment and romance. Imprudent investment will bring loss. Caution is required in professional life.

Your popularity will increase. A promotion is likely. You will be associated with eminent people. Those staying abroad will be inclined to comeback to home country. You will be seeking comforts. Traveling for professional reasons will be beneficial. You will get mother’s affection. Hard work will bring you success. You will be participating in auspicious events and may also go for a pilgrimage. You will earn a new property and a long pending will or inheritance will come to you.
You may get involved with a dispute with father. Friends will not be cooperative. Improper investment may cause loss. You may get minor injury due to fall. Expenses will be there through vehicle and maintenance of property. Children will be a cause concern.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Agatha Christie's horoscope - Some observations

Agatha Christie is a prolific and most famous writer of stories and plays whose main themes revolve around murder mysteries,Thrillers,Crime fiction,Detective investigations and romances.
According to the Guiness book of world records,Agatha Christie is the best selling novelist of all time.
Astrodata bank gives her birth data and the link to the data is here in below:,_Agatha
Horoscope chart prepared based on the data given in the site is given here :

On a study of her chart we can find some very peculiar combinations which correlate to her thinking and creativity revolving around murder mysteries and Crime fictions.  
For analysing the writing skills of any native, placement of Mercury, its strength and the planets influencing the third house are studied in detail for coming to a conclusion.Mercury is the significator of all literary men.
In Agatha Christie's chart , Mercury surely played a very  significant role. Firstly, Mercury is the Third and 12th lord placed in the Third house.While the Third House shows ones writing skills the Twelth house shows the innerself of the native.

In her chart the Ascendant is placed in the constellation lorded over by Mecury. And Mercury in turn is in the constellation of Moon, the ascendant lord.This placement of Ascendant and Mercury is one factor which made her a writer.

Along with writing skills any writer should obviously have creative talents to write the kind of stories Christie has written.Creative abilities in any chart are seen from the 5 th house from the natal ascendant.

In Christie's chart, Scorpio is the Fifth house from the natal ascendant and has Ketu in it. Scorpio significantly is the Eigth house of the natural zodiac which signifies mysteries and being the 5 th house   (house of intelligence)  from the natal ascendant in Christie's chart and having Ketu in it (which signifies assassins and behind the scene activities ) gave the flavour of mystery to her thinking.

Ketu significantly is in the star of Mercury and Rahu who aspects the fifth house is in the star of Mars,the fifth lord, adding up to her creative talents.Both Rahu and ketu are in exaltation by placement.

In addition to this, the Fifth house is aspected by a retrograde Pluto and retrograde Neptune.Pluto signifies assasinations,conspiracies and Neptune is again the significator of Mysteries.These aspects over her Fifth house of intelligence, have influenced her thinking and presenting about the murder mystery themes.Moreover both Pluto and Neptune are in the constellation lorded over by Moon, the Karaka/significator for Mind.!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Will Narendra Modi be the Next Prime Minister of India ????

As a preparatory step to project Narendra Modi as the Prime ministerial candidate in the 2014 general elections,BJP on Sunday appointed him as the chairman of the party's election commission.Above given are the links to the news of his appointment and write ups about his life and rise to power. On a study of his chart prepared for the time given on the astro sage site (link of which has been given above) we can see the following :

Mars the ascendant lord  placed in  Scorpio ascendant with a BAV Score of 6 is forming a very powerful Ruchaka Maha Purusha Yoga making him a natural,enterprising and bold leader.This placement of Mars in the lagna is the main contributor for his rise to Power.

Moon his 9th lord too is placed in the Ascendant,conjunct the Ascendant lord Mars,who  cancels the debilitation of Moon.Moon has a BAV score of 5 and is a very strong benefic in this chart.In addition to the above there are two more powerful yogas in his chart which caused him to be the Chief Minister :

Rahu in his chart is the Amatya Karaka and is placed in the 5th house of power and following and is in opposition to the 10th Lord Sun. Amatya Karaka placed in a Kona results in making him a Famous Minister and Amatya Karaka related to the 10th lord by being in Opposition gives him a very powerful Raja Sambandha Yoga.

Sun the 10th lord of Status and Profession  is very well placed in the chart by being in a friendly sign of Virgo which happens to be the 11th house of gains from the Ascendant.Sun is also conjunct the 11th lord and is very strong in Shadbala and ashtakavarga bala.Every aspect explained above caused him to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat for four times Consecutively.Involvement of Rahu/Ketu with the 10th lord shows that he is destined for higher positions.
He was first inducted as the Chief Minister of Gujart in October 2001 when he was running the dasa of Venus-Saturn.While Venus is placed in his 10th house of Status and Profession , Saturn is in his 11th house close to his 10th lord,resulting in his elevation to the Chief Minister ship. In addition to the Dasa/Antardasa running,peculiarly, Rahu and Jupiter who were in conjunction at that time were aspecting  the Dasama Aroodha(A10) in  Libra.
At the time of General elections next year around 31st May,2014 :
1.Exalted Saturn would be transiting  close to his Rajya Saham at 0 Sc 11 and would be transiting over the saham shortly signifying the start of a new phase.
2.Jupiter has come a full circle from 2001 and would be closely aspecting   A10(at 3 Li)  at the time of General elections next year as he has done in 2001 when Narendra Modi has first become the chief minister and would be forming a trine in the coming months to the Rajya Saham.
3.Rahu who is forming the Raja Yogas described above would  be transiting closely to the A10. 
In addition to this, he would be running the Dasa and Antar Dasa of  Moon-Rahu.Moon is the 9th lord and Rahu the Fourth Lord ,placed in the Fifth house of Power and following in addition to forming Yogas described above. 
To Conclude,the above transits over his A10 and Rajya Saham and the dasa and antar dasas definitely show an elevation to a higher position of the Prime Minister ship.  But before that the low SAV Score of 17 in Libra ,which happens to be his 12th house from Natal Ascendant and Moon and  where Saturn is right now transiting in conjunction to Rahu would be bringing in some turbulence.He might have to face  threats from foreign terror outfits which he should be alert about.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peculiar Kaala Sarpa Yoga around 20 th July 2013

On the 20th of July,2013 if we observe the planetary positions,three planets namely Retrograde Mercury,Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in the airy sign of Gemini and are in the constellation of Aardra lorded over by Rahu. 
Sun is in the Constellation of Pushyami lorded over by Saturn.
Venus is in the Constellation of Magha lorded over by Ketu. 
Saturn and Rahu are conjunct in the airy sign of Libra and are in the constellation of Swati lorded over by Rahu.
Moon is in the fire sign Sagittarius and in the constellation of Moola which is lorded over by Ketu.

Summing up, 5 Planets are in the star of Rahu and 2 planets are in the star of Ketu.These alignments surely signify drastic events.The days around the 20th July are obviously influenced greatly by Rahu/Ketu.

Significantly,In Khavedamsa and Trimsamsa too the sign Gemini is heavily afflicted by number of planets being posited in the sign or aspecting the same.

The Following Places are related to the Sign Gemini :
Countries: United States,Belgium, Brabant, Lombardy, Lower Egypt ,Sardinia ,West of England, Armenia, Tripoli,Flanders,Wales
Cities: London, Plymouth, Melbourne
, Bruges, Cordova, Metz, Nuremberg, Versailles, Louvaine, San Fransisco, Wolverhampton, Wednesbury.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lord Krishna's Birth Date and Some thoughts

I was just browsing through the Jagannatha hora data available with me when i came across the Birth chart of Lord Krishna prepared as per Sri BV Raman's research which he has given in his book 'Notable Horoscopes'. I also had the book with me and studied the analysis he gave in his book on lord Krishna's birth chart.This is when i wanted to see if there was any substantiation for the Birth story of the lord given in the Bhaagavata  by way of the placement of planets in the chart prepared.

Immediately after the Lord's birth at about midnight,he was shifted to Nanda and Yashoda's house in Gokula by Vasudeva as per the instructions of the asareeravani.In the process he had to come out of the prison and cross the Yamuna river.It is described in  Bhaagavata that the chains which were used to bind Vasudeva just came off, the river Yamuna  gave way   and a Five headed snake protected the Lord from the heavy rain fall happening at the time while the lord was shifted to Gokula.
Here in below is the chart prepared for the time given by Sri BV Raman:
It is very interesting to see the Rahu/Ketu axis being placed in the Third house which happens to be the Watery sign of Cancer.Mars and Venus too were in the sign in conjunction to the R/K axis.
While the conjunction of Mars(12th lord) and Venus(Ascendant lord) and with the R/K axis surely shows his birth in prison,the conjunction of planets in the third house signify the travel he had to undergo immediately after his birth. Here the R/K axis is interestingly connecting the 9th and 3rd houses from his natal ascendant. 9th house shows the reason behind the birth and the long distance travel for higher learning and 3 rd house too shows travels.We can thus deduce he had to travel immediately after his birth to in order to fulfill his future mission.3rd house being Cancer, a watery sign and containing debilitated Mars and Venus along with the R/K axis also signifies the lord's travel across the river and during the rain.I also see the Rahu/Ketu axis acting as the path way across the river in this context.
Rahu as per Lahiri Ayanamsa is in last quarter of the constellation of Pushyami whose ruling diety is Jupiter and is away from the constellation of Asresha by only a degree.As per Rohini Paksha Ayanamsa,Rahu very interestingly is in the constellation of  Aasresha which is ruled over by the celestial serpent Aadisheshu.This correlates to the Five headed snake which protected the lord during his travel across the river.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Storm on Saturn

The most fascinating news of today is NASA Capturing images of a gigantic hurricane on the north pole of Saturn.In view of the current transit of multiple planets situated in Aries, in opposition to Saturn  and the Shashstaastaka position of Jupiter/Saturn, the  storm happening now is surely interesting. Saturn is definitely not an exception to the planetary influences on it. Last week there were three coronal mass ejections from Sun in two days. Sun being in conjunction with multiple planets and in opposition and Saturn should be the reason behind the Solar flares.In turn Saturn too seems to be influenced by the said conjunctions and oppositions.

Solar flares seem to happen surely when Sun is involved in multi planetary conjunctions. Here  is a link to the information and planetary alignments at the time of gigantic solar flares : 
Given below is the link to the news of the Storm on the Saturn.

Adjoining is the picture of the Storm on Saturn released by NASA.Another amazing aspect of Saturn is the similarity of the Kurma Yantra which is used as a remedy for malefic effects of Saturn and the Planet's north pole.While Saturn's north pole is in a hexagonal shape, the Kurma yantra too is hexagonal in shape.                                                       

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Gods must be Crazy

It all started with Venus and Mars going into combustion on 5th and 22nd of March respectively. The period from then was quite turbulent as the world has seen many un toward events. All the premier astrologers warned about the impending disasters,in view of the planetary alignments,their transits, the twin eclipses,retrogression of Saturn in conjunction to Rahu in Libra.
The signs involved in the conjunctions and alignments were Aries and Libra. While Aries is a fiery sign lorded over by the warrior planet Mars,Libra is the sign lorded over by the passionate,Sensuous and Artistic Venus.

The Sign Libra is symbolised with a balance and extreme malefic influences over it signify the imbalances prevailing in the world and the corrective/Balancing energies in action.Saturn,the signifier of Justice situated in the sign currently and being exalted here,  denotes the balancing energies in action.

War like situations in the countries Korea,Japan,China and India  are the result of these alignments.

The bombing of  Boston marathon happened just when Sun was transiting over from Pisces to Aries on the 15th of April to be conjunct with Combust Mars ,Combust Venus, with Ketu and in opposition to a Retrograde Saturn and Rahu Combination in Libra.Sun is the signifier of fire arms and Ketu denotes terrorists.While a strong and unafflicted  Mars signifies army and police personnel , afflicted and  combust Mars in conjunction with Ketu denotes terrorist violence. Gemini is the natal ascendant of  USA and the malefic transits happening over its MC(10th house) should have resulted in the event.  

Mars is the signifier of Accidents,Violence,Buildings and is said to be the Bhoomi Karaka as he is described as 'धरणी गर्भा संभूतं ' .His combustion and being in opposition to another great malefic Saturn who is retrograde resulted in  many Earth quakes and Building collapses and accidents in Mines.
Venus is the signifier of Passions,Luxuries,Vehicles.In conjunction with the fiery Mars signifies extreme passions. Both the planets were combust making them even more malefic.The combination in opposition to Retrograde Saturn and in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis has resulted in the events related to the rapes of minors.Saturn-Venus combination is said to result in deviating from the normal sexual Patterns.

Venus being combust and under many malefic influences has resulted in the deaths of some noted  Artists/Singers.

The period still seems to be unstable till the time when Saturn turns direct on 6th of July. Around the 1 st of May there might be a volcanic eruption in or in countries around Portugal/Japan. There may be a Meteor hit as has happened in Russia recently, in Europe ,USA,India,Tibet or Alaska or a plane crash.

Please  pray for World Peace.Meditate and recite the following mantra daily as many times as possible : 

ॐ स॒ह ना॑ववतु। स॒ह नौ॑ भुनक्तु। स॒ह वीर्यं॑ करवावहै। ते॒ज॒स्वि ना॒वधी॑तमस्तु॒। मा विद्विषा॒वहै॥ ॐ शान्ति॒ शान्ति॒ शान्ति॑॥
om sa̱ha nā̍vavatu | sa̱ha nau̍ bhunaktu | sa̱ha vīrya̍ṁ karavāvahai | te̱ja̱svi nā̱vadhī̍tamastu̱ | mā vidviṣā̱vahai̎ || om śānti̱ḥ śānti̱ḥ śānti̍ḥ ||

Links to some of the events which happened due to the alignments have been given herein below:
Earth Quakes:
New Variety of Bird Flu : 
Building Collapses:
Dhaka Building Collapse :
Thane Building Collapse
Tanzania Building Collapse
China Mine Blast:
Vehicular Accidents:

Disclaimer : Please note the above writeup is posted only in an astrological study perspective and may not be true.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturn's Ashtaka varga

1.When Saturn is in the Lagna with no bindus the result is death or loss of property or great sickness
2.If Saturn is in debilitattion ,in the lagna or in an inimical house with more than 4 bindus and is aspected by a benefic,the person will have a long life
3.When Saturn is associated with 4 or 5 bindus and occupies debilitation,inimical house or is in .combustion,the person will be riding on horses,elephants,camels and other conveyances and will be rich
4.When Saturn is debilitated in Navamsa and occupies the Lagna or the 5th house associated with more than 4 bindus,the person will be poor ans suffering from diseases in the neck such as Goitre,laryngitus etc
5.Saturn in the lagna or the 4th house with 3 or 4 bindus,will make the person short lived if the said Saturn is not in exaltation or in his own house.
6.Saturn in a kendra or Trikona occupying his own house in Rasi in Navamsa associated with 1 to 3 bindus,makes a person earn wealth by various means
7.When Saturn as the lord of the 9th and 10th houses is in the 3rd,6th or 11th house,associated with 3 bindus,the preson becomes a king or equal to a king.
8.When Saturn is in his own house with 4 bindus and that happens to be the 2nd house or the 12th house and other malefics are in Trikona to the lagna,the person will be a beggar throughout life.
9When the lord of the 8th house from the lagna or Saturn,is in an ininical house or is combust and without any benefic aspect,the person will be a beggar life long

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Albert Einstein's Horoscope - Some Observations

Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the 20th Century and noble prize winner is famous for his theory of relativity and needs no introduction. Given herein is the link to a writeup on him on the Wikipedia

Though he was a German by birth,he opposed usage of the then newly discovered nuclear fission as a weapon and alerted the President of America that Germany might be developing a nuclear weapon and recommended that United States should initiate a similar research which eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project.While Germany could not make a nuclear weapon, United States developed nuclear weapons successfully and used it on Japan at a later stage of the Second World War. This led the world countries into a race to develop nuclear weapons subsequently.

 His chart surely makes an interesting study , as his life revolves mainly around scientific postulations and discoveries.

On a study of his chart we can see the following:
1.Firstly,his Eigth house of research and studies is extremely strong with a Sarvaashtaka varga score of 40.It is not surprising that he has become a scientist/researcher with his 8th house being this strong.
2.Exalted Mars is in his 8th house(research) in conjunction to the Rahu/Ketu axis.Mars is the planet which signifies Energy!!!. In his most famous theory of relativity, he equalises Energy as a multiple of Mass ( E =mc2). 
3.Eigth lord Saturn who also is the 9th lord is in a parivartana Yoga with his 10th lord Jupiter.This causes a Raja Yoga which supports his research.
4.His Atma karaka is Venus and is situated in his 10th house (profession) in conjunction with the 8th lord Saturn(Research).
5Atma karaka in Pisces makes the native attain emancipation,practically making Einstein discover the theory of relativity.Moreover his Atma karaka being in his 10th house formed a strong Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga.
6.His Ascendant lord Mercury though debilitated in his 10th house had the debility cancelled by being in conjunction with exalted Venus.
7.His Ascendant lord Mercury is in the star of Saturn who is the 8th lord as said above.8.Saturn who is also the 9th lord of higher learning and being involved in very strong auspicious yogas made him what he is.

Monday, March 11, 2013


The Comet PAN STARRS  makes its closest approach to the Sun today. The comet rises in the West and has its crest straight upwards.Link to the news of the comets approach is as herein : 

Varahamihira's Brihat samhitha describes about the Comets and the impact they create on Earth when they approach close. I tried correlating the features of the Comet with that given in the text and find that the description given for the Comet MANIKETU closely resembles that of  the Comet under study.

Description of  Maniketu given in the Samhitha is as follows : The Comet named Maniketu is in the form of a tiny little star,rising in the west and visible only once for a period of only three hours.Its crest is straight and white like a streak of milk.Even as it appears,it causes abundant food for Four and a half months;but it also helps the abnormal appearance of harmful creatures such as reptiles,venomous creatures and the like.

What is Interesting me about the description of the Ketu is, it is said the Comet causes abnormal appearances of harmful creatures,and the comet at present is making a close approach when there is a group of planets in Aquarius.Sun,Venus are in Purvabhaadra ( Ruling diety is Ajaikapaada),Mercury(R) in Satabhisha, and in conjunction to Neptune,the signifier of mysteries.Ajaikapaada is described as a goat headed and single legged diety.It is to be seen whether there would be sightings of  any weird creatures during this time!!!

In 1933 when the Comet Jacobini Zinner made its closest approach, Rahu was in the constellation of Satabhisha in exact opposition to Neptune - Jupiter conjunction in Leo,and the Lochness Monster was reportedly sighted.This comet too was rising in the west as given in the description to Mani Ketu.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

There is more to what meets the eye in the Pope's resignation ???

On 26th of May 2012, i wrote about the Jupiter's transit over Kali Saham in Vatican City's Vedic horoscope Chart. At that time,there was news of Pope's butler being arrested due to his involvement in leaking of crucial documents showing how contracts were awarded to favoured suppliers and the documents which show internal struggles in the Vatican Bank.

On 24th of July,2012,Jupiter transited over the Kali Saham(point of the zodiac,transit of slow moving planets over which results in untoward events) of Vatican City.Link to my earlier writeup has been given hereunder for reference.

The previous transit of Jupiter over the Kali saham on 7th April,2001 in Vatican's chart resulted in the then Pope John Paul II being diagnosed with Alzheimer's around that date.
In the present context,after the arrest of the pope's butler last year,things were calm till the time when suddenly on  11th of February this year,the Pope announced his resignation from Papacy.Jupiter started his retrograde movement on the 5th of October2012,till which time there was news of the Vatican leaks scandal which is now well known as Vatileaks.The Butler has asked for pardon of the Pope and has been pardoned.At the time Jupiter entered retrogression on the 5th October he has transited upto 22 deg Taurus and the issue seemed to calm down.In retrogression,Jupiter transited back in Taurus till 12 deg Taurus and came out of retrogression on January 29th and then started to move closer to the 'Kali Saham' at 14 deg Taurus.The issue resurfaced again.And this time it was the resignation of the Pope which shocked the world.

Announcement of resignation on the 11th is the culmination of some major behind the scene factors as the first transit in July 24th,2012 over the saham happened when the Jupiter was in conjunction with debilitated Ketu who signifies coups.

Resignation of a Pope didn't happen in the past 600 years. Though the Pope has announced that his resignation is due to his old age,it was a shocking and surprising development as no one before the current Pope resigned in the previous 600 years.

Is there more to what meets the eye in his resignation?Is he pressurised by a power full lobby which wants to get hold of the control over Vatican? Going by the transit of Jupiter over the Saham, it surely seems so. And now the Vatican in an official announcement today has 'condemned ' the Italian media reports of  intrigue, corruption and blackmail among senior prelates.  
Links to the relevant reports have been given here under:

What ever may be the truth, transit of Jupiter over the Vatican's Kali Saham has had its effect by tarnishing its image in a big way.!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Meteor Explodes over Eastern Russia - History repeats

In a very surprising celestial event today a meteor blast occured over eastern Russia injuring over 500 people and creating panic. The blast occured over a sensitive region of Russia where atomic reactors were located.
In my previous post on the Saturn- Rahu Conjuction in Libra, i put before the readers what happened when the earlier conjunction happened in Libra 147 years back. There were two meteor impacts in the year 1865.One fell on Wisconsin which came to be known as Claywater meteor incident and the other at Gaya,India.

And now, history repeats itself.The same kind of event happened today again when the same conjunction is currently happening in Libra.Saturn and Rahu impacting the airy sign of Libra caused the events of similar kind then and at present.

This event is considered a bad omen and would result in further and far reaching negative impact over the region.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ashtakavarga - Some important indications

Following are some important indications from the Sarvashtakavarga and Bhinnashtakavarga charts which would be of use :

1.When Jupiter transits the rasi where in the Lagna/Ascendant has highest number of Bindus in its BAV would favour the native in acquiring wealth,children and knowledge
Best times in the day for certain activities:
2.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Sun rises is the best time to do fire rituals.
3.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Moon rises is the best time to take upadesa of mantra.
4.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Jupiter rises is the best time to do financial transactions and do activities related to Children. The time is also best for attending learning courses,visiting spiritual gurus.
5.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Venus rises is the best time to plan outing for entertainment,for buying items of comfort and luxuries and vehicles.
6.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Saturn rises is the best time to start work involving labour.
7.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars rises is the best time to talk to younger Brothers,neighbours,play adventure sports.
8.The time of the day when that rasi which has the highest number of bindus in the BAV of mercury rises is the best time for sending important communications.

Buying Land
9.The direction indicated by the rasi having the highest number of bindus in the BAV of Mars is the best to buy lands.
Indications from the Divisional Charts :
Find out the aggregates of the BAV scores of all the Planets in each of the divisional charts. As each planet can have a maximum of 8 points,including lagna there would be 8 planets and the total would be 64.Find out the percentage which the aggregate BAV of Divisional chart holds to 64. You can judge which divisional chart is Strong.

When Jupiter and Saturn transit the rasis which have the highest number of Bindus in the SAV of the Divisional chart,then that aspect of life represented by the Divisional chart will improve surely.

Significations of that divisional chart would improve or suffer accordingly where in  there is a jump up or drop down in the SAV scores of  two rasis where there were transits of slow moving planets.The changes happen predominantly around the time of the transits. 

The best times in a person's life can be judged by the transits of  slow moving planets through the rasis having highest number of bindus.For example,if the native has a SAV score of 40 in Cancer,Saturn's BAV score being 5,then Saturn's transit through the rasi would result in the native having very positive results with respect to the Bhava it represents in his chart. 

Muhurtha and Ashtakavarga
The rasi which has a kendra/Trikona relation with the natal ascendant of the native has to be fixed as Muhurtha lagna for the activity. 
The Rasi having more SAV Score would be more favourable. The Muhurtha lagna should have more than 30 SAV score.
The tenth from the muhurtha lagna has to be checked for the SAV Score.
If the score is more than 30, then the intended ritual would go on successfully and would give excellent results.The muhurtha had to be fixed such that the BAV Score of most of the planets are above 4.These indications are to be seen in addition to the other standard principles in fixing the Muhurtha.