
Friday, March 19, 2021

Results of Planets Situated in Aries / Mesha

Native will be self-willed person and exercise self-authority. He will do things according to his own will. Exalted here-Father will enjoy patronage and help from Central Government. Native's Son will also have similar privilege and he will earn name and fame, having his profession related to Technical side.

MOON Native will have his mental stability limited due to stubbornness. More self-centered and cares more about his personality and looks. Mother will have only sympathy towards people in trouble and may not help them.

MARS it is Moolatrikona for Mars . He will be aggressive and dashing. Native will be bright, quite efficient and enjoys the friendship of influential people in society. He is tall in stature, ruddy complexion and gets on in life by the dint of his own talents. He will be gained from the Technical organisation 

MERCURY  Native may be of hasty and quick thoughts and speaks fast and sometimes hurting. Native is well versed in Technical field and always engaged in work. He will stubborn in nature.

JUPITER Native will have tall body, a small nose and is always engaged in work and business affairs. He may have heat related problems. 

VENUS Wife hails from decent family. She is little tall having triangular face. She is courageous. She will have her own house after marriage. Native earns well in a profession of technical field and having some connection with Govt. He will have effortless gain.

SATURN  Native will have his profession related to technical nature. He may get co-operation from Govt. In his hand, line of fortune, develops slowly.

RAHU and KETU Will act as the planet with which they are associated with. If not associated with any other planet or are unaspected, then they give results of Mars as they are shadowy planets.