Those Rasis which have Ghataka Elements during the day should refrain from starting any major task.
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Those Rasis which have Ghataka Elements during the day should refrain from starting any major task.
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Following chart shows the Tara Bala of Saturn for each Nakshatra in the year 2025-2026. Saturn transits through Purva Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadra Pada during the year as shown in the chart below.
Remedies for Saturn are to be done during the period in which Saturn transits your Janma,Vipat, Pratyak or Naidhana Tara .
Natives of Mercury nakshatras Asresha, Jyeshta, Revati have a fully beneficial Saturn transit during the Coming Viswavasu year. Even though Revati natives have Sade Sati period running they will not experience much of its impact.