
Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Vatican leaks Scandal and Kali Saham

Adjoined is the chart for the time when Jupiter transits over the Natal Kali (misfortune) saham as per The Vatican city's chart on July 24,2012.

The Pope's butler has been arrested on charges of leaking sensitive and confidential documents about how contracts were awarded to favoured suppliers and also for leaking letters which show the internal struggles within Vatican Bank  to the Italian media. The leaks started in January and the source of the leaks have been identified now at a time the transit is about to happen.

The previous transit of Jupiter over the saham has resulted in the Pope John Paul II being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.When the previous transit happened, Jupiter was in conjunction with Saturn and in opposition to Mars.Saturn is the karaka for longevity and he being conjunct with Jupiter over the saham has resulted in the health trouble to the Pope.

This time Jupiter while transiting over the saham is in conjunction with debilitated Ketu. Ketu signifies coups among other things and result is the leaking of sensitive documents belonging to the Pope.

Ketu may also signifiy some dieases and terrorists, the scandal should be much more deep rooted which would be revealed when the transit of Jupiter comes closer to the saham. Transits over sahams always mark the start of an era.

At the time the transit happens, Aquarius ascendant is rising and the lord Saturn is in the eigth house from the saham ascendant indicating a scandal. Saturn also signifies a Servant(Butler).

The News Source :

Astro data Bank Link :

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Explosion in Allahabad and Fire in Delhi - Ketu effect

A low intensity explosion in a slum in Allahabad was reported a while ago which resulted in the death of 6 children and several injured.

A major Fire Broke out in Punjab National Bank building in New Delhi and 20 people are feared trapped in the building.

These two are the effect of the 6  planetary conjunction over  Taurus, the Natal Ascendant in the Indian Independance Chart.The sign Taurus in the chart also has A5,the panchamaaroodha which shows Power and  signifies New Delhi as it is the Capital and the seat of Power of India.There is a terrorist activity threat as debilitated Ketu is afflicting the ascendant.

The decline in the value of Rupee now to Rs 56 a dollar is also the effect of the conjunction mentioned. Mercury the Second lord of the Indian Independance chart is right now combust and has just a day before entered Taurus.

The sign Taurus signifies some European countries and the conjunction has resulted in an earth quake in Italy and has also resulted in the Greece being asked to alienate from the Euro zone due to the debt crisis.

The share price of the much hyped about and the third largest IPO on NASDAQ Facebook is coming down and this too is the effect of combust  Mercury as it signifies Trade in general.

Mercury is the lord of the third house of the natural zodiac and signifies short distance travels,communications and trade. Mercury is in combustion and in conjunction with Ketu. At the time when Mercury was just entering Taurus,a train mishap happened in Andhra Pradesh. Hampi express travelling to Bangalore collided with a stationery goods train.The train driver ignored a stop signal before colliding into the Goods train. Here in this context Mercury represents the stop signal and the Rahu/Ketu axis signifies the train.

There was also a bus accident in Albania which too is the effect of combust Mercury conjunct debilitated Ketu.

The conjunction is to be there till June 4 and we may see some more events before this date. There is a lunar eclipse too in Taurus on June 3rd.

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Mrigasira

Sun in Mrigasira - Artists,interested in decoration,skilful inn financial matters,good position,service to people,skilful in many sastras,interest in Astrology

Mars in Mrigasira - Tough in Speaking,responsibilities,rheumatism,confrontation with family,and with paternal relatives,problems in marital life.
Mercury in Mrigasira - Good nature,getting wealth of others,intelligence,happiness through women,religious nature,hard working
Jupiter in Mrigasira - worrying nature,writing skills,supportive to all,
Venus in Mrigasira - Music,sensuous,helping nature,confrontation with relatives,skilled in many sastras,two marraiges,comfortable life,
Saturn in Mrigasira - slim physique,excessive expenditure,health problems in childhood,not so hard working.
Rahu in Mrigasira - many problems,respected by all,fortune after 45 years,education,enlightenment,good children
Ketu in Mrigasira - frequent worries,happiness from children,bad attitude,oral diseases

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in Rohini

Sun in Rohini - Skill ful,social service,attractive physique,mass appeal,illhealth,frequent travels,differences with spouse,interested in decoration

Mars in Rohini - Singing, skilled in playing various musical instruments,job in army,fearless,happiness from spouse, jealous nature,earning in questionable means,

Mercury in Rohini - oratory skills,Famous,illicit relations,problems with siblings,will have to take care of sisters,
Jupiter in Rohini - Philosophy,Honest,Spiritual enlightenment, illicit relations,frequent travels,will be skilled in achieving their goals in life
Venus in Rohini - Wealth, confrontation with family,fine arts,illicit relations, various comforts
Saturn in Rohini - Religious,interest in speculation,gains through cattle,good physique,interest in sastras,interested in research, changing nature,
Rahu in Rohini - slim physique, excessive eating,fame,good longevity,
Ketu in Rohini - staying away from native place,dependent on others,profession in teaching,religious,practicing mantras

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturn,Moon and Death of Mother - Bhrigu Nadi

Saturn having Moon in the 2nd House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 28-29 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 3rd House  -  The native's mother may die when the native is 30 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 4th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 32 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 5th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 35 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 6th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 38 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 7th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 40 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 8th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 43 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 9th House  - The native's mother may die when the native is 45 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 10th House - The native's mother may die when the native is 31 or 57 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 11th House - The native's mother may die when the native is 48 or 50 years old
Saturn having Moon in the 12th House - The native's mother may die when the native is 25 years old

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI 's Sun in Brahmalokamsa

This is the chart of the Current reigning Pope, Benedict XVI.

The Birth details given in the Astro data bank site are rated AA which means the details are based on the birth certificate and hence very accurate.
In the adjoining chart we can see a very strong Sun in Aries with a Shadbala of 165% and  not aspected/conjunct with any malefic. Strong Sun in a horoscope shows spiritual inclinations and Sun in his exaltation in the Martian sign of Aries denotes a religious leader.

There are three issues of interest in this chart apart from the strength of Sun.The issues are :  

1. Sun in Brahmalokamsa in Vaiseshikamsas ( which means Sun is in exaltation or own houses in Eight of the Ten Divisional charts(Dasa Varga scheme) . 

2. Rahu/Ketu axis is falling on the Galactic centre and R/K are conjunct Mars and Pluto.

3.Mars the dispositor of Sun is significantly over the R/K axis which in turn  as said in the previous point is on the Galactic centre.Mars is at 6 Ge in conjunction with Rahu at 7 Ge and in opposition to the Moksha Karaka Ketu in Sagittarius at 7 Sg.

These combinations establish the birth of  an enlightened spiritual leader.

His Atma karaka being Jupiter makes him know the Vedanta Philosophy and Ketu in his karakamsa shows he would be interested in Astrology.Moreover Jupiter is in Aquarius,the raasi which signifies spirituality.

Data Source : 

Saturn,Sun and Father's death - Bhrigu Nadi

Bhrigu Nadi gives the ages of the native at which he loses his father. Following are the ages with respect to placement of Sun from Saturn :

Saturn with Sun - when the native is 30 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 2nd house - when the native is 36 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 3rd house - when the native is 31 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 4th house - when the native is 32 years Old
Saturn having Sun in the 5 th house - When the native is 42 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 6th house - when the native is 30 or 37 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 7th house - when the native is 32 year old
Saturn having Sun in the 8th house - when the native is 35 or 37 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 9th house - when the native is 52 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 10th house - when the native is 31 or 42 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 11th house - when the native is 42 years old
Saturn having Sun in the 12 th house - When the native is 45 years of age

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saturn - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective - III

Saturn has Sun,Venus and Mercury next to him - The native will have good job with all benefits and good income
Saturn has Mercury,Venus,Mars in the preceeding houses - The native will become a money lender
Saturn in Scorpio with Rahu in Sagittarius (forest) and Mars next to him - The natives profession will be pertaining to wood or dealing in furnitures
Saturn has venus next to him - The native's father will have lot of enemies
Saturn and Rahu in the 2 nd house to Sun - The native's father will be suffering from wind problems
Saturn has Venus in the 2nd house and Sun with Mercury in the 4th house to Saturn - The native will be employed in Govt.treasury or financial concern
Saturn having Sun and Mercury in the 7th house to Saturn - The native will be employed in a rich concern
Saturn in Aries or Scorpio without any planets in the adjoining houses - The native will not have proper settlement in life or will frequently change professions
Saturn having Sun and Mercury in the adjoining houses - The native will be earning by doing pious or divine ceremonies
Saturn touches Sun and Mercury before touching Venus - The native will have gain of wealth or income from father.

Planetary Alignment Dec 3 rd 2012

Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) - 5,000 years old.

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza. Image generated by Starry Night Pro (the same view of the planets can be obtained using any other astronomy program, e.g. Stellarium.

Also, it should be noted, that planetary convergence only happens every 2,737 years, and its different for at least 2 more cycles running the program forward… and doesn’t happen again for over 28,000 YEARS if you run that program backwards in time…

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in the Constellation Krittika

Sun in Krittika
- Interest in Astrology,Fond of eating, Many children,Problems to eyes,Rude talking,fear of diseases,earning money in middle age,diseases related to water,

Mars in Krittika - Law profession, Good at speaking, fevers,trouble due to thieves, profits due to speculation,fortune after marraige, multiple marraiges for some,

Mercury in Krittika - Government Job, Respected in society, interested in women, fame after 40th year, good looking, attaining good position in profession,

Jupiter in Krittika - Knowledge in many sciences, interested in travel, spiritual, Religious initiation,interested in women,good looking,

Venus in Krittika - feminine nature, legacies, trouble with brothers and sisters, menstrual problems to women, interested in beauty,music.

Saturn in Krittika - Good longevity, laziness,sex with older women,familial happiness,residence in foreign lands, un clean, characterless,

Rahu in Krittika - Illicit relations,good health, spiritual power, residence in foreign countries, heavy responsibilities in family.

Ketu in Krittika - troubles in Job,dissatisfaction, bad habits,speculative tendencies, children, marital troubles, illicit relations. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in the Constellation Bharani

Sun In Bharani - The native will be interested in Astrology, Legal education, happiness, very skilled in his profession, problematic child hood,

Mars In Bharani - residence in distant lands, should be careful with weapons and vehicles, weak constitution, relations with women, comforts and pleasures,

Mercury in Bharani - writing skills, skilled at many works, helping nature, surgeries,

Jupiter in Bharani - Honest, Good oratory skills, religious, long distance travels, interest in tantra

Venus in Bharani - interest in singing, seeking pleasures, company of women, profession related to public, religious nature

Saturn in Bharani - religious nature, charitable nature, skilled in research, intelligent, irregular menstruation in women, two mothers,

Rahu in Bharani - Fame, strength, good education, interest in poetry, money from milk products, differences with wife

Ketu in Bharani - The native is a Yogi, diseases related to water, interest in research, many diseases, weak eye sight.

Powerful Cosmic force would have destroyed Earth

A very interesting, but also frightening event took place back some years ago when satellites and observatories suddenly registered an extremely powerful cosmic force that almost destroyed Earth. The explosion, coming from the Bootes constellation was firing material directly toward Earth traveling at almost the speed of light.

The explosion formally named GRB 080319B was detected at 2:13 a.m. EDT on March 19, 2008. It came from the constellation of Bootes.

The event, called a gamma-ray burst, became bright enough for human eyes to see.
In a scientific report, Judith Racusin of Penn State University and a team of 92 coauthors state that observations across the spectrum began 30 minutes before the explosion and followed its afterglow for months.

The team concludes the burst's extraordinary brightness arose from a jet that shot material directly toward Earth at 99.99995 percent the speed of light. 

At the same moment Swift saw the burst, the Russian KONUS instrument on NASA's Wind satellite also sensed the gamma rays and provided a wide view of their spectral structure. A robotic wide-field optical camera called "Pi of the Sky" in Chile simultaneously captured the burst's first visible light.
The system is operated by institutions from Poland.
Within the next 15 seconds, the burst brightened enough to be visible in a dark sky to human eyes.
It briefly crested at a magnitude of 5.3 on the astronomical brightness scale.
Incredibly, the dying star was 7.5 billion light-years away.

Telescopes around the world already were studying the afterglow of another burst when GRB 080319B exploded just 10 degrees away.

TORTORA, a robotic wide-field optical camera operated in Chile with Russian-Italian collaboration, also caught the early light. TORTORA's rapid imaging provided the most detailed look yet at visible light associated with a burst's initial gamma-ray blast.


A powerful jet from the Bootes constellation was directed at Earth. Image credit: NASA
Immediately after the blast, Swift's UltraViolet and Optical Telescope and X-Ray Telescope indicated they were effectively blinded. Racusin initially thought something was wrong. Within minutes, however, as reports from other observers arrived, it was clear this was a special event.
Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's most luminous explosions. Most occur when massive stars run out of nuclear fuel. As a star's core collapses, it creates a black hole or neutron star that, through processes not fully understood, drive powerful gas jets outward. These jets punch through the collapsing star. As the jets shoot into space, they strike gas previously shed by the star and heat it. That generates bright afterglows.
The team believes the jet directed toward Earth contained an ultra-fast component just 0.4 of a degree across. This core resided within a slightly less energetic jet about 20 times wider.

Gamma-ray bursts are the Universe's most luminous explosions.
Image credit: NAS
"It's this wide jet that Swift usually sees from other bursts," Racusin explained. "Maybe every gamma-ray burst contains a narrow jet, too, but astronomers miss them because we don't see them head-on."

Such an alignment occurs by chance only about once a decade, so a GRB 080319B is a rare catch.

Could then such a gamma-ray destroy life on Earth? That depends on the nature of the burst and its location.

There are two type of gamma-ray bursts. 

There is a longer, brighter burst and a "short-hard" burst, which lasts less than a second but seems to give off more radiation than a longer burst.

If a gamma-ray happened inside the Milky Way, its effects on Earth would be much longer lasting.

These bursts of radiation reach the Earth's atmosphere and cause free oxygen and nitrogen atoms to bang together, and some recombine into ozone-destroying compounds called nitrous oxides.
Short gamma-rays could be caused by dense neutron stars or colliding black holes.
According to researchers, such stellar collisions might occur once every 100 million years in any given galaxy. At this rate, Earth would have been hit by several of these short-hard events over the course of its 4.5-billion-year history.
It is possible that a short gamma-ray was responsible for at least one planet-wide extinction event in the past.
We do not know with certainty what would have happened if the powerful jet from the Bootes constellation would have hit our planet, but we can be thankful it missed our planet.

Jupiter - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective

Jupiter's 5th house and the number of planets in the 5th house from Jupiter or number of planets aspecting the 5th house - This denotes the number of children of the native. Male or female children are known from the number of male and female planets

Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction having Mars in the 7th house to Jupiter - The native's brother will be inimical to the native

Jupiter and other planets between Rahu/Ketu and Mars out of the R/K axis - The native's brother will be step brother and not a own brother

Jupiter and Saturn together and Ketu in the next house - The native is born by divine blessing

Jupiter's 10th house is aspected by Mars - The native takes up printing and machinery works

Jupiter has venus in the 2nd house - The native will get wealth and monetary gains after marraige

Jupiter's 4th house lord is out of R/K - The mother of the native is in love with another person other than the father of the native

Jupiter and Sun together in exaltation or moola trikona - The native's father will be in a high position with name and fame

Jupiter's conjunction with Mars and Mercury - The native will have very little education

Jupiter in exaltation with Sun in the 7th house to Jupiter - The native will be a noble man

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ravana Samhitha - Results of Planets in the Constellation Aswini

Sun in Aswini
- The native will have Fame,wealth,Religious and blood defects
Moon in Aswini - The native will have a helping nature, cruel,Position
Mars in Aswini - The native will be Short Statured ,will attain  Power, will have Average fortune,fear of Fire,happy marital life,and will beget Girl children
Mercury in Aswini - The native will be of Deceitful nature,Characterless,well educated, Fame after 35th year,will become a doctor,expert in surgery,religious,writing skills,
Jupiter in Aswini - The native will acquire much knowledge, good at speaking, writing skills,loans,fame,profit due to speculation
Venus in Aswini - The native will be stout bodied,intelligent,political life,writing skills,will have singing and acting skills
Saturn in Aswini - The native will have a problematic child hood,income from forests,unsocial activities,and will have gambling skills
Rahu in Aswini - The native will be intelligent,strong body,religious,trouble in the head,Spiritual nature,poverty,and will not have marital happiness. The native will also develop diseases due to defects in Vata
Ketu in Aswini - The native will be good oratory skills,well educated,fame,will be learned in sastras,will have mass appeal,will be associated with lowly people and will be having a good name in the native place.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Carson Sink UFO Incident ,1952

Description of the Incident :
According to author Edward Ruppelt, on a clear, cloudless day, two U.S. Air Force Colonels requisitioned a twin engine B-25 bomber at Hamilton Field north of San Francisco for a cross-country flight to Colorado. Between Sacramento, California, and Reno, Nevada they entered the "Green 3" aerial highway to Salt Lake City, Utah. At 3:40 P.M. MST while at 11,000 feet (3300 m) over the Carson Sink area east of Reno. According to Ruppelt, the two pilots saw three unknown aircraft make a left bank and fly quickly to within 400 to 800 yards (meters) of their B-25. The two men estimated the speed of the unknown aircraft to be at the very least three times that of the F-86. After four seconds, the aircraft sped away out of the vision of the pilots. When they landed in Colorado Springs, they contacted Air Defense Command Headquarters and learned that no civilian or military aircraft had been anywhere near the Carson Sink at the time of the incident. The two men dismissed the suggestion that they had seen F-86 jets, since they were intimately familiar with the design of that craft. Air Defense Command relayed the report to Ruppelt at Project Blue Book. In his subsequent book, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Ruppelt characterized it as a "good UFO report with an unknown conclusion"

Astrological Indicators for the time :

On a study of the chart for the time, we can see that  there is an exact conjunction of Pluto with the Rahu/Ketu axis on the Cancer/Capricorn axis in the Rasi chart. As observed in the previous posts on UFOs Uranus is not involved in any Multiplanetary conjunction or is on the R/K axis.Hence, the objects sighted may not be UFOs

But Pluto with Ketu, is also conjunct Venus which signifies luxurious vehicles.

There are two possibilities in this event : 

1.The Pilots should have seen High speed Jets as Venus is involved in the conjunction

2.The objects observed were parts of a falling meteor, on seeing which, the pilots confused for aircrafts due to their speed and glowing colour as Pluto is conjunct with Ketu very closely.

Since the conjunction of  Pluto with R/K is very close,the objects being parts of a falling meteor is more likely
Data Source:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UFO Arnold Sighting,1947 - The First Official UFO Sighting

American UFO sighting, the first report to mark the birth of the UFO era of public awareness. Pilot Kenneth Arnold, an Idaho businessman in his private aircraft spotted nine strange objects soaring together near Mt. Rainier, Washington. They were estimated to be traveling at more than 1,200 mph. Arnold observed the saucer-shaped craft for several minutes before they disappeared.

A few months prior, people in Sweden reported strange objects in the sky. Historically, phenomena have been reported along with strange encounters with alien beings. However the Arnold Sighting was the springboard for the modern UFO culture.

Astrological indicators :

Uranus is conjunct Rahu in Taurus along with Venus and Mars in Rasi Chart and in Navamsa chart for the time Uranus is in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis and is in Virgo. 

The conjunction is not very close as said in my previous analyses  posted, we can ignore this factor as the Astro data bank site mentions that people in Sweden reported seeing mysterious flying objects several months before this incident too. This means the earlier event happened when there was a closer conjunction.

The sightings happen continuously when the conjunction of Uranus with Rahu/Ketu starts in a Rasi and continue till they transit out to another.

In Khavedamsa chart, Pluto is significantly conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis in the airy sign of Libra.

Data Source :

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tsunami in Solomon Islands, 2007

This is the first in the series of analyses of Tsunamis and the involvement of Neptune and other planets at the time of occurrence of the Tsunamis.

The adjacent chart is prepared for the time the event happened in Solomon Islands on 24 th April 2007 in the morning at 07.39 am.

Here in below is the description of the Event : 

2007: Solomon Islands 

On April 24, 2007, a powerful magnitude 8.1 (initially 7.6) earthquake hit the East Pacific region about 40 km (25 mi), south of Ghizo Island in the western Solomon Islands at 7:39 a.m., resulting in a tsunami that was up to 12 m (36 feet) tall. The wave, which struck the coast of Solomon Islands (mainly Choiseul, Ghizo Island, Ranongga, and Simbo), triggered region-wide tsunami warnings and watches extending from Japan to New Zealand to Hawaii and the eastern seaboard of Australia. The tsunami that followed the earthquake killed 52 people. Dozens more have been injured with entire towns inundated by the sweeping water which traveled 300 meters inland in some places. A state of national emergency was declared for the Solomon Islands. On the island of Choiseul, a wall of water reported to be 9.1 m (30 feet) high swept almost 400 meters inland destroying everything in its path. The largest waves hit the northern tip of Simbo Island. There two villages, Tapurai and Riquru, were completely destroyed by a 12 m wave, killing 10 people. Officials estimate that the tsunami displaced more than 5000 residents all over the archipelago.

 Astrological Pointers indicating a Tsunami at the time :

As we can see from the above  Rasi Chart , Neptune is in the sign Capricorn which is an Earthy sign opposing Cancer, a watery sign which has Saturn in it. Moon the watery planet too is in Cancer on the day.
Neptune the planet which signifies Oceans and all watery source being in a Earthy sign is of significance here.

Saturn too has much influence over the event as he is in a watery sign and is about to change over into Leo in a short span of 83 days.

Jupiter too has a part in the event as he is retrograde and in the sign of Scorpio, the mysterious Eigth house of the Zodiac.

Mercury is in Pisces, a watery sign which is also his debilitation sign.

So it can be deduced from the above that the watery signs of the Zodiac has strong malefic influences at the time.But Jupiter has aspect over Saturn in Cancer and Mercury in Pisces. This acted as  a modifying influence over the  malefic impact over the watery signs. So Saturn and Mercury are stopped from triggering the Tsunami but both are definitely supporting it. Only Neptune can fully contribute in triggering the Tsunami.

In Khavedamsa at the time :

As seen in the D40 chart included above,  Saturn and Mercury are in Earthy and Fire signs respectively and Significantly, Neptune is in the sign Scorpio which is a watery sign in conjunction with Uranus. Neptune has entered Scorpio in Khavedamsa only four days back ie on 20th April. So as seen in Rasi only Neptune is capable of triggering the Tsunami and his entering the watery sign of Scorpio in D40 has resulted in the Event.

In Khavedamsa, Jupiter is in his exaltation sign of Cancer which is a watery sign and is aspecting Neptune( in Khavedamsa), stopping the planet from causing much devastation.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

When Neptune was Conjunct Rahu/Ketu in May 2008

Neptune is the significator for all watery sources like Oceans,Rivers,Marine life, Oils like Petrol , Drugs among other things.Neptune was conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in Aquarius which is an airy sign around 5 th of May 2008 nd in opposition to Saturn in Leo.Saturn represents People/Masses
The result was there was a cyclone Nargis in Myanmar which resulted in about 65000 deaths and thousands more either injured or displaced.Crude oil prices shot up to the highest level around this date

Following are the other effects of the conjunction :
An earth quake in Siachun, China resulted in blockage of a river which in turn resulted in the formation of a lake threatening habitats leading to evacuation of about 2,00,000 people .

Paleantologists discovered a 380 billion year old fossilised Placoderm fish  

An oil pipeline exploded in Nigeria,killing about 100 people. Neptune signifies Oil and Pipeline is signified by Rahu/Ketu

links to the wiki news have been given hereunder:

May 1-2, 2008 tornado outbreak: Tornadoes affecting the south-central United States kill at least seven in Arkansas. (KAIT8)

Cyclone Nargis: Myanmar's State Peace and Development Council declares that five states in the Irrawaddy River delta are a disaster area following the cyclone with at least 351 deaths. (MSNBC)

Media reports the death toll from Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar to have passed 10,000. (BBC News)

Crude oil futures contracts reach US$120 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange for the first time. (Reuters)

The price of crude oil reaches a new record high of US$125.98 a barrel. (BBC News)

A pipeline explosion near Lagos, Nigeria, kills up to 100 people. (Times Online)

Australian paleontologists discover Materpiscis, a 380-million-year-old placoderm fish which is the earliest known animal to bear live young. (BBC News), (ABC News Australia)

Authorities in the People's Republic of China are preparing to evacuate more than a million people from Sichuan Province as they prepare to drain Tangjiashan Lake created by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. (ABC News Australia)

Alderney UFO Sighting 23 rd April, 2007

This is in continuation to the study of the astrological alignments at the time of occurrence of UFOs. By now it is very clear that the conjunction of Uranus with Rahu/Ketu causes the occurrence of this kind. This is one more event which also proves the same:
 The Incident :

On April 23, 2007, captain Ray Bowyer was flying a routine passenger flight for the civilian airliner Aurigny Air Services, when he and his passengers gained progressively clearer views of two UFOs during a 12 to 15 minute period. Bowyer had 18 years of flying experience, and the 45 minute flight was one that he had completed every working day for more than 8 years.

Their 80 mi (130 km) journey of 45 minutes took them from Southampton on the southern coast of England, southwestwards to Alderney, being 10 miles (16 km) from France, and the northernmost of the Channel Islands. Their particular flight path had them converging on two enormous, seemingly stationary and identical airborne craft, which emanated brilliant yellow light.

A pilot of a plane near Sark, some 25 mi (40 km) to the south, confirmed the presence, general position and altitude of the first object from the opposite direction. Radar traces also seemed to register the presence of an object, which Ray Bowyer believed to be correlated with the position and time of the sighting.

The Astrological Equation at the time

Chart prepared for the time has been uploaded above for your perusal.Uranus is in exact conjunction with Rahu. Uranus was at 23  Aq and Rahu at 21 Aq. Mars is also involved in the conjunction and is at 19 Aq. And we should keep in mind Aquarius is an Airy Sign.

In Navamsa chart : Uranus is again on the Rahu/Ketu axis in Aries/Libra. Libra too is an airy sign.

In Trimsamsa chart : Uranus is conjunct Rahu/Ketu in Gemini which is again an airy sign.

In Khavedamsa chart : Uranus is in the mysterious sign of   Scorpio in conjunction with Neptune which is the significator of mysteries.

Data Source : 

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Battle of Los Angeles - UFO Sightings

Continuing on the analysis of UFO Sightings, this incident which happened at the time of the Second world war, evokes much interest for being in tune with the finding that influences over Uranus result in UFO sightings or some illusions regarding UFO s. This incident happened in the early hours of 25 th of February ,1942. Heavy Anti air craft firing has been done on some unknown flying objects which were believed to be Japanese air craft approaching for an air raid on  Los Angeles and the artillery brigade began firing at the objects. 

Later on the US army officers gave statements that there was no air raid from the Japanese air force and it was a false alarm.

UFOlogists believe that the flying objects were of extra terrestrial nature.

An US air force document describes the event as follows:
"Probably much of the confusion came from the fact that anti-aircraft shell bursts, caught by the searchlights, were themselves mistaken for enemy planes. In any case, the next three hours produced some of the most imaginative reporting of the war: "swarms" of planes (or, sometimes, balloons) of all possible sizes, numbering from one to several hundred, traveling at altitudes which ranged from a few thousand feet to more than 20,000 and flying at speeds which were said to have varied from "very slow" to over 200 miles per hour, were observed to parade across the skies. These mysterious forces dropped no bombs and, despite the fact that 1,440 rounds of anti-aircraft ammunition were directed against them, suffered no losses. There were reports, to be sure, that four enemy planes had been shot down, and one was supposed to have landed in flames at a Hollywood intersection. Residents in a forty-mile arc along the coast watched from hills or rooftops as the play of guns and searchlights provided the first real drama of the war for citizens of the mainland. The dawn, which ended the shooting and the fantasy, also proved that the only damage which resulted to the city was such as had been caused by the excitement (there was at least one death from heart failure), by traffic accidents in the blacked-out streets, or by shell fragments from the artillery barrage."

Astrological analysis:
As we are interested in the astrological synchronicity underlying the event, let us now study the chart for the time the event happened. Above is the chart prepared for the time and appended for your perusal.

In the Rasi chart for the time, a precarious conjunction of Uranus,Mars,Saturn and Jupiter is going on in Taurus.The conjunction is observable only on a closer analysis of the chart. Uranus is at 3 Ta and Mars is at 1 Ta.In addition to the above two, Saturn is at 29 Ar. Jupiter too is involved by being at 19 Ta. At a time when an illusion of UFOs happened it is very interesting to see Uranus and Mars at such a close conjunction. Uranus signifies UFOs and Mars is the Warrior planet.Saturn is the greatest malefic. And the event is about firing of anti aircraft shells at illusory air targets!!!!

In the Navamsa chart for the time Pluto is significantly conjunct Rahu/Ketu in the airy sign of Libra. So the stage is set for something mysterious in the air.

In the Khavedamsa chart Rahu/Ketu are conjunct with Saturn.Saturn as we know is a Planet of Vayu(airy) tatwa.

As in the previously analysed events, Uranus is not conjunct with Rahu/Ketu in this event,but is conjunct with Mars and Saturn and Jupiter. The event may not be a conventional UFO event but only an illusion related to UFO s.If Uranus is conjunct with Rahu/Ketu, then we can expect the object to be of extra terrestrial nature.

The swarms of flying objects as described by the US Air force document may be a meteor shower or a bunch of weather balloons or the artillery shells themselves as seen in the search lights.

Data Source :

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Significations of Planets - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective

Sun - Temple, Shiva, bones, father, head of the  dept,medicine,city,man,religion, vedic, teaching,hard,promotion,Govt.Honors,development,name and fame

Moon - Mother,woman,milk,fickle,changing,smooth, virtuous , restaurants,eatables,hotels,foreign land,psychology,soft,travels,wells and mind

Mars - Brothers,sisters,boils,blood,Govt.service,accidents,typing,printing,spirits,rape,desires,mantras, vedas, machinery, labour , house,land and building,man, Hanuman ,Durga,breaks in education,accidents and in a female horoscope - husband

Mercury - Education,Intelligence,trade and business,law,judicial,twin,double,stomach,son,dual,languages,talking,children,good happenings

Jupiter - Life force,native,living way of life,body,guru,teacher,religion,banking,preacher,chest,holy,pious,nature,moral,principles,gains,philosophy,spiritual science,judicial services

Venus - Eyes,good natured,riches,costly,gold and jewellery,smooth,wife,vehicles,development financially, marraige,female child,mistress,sweet drinks,juices

Saturn - Action,Karma,duty,profession,bad periods,death,delay,desire to do,obstacles,village head man,spirits,livelihood

Rahu - Dryness,gas,empty,trouble,death,accidents,mouth,roads,beginning of the road,family circle,Part of the city in which native is born,spirits,fear,photographer,typist,darkness,secret

Ketu - Tails,end of the family circle,salvation, piligrimage trips,surgery,bad periods,electrocution,diseases,death,hot things,electrification,doctors,teachers,preacher,vedic astrology,chemistry,end,death,photographer,light

The Tehran UFO Incident 19th September,1976

The incident

At approximately 0030 hours local time (2100Z), 19 September 1976, the Imperial Iranian Air Force command post at Tehran received four reports by telephone, from civilians in the Shemiran city district, of unusual activity in the night sky. Some callers reported seeing a bird-like object; others reported a helicopter with a bright light.

 Following is the detailed description of the incident
 a) The object was seen by multiple witnesses from different locations (i.e., Shamiran, Mehrabad, and the dry lake bed) and viewpoints (both airborne and from the ground).
b) The credibility of many of the witnesses was high (an Air Force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators).
c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar
d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft.
e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e., loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object).
f) An inordinate amount of maneuverability was displayed by the UFOs.

As said in the Wikipedia site i believe the incident is the best example for UFO sighting case study, from an astrological point of view also.

Above is the chart for the time the UFO has been first sighted on the day.
On a study of the chart i can emphasise the influence of  Uranus in the incidents of UFO sightings and this one is a classic example.

In the chart , we can see  Uranus being in an Airy sign of Libra. In addition to being situated in Libra, Uranus is in exact conjunction with Rahu. Uranus is at 11 Li and Rahu is at 10 Li and with in one degree to each other.We know Uranus signifies Airplanes and Rahu signifies Mysteries.

As I said in my previous posts on Asteroid hits and UFO 's, Rahu/Ketu in conjunction with Uranus or Uranus in opposition to Saturn or when there are strong influences on Uranus, results in the phenomenon of UFO sightings and Rahu/Ketu in conjunction with Pluto results in Asteroid hits.

When UFOs are sighted in religious places, Pluto in conjunction with R/K axis in Sagittarius, is observed.This is one more incident which proves the point.!!!

Below is the link to the data source from the wikipedia site :

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Significations of Signs - Bhrigu Nadi perspective

Aries - Head,chemicals,ancient history,ancient scripts,fiery,technical machinery etc.,
Taurus - Face,fortune,medicine,painting,singing,music,fine arts,rich house,fortune
Gemini - Intellect,shoulders,law,dual sign,business,trading,house of intellect
Cancer - Mother's house,heart,breast,watery,milk,hotels,restaurants,foreign land,frequent changing,moody
Leo - Father's house,capital city,medicine,fiery,chemistry,stomach/spine,gas,leader,head of the dept,pious,kingly,Govt.head quarters
Virgo - Law,judicial,dominating,intellect,vegetation,business,trade,fickle,commercial house
Libra - Rich,Banking,Gold and Jewellery,fine arts,good,beautiful,luxury,vehicles,royal,house of pleasures
Scorpio - Iron and Steel,Machinery,Chemicals,Police Department,army personnel,mantras,brothers,introvert sign,sex organs
Sagittarius - Dual sign,forest,half good and half bad,dry,banking,teaching,guru,religious,accountancy,thighs,noble
Capricorn - Watery,holy place,village head,slim cautious,royal,politicians,waist
Aquarius - Village,holy waters,renunciation,kingly,politics,liquors,good
Pisces - Dual sign , liberation,feet,pious,holy,salvation,noble,religious

Rahu - Bhrigu Nadi Perspective

Rahu  in his rounds touches Jupiter - The native will have problems
Rahu transits over Jupiter's 10 th house - The native will have professional problems
Rahu transits over natal Sun - Father of the native will have problems
Rahu transits over natal Moon - Mother of the native will have problems
Rahu transits over natal Mars - Brother's of the native will have problems
Rahu is aspected by Jupiter - The native sees his Grand parents
Rahu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter - The grand parent would have earned name and fame
Rahu in Leo - The native will have gastric problems or other problems in stomach
Rahu in the 6 th house - The native may marry a widow

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Mystery of UFO Over Dome of the Rock ,Jerusalem , 29th January,2011

There was news last year,about a UFO hovering over the Dome of Rock,Jerusalem ,in the early hours of 29th January,2011.

Link to the news has been given above for more particulars about the event.
I have prepared a chart for 01.00 Am on 29th to see the planetary alignments at that time. On a study of the planetary alignments in Rasi and Khavedamsa for the time, i can say there were alignments which were definitely supportive of an event of mystical nature.

Let us now study the charts given above :

In Rasi chart:
Pluto is in Sagittarius,the Galactic center,in conjunction with the Rahu/Ketu axis. Pluto and Rahu were also in conjunction with Mercury. Predominantly in this conjunction, Pluto and Rahu were close within about 4 degrees.

Pluto was in Deva Shastyamsa at the time !!!

In one of my previous write up on "Lady of Fatima - The Miracle of  Sun" , i made an observation that Rahu/Ketu were in Deva Shastyamsa at the time of the Miracle. Below is the link to the write up :

Also in one of my previous posts on the astrological significations at the time of occurrences of UFO's i established the presence/Influence of Uranus in the events and as per Western astrologers, Uranus is the significator of Ariel navigation and Airplanes. It is needless to say UFO's come under the category of Airplanes.

While the conjunction of Pluto with Rahu over the Galactic Centre has set the stage for a Mystic/mysterious event, Uranus being in conjunction with Jupiter the lord of Sagittarius in Pisces and  in Opposition to Saturn in Virgo has determined the event to happen at a place of religious significance and that too of a UFO sighting.

Jerusalem, as the readers would know is the birth place of Three religions namely, Judaism,Christianity and Islam.

Neptune,the significator of Mysterious events  is in the sign Aquarius which is an Airy Sign.

In Khavedamsa chart for the time : 

The conjunctions and placements of planets in Khavedamsa definitely show up the possibility of sighting of an UFO.

Uranus is in conjunction to Mercury and both are in turn conjunct the Rahu/Ketu axis in Pisces.
Pluto is in Conjunction to Neptune,the significator of mysteries .