
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

When do Major Earth Quakes happen ?


There are some planetary indicators which are said to cause major Earth Quakes causing loss of life and destruction of property. Following are the indicators generally seen :

1. Earth Quakes occur near about the time of eclipses or Lunations. Most likely after the eclipse.

2. The timing of earth quakes has been noticed between mid day and sunset or between mid night or sunrise.

3. At the time of earth quakes, in some cases, the adverse connections between Mars and Saturn i.e conjunction, opposition , mutual aspect is observed.

4. A Slow moving planet either Jupiter or Saturn is found to be retrograde. Earth quakes occur more often close to the dates of the slow moving planets becoming retrograde.

5. Possibility of earth quakes is more when the slow moving planets ie Jupiter and Saturn have equal declination.

6.When number of planets become conjunct in earthy signs or occupy mutual quadrants or trines or in mutual oppositions either in Rasi or Navamsa possibility of earth quakes happenning is more.

7. When Moon and Mercury are situated in the same constellation or are conjoined earth quakes happen.

8.The asterism of the day of the earth quakes has been noticed to belong to earth or air.

9. Possibility of Earth quakes is more when earth is closer to the Sun. 

10. Earth Quakes occur more often when there is a multi planetary conjunction near to the 1st degree of cardinal signs Aries, Cancer,Libra and Capricorn. 

11. Earth quakes are also observed when Earth is closest to big Comets.

12. Earth quakes occur in those countries where the eclipse falls on mid point of the 4th or 10th houses of the countries horoscope chart.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Second House - The House of Speech and Wealth

The second house represents the face, mouth, teeth, throat, and nose. It represents the right eye for a male . This house represents accumulated wealth . Jewellery and poetry are studied from this house. 

This is the house of speech . This is also the house of family. This is a maraka house. This is an adverse house for the seventh and ninth houses. It is also adverse for the third house.

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram has given certain fundamental combinations for this house.
The individual will be prosperous if the owner of the second house is in the second or in an angle or trine. When the owner of the second house is in the eleventh from the ascendant or vice-versa, or both are placed in angles or trines even then the individual will be rich. 

The individual will be wealthy if the owner of the second house is in an angle and the owner of the eleventh is in the fifth or ninth house from it associated with or under aspect of Jupiter or Venus. 
The individual will be wealthy if, the owner of the second house occupies it and it does not have  aspect or association of Saturn according to Jatakabharanam. The same result will be seen if only naturally beneficial planets are placed in the house. The individual will suddenly turn wealthy according to Jatakatatvam,  when Naturally beneficial planets are placed in the third sixth tenth or eleventh houses from the Moon .

The individual will come by much wealth suddenly when the owner of the navamsha sign in which the owner of the tenth house from the ascendant is placed is associated with the owner of the eleventh house. The same result would be experienced when the owners of the second and tenth houses are associated in an angle or trine 

The association of the Moon and Mars in a chart is an indication of wealth

All the naturally beneficial planets in angles help the individual turn wealthy

The individual will hit upon a treasure if the owner of the second house is in the eighth

A naturally beneficial planet in the eighth house promises wealth but Mercury in the twelfth threatens depletion of wealth due to litigation with relatives

A naturally beneficial planet in the second house will bestow wealth, but a naturally malefic planet there will destroy it.

The owner of the second house in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house will destroy wealth.

According to Jatakabharanam, Mercury in the second house under aspect of the Moon will destroy wealth. Similarly, a waning Moon in the second house under aspect of Mercury will destroy patrimony received by the individual and will hinder his earnings. 

The owners of the second and eleventh houses associated in the sixth house and these two houses occupied by or receiving aspects from naturally malefic planets will cause poverty. Combust owners of the second and eleventh houses associated with naturally malefic planets are highly detrimental to wealth. Such an individual will always remain in penury.

The Sun in debilitation in a trine and Mars in the eighth is a sign of poverty in life. The individual should fear loss of his wealth through thieves or fire if Mars is in the second house.

The owner of the second house under influence of naturally beneficial planets related to a house or its significator will indicate gain of wealth through the concerned relative. For example, such an owner related to Venus, the seventh house or its owner will indicate gain of wealth through wife or women. If the owner is under influence of naturally malefic planets, there will be loss of wealth through the same source.

The individual will gain wealth through medical profession when the owner of the second house is in the sixth, or is related to Saturn or to the owner of the sixth house under influence of naturally beneficial planets.

A weak owner of the twelfth house related to a house or its significator will indicate loss of wealth through the concerned relative. For example, such an owner of the twelfth house related to Mars, the third house or its owner will indicate loss through younger siblings

The owner of the second house in exaltation or in its own house under aspect of Jupiter will turn the individual popular and well known

A strong owner of the second house will ensure good eyesight. When the owner is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house the individual will have eye trouble. However, according to Suka Nadi, all eye troubles will be obliterated when a strong Moon is placed in a trine from Venus.

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, the individual will have trouble in his teeth when the owner of the second house occupies the sixth with Rahu or with the dispositor of Rahu. Even the association of the owners of the second and sixth houses will cause dental trouble. 

The second house and its owner associated with or under aspect of naturally malefic planets will make the individual untruthful.

The owner of the second house in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from the ascendant with Venus or Mercury will cause speech defect according to Suka Nadi.

Naturally beneficial planets in the fifth and eleventh houses ensure full measure of welfare in the life of an individual.

The second house under influence of a naturally beneficial planet will make the individual like to support his family and be with family members.

The individual will enjoy good food when the second house has a naturally beneficial planet, or its owner is associated with or it receives aspect from such a planet. This is the view of Sarvartha Chintamani.

Sixth House - The house of Health , Enemies, Disease and Loans

The Sixth house of a Horoscope tells about the Competition,  injuries , surgery,  damage , enemies and rivals ,  accident , litigation , small intestine , maternal uncle , pancreas , kidneys , debts , subordinate employee , bodily exertion , illness , deception  and weird aberrations, ghosts, disincarnate astral entities, and black magic

It is the fourth house from the third. It therefore represents home and property of younger siblings. It is the third house from the fourth. It therefore represents younger siblings of the mother. It is the second house from the fifth. It represents wealth of the eldest child. It is the twelfth house from the seventh. It represents loss to the spouse. It is the tenth house from the ninth. It represents profession of the father, and it is the eighth house from the eleventh. It represents longevity of and danger to the elder siblings.

According to Garga a naturally malefic planet like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or ketu in this house will destroy enemies, competitors and rivals. 

Sarvagya Bhooshan also states that a naturally beneficial planet in the sixth house indicates that the circle of enemies will be growing, a naturally malefic planet in the sixth causes their destruction.

We can say the same about the aspect of naturally malefic planets on the sixth house. The influence of naturally beneficial planets on the sixth house will promote enemies. This is one of the three Trik houses. 

It is also an Upachaya house. 

The contact of the owner of this house with the ascendant will cause significations of this house to appear in the body of the individual or he will closely experience them. When the owner of the ascendant is in contact with this house and Mars, the individual will get injured, undergo surgery or meet with an accident.

When in the contact between two houses Mercury is also involved the individual will be in close contact with his maternal uncle; when Saturn is so involved he may fall sick or may have to work very
hard; when Rahu is so involved, he may be deceived; and when Ketu is involved he may suffer at the hands of disincarnate astral entities, he may have weird physical deformity or he may be cast a
black magic spell on.

A disease or injury invariably affects the whole physical being. Hence the ascendant will always be involved but the exact part of the body can be determined through the use of the house and karaka. For example, when the ascendant (whole body) and the fourth house (heart) are related to the sixth house, and Mars (significator of surgery) and the Sun (significator of heart) are also involved, the individual is likely to undergo a heart surgery. If instead of the Sun it is the Moon that is so involved, the surgery will be on the lungs.

Mahadeva in Jatakatatvam has given some yogas that appear to work in practice. According to him if the owner of the fourth house occupies the sixth the mother of the individual will be inimical to him; if this is true for the owner of the fifth, the child of the individual will not be well disposed to him. If the owner of the ascendant and the Sun are in the sixth house the individual may be injured by fire; when the Moon is so involved the accident may happen with water .

The combination of the owner of the sixth house with a karaka in ascendant will cause trouble relating to the concerned part of body indicated by the karaka. The owner of the sixth house and the concerned karaka in a house representing a relative will cause trouble relating to the part of the body represented by the karaka to the relative. Suppose Mars is the owner of the sixth house. Mars with the Moon, which is the karaka for face, in the ascendant will cause disease or injury in the face of the individual. This combination in the third house will cause this trouble to the younger sibling.

The basic principle is that a contact between the ascendant, or the house for any relative, with the sixth house will cause trouble for the individual or for that relative. The nature of trouble will be determined by the karaka. If in the above combination the karaka Sun is involved the trouble could relate to fire; the Moon, to water; Mars, injury, accident, litigation or enemies; Saturn, disease; Rahu, deception; and Ketu, extra mundane forces.

When the owner of the sixth house is weak and ascendant is strong, the individual will be able to overcome his enemies.

Venkateswara Daivagna says that a weak owner of the sixth house and a strong owner of the tenth will ensure failure of the enemies of the individual.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fourth House - The House of Mother,Education and Vehicles

This house stands for the heart , chest, lower half of the lungs , breasts , common masses , mind , mother , home , immovable property ,education , happiness , upper part of the liver, vehicle , agriculture , discomfort , and riots . 

This house signifies separation/expenditure/loss to the children of the individual as it is the twelfth from the fifth house. This is the house of success and income for the rivals of the individual being the eleventh from the sixth house. Mars and Jupiter will also play a role. It is the house of high position and authority for the spouse of the individual being the tenth from the seventh. Jupiter (for husband) or Venus (for wife) and the Sun will also play a role. This is the house of trouble and danger for the father of the individual being the eighth from the ninth. Saturn or Mars will also play a role. This is the house of disease, surgery, accident, debt, obstacles etc. for the elder sibling of the individual. Mars or Saturn will also play a role.

This is a Kendra.

The house will yield favourable results when a naturally beneficial planet influences it. Influence of a naturally malefic planet on the house will disturb the affairs of the house and cause setback to them. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastram says that the individual will have a comfortable home if the owner of the ascendant or the fourth house is placed in the house and has the aspect of a naturally beneficial planet. It also says that if the owner of the fourth house is placed in its own sign, in exaltation or in its own navamsha the individual will be happy with his lands, conveyances, houses and musical instruments 

Bhavartha Ratnakara says that a combination of the owners of the fourth and ninth houses in the ascendant would ensure a luxurious life for the individual. The association of the owner of the
fourth house and Jupiter in an angle or trine will also have the same effect 

According to Sarvagya Bhooshana there may be slur on the name of the mother of the individual if Rahu or a naturally malefic planet is associated with the owner of the fourth house. The individual will have respect from the government and public when the owner of the fourth house is under close influence of the owner of the ninth house or Jupiter 

Jatakaparijata says that if the owner of the fourth house, Mercury and Jupiter are placed in the third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses, or they are debilitated, the individual will not have education. The
mother of the individual will keep poor health if the third and fifth houses have naturally malefic planets and the owner of the fourth house is debilitated or in an inimical sign. The individual will be of
good conduct when Mercury projects an aspect to the fourth house or the house is flanked by naturally beneficial planets. The individual stays abroad or lives in somebody else's house if the owner of the
fourth house occupies the twelfth. 

Jatakalankaram says that the individual will be honoured by the government when the owner of the fourth house occupies the ascendant under aspect of Jupiter. He will have many vehicles when the owner of the fourth house is in the eleventh under aspect of Jupiter.

Satya Jatakam says that a planet placed in a sign, constellation or navamsha of a naturally beneficial planet, associated with it, under its aspect or flanked by two such beneficial planets is considered to be in shubha (auspicious) yoga. If it is so with respect to naturally malefic planets, it would be in ashubha (inauspicious) yoga, and when it is with both, it would be in mishrit (mixed) yoga. When the owner of the fourth house is placed in the ascendant in shubha yoga the individual will be wealthy and powerful. 

He will have good food, much property, vehicles and will be happy when the owner in shubha yoga occupies the second house. The results will be adverse when the yoga is inauspicious. He will have some land and property, may have differences with his step brother and may sell his house when the owner is placed in the third house in shubha yoga. He will be very rich when so placed in the fourth
house. In the fifth house in shubha yoga his mother and children will be rich. The mother will be of good character and the children will hold high positions. The uncle of the individual will be a high
dignitary when the owner of the fourth house is placed in the sixth house in shubha yoga but this is not good for the morals or health of his mother 

Jatakatatva says that the mother of the individual will pass away early in his life if Saturn occupies the fourth house under influence of a naturally malefic planet. If Saturn is under the influence of naturally beneficial planet the mother will not die so early. The individual will have very affectionate relations with his mother when the owner of the ascendant is friendly with the owner of the fourth house and both the planets are under influence of naturally beneficial planets.

The owner of the fourth house under influence of Jupiter will make the individual happy.

Ascendant/Lagna - The Start of Life

Life begins with the Ascendant . It is this house that was forming when the individual was born. Therefore this house stands for birth, infancy and the beginning. The Moon corresponds to these characteristics of the house. Hence when Saturn influences the ascendant and the Moon the child is likely to face serious health crisis in his infancy. 

This house represents the human body , head , birth place  and hair . Astrologers of the past analysed this house to tell of persons present and the surroundings at the time of birth This is not a favourable house for the sixth, as it is the eighth from it. Since the sixth house represents maternal uncle of an individual, this house would harm the concerned relative. This is also therefore an adverse house for the  competitors of the individual.

This is not a favourable house for the eighth since it is the sixth from it. When the body gets diseased and troubled in various ways it shows a threat to the longevity of the individual. This house is also not good for the wealth of an individual as it is the twelfth from the second. This house stands for success in matters represented by the third house as it is the eleventh from it. 

The significations of the fourth house get exalted through the first house. The first house is the tenth from the fourth. The first house in relation with the fifth generates an extraordinary love for one's children if the two houses are inclined to be friendly with each other.

There would be much attachment with one's grandchildren when the first is related to the ninth house in a friendly manner. The signs and planets in the first house are of importance as they govern the appearance of an individual

Our classics give many important yogas  that relate to the ascendant. Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra has dealt with such combinations in detail in the chapter on the ascendant. It says that the individual will maintain good health when the ascendant has in it or is under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet

The individual will be long lived, wealthy, and well known and he will keep good health and have comforts when the owner of the ascendant; or, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter is in an angle or in a
triangular house from the ascendant. A naturally beneficial planet associating with the owner of the ascendant in one of these houses would give even better results.

The association of the Moon with any of these naturally beneficial planets in any of the four angles will make the individual fortunate and prosperous.

The owner of the ascendant in a movable sign under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet will also ensure comforts, renown and wealth to the individual. Similarly, a naturally beneficial planet in
the ascendant or its aspect to it would ensure comforts and good health. Such a beneficial planet in the ascendant would also impart a pleasant appearance to the individual. An individual will be happy
in his middle age according to Varah Mihir in Chapter on Miscellaneous Planetary Combinations of Brihajjatakam when the owner of the Moon sign occupies an angular house. Varah Mihir says in the same chapter that when the ascendant or the Moon is in vargottama navamsha the individual will be happy and prosperous throughout his life.

On the contrary, the individual will not have good health or comforts when the owner of the ascendant is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house; or it is associated with a naturally malefic planet. The individual will keep poor health when the owner of the ascendant is either debilitated, placed in an inimical sign or it is combust.

The health of the individual will remain unsatisfactory according to Sarvarth Chintamani when the owner of the sign that the owner of the ascendant occupies is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth
house. The health of the individual will remain indifferent when the ascendant is occupied by or under aspect of a naturally malefic planet without any aspect of a naturally beneficial planet. The Moon too under similar influence would indicate poor health
A naturally malefic planet in the ascendant would also make the individual poor to look at.

A naturally beneficial planet in the ascendant would make the personality of the individual attractive. Others would like to go upto him and be with him. On the contrary, a naturally malefic planet so placed would make the individual appear uninviting and standoffish.

According to Varah Mihira in Chapter on Evils in his  Brihajjatakam an individual with:
1.Jupiter in the ascendant and Saturn in the seventh house will suffer from gout, rheumatism, or other windy complaints; 
2.Jupiter in the ascendant and Mars in the seventh house will turn insane; 
3.Saturn in the ascendant and Mars in the fifth, seventh, or ninth house will be an idiot: 
4.Saturn and the Moon in the twelfth house from the ascendant will be an idiot; Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius in the ascendant under aspect from a naturally malefic planet will turn bald;
5.Cancer, first 20° of Scorpio, first 10° of Capricorn or the last 10° of Pisces in the ascendant under aspect or occupation of naturally malefic planet will be under restraint. 
6.When the ascendant is within stipulated degrees of Cancer, Capricorn or Pisces, the individual will be kept under restraint in a building; when in Scorpio, he will be kept in a subterranean cell. 

According to Varah Mihira in Chapter on Female Horoscopy of Brihajjatakam when:

A sign of Venus in a female chart rises in the ascendant which is in Aquarius navamsha or Venus is in a navamsha of Saturn and vice-versa and these two planets aspect each other, the individual will have lesbian inclination.

A sign of Mars or Saturn rises with afflicted Moon and Venus the female individual and her mother would both be promiscuous

The ascendant and the Moon both indicate infancy. When the Moon and ascendant have influence of naturally malefic planets, life in infancy is jeopardised. There is a large number of combinations that suggest the possibility of very early demise of an infant. Saravali has listed such combinations in fair number with subtle variations, but the basic principle remains. A debilitated, waning or badly placed Moon under adverse influence in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house and the ascendant under aspect of or associated with a naturally malefic planet would point to an early demise of the infant. If in addition,
the owner of the ascendant is also placed similar to the Moon the possibility of the infant passing away very close to the day of his birth would become very strong.

It has also been stated that when the owners of the Moon sign and ascendant are together in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house in a combust state the child would die in the number of years that is indicated by the sign. For example, in case these two planets are in Cancer in the birth chart, the sign being fourth in the order of signs, the child would die in the fourth year. Almost all the classics talk of the Adhi yoga that is formed by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupying the sixth, seventh and eighth houses from the ascendant or the Moon. Such an individual is long lived and prosperous, he holds a high position, is indomitable and keeps very good health. Varah Mihira in Brihajatakam has described this combination in Chapter on Lunar Combinations. 

Sarvartha Chintamani has given combinations for obesity and emaciation of the physique. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are watery signs. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. When a non-watery planet is in the ascendant that has a non-watery sign the individual will be slim. More than one naturally malefic planet in the ascendant that has a non-watery sign will also make the individual slim. The owner of the ascendant associated with a non-watery planet or
placed in a non-watery sign will make the individual slim. 

The individual will tend to put on weight in case the ascendant has a watery sign and it is occupied with a naturally beneficial planet . When the owner of the ascendant is a watery planet and is associated with a naturally benefic planet the individual becomes over weight. Even when the owner of the ascendant is not a watery planet but is placed in a watery sign and is associated with a naturally benefic planet, 
will turn obese, The Individual could be obese if Jupiter occupies or projects an aspect to the ascendant. If at the same time the ascendant has a watery sign the condition would be much aggravated. Even a naturally beneficial planet in the ascendant under aspect of another naturally beneficial planet would turn the individual fat.

According to that Parasara Hora Shastram an individual with the owner of the ascendant in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house associated with a naturally malefic planet will not have physical felicity Jatakalankaram also supports this statement 

The Individual will have poor health when the owner of the ascendant is combust, debilitated, or in an inimical sign.

The owner of the ascendant with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in an angle or trine will make the individual long lived, wise, wealthy and powerful Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that the individual will have
physical felicity when the owner of the ascendant is in its own navamsha and it is associated with or under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet

If a naturally beneficial planet is placed in an angle or trine, the individual will remain free of disease.
A naturally beneficial planet placed in the ascendant or projecting an aspect to it will ensure physical felicity to the individual. 

A naturally malefic planet occupying the ascendant or projecting an aspect to it without any redeeming aspect by a naturally beneficial planet will deprive the individual of physical felicity.
A naturally malefic planet in the ascendant will make the individual ugly. A naturally beneficial planet so placed will make him handsome.

Sarvartha Chintamani says that a movable sign in the ascendant or in the navamsha of the ascendant, the owner of the ascendant being a fast moving planet or ascendant receiving the aspect of a fast moving planet will keep the individual constantly moving in life. Phaladeepika extends this effect to the owner of the ascendant too. Placed in its own sign, the owner will retain the individual at his place of birth; placed in a movable sign the individual will never remain at one place; and placed in a fixed sign he will remain at one place for life. The owner in a common sign will keep the individual at one place for a while and then he will move on. 

Phaladeepika says that when the owner of the ascendant is with a powerful planet the individual will receive help and support from powerful persons in his life. If, on the other hand, the owner of the ascendant associated with a weak or debilitated planet will bring the individual in contact with only persons of common or poor status.

Jatakatatva says that the individual will be lean when Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, or Sagittarius rises and the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupies the ascendant. The same effect would be seen if the owner of the ascendant is placed in one of these signs or it is associated with one of these planets.

Jatakatatva says that the individual would be corpulent when Jupiter occupies the ascendant or projects an aspect to it.

The owner of the ascendant in Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio will produce a tall person. On the other hand the individual will be short if the owner is placed in Aries, Taurus, Aquarius or Pisces. 

Jatakatatva says that an individual will be deceitful if (1) Mars and Mercury associate, (ii) Mercury is placed in Aries, (iii) Mars occupies the third house without association or aspect of a naturally beneficial planet, (iv) the owner of the fourth or the ninth house is in the sixth, or (v) the fourth house has a naturally malefic planet or such a planet projects an aspect to the house. It is necessary to
have the fourth house without any blemish if the individual has to be sincere and straightforward. The owner of the ascendant in the fourth house associated with or under aspect of a naturally beneficial
planet would produce a straightforward person. Venus in its own sign, in exaltation or debilitation in the birth chart, in its own navamsha, in Gemini, in the first half of Leo, in the seventh house, or associated with Mars shall make the individual highly desirous of carnal pleasures. We will discuss the effect of planets in each sign in the first house. The location of a planet shall not be taken in Bhava chart

A planet gives results of location in a house taken from the ascendant in its major period or in the major period of a planet that is in contact with this planet. It also gives results of its location in a house taken from the location of a major period planet in its sub period in that major period. Thus, Mars in Gemini would give results of the third house if the ascendant is in Aries in its major period, but in the major period of the Sun in Leo its results in its sub period would also appear to be of Mars in the eleventh house.

This is true for any level of periods. Taking Mars as the inter-period planet in Gemini in the sub-period of Saturn in Libra in the major period of the Sun in Leo, we will analyse the effect of Mars in the
ninth house (from Saturn).

A planet does not give results merely according to the degree that it is occupying in a sign and according to its karakatwa (signification). It is noticed that generally a planet gets swayed by the influence of other planets with which it is related and produces results according to this kind of impact. In each chart a planet also interacts with other planets and produces many other different results,

Varah Mihira has said in Chapter Seventeen of Brihajjatakam that results mentioned for a planet in a sign will come to pass fully if the sign containing the planet, the owner of the sign and the concerned planet are all powerful. This means that none of the three is afflicted in any manner by naturally malefic planets. These three should also be associated with or under aspect of naturally beneficial planets. The results would appear in proportion to the strength of the three elements. If not even a single element is
strong, results are unlikely to be seen.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Results of Planets Situated in Aries / Mesha

Native will be self-willed person and exercise self-authority. He will do things according to his own will. Exalted here-Father will enjoy patronage and help from Central Government. Native's Son will also have similar privilege and he will earn name and fame, having his profession related to Technical side.

MOON Native will have his mental stability limited due to stubbornness. More self-centered and cares more about his personality and looks. Mother will have only sympathy towards people in trouble and may not help them.

MARS it is Moolatrikona for Mars . He will be aggressive and dashing. Native will be bright, quite efficient and enjoys the friendship of influential people in society. He is tall in stature, ruddy complexion and gets on in life by the dint of his own talents. He will be gained from the Technical organisation 

MERCURY  Native may be of hasty and quick thoughts and speaks fast and sometimes hurting. Native is well versed in Technical field and always engaged in work. He will stubborn in nature.

JUPITER Native will have tall body, a small nose and is always engaged in work and business affairs. He may have heat related problems. 

VENUS Wife hails from decent family. She is little tall having triangular face. She is courageous. She will have her own house after marriage. Native earns well in a profession of technical field and having some connection with Govt. He will have effortless gain.

SATURN  Native will have his profession related to technical nature. He may get co-operation from Govt. In his hand, line of fortune, develops slowly.

RAHU and KETU Will act as the planet with which they are associated with. If not associated with any other planet or are unaspected, then they give results of Mars as they are shadowy planets. 

The Third House - Vikrama Sthana or the house of Siblings

This house stands for short journeys , upper part of lungs , courage , younger siblings, arms and shoulders , right ear , lower neck , communications , writing ,  and drama, music and dance .

This house represents separation/expenditure/loss for the mother as it is the twelfth from the fourth house. If the third house the fifth is the second from the fourth and therefore it is the house gets linked to the fifth, the mother may face outgo of wealth as of accumulated wealth of the mother. Here Jupiter and Saturn will play a role. It is the house of success and income for the eldest child of the individual, being the eleventh from the fifth house. Here Jupiter will play a role. It is the house of religion, higher studies, good fortune and long journeys for the spouse of the individual since it is the ninth house from the seventh. Here Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu will play a role. It is the house of business and partnership for the father of the individual being the seventh from the ninth. Here Mercury and Venus will play a role. It represents the children of the eldest sibling of the individual since it is the fifth house from the eleventh. Here Jupiter will play a role. It is the house of profession and high status for the maternal uncle of the individual. Here Saturn and the Sun will play a role. The third house represents neighbours of the individual as Gopal Ratnakar says that younger siblings should be considered from the third house and the elder from the eleventh. It is said to be a house of longevity since it is the eighth house from the eighth .

It is the sixth house from the tenth and could cause obstructions and trouble in the affairs of the tenth house.

The affairs represented by this house are exalted in the twelth house. 

This is an upachaya house and therefore also stands for growth

The individual will have good results relating to the house according to Brihar Parashar Hora  Shastram if it is occupied by or it receives aspect from a naturally benefic planet.

He will be happy with his younger siblings if the owner of the third house and Mars are either placed in the house or they project aspects to it. 

When the owner of the house and Mars are either placed in signs of naturally malefic planets or are associated with such planets the younger siblings of the Individual may not survive or there may be much unhappiness on their account.

If the Moon or Venus owns the house or if they occupy it the individual will have sisters and he will be happy with his sisters.'

In case this is so with male planets viz., the Sun, Mars or Jupiter, will have brothers and he will be happy with his younger brothers.

When both male and female planets influence the house he will have both brothers and sisters.

When Mars, the karaka for younger siblings, and the owner of the house are both placed in the eighth house and are under influence of a naturally malefic planet, the younger siblings will be  destroyed. 

When the owner and karaka are placed in angles, triangles or are in their signs of exaltation or friendly signs, the individual will get happiness from his younger siblings. We can say the same if these two planets occupy their own or friendly vargas .

The younger siblings will prosper if the owner of the house, karaka or the house itself is associated with a naturally beneficial planet or it projects an aspect to the owner, karaka or the house respectively.

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra says that when the Sun occupies the third house the individual is unlikely to have elder siblings. Saturn in such a position will ensure that the individual does not have younger siblings, and, when Mars occupies the third house he will not have any siblings, whether elder or younger.

Manasagari amends this. It says that when the Sun occupies the third house the individual is unlikely to have elder siblings, when Mars or Saturn is in the house he will not have younger siblings and when Rahu occupies the house he will neither have elder siblings nor younger.

Satya Jatakam says that when the owner of the third house is friendly to the owner of the ascendant and it occupies a triangular house from the ascendant or from the owner of the ascendant the individual will have cordial relations with his siblings. In practice, when the two owners are not inimical to each other nor are they placed in adverse houses from each other, the relations between the  two would be cordial.

Jatakatatvam says that when the third house is under influence of naturally beneficial planets, has a naturally malefic planet placed in it, its owner is powerful or it occupies an angle or a triangle, the
individual will be courageous.

When a naturally beneficial planet occupies the third house,   or the owner of the house is exalted or is placed in a friendly sign, the individual according to Sarwagya Bhooshanam, a little known treatise used in Andhra, will be courageous and of a stable mind.

Satya Jatakam says that the individual will be notorious and nobody will have a good word for him if the owner of the third house occupies the ascendant under influence of a naturally malefic planet.

Again, Satya Jatakam says that the owner of the third house in a movable sign in the seventh would ensure that the sibling of the individual would live at a distant place. The question of determination of number of siblings has been best settled by Jatakaparijatam. Having determined if the individual is
likely to have siblings at all, Jatakaparijatam says that the number of strong planets that occupy the third house or associate with or project aspects to the owner of the house, its karaka or the house would be the number of siblings. This is the most practical method and gives good results. This method is universally applicable. It can be as efficiently applied to the case of determination of number of children or other relatives as well. There are however other methods also that are being given below.
that of the younger siblings.

Vaidyanath says in Jatakaparijatam that the number of planets in the the eleventh and twelfth houses would be the number of elder siblings and the number of planets in the second and third that of the younger siblings .

Bhavartha Chandrika has given a unique way to determine the number of elder and younger siblings. We should first determine the strongest planet among Mars and the owner and occupant of the third house. The number of dwadasamsas it has traversed in  the sign that it occupies would indicate the number of siblings the individual should have. 

Satya Jatakam has given another method to determine the number of siblings. It says that we should first determine the cusp of the third house. We should then see as to how many navamsas the cusp has crossed. The number of crossed navamshas will be the number of siblings.  This is applicable to the fifth house also for determination of number of children. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

About the Spouse - Planetary Combinations which give a description of to be Wife - In a Male Horoscope

As per Nadi system combinations of some planets with Venus, the Kalatra karaka, reveal about how the Wife will be like and her nature :

If Venus is with Sun in the male chart, his wife would be a respectable woman with dignity, hailing from a good house , having qualities of  accumulating wealth and forgiving nature. She might suffer from bile complaints. She will be an administrator, philanthropist, kind hearted and a social worker.

If Venus is with Moon , the wife will be hailing from a distant place, will be shimsical in nature with an interest in travelling and arts. She will lend her ears for hearsay, will be unsteady in mind and blameworthy. She will suffer from cold related problems besides undergoing misunderstandings with in-law's.

If Venus is with  Mars , the wife will be good at picking up quarrels with husband, yields to flattery, may suffer from cardiac problems. Is dominating in nature, she is very straight forward, at times Proud in nature not bending to anybody, hot tempered

If Venus is with Mercury , the wife will be Social, fun seeking and good at speech, with a capacity to overcome difficult situations, and will have a generous quality accusation and face troubles. Academic qualifications may not of treating everybody equally and yet she will be subjected to be to a marked degree but will be quite intelligent. In later stages she may develop some skin problems. Her husband will have business acumen.

If Venus is with Jupiter,  the wife will be Polite, Religious minded and pious with guiding qualities, she will enjoy a respectable status and will get honour for both side of the family. She may suffer due to obesity.

If Venus is with Saturn , the wife will be  lazy at times, but she will be inclined to take up some profession or other for earnings.

If Venus is with Rahu ,  This combination makes her very attractive and beautiful but secretive, sometimes liar and lazy too. She sums up money. Husband gains vehicles. She will have luxurious life with storied building to live in. Health may create some problem due to heat and gastric troubles.

If Venus is with Ketu, Divine contemplating person, interested in gathering money and wealth with charitable disposition at her will.

If Venus is with Sun and Moon , the wife will be a  respectable lady with a travelling interest

If Venus is with Sun and Mars  , the wife will be very fortunate , proud and stubborn and does not like to be instructed

If Venus is with Sun and Mercury , the wife will be Intelligent and good person bringing honour to both the families

If Venus is with Sun and Jupiter, the wife will  possess qualities to help settle others dispute with justice and efficiency. She is Bold and getting help from influenced persons. She may involve in social activities. Her children will have good fortune. She will have respectable marital home.

If Venus is with Sun and Saturn. the wife will be  with a respectable family background, where in her father must have faced hardships at her birth time. She may have problems in male progeny to surpass with divine grace.

If Venus is with Sun and Rahu , the Father of the wife must have overcome enemies and situations of endangering life. This woman is destined to enjoy more benefits at her marital home compared to her parental house. Unless some good planet influences from 5th sign there will be problems for male issue.

If Venus is with Sun and Ketu , the Father of the wife  must have had property litigations in her child hood. This combination does not assure a significant fortune. It would be just average.

If Venus is with Moon and Sun , the Father of the wife must have settled in some other place. She has a variable nature with an artistic bent of mind.

If Venus is with Moon and Mars , An intelligent woman who likes travelling, though artistic in nature at times becomes adamant; She will have troubles through elders in the family and even from her brother in law Her husband will have change of place and prospers through travelling. After selling a house property she buys another

If Venus is with Moon and Mercury , the wife will be Intelligent enough to grasp things quickly, with a social bent of mind, very active and gains knowledge in various artistic fields. She will have brothers and sisters. She will visit many holy places. She loves nature and treats guests fairly. One of her sister will be whimsical in nature. The fortune of the husband is greatly influenced by her good luck and he will gain assets and even gets compensate the losses if any suffered by him. Despite he will suspect her due to her smiling and social nature Persons helped by her will take advantage of her generosity and blame her at a later date making her a scapegoat

If Venus is with Moon and Jupiter, the wife will be a A respectable lady, enjoys food, will be yellow and red tint complexion. Hails from a good family background she was born at a holy place. She has the quality of respecting elders and treating guests fairly. She will have interest in performing divine deeds. She will enjoy wealth and fortune. Her influence will also greatly promote her husband's prosperity despite some change of place. She may suffer due to intestinal problems.

If Venus is with Moon and Saturn, the wife will be Fairly good looking lady with oily red colour, a good house wife at times expressing laziness, will suffer from cold related problems. After marriage the husband will have changes in career

If Venus is with Moon and Rahu, This is a very bad combination for wife. She is fair looking and will be interested in munching food. At time her innocent behaviour creates unhappy situations and her husband mistakes may even call for treatment. Her husband may not have fair her and rebuffs her causing mental disturbance to her which conjugal bliss and seeks outside pleasures. He would feel it is his karma to lead a married life with such problematic wife. The wife should not be allowed to wander in late evenings in lonely place; water bound areas as they are prone to catch evil spirits

 If Venus is with Moon and Ketu , the wife will be with a good fortune at birth place, she will develop intuitional powers and will incline towards self-realization and liberation. She might contemplate on renouncing the world. She might expressively pride and adamant and believes in over cleanliness by dipping in holy water or sacred baths for prosperity. She lacks confidence in her own doings causing repetitive efforts.

If Venus is with Mercury and Sun,  the wife is good natured , quite intelligent and respectable. After marriage influences husband's luck wherein he enjoys Land, property Etc,

If Venus is with Mercury and Moon,  By her good talks can attract anybody. She is very adjusting in nature, social. She will be inclined towards artistic talents. Persons helped by her will cheat her. She may suffer from tonsils. She may have more female issues. After marriage husband prospers with lands garden and other properties. Her sister or a friend may fall in love with her husband who will be craving for such relationships.

If Venus is with Mercury and Mars Though education is average she will have an ambition to continue her education as she is quite intelligent. Her nature will be good but little short tempered. She must have skipped a marriage alliance before this marriage.

If Venus is with Mercury and Jupiter , With an aptitude for talent and fairly good education, she pursuits having knowledge in varied fields. She has a quality to can be a guide or teacher with little success in intellectual respect learned, elders and intellectuals with an appreciable discretion powers. She is social in nature and will have a fairly good family life.

If Venus is with Mercury and Saturn , Quite intelligent & educated, she will be a commercial career oriented woman. She has good behaviour. Despite the fact that her husband prospers through her fortune, he brings to her dejection which will further be fuelled from her Mother in law.

If Venus is with Mercury and Rahu , Despite being intelligent she suffers due to fear complex.Her husband will be fortunate because of her luck. She can enjoy a luxury life. Her husband may face some hurdles due to enmity or for other reasons which will be solved due to the good fortune of wife.

If Venus is with Mercury and Ketu , Gifted with intuitional powers, inclined towards self-realisation, liberation and renunciation she suffers from nervous debility. She will be devoted to Lord Vishnu. She may have her name related to Goddess Saraswati. Her husband enjoys prosperity due to her fortune and will have gains through green lands agriculture etc.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Sun , Very fortunate with name and fame reserved for later part of life, she can be a guide. She enjoys rich food and luxurious life with accumulated jewellery etc., Luck bestowed at both, birth and marital places because of her. This fate is destined by her past karma. She may be bit yellowish in colour turning red cheeks when angry. She will have respects from social institutions. One of her male progeny will earn name and fame. He may suffer due to excess of heat and nervous debility.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Moon,  With a quality to respect elders she is also respectable. promotion, prosperity and gains further by distant travel She has inclinations to arts. After marrying her, husband gets ultimately the whole family enjoys prosperity.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Mars ,  Her husband will be stubborn in nature causing her problems, though she is good and fortunate. This would also result in unrest in family life and affect prosperity. If he modifies his nature things may change for better.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Mercury , She will be inclined towards divine contemplation, with fair looking and intelligent. Her husband is also intelligent, but will have affairs with female and neglects his wife. Even then her luck will influence him to gain in wealth and prosperity and good career.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Saturn , She is so fortunate to bring good name and to both her birth and marital place. She has the ability to teach and guide others with her knowledge and gets name and prosperity in her life.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Rahu ,  She will dominate her husband in family affairs. She will be inclined towards divinity. She brings luck to her husband after marriage that will make him enjoy prosperity and vehicular gains.

If Venus is with Jupiter and Ketu Very orthodox with good nature with charitable qualities and helping nature she is a fortunate lady at times losing her temper and behaving adamantly.

If Venus is with Saturn and Sun,  Duty minded, shall be career oriented, Father have overcome difficulty at her birth time.

If Venus is with Sarturn and Moon,  Work oriented, capricious in nature will be subjected to blames, she will have desires to travel extensively.

If Venus is with Saturn and Mars ,  Family life may have disruptions due to unrest, quarrels and rifts promoting unhappy situations, but her husband enjoys prosperity due to her luck only. There could be separation due to his career reasons.

If Venus is with Saturn and Mercury , The whole of her luck supports her husband who gets landed gains after marriage. He will have affairs with female during his course of career and can enjoy profits through commercial lines.

If Venus is with Saturn and Jupiter,  Being a career oriented woman, after marriage in later dates enjoys prosperity, name and fame.

If Venus is with Saturn and Rahu , A fair looking woman, might suffer due to problems in cardiac regions but transfer her huge luck to her husband who enjoys enormous wealth, house properties, vehicles etc., without much strain.

If Venus is with Saturn and Ketu , Though her husband survives because of she being fortunate, in the later dates after marriage when some litigation crops up she is subjected to blames by him for the sufferings and dejections in career

If Venus is with Rahu and Sun ,  Father of the native faced endangering situation, before her marriage and overcame the same at later years after her marriage due to her good luck with which the husband also enjoys influencing .

If Venus is with Rahu and Moon, In general this combination can be termed as fortunate have been endangering situations to mother before her as she is intelligent and brings luck to her husband. There could marriage. She may not have co-operation from mother in law even then she can handle the situation. However, she will not be escaped from getting blames. The person may suffer from cold related problems and rheumatism. The person is susceptible to suicidal tendencies at desperate times. Such natives must avoid loitering at night times, water bound places, lonely places to prevent from the spell of evil spirits, by which the person at times may become mentally disabled.

If Venus is with Rahu and Mars , with little fortune it may help husband to enjoy vehicular gains, but time and again, there would be arguments, disputes and quarrels in her family life by which the relation between husband and wife will be strained.

If Venus is with Rahu and Mercury,  Despite the fact that both husband and wife can live happily as her general luck would permit, due to peculiar behaviour of husband she will search for some other source for her pleasures and happiness and equally the husband will also have extra marital affairs.

If Venus is with Rahu and Jupiter, With an average luck during the marriage time, it will gradually improve at later years and promotes prosperity and development.

If Venus is with Rahu and Saturn, This combination totally in support of husband's for by which after marriage he sees through great prosperty was etc.

If Venus is with Rahu and Ketu ,  This combination occurs only when VEN is having Rahu in front of it in the same sign or in the next sign and if KET alone in 7th to Rah. In such cases the person is termed a fortunate except for the reason that some year later after marriage some major problems are to be faced and subsequently life moves with prosperity.

If Venus is with Ketu and Sun ,  She is inclined towards liberation, she respects elders and her luck will promote her husband leading to enjoy name fare prosperity and also from benefits from Government.

If Venus is with Ketu and Moon , Being a good housewife, she enjoys great fortune, visits holy places, and develops artistic interest and gain knowledge in tailoring stitching embroidery.

If Venus is with Ketu and Mars She may have obstructions in educational matters. This combination creates disharmony between husband and wife.

If Venus is with Ketu and Mercury ,Husband suffers disappointment and later on there will be land gains. He may get into extra martial affairs. She will overcome some disputes regarding property but later on gains it.

If Venu is with Ketu and Jupiter , She will be Inclined towards divinity, liberation, with average fortune, having her hands fortune aspect she can take up career as a teacher or in some medical field.

If Venus is with Ketu and Saturn After marriage will have to face some critical situations and later on situation improve.

If Venus is with Ketu and Rahu ,  This combination is similar to the one earlier stated in the case of Ven, Rah, Ket. This combination does not permit her to enjoy family life. Some years later after marriage, she will have extreme nervous debility, major ill health problems. This is not a combination for happy life.

If Venus is with Sun and Moon ,She will be capricious and cunning by nature. But she will be a fortunate lady.

If Venus is with Sun and Mars ,She will be generally good natured. She will be courageous. She will be egoistic and proud. There will be ruptures in the family life. She needs philosophical guidance.

If Venus is with Sun and Mercury ,She is generally an intelligent native. She will have good education

If Venus is with Sun and Jupiter, She hails from reputed family back ground and will be fortunate with the qualities of a guide. She will have people to receive her command and will be at her service at any time.

If Venus is with Sun and Saturn, the wife hails from a good family background and she is quite fortunate. She is in general a good lady but she may not be obedient to her husband. She has the capacity to compete the work unfinished by her husband.

If Venus is with Sun and Rahu , the wife  hails from a good family. Husband may not get happiness from her and he cannot express his pride before her.

If Venus is with Sun and Ketu , the wife will be a miser with fair discretional powers. She will have inclination towards renunciation and will have least interest in sex. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Twelth House - The Vyaya Bhava

The twelfth house represents the place of worship, the eye, heart of the father, eye of the elder sibling,    home and mind of the father , sub-conscious mind , sleep , eye , injury, disputes, surgery, enemies of the spouse , property of the father , speech of the elder sibling , maternal uncle of the spouse , happiness of the father , fortune and religion of the mother , wealth of the elder sibling , vehicles of the father , sexual pleasure , marriage and spouse of the maternal uncle , kidney of the spouse , feet , separation, change, expenditure, loss , profession of younger sibling , longevity of children , serious trouble for children , illness, obstruction, worry for the spouse , deception with respect to the spouse , journey abroad for the mother , loss of liberty , paternal grandmother , maternal grandfather , super consciousness , mystic experience and emancipation from the cycle of births and deaths . 

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra states that the individual will spend on just and good causes when the owner of the twelfth house is exalted or it occupies its own sign and has association or aspect of naturally beneficial planets. give good sexual satisfaction. The owner of the twelfth house in an inimical sign, in his debilitation sign, in debilitation navamsha, or in the sixth or eighth house from the ascendant indicates that the individual will not have sexual satisfaction. He will suffer from unproductive expenditure. 

The owner of the twelfth house in an angle or triangle with the twelfth house or its owner in association with or aspect of naturally malefic planets will cause journeys abroad. If the influence on the twelfth house or its owner is of a naturally beneficial planet the journeys will be within the country. 

Sarvarth Chintamani states that the individual will incur expenditure on account of his wife if the owner of the twelfth house is in a navamsha of a naturally malefic planet and the owner is associated with or under aspect of a weak owner of the seventh house.

If the above combination has Mars in place of the owner of the seventh house the expenditure would be due to the brothers When the owner of the fifth house replaces Mars in the above combination the expenditure would be due to children. When the owner of the fifth house is replaced by the owner of
the ninth house or the Sun the expenditure would be due to the father, If the owner of the fourth house replaces the Sun or the owner of the ninth house in the above combination the expenditure would
be due to the mother.

The individual will lose the use of a limb if the owner of the twelfth house is weak, it is placed in its debilitation sign or debilitation navamsha, or it is in a navamsha of a naturally malefic planet.

Influence of a naturally beneficial planet on the twelfth house and its owner will ensure good sleep for the individual. 

The influence of a naturally malefic planet on the house, the location of the owner of the house in a navamsha of a naturally malefic planet and influence of such a planet on the owner will affect the quality of sleep of the individual.

Jatakalankar states that the individual will be courteous and handsome when the owner of the twelfth house occupies the ascendant.

The owner of the twelfth house in its own sign will make the individual miserly. and evil minded.
The owner of the twelfth house in the ninth house in association with a naturally malefic planet will make the individual extravagant 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva states that the individual will lose money frequently when the twelfth house has influence of naturally malefic planet

The government will confiscate the wealth of the individual when the Sun and waning Moon are in the twelfth house. 

The individual will remain indebted if the owner of the ascendant is associated with a naturally malefic planet and it is associated with or receives aspect of the owner of a trik house.

The individual will be imprisoned if naturally malefic planets occupy the second, twelfth, fifth and ninth houses.

The individual will be imprisoned if equal number of planets occupies (a) the second and twelfth houses, (b) the third and eleventh houses, (c) the fourth and tenth houses, (d) the fifth and ninth houses, or (e) the sixth and twelfth houses.

The individual will be imprisoned if a sign other than Leo or Aquarius is in the ascendant and naturally malefic planets occupy the second, fifth, ninth, and twelfth houses.

The individual will be imprisoned if the owners of the ascendant and sixth house are together and are associated with Saturn in an angle or a triangle.

Prasna Marga states that when fifth, seventh, and ninth houses from the ascendant are owned by naturally malefic planets and two naturally malefic planets occupy any of these houses it will cause imprisonment.

In the above combination if we take the place of the Sun as the ascendant we can predict in this regard for the father of the individual. We can use the place of Jupiter for predicting for the son, Mars for brother and the Moon for the mother.

Aiyar's translation of Brihat jatakam published in 1905 says that 1st drekkana of Cancer, 1st and 2nd drekkanas of Scorpio and 3rd of Pisces  are sarpa (bhujanga) drekkanas. When the ascendant has aspect of strong naturally malefic planets it will cause imprisonment.

The individual will be imprisoned if the drekkana in the ascendant is owned by Saturn or it is a sarpa dreshkan and it has a naturally malefic planet occupies the fourth, fifth, seventh, eight, 

The individual will be imprisoned when Saturn under aspect of malefic planet. Saturn in a movable sign will terminate the or house from the ascendant which is imprisonment early, in a fixed sign it will go on for long and in a common sign it will be of medium duration.

Varah Mihira in Brihajjatakam states that if sarpa or nigada dreshkan is rising and owner of the dreshkan is afflicted the individual will suffer imprisonment.

Satya Jatakam states the significations of a house would suffer if the owner of the house occupies the twelfth house.

Satya Jataka states that the individual will suffer loss of money through government by way of taxes etc when the Sun occupies the twelfth house; the individual will be deprived of good food, he will be unhappy, he will remain angry, and others will not like him when the Moon occupies the house; expenditure will be caused by enemies and crimes when Mars occupies the house; there will be  expenditure on education when Mercury occupies it; the individual will save money when Jupiter or Venus occupies it; Saturn or Rahu in the house will cause expenditure to rise; and, Ketu in this house
will help the individual to earn well and turn wealthy.

A movable planet in a movable sign in the twelfth house will cause constant travelling for the individual.

Shubha Yoga in the twelfth house will give happy stay abroad.

The Eleventh House - Of Gains and Success

The eleventh house stands for gain, success, income, and elder siblings of the individual , good fortune of the younger siblings of the individual , left ear ,  longevity of the mother , spouse of the child , trouble for maternal uncle/enemy , illness to maternal uncle/enemy , romance of the spouse , and younger siblings of the father .

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra states that the owner of the eleventh house in the eleventh an angle, triangle, or in its sign of exaltation will give full gains. This result will not be altered when
the owner of the eleventh house is combust. 

The individual will not gain despite his best efforts if the owner of the eleventh house is debilitated, combust, or it occupies a trik house with a naturally malefic planet.

The owner of the eleventh house in the second and the owner of the second in an angle with Jupiter will also give excellent gains.

The individual will gain in his 36th year when the owner of the eleventh house is in the third with a naturally beneficial planet.

The individual will gain in his 40th year when the owner of the eleventh house is in an angle or triangle with a naturally beneficial planet.

Jupiter in the eleventh house, the Moon in the second, and Venus in the ninth will give excellent gains.

If there is an exchange between the owners of the ascendant and eleventh house (the owner of the ascendant in the eleventh and the owner of the eleventh in the ascendant) the individual will gain in his 33rd year

The individual will be fortunate after his marriage when there is an exchange between owners of the second and eleventh houses.

The individual will gain through his younger siblings if there is an exchange between the third and eleventh houses.

Sarvarth Chintamani states that the association of the owners of the second and eleventh houses in an angle will give good gains.

The eleventh house or its owner flanked by naturally beneficial planets will give good gains.

The owner of the sign that the owner of the eleventh house occupies (the dispositor of the owner of eleventh house) when under aspect of a naturally beneficial planet or when it is flanked by naturally beneficial planets will give good gains.

The influence of a naturally malefic planet on the owner of the eleventh house will cause losses.

The influence of a naturally malefic planet on the eleventh house signifies trouble in the ear. Influence of naturally malefic planets on the third and eleventh houses will confirm the finding, 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva says that Venus in the third or eleventh house from the Moon; or, the owner of the fourth house in the eleventh under aspect of Jupiter will give many vehicles.

Jatakaparijat states that a naturally malefic planet in the eleventh house will give gains through unfair means.

Knowing about the 10th house of Profession

The tenth house stands for high position and status , mother of the spouse ,  disputes and injury to the children of the of the spouse , sleep of the elder siblings , business of the mother , speech of individual , property of the spouse , education of the spouse , maternal uncle of children of the individual , wealth of the father , vehicles of the spouse of the individual ,  children of the maternal uncle , romances of the maternal uncle , kidney of the eldest child , carnal experiences of the elder siblings , illness, trouble and obstruction for children of the individual , joints or knees , profession, longevity of the younger sibling , losses to the elder siblings , loss of liberty of the elder siblings , and mystic experiences of the elder siblings .

The Sun in the tenth house, according to Phaladeepika, will make the individual powerful like a ruler. The individual will be intelligent. He will have vehicles. 

Sanketnidhi states that the individual will suffer from pain in the knees when the Sun occupies or projects aspect to the tenth house. 

The Moon in the tenth according to Phaladeepika will make the individual of good conduct He will be successful at whatever he does. The individual will be cruel but in a position of authority when Mars occupies the tenth house. He will be a successful person when Mercury occupies the tenth house. He will be learned and intelligent. 

Mahadeva in Jatakatatva says that the individual will be a businessman when Mercury occupies the tenth house. Jupiter will give much wealth when it occupies the tenth house. The individual will be in the good books of the government. His conduct would be good. He will get a high position, be happy with his friends and he will be respected. 

Phaladeepika says that a person with Saturn in the tenth house will be very wealthy. He will have ruling powers. His conduct will not be good and he will be in service when Rahu occupies the tenth house. The individual will behave very badly when Ketu occupies the tenth house. 

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra states that the individual will face obstructions in his work when the owner of the tenth house is weak. If the owner of the house is with a naturally beneficial planet or it occupies a good house the individual will have support of influential people and he will be successful. The deeds of the individual will be bad when the owners of the tenth and eighth houses exchange places and the owner of the eighth occupies the tenth in association with a naturally malefic planet. The same effect would be seen when both the tenth and eleventh houses are occupied by naturally malefic planets; or, when the owner of the tenth house occupies the eighth house with Rahu. 

Jatakalankar states that the individual will be a failure in all walks of life when the owner of the tenth is powerless. 

Mahadev in Jatakatatva states that the individual will face humiliation or will have bad name when the owner of the tenth is in contact with a naturally malefic planet. The individual will have good reputation when the owner of the tenth house is associated with a naturally beneficial planet. The individual will be in a position to command others when the Sun or Mars occupies the tenth house. It is generally seen that if the ascendant and tenth house, their owners, and the Sun are strong the individual will earn respect of others. The Sun and Saturn in the tenth house without influence of a naturally beneficial planet will cause dishonour for the individual time and again.

Combinations for long life as per Parasara Hora Sastra and Phaladeepika

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra gives following combinations for long life:

1. If owner of the eighth house is in an angle the individual will have long life.

2. If the owner of the sixth house is in twelfth long life should be predicted.

3. If owner of the sixth house is in the sixth and owner of the twelfth is in the twelfth long life should be predicted.

4. Long life should be predicted if owner of the sixth house and owner of the twelfth are in the ascendant and twelfth.

5. The individual will be long lived when the owner of the ascendant is exalted, the Moon is in the eleventh house and Jupiter is in the eighth.

6. The individual will be wealthy and long lived when the owner of the ascendant is very strong and has aspect of a naturally beneficial planet from an angle.

7. The individual will have long life if the owners of the ascendant, fifth and eighth are in their own signs, friendly signs or own navamshas.

8. Owners of the ascendant, eighth, tenth and Saturn in angles, triangles or the eleventh will give long life

Phaladeepika gives the following combinations for long life:

1.The individual will have long life when a naturally beneficial planet is in an angle, and the owner of the ascendant is associated with or has aspect of a naturally beneficial planet.

2. The Individual will have long life when the owner of the ascendant is in an angle associated with or receiving aspect from Jupiter and Venus.

3. The individual will have long life when Saturn or the owner of the ascendant is associated with an exalted planet.

4. The individual will have long life when naturally malefic planets are placed in the third, sixth, and eleventh houses from the ascendant and naturally beneficial planets occupy angles.

5. The individual will have long life when the sixth, seventh and eighth houses from the ascendant have naturally beneficial planets whereas the third and eleventh have naturally malefic planets.

6. The individual will have long life when the owner of the tenth house is exalted and a naturally malefic planet is placed in the eighth house.

7. The individual will have long life when the ascendant has a common sign, and its owner is either in an angle or triangle or it is exalted.

8. The individual will have long life when the ascendant has a common sign and there are two naturally malefic planets in an angle from the owner of the ascendant.

9. The individual will have long, medium, or short life when the stronger of the owner of the ascendant and owner of the eighth is placed in an angle, succedent, or cadent house.

10. The individual will have long, medium, or short life depending on the relationship that the owner of the ascendant has with the Sun. Life will be long if the owner of the ascendant is friendly with the Sun, medium if the relationship is neutral and short if inimical