Following Combinations of Planets and their placements cause Skin Diseases during their Maha dasa or Antar dasa : -
Saturn in ascendant aspected by Mars
Rahu in the 8th joined with or aspected by a malefic
Moon in Sagittarius or Leo aspected by Mars or Saturn
Powerful Saturn in the 3rd joined with or aspected by Mars
Moon and Mars in the 2nd aspected by Saturn
Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn, weak Moon in the 10th, Mars in ascendant
Mercury conjoined with Sun in the 6th house aspected by 8th lord
Malefic Mars in 6th
Moon in the 2nd, which is a watery sign
Sun and Saturn in ascendant
If the Moon is in Sagittarius and in the navamsa of Leo, Aries, Cancer and simulatenously Mars and Saturn join or aspect the Moon
Afflicted atmakaraka in Gemini, Virgo or Capricorn navamsa
Moon in the 6th aspected by a malefic
Mercury as lord of the ascendant posited in 6th
Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn or Taurus and aspected by malefics
The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th
Moon in Virgo between malefics
Mercury in the 2nd aspected by the Moon
Mercury in the ascendant aspected by lord of the 6th or 8th
If the 5th or 9th from ascendant is Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn with Mars and Saturn,