
Thursday, December 23, 2021

Tara and Chandra Bala for tomorrow 24.12.2021

Chart showing tomorrow's Tara and Chandra bala for each Nakshatra Paada and Subha muhurtas, Subha yogas, Rahu, Durmuhurta, Varjya Kaalas
Moon will be transiting in the Ganda Moola Zone till 04:10 am on 25th Dec. Auspicious ceremonies should not be performed. 
As Moon will be transiting Simha Rasi all of tomorrow , it is Chandraashtama for Makara Rasi people. They are advised not to initiate any new activity and postpone any travel plans 
#astrologyposts #vedicastrologyposts #vedicastrologer #astrologymemes

Monday, December 20, 2021

Tara and Chandra Bala for tomorrow ie 21.12.2021

రేపటి  తారాబల చంద్ర బలాలు, శుభ ముహుర్తాలు, రాహు, దుర్ముహూర్త, వర్జ్య కాలాలు ,శుభ యోగాలు తెలియచేసే పట్టిక

రేపు 21.12.2021 వింటర్ సోలిస్టిస్ (Winter Solstice) కనుక సంవత్సరం లోని అతి తక్కువ దిన ప్రమాణం ఉంటుంది (Shortest Day).
రేపు ఉ 6:29 నుండీ మ 2:53 వరకు త్రిపుష్కర యోగం ఉంది.ఏం చేసినా మూడు సార్లు చేస్తారు. అందువల్ల ఈ సమయాల్లో వివాహం చేయరాదు.అలాగే పరీక్ష ఫీజులు కట్టకూడదు. అప్పులు చెయ్యకూడదు.

బంగారం కొనుక్కోవచ్చు. Bank లో FD వెయ్యొచ్చు. మంచి పని ఏదైనా చెయ్యొచ్చు.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Tara and Chandra bala - for each nakshatra pada - for tomorrow ie 20.12.2021


Above is the table showing the nakshatra paada wise  auspiciousness for tomorrow.  Moon will be transiting in Midhuna rasi , Ardra nakshatra for most of the day till 19;46 Hrs and will enter in Punarvasu from then.   

Vrischika rasi people has chandrashtama tomorrow. It is better for them to avoid travel or to initiate any new activity. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes, Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for 08.12.2021

Above  is the   Tara and Chandra Bala referencer for tomorrow ie 08.12.2021. Tomorrow is Naga Panchami and Vivaha Panchami. Good day for performing pujas for Kaala sarpa dosha. 

Rasi Phala : 

Aries/Mesha Rasi : There will be trouble from higher authorities. Government may levy penalties. You will not be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be postponements and delays. You will be religious. Long distance travels will bring luck. Income will be good. You will be able to repay old debts. Take care of your diet. Do not speak filthy language.

Taurus/Vrishabha :  Luck is not favouring you. Attempts to travel to foreign countries for education will not be successful. Take extreme care of your father's health. Income will not match your efforts. There will be differnces with your father and Guru. Do not talk bad of gods and gurus. You will not be happy. Children's progress will be satisfactory. 

Gemini/Midhuna : Take care of your health.  Spouse will be supportive. There will be good news from foreign sources. There might be unexpected troubles. Father's health will not be good. Your reputation will suffer. You will not be able to complete the tasks on hand. Income will be good. You will have good achievements in education. Children will do well.

Cancer/Karkataka : Avoid conflict with partners. Take care of the health of your spouse. Avoid arguments with spouse. Father's health will be a cause of worry. There will be success and good income. You will be able to repay old debts. 

Leo/Simha : Take care of your health. Children will get success in their pursuits. Enemies and old debts may trouble you. Some old health problems will recur. You will get good success . Income will be less compared to your efforts.

Virgo/Kanya : Control your emotions and anger. You will be depressed. Take care of health of your children and spouse. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. News from foreign sources will not be encouraging. You will do well in education. You may buy vehicles/Land/House. Income will be good.

Libra/Tula : Control your anger and emotions. Younger siblings will not support you there might be differences with them. There may be bad news through communication. Income will be good and High. You will receive support from higher authorities. You will complete all tasks on hand.

Scorpio/Vrischika : There will be success and High income. You will be happy. There will be support from Government and higher authorities. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Money due to you may get delayed. 

Sagittarius/Dhanu : Take care of your diet. There will be success and happiness. You will receive favours from government or higher authorities. Control anger and anxiety. Health will be fine. You will have competitive success. You will get good name. Expenses will be high.There may be long distance travels.

Capricorn/Makara :  Take care of your health. Avoid depressive thoughts. Luck is favoring you. Father will be supportive. You will receive blessings from your Guru. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Income and expenses are high. Long distance travels are indicated. 

Aquarius/Kumbha :  There will be high success and happiness. You will get good income. You  may suffer from insomnia. There may be pain in the legs. Money due to you may be delayed. Take care of your diet. Avoid long distance travels. 

Pisces/Meena : You will good success and good name. There will be differences with friends. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. Income will be less compared to your efforts. You will spend on charitable causes. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes,Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for 06.12.2021

Above is the chart showing the nakshatra paada wise auspiciousness for tomorrow ie 06.12.2021,Monday. 

Maargasira Month has started from 13:12 Hrs on the 4th December. This month is very auspicious for worshipping lord Vishnu. Chanting or hearing to Vishnu Sahasranama everyday will give excellent results.  

Tritiya Tidhi is favourable for Deva Pratishta, Manglik works, Hair Cutting, singing, painting, education, Work related to animals.

Auspicious times for tomorrow :  

1.Kumbha Lagna 11:08 till 11:47 is good for Trade Activities, First meeting of prospective bride and groom and general activities.

2.Midhuna Lagna 18:08 till 20:20 is good for starting to use the new vehicle and general activities

Rasi Phala : 

Aries/Mesha : You will be victorious over your enemies. You will be able to repay old debts. Income will be according to your efforts. There will be happiness from friends. You will receive good advice from friends and Gurus. Be careful of what you speak. Do not argue with anyone. Take care of your father's health. Luck is not favouring you. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully.

Taurus/Vrishabha : You will intelligently solve some issues. There will be happiness due to children. You will do good in education. There will be happiness at home. Income will be commensurate with your efforts. Avoid conflict with spouse. Take care of the health of your spouse. There will be unexpected troubles. 

Gemini/Midhuna: There will be high success in education. You may buy property. There will be happiness at home. There will be good relations with relatives. Avoid conflicts with spouse and partners. Control anger and emotions. You will have trouble receiving your fair share of family legacy. There may be unexpected troubles. Luck is not on your side.  There may be trouble with higher authorities. There may be enemity with friends. Income will be good.

Cancer/Karkataka : There will be success through foreign contacts/friends. Income will be good. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be more comfort now than in the recent times. You will be strong and confident. Younger siblings will do good and achieve high success. There will be good news through communications. There will be happiness at home.

Leo/Simha : Avoid conflict with spouse. Foreign contracts will not bring profits. You will have competitive success. You will get good name. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Income will be less compared to your efforts. Wealth will increase. You will impress your audience through your sweet talk. Control your emotions. House may require some repairs. Take care of your mother's health. You will have religious/spiritual thoughts. 

Virgo/Kanya : You will be strong, handsome and confident. You will achieve high success. Health will be good. Income and expenses will be equally high. You will be adventurous. Avoid rash driving. Some of your works may get delayed. Children's progress will not be satisfactory. Take care of your mother's health.

Libra/Tula : Income and expenses will be equally high. There will be success and happiness. Elder brother will be supportive and will help in need. Friends will be supportive. Luck is not on your side. Take care of your father's health. You should be careful of what you eat. Avoid depressive thoughts. Be careful while driving.

Scorpio/Vrischika: Very high level of success. Happiness from friends. Income will be excellent. Favours from Government and higher authorities. There will be troubles related to legacy. You should control your emotions and anger. Children will be a source of trouble. Take care of your diet.

Sagittarius/Dhanu: Favours from Government. You will get promotions. You will get name and fame. Income will be good. Father will be supportive. You may suffer from Insomnia. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. You may have to travel to distant lands on professional work. Foreign contracts will bring losses.

Capricorn/Makara: Luck is favouring you. You will have blessings of your Guru and Father. Income will be good. You will be able to achieve success in your undertakings. Do not be overconfident. Children will be a source of trouble. Health will be fine. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. 

Aquarius/Kumbha : Control your emotions and anger. Progress of children will not be satisfactory. Spouse will be supportive. There will be happiness from foreign sources. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Do not overthink about your health. You will receive money unexpectedly. Your intuition will be good.Income will be less compared to efforts.

Pisces/Meena : Income will be good. You will spend on charitable purposes. Income will be good. Some of your works may get delayed. Spouse will be supportive. Foreign contracts will bring profits. Take care of your father's health. Health will be fine. You will be able to repay old debts. Service conditions will be good.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Mercury in Gandanta - 7 th to 12th December ,2021

Mercury will be transiting in the Gandanta Zone from early morning of 8th December till the morning of 12th December , between last Paada of Jyeshta Nakshatra in Vrischika Rasi and the First Paada of Moola Nakshatra  in Dhanu Rasi .

Mercury is the Rasi Lord for Gemini and Virgo Rasi people. For Scorpio and Aquarius natives he is the 8th lord. For Cancer and Libra natives he is the 12th lord. 

Transit in the Gandanta degrees will make any planet malefic and natives of all the above mentioned rasis and lagnas have to take precautions to avoid any negative effects of this transit of Mercury. 

When Mercury is negative or is transiting in Gadanta degrees it will give the following ill effects : 

1.Infections related to Teeth, mouth; 2. Unnecessary anger 3. Accounts will not get reconciled 4. Trouble with maternal uncle 5. Trading lossess 6. Entering wrong contracts 7. Important documents will be lost 8. Mis communications 9. Communication devices like cell phones might be lost or will be damaged 10. Illogical thinking 11. Using foul language

Those facing the above said ill effects during the above mentioned period should Chant or hear to Vishnu Sahasranama stotram everyday or should chant Budha Gayatri Mantra as many times as possible.  

Mars Ketu Conjunction - December, 2021

Mars will enter Scorpio tomorrow morning (05.12.2021) and will be conjunct with Ketu. Both the planets will be conjunct exactly on the same degree around 15th of this month. 
In the Indian Sub Continent, this conjunction will most likely result in the following : 
1. There may be  terrorist attacks , bomb blasts in Mumbai/Gujarat/Rajasthan.  
2. Scandals involving Police, Army personnel will see light. Some Army/ Police personnel may loose lives due to terrorist / Naxalite attacks.
3.Naxalite/Terrorist hideouts may be busted.
4. There may be mishaps in Mines .
5.Severe Cold Wave will hit northern states.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes , Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for 04.12.2021

Above is the nakshatra paada wise auspiciousness for tomorrow. auspicious activities are advised to be initiated when both tara and chandra bala are good. 

Tomorrow is amavasya till 13:12 and later the tidhi is padyami. It is a very good day to pray to lord sani. Particularly those who are under the malefic influence of Saneeswara.Get Tailabhisheka done for Lord Sani. or Chant Manyu sookta as many times as possible. or chant Sani Gayatri mantra atleast 190 times. 

Rasi Phala : 

Mesha/Aries Rasi : You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be success. Income will be less compared to efforts. Take care of your diet. Take care of your father's health. Luck is not on your side. Friends may not keep up their promises. You will be able to repay old debts. Service conditions will be good. You will get support from relatives. Children will get good success.  There will be happiness at home.

Vrushabha/Taurus Rasi: You will succeed in educational pursuits. Avoid being overconfident. Expenses will be high. Most of your works may get postponed. Higher authorities will not be supportive. Take care of your diet. Younger siblings will get good success and will be supportive to you in need. Mother's health will be fine. There will be comforts and  happiness

Midhuna/Gemini Rasi : Luck is not favouring you. Do not talk bad of Gurus and Gods. Take care of your father's health. You will get good income. There will be success and happiness. You may have bad dreams. Expense may go out of control. Control your anger. Avoid conflict with spouse. Take care of your diet.

Karkataka/Cancer Rasi : Take care of your health. You will not receive your fair share of legacy. There will be sluggishness and procrastination. There may be expenses and disputes.You will be able  to complete all tasks on hand. Younger siblings will be supportive. You will be adventurous and will do  good in sports. You will be talkative. 

Simha/Leo Rasi : Avoid conflict with your spouse and business partners.  Foreign travel will not be possible. You will not have marital happiness. There may be urinary troubles. Income will not be satisfactory. Some of your works may get delayed. Some people may try to tarnish your good name.Wealth will increase. There will be  happiness in the family.

Kanya/Virgo Rasi : You will be strong and confident. There will be comforts. Younger siblings will need your support. Take care of your mother's health. Take care of your diet. Income and expenses will be equally high. Some of your works will get postponed. Higher authorities will not support you. Enemies may trouble you.

Tula/Libra Rasi : Control your anger. You will troubles in decision making. Children's health should be taken care of. Love affairs will not be successful. You should learn to respect elders. Income will be high but expenses also will be high. There will be happiness at home. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. 

Vrischika/Scorpio Rasi : Control your emotions. Take care of parents health. There will be good income and happiness. Friends will be supportive in times of need. Old investments will bring gains. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. There will be favours from Government and or higher authorities. Avoid conflict with partners or spouse. There will be some issues at home. Vehicles may trouble. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius Rasi : You will get high success. Luck is favouring you. Father will oppose you. You may suffer from insomnia. You will get weird dreams. Expenses will get out of control. There will be differences with partners. You will be indecisive in some issues. 

Makara/Capricorn Rasi : Take care of what you eat. Dont be stubborn and try to understand other person's view point. Be careful of what you talk. Wealth will decrease. Take care of your diet. Luck is favouring you. There will be success and good income. Control you emotions and anger. Friends may deceive. 

Kumbha/Aquarius Rasi : Health will be fine. You have to be more confident. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. Take care of your mother's health. You have to get repairs done to your home. Support from higher authorities and Government will be lacking. Government may levy penalties. Spouse will be supportive. Luck is not on your side today.

Meena/Pisces Rasi :   You may suffer from insomnia. There may be pains in the legs. There will be more rewards compared to your efforts. You will spend on charitable causes. Control emotions and anger. Foreign travel will not be possible. Younger siblings will do well. You will have competitive success.   

Solar Eclipse in Jyeshta Nakshatra,Vrischika Rasi On Dec.4,2021

డిసెంబరు 4 వ తారీఖు అమావస్య, సూర్య గ్రహణం,శనివారం, ఉదయం 10:48 వరకు అనురాధ నక్షత్రం ఉండడం వల్ల శని దశ,అంతర్దశ, అర్ధాష్టమ,అష్టమ, ఏలినాటి శని జరుగుతున్న వారు శని దోష నివారణకి దేవాలయంలో ప్రత్యేక పూజలు చేసుకోవడానికి చాలా మంచి రోజు.

ఉదయం 10:48 కి ముందే మొదలుపెట్టి శని గాయత్రీ మంత్ర జపం చేసుకోవచ్చు. మాన్యుసూక్త పారాయణం చేసుకోవొచ్చు. జమ్మి చెట్టుకి 19 ప్రదక్షిణలు చేసి దీపారాధన చేస్తే మంచిది.

మన దేశం లో గ్రహణం కనపడదు కనుక గ్రహణ నియమాలు ఏమీ పాటించక్కర్లేదు. కానీ మంత్ర సాధనకీ, ధ్యానానికీ, దోష నివారణ పూజలకీ చాలా అనువైన సమయం.
డిసెంబర్ 4 వ తారీఖున జరుగ బోయే సూర్యగ్రహణం సంవత్సరన్నర నుండీ జరుగుతున్న సూర్య చంద్ర గ్రహణాల్లో చివరిది. జ్యేష్టా నక్షత్రం లో నైసర్గిక అష్టమ రాశి అయిన వృశ్చిక రాశి లో జరు గబోగతున్న ఈ సంపూర్ణ గ్రహణం చాలా బలమైనది. ప్రపంచానికి చాలా అరిష్టాలని కూడా తెచ్చిపెట్టగలదు.

December 4th will witness a total solar eclipse in Jyeshta Nakshatra in Vrischika/Scorpio Rasi. This is the last eclipse in the year 2021 and also last in the series of eclipses of Sun and Moon happenning in Scorpio for the last one and half years. Rahu Ketu axis will change over into Mesha-Tula in April next year.

By being the eclipse happenning in the natural 8th house of the Zodiac and that too in Jyeshta Nakshatra lorded over by the ferocious Indra the eclipse will bring in some untoward events in the areas where it is visible mainly. Some Prominent personalities will face dangers.

December 4 th is amavasya, Saturday and Anuradha nakshatra till 10:48 in the morning. This time is most favourable to do remedies for Saturn. Those who are currently in Saturn Mahadasa, antardasa, or Ardhashtama, ashtama Sani and sade sati should do special pujas in temples to appease lord Sani.

You can Chant Sani Gayatri Mantra atleast 190 times. Or Chanting Manyu sookta 11 times will give good results.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Moon Signs Horoscopes , Tara and Chandra Bala for tomorrow 03.12.2021


Above is the Tara and Chandra Bala Referencer for tomorrow 03.12.2021. Tomorrow is Kartika Krishna Chaturdasi. Travel and initiating any new work should be avoided on this tithi. Not good for any manglik works or hair grooming.  

Till 08:27 in the morning moon transits through Tula/Libra and later in Vrischika/Scorpio. After 08:27 it is chandrashtama for Mesha/Aries people. These people should avoid initiating any new activity and travel. 

Rasi Phala:

Mesha/Aries :  Take care of your diet. You will be confident. All tasks on hand will be completed succssfully. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. There will be troubles with friends. You will be able to repay old debts. Service conditions will be good. Avoid travel and initiating any new activity. Take care of father's health. Luck is not favouring.

Vrishabha/Taurus: Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. There may be  problems related to digestion. Children will bring in happiness. You will have good following. You will be able to find solution to tricky issues. Do not speculate. You will have to work hard to get results. There will be success in education. 

Midhuna/Gemini: Take care of your father's health. Rewards will be more compared to your efforts. There will be happiness and success. You may suffer from sleeplessness. Avoid conflict with spouse. Luck is not favouring. Take care of your valuable possessions. Avoid speaking bad about gods and gurus.

Karkataka/Cancer :  Take care of your health. Do not speculate. Avoid conflict with lowly people of opposite sex. You will be disappointed with your children's progress. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. Short distance travels will bring in good results. There will be good news through communications. Younger brothers will do good and be supportive to you. Avoid being emotional. 

Simha/Leo: Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Foreign contracts will give losses. You may suffer from indigestion. You will receive amounts due to you. There will be increase in wealth. Control anger . Children's progress will not be satisfactory. Health will be good. Do not speculate. 

Kanya/Virgo :  Health will be good. You will be confident. Rewards will be more compared to efforts. Take care of your diet. You may suffer from indigestion.  Some of your works get delayed. There will be happiness from friends. Expenses will be high. There will be indecisiveness.

Tula/Libra: Control your anger and emotions. Children's progress will be disappointing. There will be happiness. Income will be good. Rewards will be more compared to efforts. Take care of your health. Luck is not supporting. Health will be good.  Relations with mother will improve.

Vrischika/Scorpio : There will be success and happiness. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. You will receive favours from Government. Take care of your mother's health. Control your anger and emotions. There will be trouble from vehicles. 

Dhanu/Sagittarius : Luck is favouring you. There will be success in undertakings. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. There will be happiness from friends. Money due to you will be received after much efforts. Father will oppose you. You may suffer from insomnia. There will be loss of position and humiliation. 

Makara/Capricorn: Money due to you will be received after much efforts. Take care of your diet. Think before you talk. Income will be good. Luck is favouring you. There will be income through friends. There will be happiness at home. Health will be fine. Control your emotions.

Kumbha/Aquarius : Take care of your health. Control anger and emotions. Children will be a source of trouble. You will be able to complete all tasks on hand. Rewards will be less compared to efforts. You will have spiritual thoughts. 

Meena/Pisces : You will have good income. Friends will be a source of happiness. You will suffer from insomnia. Control your emotions. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. Wealth will increase. Some of your works will get delayed. Take care of your mother's health. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Transits of Jupiter over natal Planets

Jupiter is the most benevolent and the biggest planet of the Solar System.  Jupiter takes roughly an year to transit each sign. He takes 12 years to completely traverse all the 12 signs.  In the course of his transit, Jupiter transits over all  the natal planets in one's horoscope chart.  Given herein are the effects of transit of Jupiter over each natal planet. The effects stated here  under are more prominent when Jupiter transits within 5  degrees orbit of the natal position of each planet. 

Jupiter over Natal Sun : 

The native will have professional progress. The native will be inclined to visit temples of prominence and will perform religious rituals, homas and yagas during this transit. The native will get an opportunity to meet religious leaders, ministers and high ranking officials. 

During this transit of Jupiter over natal Sun, the native's father will prosper, will get support from noble persons. The native's father may also meet gurus and religious guides and may be guided towards religious/spiritual and success

Also, during this time of transit of Jupiter over the native's Natal Sun the son of the native will do well in education, will get good guidance from well wishers. 

Jupiter over Natal Moon :

The native might be blemished by enemies. He may contemplate changing of residence. The native may get involved with a person of opposite sex. This transit may result in the native getting a girl child. The native  may suffer from persistent cold and cough 

During this transit of Jupiter over natal Moon , the native's mother may become more devotional/spiritual . She might be attending more religious events. She might put on weight and face fat related issues. She will be prosperous.

Jupiter's transit over natal moon will be beneficial for the native's daughter. She will progress well in edducation. If in a Job she will earn more income and be prosperous. She might also get married during this transit. 

Jupiter over Natal Mars : Transit of Jupiter over natal Mars makes the native aggressive and hasty. He may become stubborn. He may try to show off his power over others. He will be inclined to take up construction activity. He may suffer from blood pressure. He will be more inclined towards technical activities.

During the transit of Jupiter over natal Mars, the native's brothers will do well. One or more brothers will do very well in education. They will also be prosperous and will be well known in the society.

For Female natives transit of Jupiter over natal Mars may result in marraige. Husband may get promotion. He may also have success in education.

Jupiter over Natal Mercury :  Transit of Jupiter over natal Mercury will give success in education to the native. The native will be inclined to acquire new knowledge. He will have professional training , will attend seminars and discourses. The native will be successful in interviews . The native may come in contact with a female friend.  

During the transit of Jupiter over Natal Mercury, younger siblings of the native will also get good education and learning. They will be prosperous and have good career progress. They will do good in their business.

Jupiter over Natal Jupiter : During this transit of Jupiter over his own natal position, the native will be more self confident. He will be more inclined on self development. The native may get a male child.

Jupiter on Natal Venus : The native will aquire items of luxury. He will get financial support. The native may also get married during this period. He may also get a female child during this transit. There will be celebrations at home. 

Female Natives during this transit will have good achievements in education. They will be prosper.

Jupiter on Natal Saturn : During this transit the native will get employment or promotion. There will be professional  prosperity. He will do good deeds.

For Female natives this transit may result in ill health.

Jupiter on Natal Rahu : During the transit the native may be under illusions. He will be in troubles. There may be diseases. If the Natal Rahu is connected with natal Jupiter then the disease will be of serious nature. 

For Female natives, the transit may lead to problems with progeny and hysteria

Jupiter on Natal Ketu :  This transit may increase interest in occult and spiritual matters. The native may also experience dejection and depression. The native may have Joint pains. 

Moon Signs Horoscopes and Nakshatra Paada wise auspiciousness - For 27.11.2021


Above is the chart showing the Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for 27.11.2021.  Both Tara and Chandra Bala should be good for the day to be favourable. Both the Strengths should be good to initate new undertakings and perform auspicious rituals.

Moon will be in Gandamoola till 21:43 as it is transiting in Magha nakshatra till then. Chandraashtama for Makara Rasi people. Better to avoid travel and to initiate any new undertakings.  

Tomorrow is Kalaashtami and Kalabhairava Jayanthi. 

Rasi Phala/Moon Sign Horoscopes : 

Mesha/Aries Rasi : Children will be a source of happiness. Service conditions will be good. You will be able to  repay old debts. Health will be fine. Father's health should be taken care of. You will complete all tasks on hand. Income will be less compared to efforts. One of Your friends will be in trouble. Income and expenses will be equal.

Vrushabha/Taurus Rasi : Avoid being over confident . You will get more rewards compared to your efforts. Some of your works will be delayed. There will be trouble from higher authorities. Health should be taken care of. Brothers will be fine and will support you. 

Midhuna/Gemini Rasi : Father's health should be taken care of. Luck is not favouring you.There will be good income. Short trips will bring good results. Your younger brothers will be fine and relations will be good. There will be good achievements in education. There will be happiness at home. There will be cordial relations with relatives. Avoid conflict with spouse and business partners. Court cases  will be in your favour. 

Karkataka/Cancer Rasi : Speculation should be avoided. Health  of spouse will improve. Mind will be indecisive. Take care of your health . Penalties may be levied by Government. Urinary infections may be there. There may be unexpected loss of money.Rewards will be less compared to the efforts. You will complete all tasks on hand. 

Simha/Leo Rasi :  Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. Health of spouse should be taken care. Control anger and emotions. Relations with younger brothers will be good.  There will be happiness at home. Children's health should be taken care. News from foreign sources will not be favourable. Income will be good. Health will be good.

Kanya/Virgo Rasi : You will have good health and will be confident. Old debts and enemies may trouble you. Health of spouse may suffer. You will complete all works on hand. There will be good income and expenses will be high too. You will be able to get Visa for foreign travel. Avoid eating spicy food. Be careful about what you talk as it my lead to misunderstandings. 

Tula/Libra Rasi : Control unwanted emotions and anger. Take care of your children's health. Mother's health will  improve. Take care of your and your spouse health . You will succeed in your undertakings. Income will be good. Friends and elder brothers will be supportive. There will be success and recognition. Expenses will be high.

Vrischika/Scorpio Rasi :  There will be favours from Government and higher officials. Income will be good. There will be happiness. Take care of your health. There will be competitive success. Take care of your diet. Money due to you will still get delayed. Mother's health should be taken care.

Dhanu/Sagittarius Rasi : You will be able to complete all  tasks successfully. Government decisions will  be in your favour. Income will be good but will be  less compared to your efforts. Relations with neighbours and Brothers may suffer. Avoid travels. You will not be confident.

Makara/Capricorn Rasi : Health will be good. You will be confident and will complete all  tasks on hand successfully. There will be favours from higher authorities. Luck is  favouring. There will be good income. Take care of your diet. There will be trouble from relatives. Money due to you may get delayed. Avoid being overconfident. 

Kumbha/Aquarius Rasi :  Rewards will be less compared to efforts. You will achieve success. You have to be more confident. Spouse will be supportive . You will have comforts from vehicles. Expenses will be high. Speculation will give good results.

Meena/Pisces Rasi :  You will suffer from sleepless ness. You will do good in education. Rewards will be more compared to efforts. You will spend on charitable activities. Friends will support. There will be success and happiness. Take care while walking. There may be eye troubles. There will be competitive success. Avoid travel.   

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Rasi Phala and Nakshatra Paada Wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 26.11.2021,Friday

Above is the chart showing the Nakshatra Paada Wise Tara Bala and Chandra Bala for Tomorrow , 26.11.2021 along with inauspicious times and auspicious times during the day. 

From Thursday,25.11.2021 06:50 pm till 09:43 pm , Saturday on 27.11.2021 is Gandamoola as Moon transits between Karkatak and Simha rasis. It is Chandra ashtama for Dhanu rasi people till 20:37 on 26.11.2021 and from then it will be Chandra ashtama for Makara Rasi People. Not advisable to initiate any auspicious acivities or new works and to travel. 

Auspicious times on 26.11.2021(Applicable for those who have both good Tara and Chandra Bala) :
1.Kumbha Lagna , 11:48 till 13:27 is good for trading activities and other general activities.
2.Simha Lagna , 23:12 till 01:18(on Nov27) is good for marraiges and Griha Pravesha
3.Kanya Lagna , 01:18(early morning of Nov27) till 03:27 is good for Marraige,Griha Pravesa and Santhi Homas

Rasi Phala : 

Mesha Rasi : Rewards will be less compared to efforts. You will complete all tasks on hand. Friends will not cooperate. Be careful of what you speak. Take care of your diet. Bother's health will suffer. You will be able to repay loans. There will be job satisfaction. Take care of father's health. Avoid conflicts with family members. 

Vrushabha Rasi: Take care of your diet. Children will be a source of happiness. Works will get postponed. Friends will help. Some past efforts will bear fruit. medium luck There will be success in education. Mother's health will be fine. 

Midhuna Rasi :  Father's health will not be good. Efforts for foreign travel will not succeed. Do not talk bad of Gods and Gurus. Take care of your health. Reward is more compared to efforts. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. There will be competitive success. 

Karkataka Rasi : Do not speculate. Mind will be tense due to some issue. Health of spouse should be taken care of. Younger brothers will help and support. Your will be good at sports. You will have good food. Avoid conflict with spouse. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully. Rewards will be less.

Simha Rasi : There may be digestive troubles. Avoid conflicts with partners. Income will be good. There will be competitive success. Take care of health of children and spouse. You will not get favourable judgements in court.  

Kanya Rasi : There will be success and happiness. Income and Expenses will be equal and high. You will be indecisive. You will be confident. There may be stomach troubles. Father's health should be taken care of . Avoid conflict with spouse and partners.

Tula Rasi : Control your anger. Take care of children's health. Mother's health will improve. There will be success and happiness. Income will be good. Expenses will be high.    

Vrishchika Rasi : Moher's health will improve. There will be success and favours from Government. There will be good income and success. There will be indecisiveness in certain matters. There will be troubles regarding legacy.

Dhanu Rasi : Rewards will be less compared to results. There will be success in undertakings. Children will be a source of happiness. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. Expenses will be high. There may be eye troubles. You may suffer from insomnia. 

Makara Rasi : Take care of your diet. There will be delays in receiving money due to you. Father will be supportive. Luck is favouring you. Reward will be more compared to efforts. Children will be a source of happiness. Be cautious of your health. 

Kumbha Rasi : You will be low on confidence. Health will be good. Spouse will be supportive. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully. Reward will be less compared to result. There may be pain in the legs. Control your anger.

Meena Rasi : There will be good income and success. You will be tensed during the day. You may suffer from insomnia. You will spend for charitable purposes. Health will be good. There will be competitive success. Spouse will be supportive. There will be good news from foreign sources. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Rasi Phala and nakshatra pada wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 25.11.2021

Above is the Chart showing Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for the day. 

About the day : Tomorrow is 25.11.2021, Kartika Krishna Sashti, Thursday and Pushyami Nakshatra till 18:50. The Combination of Thursday and Pushyami nakshatra gives rise to Guru Pshyamruta Yoga. This is a highly auspicious yoga and the day is very conducive for doing dhyana to Guru , for purchasing Gold, for depositing money into the bank and all other auspicious acivities.Marraige is prohibited during the currency of the Guru Pushyamruta Yoga. There are other auspicious yogas too from 06:14  till  18:50.Utilise the day to do Guru Pooja/Dhyana or Guru Homa . 

Auspicious Times for tomorrow :(Applicable to those whose Tara and Chandra Balam are good)

1. Dhanur lagna from 07:51 till 10:00  is good for Upanayan; aksharabhyas; starting to build home 

2. Kumbha Lagna from 11:52 till 01:31  is good for all trading activities; Annaprasan and other general auspicious activities and beginnings

3.Midhuna Lagna from 06:52 till 09:04 is good for all auspicious activities    

Rasi Phala :

Mesha Rasi : Income and Expenditure are equal. There will be more  hard work.There will be success after much efforts and pressure. There will be happiness from children.  You will be able to repay loans. Father will oppose your ideas. Health will be good. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Short distance travels will not yield results. Health should taken care of. Avoid conflict with family members. 

Vrushabha Rasi : Works get delayed. Avoid being over confident. Income will be good .Money will be received after delays. There will be success in eduation. There will be happiness at home. Children will be successful. You will be successful in competition. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Control your anger and be careful with vehicles and your valuable possessions. Father's health should be taken care of.

Midhuna Rasi : Father's health should be taken care of  and you should be careful about your own health. Do not talk bad about Gurus and Gods. You will have noble thoughts. There will be happiness at home. You may acquire lands and property. Luck is very low.

Karkataka Rasi : Rewards will be good. You will complete all tasks on hand successfully. Friends will bring in happiness and there will be recognition and success. Wealth will increase. Short distance travels will bring good results. You will receive good news. Be cautious about your and Your spouse health. Avoid conflict with spouse and Partners. Avoid speculative tendencies.

Simha Rasi : You will be confident and with good health. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners. Be cautious about health of your spouse. Wealth will increase. Take care of your diet. There may be digestive troubles. You will complete all tasks on hand. You will not get due recognition. Friends will trouble. There will be competitive success.

Kanya Rasi :You will be confident. Health may suffer due to digestive troubles. Children's health should be taken care of. There will be more income with less efforts. There may  be delays and some works may be postponed. Expenses will be high. Avoid conflict with spouse and partners.Take care of health of your spouse.

Tula Rasi :Take care of your children's health. Control your anger. Income will be good but expenses will be too high. There will be good news from distant lands. Take care of your mother's health. Father will not be supportive to your ideas. Luck is low. Take care of what you speak. Take care of your diet. 

Vrischika Rasi : Income will be excellent. There will be success and favours from authorities. Relations with younger siblings will suffer. Take care of your communications. There will be tensions. Health will be good. There will be unnecessary travels.

Dhanu Rasi: There will be success in what you do. Income will be not match with the efforts.But there will be good income. Father will be supportive. Luck is good. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse. Relations with younger siblings will suffer or younger siblings will suffer from ill health.  

Makara Rasi : There will troubles receiving money due to you. There might be delays. Take care of your diet. Health should be taken care of. Luck is good and Income will be more compared to the efforts put in .There may be sudden gains. There will be Government favours. There will be recognition.

Kumbha Rasi:You will be low on confidence. Take care of your health. Control your anger. Income will be less compared to efforts put in. There will be success.Short distance travels will bring in good results. Good news will be received. Brothers will be supportive. There will be good achievements in education.

Meena Rasi : Income will be more compared to the efforts. Take care of any symptoms related to left eye. Take care while walking. You may suffer from insomnia. Avoid travelling during this period.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Rasi Phala and Nakshatra Pada wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 24.11.2021

Above is the Tara and Chandra Bala chart showing the auspiciousness for each nakshatra Pada. Both Tara and Chandra Bala should be auspicious for performing any important activity. 

Moon transits in Punarvasu nakshatra till 16:29 and moves into Pushyami nakshatra. Moon transits in Midhuna till 09:50 and changes into Karkataka . For Vrischika rasi people it is chandrashtama till 09:50 and later it will be chandrashtama for Dhanu Rasi people. Travel and starting any important work should be avoided during the currency of Chandraashtama .  

Currently, Mars in Tula and Saturn in Makara are having mutual aspect to each other. This may result in unnecessary aggression , conflict with siblings, conflicts at place of work, military conflicts and tensions between nations, increase in seismic activity and more vehicular accidents. 

Sun will be in exact conjunction with Ketu tomorrow. This will bring ill reputation to famous personalities, Governments, may result in the demise of famous personalities. 

Mercury is currently combust and is conjunct Sun and Ketu in Anuradha nakshatra. Mercury signifies writers, poets and speakers. Anuradha nakshatra signifies heads of famous organisation, well known speakers and sincere people. Combust Mercury conjunct as said above will result in ill  reputation or demise of persons afore mentioned. 

Rasi Phala : 

Mesha rasi : Talk carefully . Be careful with friends. There will be success in undertakings but reward will be less. Health should be taken care of. If any symptoms of skin allergy are observed consult doctor immediately. Avoid conflict with partners and spouse.

Vrushabha rasi : There will be delays and obstructions in completion of work. Income will be good. Talk carefully. Avoid being stubborn. Take care of your diet. Do not take spicy food.

Midhuna rasi : Take care of father's health. Do not talk bad about Gods and Gurus.Aoid conflict with spouse and partners. Foreign travel is not possible. Income will be good. There will be happiness. Take care of health. 

Karkataka rasi : Do not go for speculative deals. Take care of your and your spouse's health. You will be successful in your undertakings. There will be good income and happiness. You will enjoy good food. There will be happiness for younger siblings, neighbours. You will receive good news. Short distance travels will be comfortable and bring happiness. 

Simha Rasi : Health of your spouse my suffer. You may have troubles due to indigestion. There will be bad news from foreign countries. Avoid conflicts with partners. Your Home might require repairs. 

Kanya Rasi : Reward will be less than the effort. You will complete all tasks on hand. Be careful during short distance travels. You will feel motivated and confident. Health will be good. Some old debt may trouble. 

Tula Rasi : Control anger. Children may cause trouble. Their health should be taken are of.Both Income and expenses will be high. You will complete all tasks on hand. You will suffer from indegestion. There will be benefit from mother.

Vrischika rasi : Health will be good. But there may be unknown fears. Avoid conflicts with spouse and partners. You will get favours from Government. Father will be supportive. Income will be good. There will be happiness. One of your friends might be in trouble.Be careful while you speak.

Dhanu Rasi : Expenses will be high. You will be low on confidence. You will successfully ccomplete all tasks on hand. There will be success. There will be good Income too. Younger Brother might not be supportive. Avoid conflict. Partners may trouble. Be careful of your diet. 

Makara Rasi : Wealth will decrease. Be careful about your diet. Talk judiciously. Health will be good. You will be rewarded well for your efforts. There may be sudden gains. 

Kumbha Rasi : Health will suffer. You will be low on confidence. Control your anger. Spouse will be supportive. There will less rewards compared to your efforts. 

Meena Rasi : You may get eye trouble. Take care while walking. There will be good news from foreign lands. You will be rewarded well for your efforts.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Rasi Phala and Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for Tomorrow - 23.11.2021

Above is the Nakshatra Pada Wise Tara Bala and Chandra Bala chart for tomorrow,  23.11.2021, Tuesday.

There are no sumuhurtas for tomorrow. Not a good day to start anything new. 

Tomorrow is 'Ganadhipa Sankashtahara Chaturdhi'. Praying to Lord Ganesha is very good tomorrow. You can chant 'Om Gum Ganapataye Namah' as many times as possible. 

Adjacent is the chart for tomorrow ,23.11.2021 at 6:00 am. Jupiter changed from his debilitation sign Makara to Kumbha on the 20th and is at 0 deg 15 mins. This makes the time inauspicious for any important activity to be initiated. 

People having moon signs in Tula have to take care of their mother's health. Makara, Kumbha People should take care of their own health. Midhuna people have to avoid travel  . 

People with moon sign in Vrischika should avoid arguments with their wife and also avoid any speculative activity. Vrischika people should also avoid long distance travels. They may have unexpected visits from friends and also unexpeeted gains.

People with moon sign in Dhanu rasi should take care of their diet. There may be difference of opinions with partners/spouse. Income and expenses will be equal and high. There will be success in all undertakings.There may be troubles in short distance travels.

People with moon sign in Makara should take care of their health and also be conscious of their diet. They should take care not to offend any one with what they speak. Should be carefull of their valuables. Should take care of their children's health. Reward will be more than their effort. 

 People with moon sign in Kumbha should control their anger. They should not loose confidence. Should not undertake long distance travels. More efforts and less reward. There will be cordial relation with spouse and partners. There will be good news from foreign sources. 

People with Moon Sign in Meena should avoid travels. Should take care while walking. Any Symptoms of sickness to the left eye or legs should not be ignored. There will be more reward for the efforts put in. Expenses will be under control.You will spend on charitable actiivties. There will be happiness from friends. Rash driving should be avoided.

People with Moon sign in Mesha Should be careful of your valubles. Should take care of diet. Do not  over eat.  There might be difference of opinion with father. There may not be recognition to the efforts put in. Friends may cause trouble.Spouse may be aggressive. There will be success in undertakings.

People with Moon sign in Vrishabha Should avoid being overconfident and arrogant. Should take care their health and avoid travel. Do not talk bad about Techers and Gurus. There may be much delays in undertakings. There may not be success.

People with Moon sign in Midhuna luck is not favouring. should take care of health. Father may oppose you. There will be recognition and happiness from brothers and friends. Control anger. Spouse may differ. 

People with Moon Sign in Karkataka Should take care of health and avoid travel. There will be trouble at home.  Health of spouse will be not good. There will be success in undertakings but reward will be less than the efforts put in .

People with Moon Sign in Simha partners may trouble. Spouse may suffer ill health.  Anger should be controlled. Children's health may suffer. There might be delays effecting undertakings. Not much rewarding day. Expenses might be high.

People with Moon Sign in Kanya Luck is not favouring. There might be trouble with partners and spouse. Income and expenses will be equally high. Good News from foreign lands. There might be long distance travels.

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Among all the constellations, Pushya is the most powerful & is referred as the king of the constellations. It removes Doshas caused by the Moon, Tara, Yoga, Tithi, planets and various malefic Yogas. It is a highly benefic asterism among all the 28 asterisms and is the most suitable for almost all types of elections.

According to Jyotir Vidabharanam (2/29 & 30): like sea full of gems increases wealth of the natives on the earth, all the works started in Pushya are successfully completed & desires of the aspirants are fulfilled, even in
Kaliyuga - the worst Yuga. This constellation is extremely beneficial even in Kaliyuga, then what to mention of other Yugas. Even presence of lot many Doshas causing maleficence are removed in the elections when work is started during the currency of Pushya. 

It forms number of benefic Yogas when coincides with weekdays except on Friday, when the combination produces “Utapata Yoga" which is prohibited for all elections. 

With Thursday, Monday & Sunday it produces “Sarvarth Siddha” Yoga an extremely auspicious Yoga. When combined with Sunday it is suitable for elections related to “Yantra- Mantra-Tantra Siddhi' & usage of medicines.

When concurrent on Thursday, Yoga formed is called “Guru-Pushya”, a very effective & powerful Yoga highly beneficial for trade elections. But it is strictly prohibited for marriage; as the combination has curse of Lord Brahma. 

According to Jyotish Tattwa, even when Pushya is afflicted (Vedhita) by a malefic planet, conjoins a malefic, & in presence of  malefic Tara; it is capable of bestowing complete success (Abhishta Siddhi) in all undertakings, except in marriage. Muhurta Ganapati agrees with this. Even when the Moon is unfavourable in transit, but occupies Pushya, she is capable of bestowing Siddhi due to inherent strength of Pushya constellation.

Narada Samhitha (6/56-57) cautions: Pushya Nakshatra is capable to eliminate all the Doshas related to travel. But if Pushya itself is engulfed in special Doshas, then other (benefic) Yogas are not capable to remove the afflictions. However, if Pushya has strength then, Doshas like malefic conjoining the Moon & the Moon in 8th house of election chart are eliminated; and Pushya is efficacious in producing auspicious results & fruition of desires.

When Pushya falls in lunar month of Jyeshta, it gives average result; as it becomes Maas-Shunya Nakshatra. When 9th Tithi, Thursday & Pushya are concurrent, “Vish Yoga” is formed, making the epoch as unsuitable.

Nakshatra Pada Wise auspiciousness for tomorrow - 22.11.2021, Monday

 Nakshatra Padas marked in Green under Tara Balam have good Tara and Chandra Balam. Those marked in Blue have good Tara Balam only and Chandra Balam is not good for the day. 

There are no auspicious times from tomorrow till 24.11.2021. Only General activities are advised. 
జ్యోతిష్య దిన పత్రిక

రేపటి తారా చంద్ర బలాలు , దుర్ముహూర్త కాలాలు,వర్జ్యం,యోగాలు ఈ కింద చార్ట్ లో ఇవ్వబడినవి. 

22,23,24 తారీఖుల్లో సుముహూర్తాలు ఏవీ లేవు.ఈ మూడు రోజులూ సాధారణ కార్యాలకి మాత్రమే అనుకూలం. 

ఉదయం 06:12 నుండీ 10:44 వరకు సర్వార్థ,అమృత సిద్ధి యోగాలు ఉన్నాయి.ఈ సమయం లో సాధారణ కార్యక్రమాలు ఏవైనా మొదలుపెట్టుకోవచ్చు. 

23 వ తారీఖు గణాధిప సంకష్టహర చతుర్థి. 
25 వ తారీఖు గురువారం,పుష్యమీ నక్షత్రం కనుక గురు పుష్యమీ యోగం. 

ఈ కింది పట్టిక లో తారా బలం green లో ఇవ్వబడిన నక్షత్ర పాదాల వారికి తారా చంద్ర బలాలు రెండూ రేపు బాగున్నట్టు. నీలం రంగులో ఇవ్వబడితే తారా బలం మాత్రమే బాగున్నట్టు. మిగతా నక్షత్ర పాదాల వారికి రేపు అంతగా అనుకూలం కాదు.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Gaja Kesari Yoga - A Powerful and Important Yoga

Gaja Kesari Yoga is said to arise when Jupiter is in a Kendra to Moon. The Yoga is named Gaja Kesari Yoga because when it is present in the horoscope of any person, it eliminates all the duryogas in the horoscope same as like a herd of elephants running away on seeing a Lion. 

The Yoga to be powerful, Both Jupiter and Moon are to be strong and atleast one should be in his exaltation or own sign. 

Gajakesari is one of the most popular Astrology Yogas! When Jupiter and the Moon are in Quadrants (Kendras) from each other, this yoga is formed. So basically, the Moon and Jupiter have to be in 1, 4, 7 or 10th house from each other.  This yoga is all about leadership, power and popularity. It also could make the person very self conscious about their image in public. The Person with a strong GajaKesari Yoga will be extremely famous and will thereby be a powerful personality in the society.

Moon is one of the most important planets in our chart, and the strength of the Moon is extremely crucial for longevity and peace of mind as well. Moon denotes the mind. “For those who have conquered the mind, it is their friend. For those who have failed to do so, the mind works like an enemy.” -Bhagavad Gita.

So it is extremely important that the Mind receives the guidance and light of Jupiter. When the mind acts with the guidance of  the Guru (the one who dispels darkness and  brings light) then it brings enormous power. 

The stronger of the 2 planets in the chart will decide how this yoga will manifest in your life. The strength of the planets and their dignity will determine the strength of this Yoga. If either the Moon or Jupiter are exalted then this adds to the strength of the yoga, and if one of them is the ruler of the
10th house then it adds more power to the yoga!

This yoga can become weak If the placement is in 6th, 8th or 12th houses, if Jupiter is in retrograde, if the Moon or Jupiter are conjunct malefics or if Jupiter or Moon is debilitated.

The Vimshottari period and sub-periods of either Jupiter or Moon or both can activate this yoga to its fullest potential. You can worship Lord Shiva as Rameshwaram Jyotirlinga if you have this yoga in your chart.

Tara Balam and Chandra Balam for Tomorrow - 21.11.2021,Sunday

Above is the Tara and Chandra Balam chart for tomorrow 21.11.2021, Sunday. Nakshatra Padas with Good Tara And Chandra Balam are maked in Green under Tara Balam. Those with Good Tara Balam are marked in Blue. 

Tomorrow there is a Dwi Pushkara Yoga from 07:36 till 19:47. If any auspicious activity is done tomorrow, the yoga will help you do it again. Which means if you buy gold tomorrow this yoga will help you do it again. Take caution not to take any loan tomorrow. 

Chandraashtama for Vrischika Rasi People. Better to avoid starting any important activities or to travel.

Auspicious times for Tomorrow :(To Be done by those who have both Good Tara and Chandra Bala) 

08:07 till 10:16 is good for all activities like marraige,Griha Pravesh,Starting to build a house, Engagement, Aksharabhyas etc.  

12:08 till 13:47 is good for Trading activities, Auspicious discussions, Starting to use new vechicle.

19:08 till 21:20 is good for marraige and Griha Pravesha.

Inauspicious Timings :

Rahu Kalam : 16:06 till 17:31

Durmuhurtam : 16:00 till 16:46

Varjyam : 13:56 till 15:45