Today is Vaisakha Sukla Dasami, Sunday. An auspicious Ravi Yoga is in operation for the whole of today. As the nakshatra is Magha upto 15:30 Hrs the Ravi Yoga is effective after 15:30 as the nakshatra will be changing to Purva Phalguni. The time after 15:30 is auspicious to perform Ravi Homa and perform other remedies to Ravi, Rahu,Ketu.
Donating 1.25 Kgs of Black gram packed in a Wheatish coloured cloth will reduce the ill effects of Rahu Graha
Donating 1.25 Kgs of Horse gram packed in a red cloth to a brahmin will reduce ill effects of Ketu graha
Or chanting the mantras of Rahu And Ketu as many time as possible will reduce the ill effects caused by these Grahas.